• 제목/요약/키워드: component sugar

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당알콜 첨가 호박잼 저장 중 품질 특성 (Quality Evaluation of Pumpkin Jam Replaced Sucrose with Sugar Alcohols during Storage)

  • 이근종;김미리
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2004
  • The physicochemical and sensory qualities of pumpkin jams replaced sucrose with sugar alcohols were investigated during storage at 2$0^{\circ}C$. Pumpkin jam was prepared with steamed ground pumpkin, mixed with sucrose only(50%), sorbitol (sucrose 30%+sorbitol 20%) or maltitol (sucrose 30%+maltitol 20%). Final sweetness of each pumpkin jam was 64$^{\circ}$ Brix. During 60 days of storage there were no differences in acidity and pH among treatments. Reducing sugar content was higher in sucrose, compared to maltitol or sorbitol. During storage, Hunter L, a and b values increased; L and b values were the highest in maltitol and a value were the highest in sucrose compared to the other sugars. Adhesiveness and hardness of textural properties were the highest in sugar and the lowest in maltitol. Sensory evaluation results showed that the mean scores of color, clarity, flavor and overall acceptability were the highest in maltitol, compared to sucrose or sorbitol. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of pumpkin jams during storage in a PCA plot comprised of first principal component (58.79%) and second principal component (20.94%).

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소규모 농가 생산 전통고추장과 시판 고추장의 맛성분에 관한 연구 - 유리당과 유리아미노산을 중심으로 - (Analysis of Free Sugar and Free Amino Acid from Gochujang Produced from Korean Small Farms)

  • 손성혜;홍여주;한귀정;유선미;유승석
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.543-552
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the free sugar and free amino acids considered as the taste component in Korean Gochujang. Our goal was to search and develop the Korean traditional Gochujang taste, and to monitor the current status and characteristics of the Gochujang. For the analysis of Gochujang, it is purchased from small farms as well as major food company producing Gochujang. In the case of commercial Gochujang(COM), glucose and maltose were major free sugar, and the ratio of distribution and total amount showed very similar pattern. However, the results of the traditional Gochujang(TG) showed significant differences for each sample even they had glucose and maltose as predominant sugar. The content of glucose, maltose, fructose was reduced in order. The other hand, sucrose, rhamnose were not detected or were detected trace amounts in some samples. Even the characteristics were found at each region, it was no noticeable difference, but each sample was greater variation. Total of 17 amino acids were found from COM and the major amino acids were Pro, Glu, Asp, but His, Met were generally detected in small amounts. In the TG, they mainly contained Glu, Asp, Pro as the dominant component in addition to the Arg, Ala, Cys, respectively. TG had higher amino acid content and fairly various distribution compared to COM. It could suggest the possibility of the development for different traditional tastes because each TG had diverse characteristic taste than COM.

한국인 총당류 섭취기준 설정 (Establishment of Total Sugar Reference Value for Koreans)

  • 조성희;정진은;김선희;정혜경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제40권sup권
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2007
  • Sugars are a ubiquitous component of our food supply and are consumed as a naturally occurring component of many foods and as additions to foods during processing, preparation, or at the table. Most fruits and dairy products are high in sugars and thus naturally occurring sugars are consumed as part of a healthy diet. Some countries developed recommended daily intake figures(daily values : DVs or guideline daily amounts: GDA) for nutrients, and some countries, but not most have developed DV/GDA for total sugars. Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans established by the Korean Nutrition Society in 2005, did not include the reference values for total sugar or added sugar. The committee on Dietary Reference Intakes for sugar was constituted in 2006 and discussed whether to special added sugars or total sugar. Although added sugars are not chemically or physiologically different from naturally occurring sugars, many foods and beverages that are major sources of added sugars have lower micronutrient densities compared with foods and beverages that are major sources of naturally occuring sugars. But it was so hard to calculate a dietary intake of added sugar for Korean people, because there was insufficient information about contents of added sugar during processing or preparation of Korean food. Currently Korean or US food labels contain information on total sugars per serving but do not distinguish between sugars naturally present in food and added sugars. Therefore the committee decided to set the reference value for total sugar for Koreans. According to the recommended diet pattern for Koreans suggested by the Korean Nutrition Society, estimated sugar intake from the sugar containing food based on 2,000 kilocalories is 67 g or 13% of total energy. Based on the data available on risk of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome from the analysis of Korean NHANES, it was insufficient evidence to set a UL for total sugar, but tended to increase serum LDL cholesterol and obesity at over 20-25% of energy from total sugar when consumed with high carbohydrates. Therefore the committee on Dietary Reference Intakes for sugar set the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for total sugar as 10-20% of total energy intake.

