• Title/Summary/Keyword: community music therapy

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Analysis of Trend in Gerontological Nursing Researches in Korea -Focused on community nursing journals (국내 노인간호 연구동향 분석 - 지역사회 간호관련 학회지 중심으로 -)

  • Wang, Myoung-Ja;Lee, Myung-Hee;Chang, Kyung-Wha;Lee, Kyung-Jae;Chun, Sang-Hee;Lee, Jong-Yul;Yu, Kyung-Hui;Jeong, Tae-Ok;Park, Young-Mi
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study attempted to see the trend of researches in nursing old people. Method: We analyzed a total of 105 articles that were published in The Journal of Korean Community Nursing, J. Korean Community Health Nursing Academic Society. The J. of Korea Acad. Soc. of Home Care Nursing from 1987 to June 2003. Result: 1. It was found that researches on old people nursing had increased every year since 1995 and most largely in 1995$\sim$1999. 2. It was known that the majority of researches were designed to be non-experimental and their subjects were old people over 65 living at home. 3. Nursing interventions used in experimental studies were music therapy and various health promotion programs. 4. Major research concepts are physical activities, mental health, physical health, medical management, social health, quality of life and family health. Conclusion: The number of studies has increased in community nursing journals, but there have been not many studies about polices and management for old people living in community society and suggestions of practical alternatives. Thus it is necessary to carry out more community nursing studies about management and education for old people.

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A Review of the Trends of Journal Research on Dementia and Nursing Interventions for Demented Elders (치매와 치매노인 간호중재에 대한 연구 분석)

  • Roh, Kook-Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.300-309
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to review research trends and show the developmental direction of studies on dementia and nursing interventions for demented elders. Methods: This study analyzed 104 articles on dementia and 23 on nursing interventions for demented elders published until 2007. Results: These dementia studies increased in quantity after 1996, mainly in studies on demented elders and their families and in quantitative studies, Nursing intervention methods were music, light, horticultural therapy, reminiscence and complex therapeutic program, etc. There were experimental studies after 1996, but non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was 8(34.8%) of 23(100,0%). The medium sample size was 16.6 for experimental groups, 13 for control groups. The experimental time range was 10-120 minutes a day, frequency was 1-18 a week, and the total frequency was 4-72. The result variables were cognitive function, dementia behavior, emotion, depression, ADL, social behavior, etc. Conclusion: The findings of this review suggest that studies on dementia have been improved in quantity since 1996, but various and effective research methods should be developed as a way to further improve the quality of studies.

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Tonal Characteristics Based on Intonation Pattern of the Korean Emotion Words (감정단어 발화 시 억양 패턴을 반영한 멜로디 특성)

  • Yi, Soo Yon;Oh, Jeahyuk;Chong, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the tonal characteristics in Korean emotion words by analyzing the pitch patterns transformed from word utterance. Participants were 30 women, ages 19-23. Each participant was instructed to talk about their emotional experiences using 4-syllable target words. A total of 180 utterances were analyzed in terms of the frequency of each syllable using the Praat. The data were transformed into meantones based on the semi-tone scale. When emotion words were used in the middle of a sentence, the pitch pattern was transformed to A3-A3-G3-G3 for '즐거워서(joyful)', C4-D4-B3-A3 for '행복해서(happy)', G3-A3-G3-G3 for '억울해서(resentful)', A3-A3-G3-A3 for '불안해서(anxious)', and C4-C4-A3-G3 for '침울해서(frustrated)'. When the emotion words were used at the end of a sentence, the pitch pattern was transformed to G4-G4-F4-F4 for '즐거워요(joyful)', D4-D4-A3-G3 for '행복해요(happy)', G3-G3-G3-A3 and F3-G3-E3-D3 for '억울해요(resentful)', A3-G3-F3-F3 for '불안해요(anxious)', and A3-A3-F3-F3 for '침울해요(frustrated)'. These results indicate the differences in pitch patterns depending on the conveyed emotions and the position of words in a sentence. This study presents the baseline data on the tonal characteristics of emotion words, thereby suggesting how pitch patterns could be utilized when creating a melody during songwriting for emotional expression.

The Level of Fatigue and Motor Performance During Drum Playing Depending on Co-Presence of Singing Tasks in Patients With Chronic Stroke (전자 드럼 연주 시 노래부르기 유무에 따른 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 피로도 및 운동 수행력 비교)

  • Kim, Hyun Ji
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to compare immediate differences in fatigue and motor performance during instrumental playing in patients with chronic stroke depending on whether singing task was concurrently presented. A total of 12 patients with chronic stroke were recruited from community and daycare centers for older adults in Seoul. Six subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group and six to the comparison group. The experimental group was asked to sing while playing the electronic drum, and the comparison group only played the drum. The results of this study showed that statistically significant differences in perceived fatigue and exertion were found between the two groups, while no significant group differences were found in level of engagement in playing or force of tapping during drum playing. This study supports the inclusion of a singing task in instrument playing rehabilitation to effectively decrease perceived fatigue and level of intensity of exercises, although this may not lead to immediate changes in motor function or level of target exercises. The results indicate that singing while instrument playing may help stroke patients shift their attention from the executed motor movements to singing and alleviate the attentional and emotional load from intense movements. This study presents implications for how to select and pattern target movements in music therapy intervention for better motor outcomes.

