• Title/Summary/Keyword: common model

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Developing a Model for Crime Prevention Hardware Performance Test and Certification System (방범하드웨어의 침입범죄 저항성능 시험·인증 체계에 관한 모형 연구)

  • Park, Hyeon-ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.255-292
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    • 2013
  • Burglary (also called breaking and entering and sometimes housebreaking) is a crime, the essence of which is illegal entry into a building for the purposes of committing an offence. It is one of the most common types of crime and also a serious issue for every society. A house that is left insecure is an accessible and attractive target for burglars and therefore burglary resistance test & certification system for doors and windows has been developed in many countries. This paper explores several advanced foreign burglary resistance test/certifcation cases (the British SBD, the Dutch KOMO SKH/SKG, the Japanese CP mark, the Australian Standard Certification) for security products and domestic test/certification systems for fire safety products as a comparative study so that any improvement points can be gained for South Korea in the field of security product performance. The comparative analysis results show that South Korea is far behind the security product certification system and needs a lot of improvement in the system by benchmarking foreign cases. The domestic test/certification systems for fire safety products also give some insights for burglary-related security products' performance certification system in Korea. Overall, the need for relevant rules and regulations, the establishment of standards regarding testing and certification, including certified security +hardware product in building security certification system, performance testing as well as production testing (i.e. quality management system evaluation), the basic competency of testers, incentive system for certified/high quality security products were suggested in order to make an optimal model for the security production performance testing and certification system in Korea.

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Importance of End User's Feedback Seeking Behavior for Faithful Appropriation of Information Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises (중소기업 환경에서의 합목적적 정보시스템 활용을 위한 최종사용자 피드백 탐색행위의 중요성)

  • Shin, Young-Mee;Lee, Joo-Ryang;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.61-95
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    • 2007
  • Small-and-medium sized enterprises(SMEs) represent quite a large proportion of the industry as a whole in terms of the number of enterprises or employees. However researches on information system so far have focused on large companies, probably because SMEs were not so active in introducing information systems as larger enterprises. SMEs are now increasingly bringing in information systems such as ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) and some of the companies already entered the stage of ongoing use. Accordingly, researches should deal with the use of information systems by SME s operating under different conditions from large companies. This study examined factors and mechanism inducing faithful appropriation of information systems, in particular integrative systems such as ERP, in view of individuals` active feedback-seeking behavior. There are three factors expected to affect end users` feedback-seeking behavior for faithful appropriation of information systems. They are management support, peer IT champ support, and IT staff support. The main focus of the study is on how these factors affect feedback-seeking behavior and whether the feedback-seeking behavior plays the role of mediator for realizing faithful appropriation of information systems by end users. To examine the research model and the hypotheses, this study employed an empirical method based on a field survey. The survey used measurements mostly employed and verified by previous researches, while some of the measurements had gone through minor modifications for the purpose of the study. The survey respondents are individual employees of SMEs that have been using ERP for one year or longer. To prevent common method bias, Task-Technology Fit items used as the control variable were made to be answered by different respondents. In total, 127 pairs of valid questionnaires were collected and used for the analysis. The PLS(Partial Least Squares) approach to structural equation modeling(PLS-Graph v.3.0) was used as our data analysis strategy because of its ability to model both formative and reflective latent constructs under small-and medium-size samples. The analysis shows Reliability, Construct Validity and Discriminant Validity are appropriate. The path analysis results are as follows; first, the more there is peer IT champ support, the more the end user is likely to show feedback-seeking behavior(path-coefficient=0.230, t=2.28, p<0.05). In other words, if colleagues proficient in information system use recognize the importance of their help, pass on what they have found to be an effective way of using the system or correct others' misuse, ordinary end users will be able to seek feedback on the faithfulness of their appropriation of information system without hesitation, because they know the convenience of getting help. Second, management support encourages ordinary end users to seek more feedback(path-coefficient=0.271, t=3.06, p<0.01) by affecting the end users' perceived value of feedback(path-coefficient=0.401, t=6.01, p<0.01). Management support is far more influential than other factors that when the management of an SME well understands the benefit of ERP, promotes its faithful appropriation and pays attention to employees' satisfaction with the system, employees will make deliberate efforts for faithful appropriation of the system. However, the third factor, IT staff support was found not to be conducive to feedback-seeking behavior from end users(path-coefficient=0.174, t=1.83). This is partly attributable to the fundamental reason that there is little support for end users from IT staff in SMEs. Even when IT staff provides support, end users may find it less important than that from coworkers more familiar with the end users' job. Meanwhile, the more end users seek feedback and attempt to find ways of faithful appropriation of information systems, the more likely the users will be able to deploy the system according to the purpose the system was originally meant for(path-coefficient=0.35, t=2.88, p<0.01). Finally, the mediation effect analysis confirmed the mediation effect of feedback-seeking behavior. By confirming the mediation effect of feedback-seeking behavior, this study draws attention to the importance of feedback-seeking behavior that has long been overlooked in research about information system use. This study also explores the factors that promote feedback-seeking behavior which in result could affect end user`s faithful appropriation of information systems. In addition, this study provides insight about which inducements or resources SMEs should offer to promote individual users' feedback-seeking behavior when formal and sufficient support from IT staff or an outside information system provider is hardly expected. As the study results show, under the business environment of SMEs, help from skilled colleagues and the management plays a critical role. Therefore, SMEs should seriously consider how to utilize skilled peer information system users, while the management should pay keen attention to end users and support them to make the most of information systems.