반응추출을 이용한 당 지방산 에스테르의 분리정제

  • 서덕기;김광일;김우경;유인상;윤현희
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국생물공학회 2002년도 생물공학의 동향 (X)
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    • pp.504-507
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    • 2002
  • A separation/purification process for enzymatic sugar ester production was investigated The crude reaction mixture contained sugar ester and unreacted fatty acid in acetone. The reaction mixture was mixed with KOH/phosphate buffer. Hexane was then added to enhance phase separation. Three phases formed: a lower aqueous phase containing nothing of interest, a polar organic solvent middle phase that contained mostly fatty acid soaps, and a hexane-rich upper phase that contained mostly sugar ester. Distribution coefficient of each component was measured.

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HPLC에 의한 꿀 중의 당조성 분석과 화학계량학적 고찰 (Chemometric Aspects and Determination of Sugar Composition of Honey by HPLC)

  • 윤정현;배선영;김건;이동선
    • 분석과학
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 1997
  • HPLC를 이용하여 생산지와 밀원꽃이 알려진 5종의 꿀 중 당성분을 분석한 다음 화학계량학적 고찰을 수행하였다. 꿀의 주된 당성분은 fructose, glucose였으며, 1종의 꿀에서는 sucrose가 소량 검출되었다. 산지별, 밀원꽃별로 당 함량을 비교하였다. Fructose/glucose 함량비는 0.99~1.55 범위로서 문헌값과 잘 일치하였다. Principal components analysis(PCA) plot은 산지별, 밀원꽃별로 확연히 구분되었다. 주성분점수가 커질수록 당 함량이 증가되었고 fructose/glucose 함량비는 감소되었다. 화학계량학적 접근방법은 꿀시료의 당조성 패턴을 비교하고 품질평가 및 부정화 적발에 유용하였다.

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유아용 당류섭취저감도검사 도구 개발 (The Development of Sugar Intake Reduction Test for Young Children)

  • 김남희;연지영;김미현
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.818-827
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to develop and validate the Sugar Intake Reduction Test (SIRT) for young children, and included eating behaviors, attitude, and nutritional knowledge about sugars. A draft version of the SIRT was developed after literature review. The final draft of the SIRT was established after two pilot tests of 5 year old children and an expert group's review, and is comprised of a one on one test between an investigator and a child using picture tools. It contained of 20 questions which included 3 components: eating behaviors (5 items), preference for sugar sweetened food (10 items), and nutritional knowledge about sugars (5 items). The final SIRT was conducted on 181 children 5 (n=100) to 6 (n=81) years old, to examine its item and test adequacies. The passing rate of most items significantly increased with increasing age, and most of the item discrimination also differed significantly between the below and upper score groups. The content validity was given a high score by professionals (mean score 3.9 out of 4). Reliability of all the items in the SIRT was high (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.82$). Moreover, the total component and the sub-component scores of the SIRT correlated significantly. Our results indicate that the SIRT is a valid tool to measure sugar intake reduction in young children aged 5~6 years.

신규 기능성당 L-아라비노스: 생리활성, 이용, 생산방법 (Novel Functional Sugar L-Arabinose: Its Functionality, Uses and Production Methods)

  • 윤향식;김정호;김태집;금인경;한남수
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.757-763
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    • 2003
  • L-Arabinose inhibits intestinal sucrase in an uncompetitive manner and, consequently, inhibits the absorption of sucrose from the small intestine. The addition of $3{\sim}5%$ L-arabinose to sucrose causes about a 60% reduction in the digestion of sucrose in the small intestine. In addition, it reduces the increase of the levels of blood sugar, insulin, triglycerides, and cholesterol caused by the ingestion of sucrose. The taste of L-arabinose is quite similar to that of sucrose, with approximately 50% the sweetness of sucrose. Naturally occurring arabinose is an L-form and a noncaloric sugar that is not metabolized in animals. L-Arabinose is a common component of plant cell walls and is widely distributed in the plant kingdom. It is the main component of cereal hemicellulose, such as corn, wheat, and rice, pectic substances of beet, apple pulps, and some plant gums. L-Arabinose can be produced by either the acid hydrolysis or the enzymatic hydrolysis of some plant gums, corn fiber, and beet pulps. This novel sugar has a potential to be used as a food additive for improving obesity and maintaining good health.