Analysis on the Attitude and Beliefs of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Nurses (보완대체의료에 관한 간호사들의 태도 조사)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 2000
  • Complementary & Alternative Medicine(CAM) have become increasingly popular with health care consumer in recent years. The nurse's attitude and beliefs about CAM will influence the response. to the patient's demands and inquiries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the attitude and beliefs of nurses about CAM. The study was performed in 600 nurses from October to December in 1999 : Nurses were working one university hospital & one general hospital were located in TaeGu city. and two general hospitals located in Kyung Buk city. The study used specially designed questionnaire to 600 nurses, and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, ANOVA data based on 460 completed questionnaire. The findings of the study are as following. 1. The credible forms of subject about CAM were ranked acupunture (66.1%). herbal medicine(56.5%), Sooji chim (50.4%) et al. 2. In the credibility of subject about CAM there were not significant difference by age. clinical career, marriage, health status. The most reason of positive credibility was 'Being human perspective and spiritual supporting'. While the most reason of negative credibility was 'the lack of science test and doubt of disease treatment'. 3. In the experienced rate of subject about CAM there were significant difference not by health status but by age($x^2$=10.096, p= .006), clinical career($x^2$=7.648 p= .022), marriage($x^2$=9.317. p= .002). In the satistied rate of subject about CAM there were not significant difference by age, clinical career, marriage, health status 4. The most usable forms of subject about CAM in nurse's practice was Music therapy(55.9%), and ranked massage (50.9%), acupressure(32.8%). Sooji chim (27.8%) et al.

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Development and Testing of Day Care Program for Demented Elders (주간보호센터 중심의 재가 치매노인을 위한 프로그램의 개발 및 효과 검증 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Mi;Jeong, Bok-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to develop the day care program for the demented elders and to determine the effects of multiple activity therapies on the physical, emotional, cognitive, social function and physiological indicators of dementia elders in day care center. Method: A total of 13 elders with mild dementia in the data care center were participated. Manual and guideline of data care program was developed. Data care program was composed of movement/exercise, foot massage, music therapy, horticultural therapy, and art therapy. Data care program was performed by trained intervener for 32 weeks. Instruments were physical functioning such as hand grip strength., vital capacity, chiar stand test, sit and reach test, one leg standing, Berg' Balance scale, 6m Walk Velocity, stair climb, ADL, GDS-K, MMSE-K, Integrative Social Functioning Scale, cortisol, Ig A and Ig G. These were measured at the baseline, 16-week, and 32-week post-intervention by the trained nurses. Data were analyzed as Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: For Hand grip, balance, and vital capacity, there was a significant difference between baseline and 16-week post-intervention(p<.05). For one leg standing, 6m velocity, there was a significant difference between 16-week post-intervention and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). For Stair climb, there was a significant difference between baseline and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). For depression and social functioning, there was no significant difference among baseline, 16-week, and 32-week post-intervention. For cognitive functioning, there was a significant difference between baseline and 32-week post intervention(p<.05). There was a significant difference of cortisol, and Ig G between baseline and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). Conclusion: It would appear that physical fitness, functional performance, ADL, depression, social and cognitive functioning, and physiological indicator of community dwelling elders with dementia can be improved through day care program using multiple stimuli.

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The Effect of Singing Intervention for Women Elderly with Dysphagia Risk (연하장애 위험 여성노인의 노래중재 적용 효과)

  • Yun, Ok-Jong;Lee, Young-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.380-389
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to describe the risk of dysphagia and to evaluate the effects of a singing intervention for women elderly in community. Methods: One-group pre test-post test design was used. The subjects were 29 women over the age of sixty and residing in a local area. A singing intervention consisted of breathing, vowel production and singing. The one hour intervention occurred once a week for eight weeks. The variables of dysphagia risk, a swallowing test, and nutritional status were measured. Analysis was done by paired t-test. Results: There was a significant decrease in the score of dysphagia risk (p<.001). There were significant increases in the swallowing test scores [modified water swallowing test (p=.032), food test (p=.001)]. There were no significant differences in nutritional status (triceps skin fold thickness, mid arm muscle circumference). Conclusion: The findings support that a singing intervention can be helpful in reducing the risk of dysphagia may improve deglutition for the women elderly. These results suggest that this study may contribute to the use of a singing intervention for women elders with dysphagia risk.

