• Title/Summary/Keyword: concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns

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Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of H-Type Honeycombed Composite Column with Rectangular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Flanges

  • Ji, Jing;Xu, Zhichao;Jiang, Liangqin;Yuan, Chaoqing;Zhang, Yunfeng;Zhou, Lijian;Zhang, Shilong
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1153-1166
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    • 2018
  • This paper was concerned with the nonlinear analysis on the overall stability of H-type honeycombed composite column with rectangular concrete-filled steel tube flanges (STHCC). The nonlinear analysis was performed using ABAQUS, a commercially available finite element (FE) program. Nonlinear buckling analysis was carried out by inducing the first buckling mode shape of the hinged column to the model as the initial imperfection with imperfection amplitude value of L/1000 and importing the simplified constitutive model of steel and nonlinear constitutive model of concrete considering hoop effect. Close agreement was shown between the experimental results of 17 concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) specimens and 4 I-beams with top flanges of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube (CFSFB) specimens conducted by former researchers and the predicted results, verifying the correctness of the method of FE analysis. Then, the FE models of 30 STHCC columns were established to investigate the influences of the concrete strength grade, the nominal slenderness ratio, the hoop coefficient and the flange width on the nonlinear stability capacity of SHTCC column. It was found that the hoop coefficient and the nominal slenderness ratio affected the nonlinear stability capacity more significantly. Based on the results of parameter analysis, a formula was proposed to predict the nonlinear stability capacity of STHCC column which laid the foundation of the application of STHCC column in practical engineering.

Investigations of different steel layouts on the seismic behavior of transition steel-concrete composite connections

  • Qi, Liangjie;Xue, Jianyang;Zhai, Lei
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 2019
  • This article presents a comparative study of the effect of steel layouts on the seismic behavior of transition steel-concrete composite connections, both experimental and analytical investigations of concrete filled steel tube-reinforced concrete (CFST-RC) and steel reinforecd concrete-reinforced concrete (SRC-RC) structures were conducted. The steel-concrete composite connections were subjected to combined constant axial load and lateral cyclic displacements. Tests were carried out on four full-scale connections extracted from a real project engineering with different levels of axial force. The effect of steel layouts on the mechanical behavior of the transition connections was evaluated by failure modes, hysteretic behavior, backbone curves, displacement ductility, energy dissipation capacity and stiffness degradation. Test results showed that different steel layouts led to significantly different failure modes. For CFST-RC transition specimens, the circular cracks of the concrete at the RC column base was followed by steel yielding at the bottom of the CFST column. While uncoordinated deformation could be observed between SRC and RC columns in SRC-RC transition specimens, the crushing and peeling damage of unconfined concrete at the SRC column base was more serious. The existences of I-shape steel and steel tube avoided the pinching phenomenon on the hysteresis curve, which was different from the hysteresis curve of the general reinforced concrete column. The hysteresis loops were spindle-shaped, indicating excellent seismic performance for these transition composite connections. The average values of equivalent viscous damping coefficients of the four specimens are 0.123, 0.186 and 0.304 corresponding to the yielding point, peak point and ultimate point, respectively. Those values demonstrate that the transition steel-concrete composite connections have great energy dissipating capacity. Based on the experimental research, a high-fidelity ABAQUS model was established to further study the influence of concrete strength, steel grade and longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the mechanical behavior of transition composite connections.

Effect of tube area on the behavior of concrete filled tubular columns

  • Gupta, P.K.;Verma, V.K.;Khaudhair, Ziyad A.;Singh, Heaven
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.141-166
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    • 2015
  • In the present study, a Finite Element Model has been developed and used to study the effect of diameter to wall thickness ratio (D/t) of steel tube filled with concrete under axial loading on its behavior and load carrying capacity. The model is verified by comparing its findings with available experimental results. Influence of thickness and area of steel tube on strength, ductility, confinement and failure mode shapes has been studied. Strength enhancement factors, load factor, confinement contribution, percentage of steel and ductility index are defined and introduced for the assessment. A parametric study by varying length and thickness of tube has been carried out. Diameter of tube kept constant and equals to 140 mm while thickness has been varied between 1 mm and 6 mm. Equations were developed to find out the ultimate load and confined concrete strength of concrete. Variation of lateral confining pressure along the length of concrete cylinder was obtained and found that it varies along the length. The increase in length of tubes has a minimal effect on strength of tube but it affects the failure mode shapes. The findings indicate that optimum use of materials can be achieved by deciding the thickness of steel tube. A better ductility index can be obtained with the use of higher thickness of tube.

