• 제목/요약/키워드: community child centers

검색결과 209건 처리시간 0.024초

보육시설의 건축계획에 관한 연구 - 공간구성계획을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Architectural Planning of Nurseries - With emphasis on planning of spatial organization -)

  • 정지영
    • 교육시설
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 1998
  • With increased social participation of married women and with the notion of importance of pre-school childhood on human development, the importance of nurseries is being emphasized. The transformation of the traditional family system into a nuclear family system and the deterioration of the traditional child education have also put nurseries as a primal social interest. But, at present, at the end of 1994, only 10% of the children have benefitted from such facilities, the supply not being able to meet demand. Also, the spatial organization and the management of such facilities has been unsatisfactory. In this perspective, this study aims to grasp the present condition of nurseries, to investigate and analyse case studies, to suggest standards and reform measures, and based on these, to produce basic information for the formation of an architectural spatial model. We've selected investigation of present conditions and case studies, interviews, and observation as investigative methods and through these we've assessed tangible spatial planning and spatial proportion by parts. 1. The most preferred grouping method is toddler/preschooler type, and the group size and staff-to-child ratios vary according to the children's age 2. The younger children's activity rooms are located in the lower level, and the activity room of the children on the similar development stages are located adjacent to one another 3. Most of the facilities do not have the public spaces(indoor playrooms, dinning rooms, napping rooms, bathrooms, sickrooms) For dinning and napping, activity rooms are being used, and for sickrooms, director's room or staff rooms 4. As for the correlations of the spaces(home bases, activity rooms and its outdoor spaces, day-care-centers and its community), closed plan type is 90% over, and modified open plan is 10% min.

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발달장애인 자녀 어머니의 양육부담감이 우울에 미치는 영향: 탄력성의 조절효과를 중심으로 (Care Strain and Depression Among Mothers Of Developmental Disabilities Children: The Role Of Resilience As a Moderator)

  • 박수경;배종필;한세은;김소민
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권12호
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    • pp.579-594
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 발달장애인 자녀 어머니의 양육부담감과 우울과의 관계를 살펴보고, 이 관계에서 탄력성의 조절효과를 검증하는 데 목적이 있다. 조사대상자는 경기 지역 15개소의 지역사회복지관 및 치료센터에서 발달장애인 관련 프로그램을 이용하는 어머니 200명이다. 연구결과, 첫째, 발달장애인 자녀 어머니의 우울 수준을 분석한 결과, 전체 대상자 중 우울 위험군에 속하는 비율이 15%로 나타나 우울 문제가 심각한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 발달장애인 자녀 어머니의 양육부담감은 우울에 영향을 미쳤고, 탄력성은 양육부담감이 우울에 미치는 영향을 완화시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 발달장애인 자녀를 양육하는 어머니의 우울문제를 예방하기 위한 효과적인 전략으로서 양육부담감을 완화시키는 지원 외에도 어머니의 탄력성을 강화하는 개입이 병행될 필요가 있음을 제시하였다.

서울 시내 일부 학령 전 아동들의 비만 유병률과 이에 영향을 주는 요인 (Overweight among Preschool Children in Seoul ; Prevalence and Associated Factors)

  • 김미경;김희정;김영옥;이진희;이원철
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and to identify risk factors of overweight among preschool children in Korea. The study subjects were 750 children, aged 2-6, attending child care centers in Korea. A measurement of the height and weight of the children, as well as collection of wide range of variables including general characteristics, and potential factors related with dietary habit for children and their parents, were conducted. Overweight was defined based on more than 110% of ideal body weight. A logistic regression analysis was adopted to identify the factors associated with overweight. Subjects were classified into three categories according to the obesity index : underweight(PIBW〈90%, n=34), normal(90%$\leq$PIBW〈110%, n=577), and overweight(PIBW$\geq$110%, n=139). The overall prevalence of overweight and underweight of the subjects were 21.3% and 4.0% of the boys and 15.5% and 5.1% of the girls respectively. Parent's obesity was associated with a higher risk of overweight on girls. Subjects o the third quartile(girls) and fourth quartile(boys) of income level had a substantially higher risk of overweight than did those in the first quartile. Fast eating, overeating, and food prejudice were also associated with an increased risk of overweight. The results of a logistic regression analysis showed that the eating habits and food preferences of the children were the most influencial factors on overweight. These finding may imply the importance of early stage nutrition education on rational dietary habit to prevent prevailing obesity of preschool in Korea.

