• Title/Summary/Keyword: content validity

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A Basic Study for Development of the Korean Anger Provoking Situation Scale for Youth (한국판 청소년 분노유발상황 척도 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • You, Dong-Hwan;Kim, Min;Lee, Jee-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.520-532
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the development of the anger provoking situation scale using the mixed research method. For this purpose, three research methods were used: content analysis of domestic and international anger-inducing situation scale, NAS-PI factor and reliability analysis of youth anger-provoking scale, and FGI with youth expert. In the results of NAS-PI, there were four categories of 'unrespectful treatment', 'unfairness', 'annoying traits of others', and 'irritation' except 'frustration' among five categories. The results of the FGI consisted of seven categories: 'rejection', 'physical and verbal violence', 'ignorance', 'frustration', 'control and restraint', 'rumination', and 'interpersonal relationship'. As a result of integrating these contents, it is finally possible to reconstruction in to seven categories such as 'unfairness', 'injustice', 'ignorance', 'control and restraint', 'ignorance', 'frustration' 'interpersonal relationship'. The meaning of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of the anger provoking situation scale for domestic adolescents by integrating the contents analysis and quantitative and qualitative researches of domestic and international anger provoking situation scale. The results of this study are as follows. First, it is necessary to study the anger provoking situations reflecting sociocultural context, and to develop the reliability and validity of the anger provoking situation scale.

A Movement Tracking Model for Non-Face-to-Face Excercise Contents (비대면 운동 콘텐츠를 위한 움직임 추적 모델)

  • Chung, Daniel;Cho, Mingu;Ko, Ilju
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2021
  • Sports activities conducted by multiple people are difficult to proceed in a situation where a widespread epidemic such as COVID-19 is spreading, and this causes a lack of physical activity in modern people. This problem can be overcome by using online exercise contents, but it is difficult to check detailed postures such as during face-to-face exercise. In this study, we present a model that detects posture and tracks movement using IT system for better non-face-to-face exercise content management. The proposed motion tracking model defines a body model with reference to motion analysis methods widely used in physical education and defines posture and movement accordingly. Using the proposed model, it is possible to recognize and analyze movements used in exercise, know the number of specific movements in the exercise program, and detect whether or not the exercise program is performed. In order to verify the validity of the proposed model, we implemented motion tracking and exercise program tracking programs using Azure Kinect DK, a markerless motion capture device. If the proposed motion tracking model is improved and the performance of the motion capture system is improved, more detailed motion analysis is possible and the number of types of motions can be increased.

A Preliminary Study on Family Function Components Affecting Individual Health and Disease: A Delphi Study (개인의 건강과 질병에 영향을 미치는 가족기능 구성요소에 관한 사전연구: 델파이 연구)

  • Kim, Ah-Ram;Jeong, Seong-Woo;Jeong, Jiin;Kim, Jung-Ran
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to determine Korea-type family function factors that affect individual growth and social activities, and examine check the appropriate contents and domestic culture components based on the McMaster model, a family function evaluation tool, through the Delphi technique. Methods : The Delphi technique was applied to 12 expert panels in fields related to family function. The period lasted 9 weeks, from May to June 2020. The Delphi survey was conducted twice. In the first survey, the domestic culture and appropriate contents of the McMaster model were selected and localized, and expert' opinions about the components were collected using closed and open-ended questions. In the second survey, the fitness and importance of the components were investigated. Results : As a result of the first Delphi investigation, 18 items were deleted from the 53 items presented. After adding 11 items and excluding any overlapping items, a total of 40 items were selected. Subsequently, sentences that were difficult to understand were revised to familiar vocabulary. A second survey was constructed, with an example sentence. In the second Delphi investigation, 33 items were selected. The average content validity ratio for the final selected component was 0.76, and the stability was 0.28. Conclusion : Family function and the factors influencing domestic family function identified though this study can be used to conduct family function evaluations and interventions in clinical sites or relevant research studies.