Prediction of ultimate load capacity of concrete-filled steel tube columns using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)

  • Avci-Karatas, Cigdem
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.583-594
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    • 2019
  • In the areas highly exposed to earthquakes, concrete-filled steel tube columns (CFSTCs) are known to provide superior structural aspects such as (i) high strength for good seismic performance (ii) high ductility (iii) enhanced energy absorption (iv) confining pressure to concrete, (v) high section modulus, etc. Numerous studies were reported on behavior of CFSTCs under axial compression loadings. This paper presents an analytical model to predict ultimate load capacity of CFSTCs with circular sections under axial load by using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). MARS is a nonlinear and non-parametric regression methodology. After careful study of literature, 150 comprehensive experimental data presented in the previous studies were examined to prepare a data set and the dependent variables such as geometrical and mechanical properties of circular CFST system have been identified. Basically, MARS model establishes a relation between predictors and dependent variables. Separate regression lines can be formed through the concept of divide and conquers strategy. About 70% of the consolidated data has been used for development of model and the rest of the data has been used for validation of the model. Proper care has been taken such that the input data consists of all ranges of variables. From the studies, it is noted that the predicted ultimate axial load capacity of CFSTCs is found to match with the corresponding experimental observations of literature.

P-M Relations of Slender Welded Built-up Square CFT Column under Eccentric Loads (시공성을 향상시킨 용접조립 각형 CFT 편심 장주의 P-M 관계)

  • Lee, Seong-Hui;Choi, Sung-Mo;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2015
  • CFST columns are structurally superior because the concrete inside the steel tubes prevents local buckling at the tubes and the tubes confine the concrete. And, the thickness of steel tube in CFST column has been thinner with development of high-strengh steel. The thinner the steel tube of a square CFST column is, the more local buckling is likely to occur. For this reason, we developed welded built-up square steel tube with stiffeners which are placed at the center of the tube width acts as an anchor. In this study, we conduct experimental test for three specimens of the 4m long span welded built-up square CFT column with parameters of L/D and D/t. And, the test results were compared with the analysis results by M-${\phi}$-P Program.

Effect of spiral spacing on axial compressive behavior of square reinforced concrete filled steel tube (RCFST) columns

  • Qiao, Qiyun;Zhang, Wenwen;Mou, Ben;Cao, Wanlin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.559-573
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    • 2019
  • Spiral spacing effect on axial compressive behavior of reinforced concrete filled steel tube (RCFST) stub column is experimentally investigated in this paper. A total of twenty specimens including sixteen square RCFST columns and four benchmarked conventional square concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are fabricated and tested. Test variables include spiral spacing (spiral ratio) and concrete strength. The failure modes, load versus displacement curves, compressive rigidity, axial compressive strength, and ductility of the specimens are obtained and analyzed. Especially, the effect of spiral spacing on axial compressive strength and ductility is investigated and discussed in detail. Test results show that heavily arranged spirals considerably increase the ultimate compressive strength but lightly arranged spirals have no obvious effect on the ultimate strength. In practical design, the effect of spirals on RCFST column strength should be considered only when spirals are heavily arranged. Spiral spacing has a considerable effect on increasing the post-peak ductility of RCFST columns. Decreasing of the spiral spacing considerably increases the post-peak ductility of the RCFSTs. When the concrete strength increases, ultimate strength increases but the ductility decreases, due to the brittleness of the higher strength concrete. Arranging spirals, even with a rather small amount of spirals, is an economical and easy solution for improving the ductility of RCFST columns with high-strength concrete. Ultimate compressive strengths of the columns are calculated according to the codes EC4 (2004), GB 50936 (2014), AIJ (2008), and ACI 318 (2014). The ultimate strength of RCFST stub columns can be most precisely evaluated using standard GB 50936 (2014) considering the effect of spiral confinement on core concrete.

