• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction engineering

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Evaluation of Disturbance Effect of Penetrometer by Dissipation Tests (소산 실험을 이용한 관입 장비의 교란 효과 추정)

  • Yoon, Hyung-Koo;Hong, Sung-Jin;Lee, Woojin;Lee, Jong-Sub
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6C
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    • pp.339-347
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    • 2008
  • The penetration of the probe produces the excess pore pressure due to the disturbance. The objective of this study is to evaluate the disturbance zone by using the dissipation of the excess pore water pressure, which was generated due to the penetration of the penetrometer with different size. The CPT, DMT and FVP (Field Velocity Probe) are adopted for in-situ tests. The tests are carried out in the construction site of north container pier of Busan new port, Korea where is accelerating the consolidation settlement using plastic board drains (PBD) and surcharges by crushed gravels. The coefficient of consolidation $(C_h)$ and soil properties are deduced by the laboratory test. The in-site tests are performed after the predrilling the surcharge zone at the point of 90% degree of consolidation. To minimize the penetration effect, the horizontal distance between penetration tests is 3m, the change of the pore pressure is monitored at the fixed depth of 24m. The coefficient of consolidation $(C_h)$ and the $t_{50}s$ are calculated based on the laboratory test and the in-situ data, respectively. The equvalent radi based on the $t_{50}$ shows that the FVP and the DMT produce the smallest and the greatest equivalent radi, respectively.

AI Security Plan for Public Safety Network App Store (재난안전통신망 앱스토어를 위한 AI 보안 방안 마련)

  • Jung, Jae-eun;Ahn, Jung-hyun;Baik, Nam-kyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.458-460
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    • 2021
  • The provision and application of public safety network in Korea is still insufficient for security response to the mobile app of public safety network in the stages of development, initial construction, demonstration, and initial service. The available terminals on the Disaster Safety Network (PS-LTE) are open, Android-based, dedicated terminals that potentially have vulnerabilities that can be used for a variety of mobile malware, requiring preemptive responses similar to FirstNet Certified in U.S and Google's Google Play Protect. In this paper, before listing the application service app on the public safety network mobile app store, we construct a data set for malicious and normal apps, extract features, select the most effective AI model, perform static and dynamic analysis, and analyze Based on the result, if it is not a malicious app, it is suggested to list it in the App Store. As it becomes essential to provide a service that blocks malicious behavior app listing in advance, it is essential to provide authorized authentication to minimize the security blind spot of the public safety network, and to provide certified apps for disaster safety and application service support. The safety of the public safety network can be secured.

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Revision of Repair Materials Performance Requirement for Concrete Structures (콘크리트 구조물 단면복구공사 보수재료 품질기준개선)

  • Lee, Il Keun;Kim, Ki Hwan;Kim, Hong Sam;Yun, Sung Hwan;Kim, Woo Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2023
  • For highway concrete structures, the deterioration of the structure is accelerated due to the increase in the use of deicing materials, and sectional repair work is being frequently carried out to restore performance. However, after the repair work, re-damage such as cracks, delamination, and poor bond performance is exhibited in the repaired sectional area. In this study, overseas repair material requirements were first analyzed, and present domestic requirements were improved repair material performance through field surveys of common concrete structures, laboratory experiments, and test construction on a disused concrete bridge. In addition, performancebased quality requirements were presented so that all materials that meet the required performance can be applied, and different test methods for each material were unified into concrete test methods for consistent test results analysis. The considered performance requirements were compression strength, bending strength, and bond strength for structural properties, and length change rate, crack resistance, thermal expansion coefficient, and elasticity coefficient were for dimensional behavior. For resistance to chloride penetration resistance and freeze-thaw resistance were presented as durability. The proposed requirements for concrete repair materials are expected to contribute to the improvement of the quality of concrete sectional repair work in Korea.