Development of Korean Version of European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU-Q47) and Applied to the Elderly (한국판 건강문해력 측정도구(HLS-EU-Q47) 개발 및 노인 대상 적용)

  • Han, Hee-Won;Park, Sung-Ji;Kang, Ji Sook;Moon, Kyoung-Suk;Kim, JI HEE;Hwang, Jongnam;Oh, Jongmuk;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to develop a Korean version of the HLS-EU-Q47 that deals with the concept of health literacy based on the understanding, apply/use, process/appraisal, and access/obtain to health information. The purpose of this study is to confirm the level of comprehensive health literacy of the elderly in Korea using this tool. Methods : After going through the Korean interpretation process of HLS-EU-Q47, the items were confirmed through content validity verification by experts. The completed Korean-HLS-EU-Q47 (K-HLS-EU-Q47) was applied to 254 elderly people in the local community to analyze the degree of internal consistency and reliability. Furthermore, a comparative analysis based on the general variables was conducted. Results : The internal consistency of this tool for the elderly yielded Cronbach's 𝛼 of .81~.91, indicating a high level of reliability. There was a difference in health literacy according to sex and age based on general characteristics. Men had higher health literacy than women, and with increasing age, health literacy decreased. Conclusion : In this study, the K-HLS-EU-Q47 was developed to assess the comprehensive health literacy level of the elderly in Korea. It is expected that the search for ways to maintain a healthier life for the elderly through understanding the health literacy levels of the elderly using the results of this study will become more active.

Convergence Reconstruction of Transition Education Model for Korean Students with Disabilities: A Feasibility View on the Development of Support System for Lifelong Education for the Disabled through the Linkage between Schools and Community (한국 장애학생 전환교육(transition education) 모델 융합 재구성: 학교-지역사회 연계 장애인평생교육지원체제 개발 타당성 관점)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Kim, Wha-Soo;Kwon, Ryang-Hee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted for the purpose of convergence reconstruction of the transition education model for students with disabilities in Korea. Ultimately, this study was also conducted with the aim of enhancing the perspective of the development of a lifelong education support system for the disabled in connection with schools and communities. The research method consisted of a procedure with a meeting of experts based on the procedure of analyzing the previous research literature that tried to materialize the transition education model for students with disabilities from the viewpoint of connection between school age and adulthood. The contents of this study were reflected in the dimension of ensuring consistent connectivity validity based on the viewpoint of school-centered, community-centered, education, and welfare between special education and lifelong education for the disabled in order to reconstruct the conversion transition education model constructed in the current special education field. Accordingly, the transition education model for students with disabilities built in the field of special education centered on school age minimizes the tendency of a fragmented approach between school age and adulthood, and presents a standard basis and structure that can be linked to the entire adulthood. The transition education model was reconstructed convergence in terms of content.

The Effect of Ground Heterogeneity on the GPR Signal: Numerical Analysis (지반의 불균질성이 GPR탐사 신호에 미치는 영향에 대한 수치해석적 분석)

  • Lee, Sangyun;Song, Ki-il;Ryu, Heehwan;Kang, Kyungnam
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2022
  • The importance of subsurface information is becoming crucial in urban area due to increase of underground construction. The position of underground facilities should be identified precisely before excavation work. Geophyiscal exporation method such as ground penetration radar (GPR) can be useful to investigate the subsurface facilities. GPR transmits electromagnetic waves to the ground and analyzes the reflected signals to determine the location and depth of subsurface facilities. Unfortunately, the readability of GPR signal is not favorable. To overcome this deficiency and automate the GPR signal processing, deep learning technique has been introduced recently. The accuracy of deep learning model can be improved with abundant training data. The ground is inherently heteorogeneous and the spacially variable ground properties can affact on the GPR signal. However, the effect of ground heterogeneity on the GPR signal has yet to be fully investigated. In this study, ground heterogeneity is simulated based on the fractal theory and GPR simulation is carried out by using gprMax. It is found that as the fractal dimension increases exceed 2.0, the error of fitting parameter reduces significantly. And the range of water content should be less than 0.14 to secure the validity of analysis.

Effects on lifestyle and life satisfaction of active Senior's mobile app usage level (액티브 시니어의 모바일 앱 사용 수준이 라이프스타일과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Huh, Wonwhoil;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2022
  • The goal of this research is to understand the extent to which active seniors' mobile app usage level affects their lifestyle and life satisfaction. For this, we surveyed for 15 days in early December 2021 targeting about 150 users nationwide. As the questionnaire content, the independent variable was "mobile app usage level", the parameter was "lifestyle", and the dependent variable was "life satisfaction". As a result of empirical analysis, reliability and exploratory factors between each variable were verified, and it was confirmed that internal consistency was secured. It was investigated that the concentration validity of each item was generally well confirmed. As a result of hypothesis testing by the structural equation, 'App usage level ⇨ Lifestyle' was 0.244, 'Lifestyle ⇨ Life satisfaction' 0.707, and 'App usage level ⇨ Life satisfaction 0.141' was adopted. This study shows that the higher the level of mobile app usage of active seniors, the higher the lifestyle. Also, the better the lifestyle, the better the quality of life. It is analyzed that life satisfaction will improve as the level of mobile app use increases. Therefore, in order to improve life satisfaction, it seems necessary to increase the level of app use and lifestyle.