과일즙 및 발효 포도즙의 페놀성 화합물 함량과 항산화 활성 (Phenolic Components and Antioxidant Capacity of Some Selected Fruit Juices and Fermented Grape Juices)

  • 남진희;주광지
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.501-507
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    • 2004
  • Some selected fruit juices and fermented red grape juices were investigated to determine the phenolic components by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and antioxidant capacity using α, α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) method. Commercial red grape beverages and red wines were also analyzed as control groups. In the juice, kiwi fruit had the highest phenolic components followed by orange(summer), red grape(Cambell Early:Yonng-Chun), mandarin orange(autumn), apple(Hong-Ok), cherry tomato, tomato and water melon. Whereas, on the antioxidant efficiency, tomato showed the highest free radical scavenging effect followed by orange(summer), cherry tomato, mandarin orange(autumn), apple(Aori) red grape(Cambell Early:Sung-Ju), kiwi fruit and water melon. The amount of pheonlic components of red wine was 2 times of that of fermented sugar added grape juice, however, the antioxidant efficiency of fermented sugar added grape juice was almost the same as that of red wine. It was found that no clear relationship could be shown between the content of phenolic component and antioxidant capacity of fruit juices and fermented red grape juices. The fruit juices from tomato, orange, cherry tomato, mandarin orange, red grape and fermented sugar added red grape juice showed high free radical scavenging effect and should be regarded as a valuable source of antioxidant.

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Candidate Genes Related to Sugar Content in Sweetpotato using GWAS

  • Tae Hwa Kim;Mi Nam Chung;Hyeong Un Lee;Won Park;Sang Sik Nam
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2022년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.192-192
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    • 2022
  • Sweetpotato is rich in starch, which is converted to sugar during storage due to enzymatic hydrolysis. The sugar content of sweetpotato is a component related to taste and storability. In this study, the sugar content (fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose and total sugar content) of 94 genotypes was evaluated and the GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Study) was conducted to search for candidate genes for sugar content. The fructose and glucose content were 0.2 ~ 8.8 and 0.2 ~ 9.4 g/100g, respectively. The maltose, sucrose and total sugar content were 0.2 ~ 9.1,3.2 - 30.0 and 7.9 ~ 40.2 g/100g, respectively. The fructose and glucose showed a positive correlation (0.98). The 94 genotypes were genotyped with genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and aligned against the reference genome sequences of sweetpotato. The GBS libraries from 94 genotypes were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeqXten system, and 1,339,892 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) were generated. Filtering for < 60% missing rate and > 0.05 minor allele frequency resulted in a total of 44,255 SNPs used in GWAS. The GAPIT (Genome Association and Prediction Integrated Tool) was used to conduct based on the mean of sugar content with a Bonferroni-corrected chromosome-wide significance threshold with a -logio(P) of 5.95. The significant SNPs were obtained with fructose (seven), glucose (six), maltose (four) and sucrose (nine). There were several genes related to sugar content around the significant SNPs such as sugar transport protein 8-like, probable galactose-1 -phosphate uridyltransferase-like and beta-amylase. These results will contribute to understanding of sugar content and conversion in sweetpotato.

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구맥(瞿麥) Dianthus sinensis L.의 성분(成分) 및 약리작용(藥理作用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) ( I ) (The Studies of Component and Pharmacologic Action on Dianthus sinensis L.)

  • 한대섭;고계창;정지창
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 1972
  • The component and pharmacologic action on Dianthus sinensis L. were investigated as follows: 1) The components of Dianthus sinensis L. were suggested 8 kind of components by means of thin layer chromatography and paper chromatography. The one of them were suggested as a steroidal saponin by means of IR-spectrum and Liebermann-Burchard, Salkowiski, $SbCl_3$ reaction. 2) Sodium level in serum were reduced by administration of the sample to the rabbits, while in urine were elevated. 3) Blood sugar level of normal rabbits administered with sample, no significant variation were detected. 4) When the hyperglycemic rabbits treated with alloxan were administered sample, blood-sugar level were significantly decreased than control group.

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