Push-out tests and bond strength of rectangular CFST columns

  • Qu, Xiushu;Chen, Zhihua;Nethercot, David A.;Gardner, Leroy;Theofanous, Marios
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2015
  • Push-out tests have been conducted on 18 rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns with the aim of studying the bond behaviour between the steel tube and the concrete infill. The obtained load-slip response and the distribution of the interface bond stress along the member length and around the cross-section for various load levels, as derived from measured axial strain gradients in the steel tube, are reported. Concrete compressive strength, interface length, cross-sectional dimensions and different interface conditions were varied to assess their effect on the ultimate bond stress. The test results indicate that lubricating the steel-concrete interface always had a significant adverse effect on the interface bond strength. Among the other variables considered, concrete compressive strength and cross-section size were found to have a pronounced effect on the bond strength of non-lubricated specimens for the range of cross-section geometries considered, which is not reflected in the European structural design code for composite structures, EN 1994-1-1 (2004). Finally, based on nonlinear regression of the test data generated in the present study, supplemented by additional data obtained from the literature, an empirical equation has been proposed for predicting the average ultimate bond strength for SHS and RHS filled with normal strength concrete.

A robust approach in prediction of RCFST columns using machine learning algorithm

  • Van-Thanh Pham;Seung-Eock Kim
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.153-173
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    • 2023
  • Rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular (RCFST) column, a type of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST), is widely used in compression members of structures because of its advantages. This paper proposes a robust machine learning-based framework for predicting the ultimate compressive strength of RCFST columns under both concentric and eccentric loading. The gradient boosting neural network (GBNN), an efficient and up-to-date ML algorithm, is utilized for developing a predictive model in the proposed framework. A total of 890 experimental data of RCFST columns, which is categorized into two datasets of concentric and eccentric compression, is carefully collected to serve as training and testing purposes. The accuracy of the proposed model is demonstrated by comparing its performance with seven state-of-the-art machine learning methods including decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), support vector machines (SVM), deep learning (DL), adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and categorical gradient boosting (CatBoost). Four available design codes, including the European (EC4), American concrete institute (ACI), American institute of steel construction (AISC), and Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) are refereed in another comparison. The results demonstrate that the proposed GBNN method is a robust and powerful approach to obtain the ultimate strength of RCFST columns.

Analyzing behavior of circular concrete-filled steel tube column using improved fuzzy models

  • Zheng, Yuxin;Jin, Hongwei;Jiang, Congying;Moradi, Zohre;Khadimallah, Mohamed Amine;Safa, Maryam
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.625-637
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    • 2022
  • Axial compression capacity (Pu) is a significant yet complex parameter of concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns. This study offers a novel ensemble tool, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) supervised by equilibrium optimization (EO), for accurately predicting this parameter. Moreover, grey wolf optimization (GWO) and Harris hawk optimizer (HHO) are considered as comparative supervisors. The used data is taken from earlier literature provided by finite element analysis. ANFIS is trained by several population sizes of the EO, GWO, and HHO to detect the best configurations. At a glance, the results showed the competency of such ensembles for learning and reproducing the Pu behavior. In details, respective mean absolute errors along with correlation values of 4.1809% and 0.99564, 10.5947% and 0.98006, and 4.8947% and 0.99462 obtained for the EO-ANFIS, GWO-ANFIS, and HHO-ANFIS, respectively, indicated that the proposed EO-ANFIS can analyze and predict the behavior of CFST columns with the highest accuracy. Considering both time and accuracy, the EO provides the most efficient optimization of ANFIS and can be a nice substitute for experimental approaches.

Component based moment-rotation model of composite beam blind bolted to CFDST column joint

  • Guo, Lei;Wang, Jingfeng;Wang, Wanqian;Ding, Zhaodong
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.547-562
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims to explore the mechanical behavior and moment-rotation model of blind bolted joints between concrete-filled double skin steel tubular columns and steel-concrete composite beams. For this type of joint, the inner tube and sandwiched concrete were additionally identified as basic components compared with CFST blind bolted joint. A modified moment-rotation model for this type of connection was developed, of which the compatibility condition and mechanical equilibrium were employed to determine the internal forces of basic components and neutral axis. Following this, load transfer mechanism among the inner tube, sandwiched concrete and outer tube was discussed to assert the action area of the components. Subsequently, assembly processes of basic coefficients in terms of their stiffness and resistances based on the component method by simplifying them as assemblages of springs in series or in parallel. Finally, an experimental investigation on four substructure joints with CFDST columns for validation purposes was carried out to capture the connection details. The predicted results derived from the mechanical models coincided well with the experimental results. It is demonstrated that the proposed mechanical model is capable of evaluating the complete moment-rotation relationships of blind bolted CFDST column composite connections.