The Effect of Community-Based Cognitive Stimulation Program on Cognitive Fincion and Subject Memory in the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment (지역사회기반 인지자극 프로그램이 경도인지장애 노인의 인지기능과 주관적 기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Mi Young Kim;Woo Kuon Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a community-based cognitive stimulation program on cognitive function and subjective memory in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment. This study was applied by selecting 15 users who understood the purpose of this study and agreed to participate in the shelter program for more than 3 months from April 2019 to August 2019 at the D Dementia Center in G located, Gyeonggi-do. The program consisted of a total of 36 cognitive stimulation programs 3 times a week a total of 3 months. Cognitive stimulation program stimulates cognitive function through various activities such as orientation reinforcement, cognitive training, recall, music, art, and physical play, and is used for the purpose of improving social function. It consists of folk songs, percussion instruments, national gymnastics, dance, games, and traditional games. As a result of the cognitive stimulation program, the average cognitive function increased by 2.13 points from 26.33 points before implementation to 28.46 points after implementation, and a statistically significant result was obtained (p=0.000). Subjective memory decreased by 3.53 points from the average of 7.13 points before the cognitive stimulation program was implemented to 3.60 points after the implementation, and a statistically significant result was obtained (p=0.000). It can be confirmed that this works. Dementia is leading to a cost burden, and congnitive function decreases the aqulity of life. It brings various burdens. It is necessary to study cognitive stimulation programs applied to various environments in the future.

호스피스 전달체계 모형

  • Choe, Hwa-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.46-69
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    • 2001
  • Hospice Care is the best way to care for terminally ill patients and their family members. However most of them can not receive the appropriate hospice service because the Korean health delivery system is mainly be focussed on acutly ill patients. This study was carried out to clarify the situation of hospice in Korea and to develop a hospice care delivery system model which is appropriate in the Korean context. The theoretical framework of this study that hospice care delivery system is composed of hospice resources with personnel, facilities, etc., government and non-government hospice organization, hospice finances, hospice management and hospice delivery, was taken from the Health Delivery System of WHO(1984). Data was obtained through data analysis of litreature, interview, questionairs, visiting and Delphi Technique, from October 1998 to April 1999 involving 56 hospices, 1 hospice research center, 3 non-government hospice organizations, 20 experts who have had hospice experience for more than 3 years(mean is 9 years and 5 months) and officials or members of 3 non-government hospice organizations. There are 61 hospices in Korea. Even though hospice personnel have tried to study and to provide qualified hospice serices, there is nor any formal hospice linkage or network in Korea. This is the result of this survey made to clarify the situation of Korean hospice. Results of the study by Delphi Technique were as follows: 1.Hospice Resources: Key hospice personnel were found to be hospice coordinator, doctor, nurse, clergy, social worker, volunteers. Necessary qualifications for all personnel was that they conditions were resulted as have good health, receive hospice education and have communication skills. Education for hospice personnel is divided into (i)basic training and (ii)special education, e.g. palliative medicine course for hospice specialist or palliative care course in master degree for hospice nurse specialist. Hospice facilities could be developed by adding a living room, a space for family members, a prayer room, a church, an interview room, a kitchen, a dining room, a bath facility, a hall for music, art or work therapy, volunteers' room, garden, etc. to hospital facilities. 2.Hospice Organization: Whilst there are three non-government hospice organizations active at present, in the near future an hospice officer in the Health&Welfare Ministry plus a government Hospice body are necessary. However a non-government council to further integrate hospice development is also strongly recommended. 3.Hospice Finances: A New insurance standards, I.e. the charge for hospice care services, public information and tax reduction for donations were found suggested as methods to rise the hospice budget. 4.Hospice Management: Two divisions of hospice management/care were considered to be necessary in future. The role of the hospice officer in the Health & Welfare Ministry would be quality control of hospice teams and facilities involved/associated with hospice insurance standards. New non-government integrating councils role supporting the development of hospice care, not insurance covered. 5.Hospice delivery: Linkage&networking between hospice facilities and first, second, third level medical institutions are needed in order to provide varied and continous hospice care. Hospice Acts need to be established within the limits of medical law with regards to standards for professional staff members, educational programs, etc. The results of this study could be utilizes towards the development to two hospice care delivery system models, A and B. Model A is based on the hospital, especially the hospice unit, because in this setting is more easily available the new medical insurance for hospice care. Therefore a hospice team is organized in the hospital and may operate in the hospice unit and in the home hospice care service. After Model A is set up and operating, Model B will be the next stage, in which medical insurance cover will be extended to home hospice care service. This model(B) is also based on the hospital, but the focus of the hospital hospice unit will be moved to home hospice care which is connected by local physicians, national public health centers, community parties as like churches or volunteer groups. Model B will contribute to the care of terminally ill patients and their family members and also assist hospital administrators in cost-effectiveness.

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