An Analysis of Safety Zone Appropriateness of Urban Railway Box Structures by Adjacent Excavation Using Machine Learning Technique (머신러닝 기법을 적용한 인접굴착에 따른 도시철도 박스구조물의 안전영역 적정성 분석)

  • Jung-Youl Choi;Jae-Seung Lee;Jee-Seung Chung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the relationship between major parameters and numerical analysis results according to various excavations conducted around the urban railway, application of machine learning techniques and verified the scope of influence of the adjacent excavation on the existing urban railway box structure and the appropriateness of the safety area. This study targeted the actual negotiated adjacent excavation works and box structures around the urban railway, and the analysis was conducted on the most representative two-line box structures. The analysis confirmed that the difference in depth of urban railway, excavation depth of adjacent excavation, and depth of underground water level are important parameters, and the difference in excavation depth of adjacent excavation is the parameter that affects the behavior of underground box structures and is an important requirement for setting safety areas. In particular, the deeper the depth of the adjacent excavation work, the greater the effect on the deflection of the underground box structure, and the horizontal separation distance, one of the important requirements for determining the management grade of the existing adjacent excavation work, is relatively small.

Dynamic Load Allowance of Highway Bridges by Numerical Dynamic Analysis for LRFD Calibration (LRFD 보정을 위한 동적해석에 의한 도로교의 동적하중허용계수)

  • Chung, Tae Ju;Shin, Dong-Ku;Park, Young-Suk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3A
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2008
  • A reliability based calibration of dynamic load allowance (DLA) of highway bridge is performed by numerical dynamic analysis of various types of bridges taking into account of the road surface roughness and bridge-vehicle interaction. A total of 10 simply supported bridges with three girder types in the form of prestressed concrete girder, steel plate girder, and steel box girder is analyzed. The cross sections recommended in "The Standardized Design of Highway Bridge Superstructure" by the Korean Ministry of Construction are used for the prestressed concrete girder bridges and steel plate girder bridges while the box girder bridges are designed by the LRFD method. Ten sets of road surface roughness for each bridge are generated from power spectral density (PSD) function by assuming the roadway as "Average Road". A three dimensionally modeled 5-axle tractor-trailer with its gross weight the same as that of DB-24 design truck is used in the dynamic analysis. For the finite element modeling of superstructure, beam elements for the main girder, shell elements for concrete deck, and rigid links between main girder and concrete deck are used. The statistical mean and coefficient of variation of DLA are obtained from a total of 100 DLA results for 10 different bridges with each having 10 sets of road surface roughness. Applying the DLA statistics obtained, the DLA is finally calibrated in a reliability based LRFD format by using the formula developed in the calibration of OHBDC code.

Application of Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) for Evaluating the Lateral Flow Occurrence on Soft Ground (연약지반의 측방유동 평가를 위한 확률신경망 이론의 적용)

  • Kim, Young Sang;Joo, No Ah;Lee, Jeong Jae;Lee, Sook Ju
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1C
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2008
  • Recently, there have been many construction projects on soft ground with growth of industry and economy. Therefore foundation piles of abutments and(or) buildings had been suffering from a lot of stability problems of inordinary displacement due to lateral flow of soft ground. Although many researches about lateral flow have been carried out, it is still difficult to assess the mechanism of lateral flow in soft ground quantitatively. And reasonable design method for judgement of lateral flow occurrence in soft ground is not established yet. In this study, six PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network) models were developed according to input variables and database compiled from Korea and Japan for the judgment of lateral flow occurrence. PNN models were compared with present empirical methods. It was found that the developed PNN models can give more precise and reliable judgment of lateral flow occurrence than empirical methods.

Target Reliability Indices of Static Design Methods for Driven Steel Pipe Piles in Korea (국내 항타강관말뚝 설계법의 목표 신뢰도지수)

  • Kwak, Kiseok;Huh, Jungwon;Kim, Kyung Jun;Park, Jae Hyun;Lee, Juhyung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1C
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2008
  • As a part of study to develop LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) codes for foundation structures in Korea, reliability analyses for driven steel pipe piles are performed and the target reliability indices are selected carefully. The 58 data sets of static load tests and soil property tests conducted in the whole domestic area were collected and analyzed to determine the representative bearing capacities of the piles. The static bearing capacity formula and the Meyerhof method using N values are applied to calculate the expected design bearing capacity of the piles. The resistance bias factors were evaluated for the two static design methods by comparing the representative bearing capacities with the design values. Reliability analysis was performed by two types of advanced methods: First Order Reliability Method (FORM), and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method using resistance bias factor statistics. The static bearing capacity formula exhibited relatively small variation, whereas the Meyerhof method showed relatively high inherent conservatism in the resistance bias factors. Reliability indices for safety factors in the range of 3 to 5 were evaluated respectively as 1.50~2.89 and 1.61~2.72 for both of the static bearing capacity formula and the Meyerhof method. The target reliability indices are selected as 2.0 and 2.33 for group pile case and 2.5 for single pile case, based on the reliability level of the current design practice and considering redundancy of pile group, acceptable risk level, construction quality control, and significance of individual structure.