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취약지역 빈곤아동의 인구.보건학적 특성 분석 (Demographic Characteristics and Health Problems of Low Income Children in Underserved Area)

  • 김혜경;이윤희;문순영;권은주
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.65-85
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the major health problems of poor children, and to provide basic information for developing health care program for low income children in underserved area. Methods: Health data were collected through medical examination(KAHP Social Welfare Service) and analysed for 3,081 poor children in 106 local children's centers nationwide. Results: 1. The mean height and weight of poor children were lower than those of nonpoor children. The differences were increased by age. 2. The rate of relative low weight was higher in poor children than in nonpoor children. On the contrary, The obesity rate was higher in nonpoor children than in poor children. 3. Poor children were more likely to have vision problem, anemia, high blood pressure, and oral health problems than nonpoor children. 4. The Health problems of children were the most serious in single father family. Conclusion: In order to improve children's health status, health promotion program for poor children should be developed and implemented. Health promotion program should include activities including regular health examination, home visiting, nutrition support, managed health care, health counseling and education. And the community support network was suggested for the efficacy of the program, including home, school and community.

학령전기 아동의 특성에 따른 건강관리 실태 (Health Care Management Status of Pre Schoolers Depending on the Children's Characteristics)

  • 유혜라;방경숙
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the health care management status of preschoolers depending on the children's characteristics. Methods: The sample of this study were 212 mothers of preschoolers attending Child Care Centers in three cities, Seoul, Daejon, and Suwon, in Korea. A self administered questionnaire developed by investigators was used to collect data from September 15 to October 31, 2002. Data was analyzed with SPSS 11.5 Win program. Results: 5.7% of the children had not completed their vaccination programs. Children who were second or later birth order showed less complete vaccination rates than firstborn babies. Children who had working mothers showed less complete vaccination rates than those whose mothers did not work. Among the various vaccinations, the DPT and MMR booster vaccination rates were the lowest. Home safety scores were higher when mothers have younger children. higher monthly incomes and reside in apartment type houses. Forty one(41%) of the preschoolers experienced accidents, and the accident rate was higher in boys and children with easy temperament. The most frequently experienced accident was laceration. Twenty eight point eight percent(28.8%) of the children experienced hospitalization because of various diseases. Most of the mothers perceived their children healthy. However, children who were second or third born were perceived less as healthy. Children in families with less monthly income were perceived as less healthy. Conclusions: This study provided basic data about preschoolers' health care management status focusing on vaccinations and accident rates. More attention should be paid to preschoolers' health and safety. Related factors found in this study should be considered when providing anticipatory guidance for parents.

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가족발달단계에 따른 간호요구영역에 관한 연구 (Study of The Area of Nursing Need by the Family Developmental Stage)