Development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training program for firefighters (화재진압대원을 위한 심폐소생술 훈련프로그램 개발)

  • Jeong-Won, Son
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.161-184
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a cardiopulmonary resuscitation training program for firefighters (FD-CPR) to help improve the survival rate after cardiac arrest on the fireground. Methods: The FD-CPR was developed following 3 steps of the FD-CPR instructional design based on the behaviorism theory. The content of the program was validated by a group of 7 experts using the contents validity index (CVI) and through a pilot-test. Results: A scenario consisting of 7 procedures, and a skill performance evaluation tool consisting of 16 questions were developed. The evaluation tool average score for the difficulty test was 41.16% (even) and that for the discrimination test was 0.32 (high). Subsequently, an 80 min training program was developed. As verified by the 7 experts through the CVI, it was as high as 1.0. Conclusion: The FD-CPR developed domestically for the first time in this study was effective in enhancing the CPR performance skills of the firefighters. If FD-CPR is added to the curriculum at the Fire Service Academy educational course for the new firefighters, the CPR performance skills could be maintained. Furthermore, the program can facilitate a better survival rate for colleagues having cardiac arrest on the field.

The Effects of Brand Attachment, Brand Name, and Brand Image Congruence on Brand Attitude, WOM and Revisit Intentions in the Restaurant Sector (브랜드 애착, 브랜드 네임, 브랜드 이미지 일치성이 태도, 구전 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향)

  • KIM, Eun-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: How to build the attitude on brand is very important, because it affects the positive word of mouth and revisit intention. Brand attachment, brand name, and image congruence play important role on consumer behavior in terms of reinforcing consumers' perception of food service companies and differentiating them from competing brands. Following the planned behavior theory, this paper examines the effect of linking brand attitude to word-of-mouth and revisit intentions in the restaurant sector. Research design, data, and methodology: This paper examines the structural relationship among brand attachment, brand name, image congruence, brand attitude, WOM, and revisit intention. In order to test the purposes of this study, research model and hypotheses were developed. The questionnaire items were modified and used according to the content of this study based on previous studies. All constructs were measured by multiple items tested and developed in the previous research. The study is based on the quantitative method and considered 519 questionnaires fulfilled by customers of restaurants. The data were explored employing the partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Frequency analysis was conducted to identify the general characteristics of the survey subjects. To measure the reliability and validity of the measurement tools, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Structural model analysis was conducted to verify the research model. Result: The findings demonstrate that brand attachment and brand name had positive effects on attitude while image congruence did not have. Also, attitude had positive effect on WOM and revisit intention. Conclusions: This study expands the literature about WOM and revisit intentions. This study expands prior research in a similar field to which the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is applied, and reveals that brand attachment, brand name, and brand image congruence play an important role in developing brand attitude that affect revisit intention and WOM. And provide guidelines on how to enhance competitiveness in the restaurant sector based on understanding of linking brand attitude to customer loyalty and repeat business. By putting into practice these suggestions in the restaurant industry, brands can easily build up their attitude and boost a positive WOM and the intention to revisit.

An Analysis of Trends in Research Papers Related to Picture Books: Focusing on papers in domestic academic journals (그림책 관련 연구의 동향 분석 - 국내 학술지 논문을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.189-214
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of the current status of picture book-related research in Korea. For this purpose, 1,660 picture book-related research papers produced in Korea by 2021 were analyzed. The results revealed through the analysis are summarized as follows. First, research papers began to appear in the mid-1990s and began to increase significantly around 2010. Second, the journal with the most research papers was 『Journal of Children's Literature and Education』, accounting for 17.7% of the total. Third, the representative researchers who led the production of the papers are Eun-Ja Hyun and Hea-Sook Jo. Fourth, by research type, individual research papers accounted for 39% and joint research 61%. Fifth, as a result of the analysis of the research topic, the study of the contents (analysis) of picture books (33.4%), the study of the effect of picture books (29.6%), and the study of perception, reaction, and experience of picture books (18.0%) were in order. Sixth, as a result of the research method analysis, experimental studies (35.7%), content analysis (33.7%), literature studies (13.3%), and qualitative studies (9.3%) were in order. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher suggested diversifying the research production route, expanding the trend of collaboration between universities and the field, diversifying research topics, and enhancing the validity and diversity of research methods.