Coefficients of Moment Equations for Long-Span Soil-Metal Box Structures (장지간 지중강판 박스구조물의 휨모멘트 계수식 제안)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Lee, Seung Jae;Cho, Yong Woo;Park, Sang Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1A
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2006
  • This paper evaluates the moment equations in the 2000 Canadian highway bridge code (CHBDC) for soil-metal box structures, which are applicable to the span less than 8 m. Finite element analyses carried out for soil-metal box structures having spans of 3-12 m using the deep corrugated metal plates under three construction stages; backfill up to the crown, backfill up to the cover depth, and live loading. The coefficients of moment equations are newly proposed based on the results of numerous finite element analyses considering various design variables, such as span length, soil depth, backfill conditions. The validity of the proposed coefficients in the moment equations of the 2000 CHBDC is investigated by the comparison with the existing coefficients and numerical results of finite element analyses. The comparisons show that the moments of the 2000 CHBDC give good predictions for the span less than 8m, but underestimate for the span greater than 8m, whereas the proposed moments give good estimates of numerical results for the spans of 3-12 m. In addition, this study suggests the use of high strength steel to satisfy the requirement of design bending strength for the span greater than 8 m.

A Study on Method of Framework Data Update and Computing Land Change Ratio using UFID (UFID를 이용한 기본지리정보 갱신 및 지형변화율 산출 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Ju Han;Kim, Byung Guk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2006
  • During the first and second NGIS projects by the Korean government, The first one (1995~2000) was limited on constructing geographic information and the second (2001~2005) was focused on circulation and practical use of geoinformation from the result of the first project. In the latter half of 2nd NGIS project, However, the geographic information from the NGIS projects have not been renewed even though there were significant geographical changes. The accurate renewal of geoinformation is a matter of great importance to the next generation industry (e.g. LBS, Ubiquitous, Telematics). In this respect, it is time to update the geographic information in the latter half of the second NGIS project. Therefore, It is not only important to build an accurate geoinformation but also rapid and correct renewal of the geoinformation. NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) has been studying for improvement of digital map that was constructed by the result of the 1st NGIS project. Through the construction of clean digital map, NGII constructed Framework Data to three kinds of formats (NGI, NDA, NRL). Framework Data was contained to other database, and provided the reference system of location or contents for combining geoinformation. Framework Data is consist of Data Set, Data Model and UFID (Unique Feature Identifier). It will be achieved as national infrastructure data. This paper attempts to explore a method of the update to practical framework data with realtime geoinformation on feature's creation, modification and destruction managed by 'Feature management agency' using UFID's process. Furthermore, it suggests a method which can provide important data in order to plan the Framework update with the land change ratio.

Section Model Study on the Aerodynamic Behaviors of the Cable-Stayed Bridges with Two I-Type Girders Considering Structural Damping and Turbulence Intensity (2개의 I형 거더를 가진 사장교의 구조감쇠비 및 난류강도를 고려한 공기역학적 거동에 관한 단면모형실험 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Young;Kim, Young-Min;Cho, Young-Rae;Lee, Hak-Eun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6A
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    • pp.1013-1022
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    • 2006
  • Although the cable-stayed bridges with two I-type girders inherently do not have good aerodynamic characteristics, a lot of the bridges with this type girders are constructed in Korea recently because of an economical merit. This paper investigated the aerodynamic characteristics of the cable-stayed bridges with two I-type girders. Section model tests were conducted in order to investigate the aerodynamic behaviors of this section with varying of the angles of attack, turbulence intensity and damping ratios. Two deck section configurations with different torsional stiffness were studied under construction and after completion respectively. Three types of the fairings were investigated to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the bridges. The result of this study showed that the traditional section model test in uniform flow estimates the aerodynamic behavior rather pessimistically. The wind induced responses of the bridges were severely varied in accordance with the turbulence intensity and the structural damping ratio. The proposed fairing reduced the magnitude of the vortex-shedding vibrations and buffeting responses. It also increased the wind speed at which flutter occurs. It is expected that these investigations would provide a lot of information for the design of the cable stayed bridges with two I-type girders regarding wind resistance.