  • 최부옥
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 1977
  • The Community Health Service considers the family as a service unit and places the emphasis of its service on the health problems and the nursing needs of the family rather than the individual. From the conceptual point of view that tile community health service is both health maintenance and health promotion of the family, the community health nurse should have a knowledge of the growth and development of the family and be responsible for the comprehensive support of normal family development. The community health nurse often is in a position to make a real contribution to normal family development. In order to investigate the relationship between the areas of nursing need and family development, the following objectives were established 1. To discover the general characteristics of the study population by the stage of family development. 2. To discover specific nursing needs in relation to the family developmental stage, and to determine the intensity of the nursing needs and the ability of the family to cope with these needs. 3. To discover overall family health nursing problems in relation to the family developmental stage and determine the intensity of the nursing need and the problem solving ability of family. Definitions : The family developmental stages as classified by Dually were used stage 1. Married couples(without children) stage 2. Childbearing Families (oldest child birth to 30 months of age) stage 3. Families with preschool children (oldest child 2½-to 6 years) stage 4. Families with schoolchildren (oldest child 6 to 13 years). stage 5. Families with teenagers (oldest child 13 to 20 years) stage 6. Families as launching centers (first child gone to last child′s leaving home). stage 7. Middle- aged parents (empty nest to retirement) stage 8. Aging family member (retirement to death of both spouses) The areas of nursing need were defined as those used in the study, "A Comprehensive Study about Health and Nursing Need and a Social Diagram of the Community", by tile Nursing research Institute and Center for population. and Family Planning, July 1974. The study population defiled and selected were 260 nuclear families ill two myron of Kang Hwa Island. Percent, mean value and F- test were utilized in tile statistical analysis of the study result. Findings : 1. General characteristics of the study population by tile family developmental stage ; 1)The study population was distributed by the family developmental stage as follows : stage 1 : 3 families stage 2 : 13 families stage 3 : 24 families stage 4 : 41 families stage 5 : 50 families stage 6 : 106 families stage 7 : 13 families stage 8 : 10 families 2) Most families had 4 or 5 members except for those in stage, 1, 7, and 8. 3) The parents′ present age was older in the higher developmental stage and their age at marriage was also younger in the higher developmental stages. 4) The educational level of parents was primarily less than elementary school irrespective of the developmental stage. 5) More than half of parents′ occupations were listed as laborers irrespective of the developmental stage, 6) More than half of the parents were atheists irrespective of the developmental stage. 7) The higher the developmental stage(from stage 2 to stage 6 ), the wider the distribution of children′s ages. 8) More than half of the families were of middle or lower socio-economic level. 2. Problems in specific areas of nursing need by family developmental stage, the intensity of nursing need and the problem solving ability of the family : 1) As a whole, many problems, irrespective of the developmental stage, occurred in tile areas of Housing and Sanitation, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping, Preventive Measures and Dental care. Problems occurring ill particular stages included the following ; stage 1 : Prevention of Accident stage 2 : Preventive Vaccination, Family Planning. stage 3 : Preventive Vaccination, Maternal Health, Family Planning, Health of Infant and Preschooler. stage 4, 5 : Preventive Vaccination, Family Planning, Health of School Children. stage 6 : Preventive Vaccination, Health of School Children. 2) The intensity of the nursing need in the area of Acute and Chronic Diseases was generally of moderate degree or above irrespective of the developmental stages except for stage 1. Other areas of need listed as moderate or above were found in the following stages: stage 1 : Maternal Health stage 3 . Horsing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident. stage 4 . Housing and Sanitation. stage 5 : Housing and Sanitation, Diagnostic and Medical Care. stage 6 : Diagnostic and Medical care stage 7 : Diagnostic and Medical Care, Housekeeping. stage 8 : Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Dental Care, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping. 3) Areas of need with moderate problem solving ability or less were as follows : stage 1 : Diagnostic and Medical Care, Maternal Health. stage 2 : Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Disease, Dental Care. stage 3 : Housing and Sanitation, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Maternal Health, Health of Infant and preschooler, Eating Patterns. stage 4 : Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Maternal Health, Health of New Born, Health of Infant and Preschooler, Health of school Children, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping. stage 5 . Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Preventive Vaccination, Maternal Health, Eating Patterns. stage 7, 8 : Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measures, Dental Care, Preventive Vaccination, Eating Patterns , Housekeeping. Problem occurrence, the degree of nursing need and the degree of problem solving ability 1 nursing need areas for the family as a whole were as follows : 1) The higher the stages(except stage 1 ), the lower the rate of problem occurrence. 2) The higher the stage becomes, the lower the intensity of the nursing need becomes. 3) The higher the stages (except stages 7 and 8), the higher. the problem solving ability. Conclusions ; 1) When the nursing care plan for the family is drawn up, depending upon the stage of family development, higher priority should be give to nursing need areas ① at which problems were shown to occur ② where the nursing need is shown to be above moderate degree and ③ where the problem solving ability was shown to be of moderate degree. 2) The priority of the nursing service should be Placed ① not on those families in the high developmental stage but on those families in the low developmental stage ② and on those areas of need shown in stages 7 and 8 where the degree nursing need was high and the ability to cope low.

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부모 작성용 은둔형 외톨이 선별 도구 개발 (Development of Parental Screening Questionnaire for Hidden Youth)

  • 백형태;김붕년;신민섭;안동현;이영식
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The definition of a hidden youth is a young person who has completely withdrawn from society and shut himself or herself away for more than 3 months. Those pathologically-withdrawn youths have become a burden not only to society but also to the family. However, screening of these hidden youths cannot be done easily. This study focused on developing a primary effective screening tool for these hidden youths. Methods : The 42 participants of this study were parents of hidden youths that are between 8 to 25 years old. They were selected from from mental health centers and psychiatric clinics around Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. We also recruited 239 parents of middle and high school students in the Seoul metropolitan area for a control group. In order to decide the concurrent validity of this questionnaire, we used the Symptom Checklist-90-Revision, Children's Depression Inventory, Beck Depression Inven-tory, Social Anxiety Scale for Children-Revised, Social Anxiety and Distress Scale, Avoidant Personality Disorder Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children. SPSS version 12.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results : Cronbach's alpha values, the reliability coefficient to represent internal consistency, were between 0.396 and 0.935, which showed relatively high internal consistency for this questionnaire. The test-retest coefficient was between 0.68 and 0.78, which was a statistically significant result. In a factor analysis, 4 factors such as avoidance, withdrawal, isolation, and apathy were extracted. In a concurrent validity test with SCL-90-R, the isolation factor showed a statistically-significant relationship with a phobic-anxiety sub-scale, and avoidance and withdrawal sub-scales were remarkably correlated with the interpersonal sensitivity sub-scale. Conclusion : Since the questionnaire for socially withdrawn youths has achieved statistically-satisfactory reliability and validity, it will be a useful method to screen for hidden youths in educational, community, and clinical settings.

공동주택 가계의 공동체 의식 사례분석 - 서울시 강남구 가계를 중심으로 - (The Case Study of Mass Housing Household's Community Spirit - Focused on Gangnamgu Household in Seoul -)

  • 강혜경
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate what owners think of their housing and their community by scrutinizing households, thereby leading to a conclusion of how these communities have developed and the advantages they provide to their owners. This study was conducted by thoroughly interviewing one member from each of a total of 10 households living in apartments and villas in the Gangnamgu area of Seoul between August 5, 2008, and September 25, 2008. The results can be summarized as follows: First, all interviewees were female, within the range of 40 years to 50 years of age, and with high educational backgrounds. They were living in mid-level income or higher households but were characterized by frugal attitudes. Second, their households held a personal and familial meaning to them, one of providing replenishment, rest, and a place to share diverse feelings with their family. Certain factors such as being a convenient place for education, rising housing prices, a large area of greenery made possible by Yangjae Cheon, and so forth contributed to giving a special significance to their housings. The interviewees all thought the convenience of education and the rising housing prices in the Gangnam area were the most important factors. Third, the interviewees indicated the following sociocultural perspectives of Gangnam housings: They provide a good environment for education due to the densely clustered academies in the Daechi-dong area. There are many opportunities to meet neighbors with similar educational and economic backgrounds. There are vast areas of greenery such as Yangjae Cheon. There is access to highly advanced cultural and shopping facilities such as COEX, Seoul Arts Center, etc. There are no amusement centers located near the housing districts. There are convenient transportation methods and facilities. They are subject to jealous looks from people living outside the Gangnam area. Lastly, it seems that no significant community spirit exists among the dwellers of each apartment or villa. However, matters of self-interest such as construction problems, which contribute greatly to creating personal wealth, were exceptions when the dwellers united as a single household.

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결혼이주여성의 한국가정생활 문화적응 단계별 특성 -필리핀 결혼이주여성을 중심으로- (Characteristics of Marriage Immigrants' Acculturation Stage and the Source of Support: With an Emphasis on Filipino Marriage Immigrants' Family Life Culture in Korea)

  • 홍달아기;채옥희;한은진;송복희
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of Filipino marriage immigrants' acculturation stages in regards to their Korean family life culture and to identify the source of the support for each stage, hence to provide information for educational programs that would promote successful acculturation for each stage. The following findings have been obtained through in-depth interviews with 18 female Filipino immigrants to Korea. In a range of obstacles from the Honeymoon Stage to the Confusion stage, the first are the language and the aspects of the food/cooking/ingredients/diet that are different from their own culture. Especially, pregnancy/childbirth is a major change in one's life and the biggest challenge in the acculturation process. As food and cooking are the first change that the immigrants have to face and get accustomed to in the early stage of their Korean life, the food culture is rather easier for the immigrants to get accustomed to than other parts of Korean life. From the Honeymoon Stage to the Harmony Stage, the immigrants make efforts to help their family in the home, while they look to their future in their children during the Autonomy Stage. Regardless of how long they have been in Korea, from the Honeymoon Stage to the Autonomy Stage, the immigrants have a hard time with the patriarchal environment in Korea due to the bilateral nature of kinship in the Philippines. Secondly, the immigrants receive the most support from their husband, family, and the tutors in Korean culture, while their mothers-in-law are the main source of the support for the Korean diet. At the Confusion Stage, the immigrants start visiting the regional multicultural family support centers and get help from the friends they meet there while depending on the TV for cooking tips. From the Harmony Stage, they may seek a job through the community network with their own effort and their children's help. In the Autonomy Stage, they are concerned about their children rather than their own parents, and they find their own identity as a Korean and realize that their effort is important.

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한방건강증진HUB보건소사업 실태분석 (An Analysis on Actual Condition of Health Promotion Program through Oriental Medicine in Health Center)

  • 조우영;유왕근
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to examine the actual condition of health promotion program through oriental medicine in the health center and to provide basic data to develop proper policy of oriental medical health promotion program for the community people. The data were collected from 26 health centers which have been implementing the oriental medical health promotion program, using selfadministered questionnaire for two weeks from 1 October to 15 October 2006. The results are as follows : Generally, the respondents have the positive views on the level of budget and facilities/equipments of the oriental medical health promotion program in health center. However, they have the negative views on the level of manpower and education/training of the program. And also more than 70% of the respondents have the negative opinion on capabilities of formulating and evaluating the oriental medical health promotion program. The respondents indicated that there was the lack of coordination between the oriental medical health promotion program and existing health promotion in health center, and that low rate of utilizing community resources. With regard to the method of selecting the target group for the program, there are differences according to the each program. Many programs tended to select the target group not through the criteria of life-course and illness group but through the efficiency of selecting group. And many programs such as stroke prevention program, constitutional medicine program, oriental medical prenatal program, oriental medical prenatal and postnatal program, oriental medical child care program are mainly composed of the development of educational program and lecture. Regarding the number of the present oriental medical health promotion programs, around 65% of respondents answered that the number of the programs was many and thus they needed to decrease to the proper level. And with regard to the priority of the need, effectiveness and the satisfaction for each programs, on the whole, Qui gong program, stroke prevention program, area-specialty program and oriental medical home visiting program have high score. In particular, oriental medical quit-smoking program has lowest score. From these results, it requires to develop and improve the oriental medical health promotion program in health center considering the need and characteristics of community.

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