The Influence of Online Social Networking on Individual Virtual Competence and Task Performance in Organizations (온라인 네트워킹 활동이 가상협업 역량 및 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, A-Young;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-69
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    • 2012
  • With the advent of communication technologies including electronic collaborative tools and conferencing systems provided over the Internet, virtual collaboration is becoming increasingly common in organizations. Virtual collaboration refers to an environment in which the people working together are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, are geographically dispersed, and rely on mediated rather than face-to face, communication to produce an outcome. Research suggests that new sets of individual skill, knowledge, and ability (SKAs) are required to perform effectively in today's virtualized workplace, which is labeled as individual virtual competence. It is also argued that use of online social networking sites may influence not only individuals' daily lives but also their capability to manage their work-related relationships in organizations, which in turn leads to better performance. The existing research regarding (1) the relationship between virtual competence and task performance and (2) the relationship between online networking and task performance has been conducted based on different theoretical perspectives so that little is known about how online social networking and virtual competence interplay to predict individuals' task performance. To fill this gap, this study raises the following research questions: (1) What is the individual virtual competence required for better adjustment to the virtual collaboration environment? (2) How does online networking via diverse social network service sites influence individuals' task performance in organizations? (3) How do the joint effects of individual virtual competence and online networking influence task performance? To address these research questions, we first draw on the prior literature and derive four dimensions of individual virtual competence that are related with an individual's self-concept, knowledge and ability. Computer self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to use computer technology broadly. Remotework self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to work and perform joint tasks with others in virtual settings. Virtual media skill is defined as the degree of confidence of individuals to function in their work role without face-to-face interactions. Virtual social skill is an individual's skill level in using technologies to communicate in virtual settings to their full potential. It should be noted that the concept of virtual social skill is different from the self-efficacy and captures an individual's cognition-based ability to build social relationships with others in virtual settings. Next, we discuss how online networking influences both individual virtual competence and task performance based on the social network theory and the social learning theory. We argue that online networking may enhance individuals' capability in expanding their social networks with low costs. We also argue that online networking may enable individuals to learn the necessary skills regarding how they use technological functions, communicate with others, and share information and make social relations using the technical functions provided by electronic media, consequently increasing individual virtual competence. To examine the relationships among online networking, virtual competence, and task performance, we developed research models (the mediation, interaction, and additive models, respectively) by integrating the social network theory and the social learning theory. Using data from 112 employees of a virtualized company, we tested the proposed research models. The results of analysis partly support the mediation model in that online social networking positively influences individuals' computer self-efficacy, virtual social skill, and virtual media skill, which are key predictors of individuals' task performance. Furthermore, the results of the analysis partly support the interaction model in that the level of remotework self-efficacy moderates the relationship between online social networking and task performance. The results paint a picture of people adjusting to virtual collaboration that constrains and enables their task performance. This study contributes to research and practice. First, we suggest a shift of research focus to the individual level when examining virtual phenomena and theorize that online social networking can enhance individual virtual competence in some aspects. Second, we replicate and advance the prior competence literature by linking each component of virtual competence and objective task performance. The results of this study provide useful insights into how human resource responsibilities assess employees' weakness and strength when they organize virtualized groups or projects. Furthermore, it provides managers with insights into the kinds of development or training programs that they can engage in with their employees to advance their ability to undertake virtual work.

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A METHOD OF CAPABILITY EVALUATION FOR KOREAN PADDY SOILS -Part 2. The rice yield prediction by soil fertility constituents and other characters (한국(韓國) 답토양(畓土壤)의 생산력(生産力) 평가방법에 관한 연구 -2 보(報)·비옥도(肥沃度) 구성인자(構成因子) 및 기타(其他) 특성(特性)에 의(依)한 쌀수확량(收穫量)의 추정(推定))

  • Hong, Ki-Chang;Maeng, Do-Won;Kazutake, Kyuma;Hisao, Furukawa;Suh, Yoon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1979
  • In the first paper of the series the five soil fertility factors were evaluated by means of principal component analysis and varimax method. They are interpreted as representing, 1) skeletal available phosporus status, 2) organnic matter status, 3) salt status 4) base status, and 5) free oxide status. In order to resynthesize such fragmented information for the overall soil fertility evaluation, the method of multiple regression analysis was adopted, using the five factor scores and yield data for Korean paddy soils as independent and dependent variables respectively. As test of linear models with different combinations of independent variables the results of t-test of regression coefficient were revealed that the organic matter status (FII) has no relevance to the yield of paddy and that the free oxides and salt supply has by it self only an insignificant contribution to the yield. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) revealed its multiple regression analysis was as low as 0.43. Introduction of quadratic terms to the linear model bettered the result. Thus multiple correlation coefficient (R) was increased as 0.59. Therefore, a coefficient of determination 0.35 was obtained by a quadratic model with interaction terms among the five fertility constituents. Generally we think that the fertility factor has more contribution to raise the rice yield in paddy and that the failure of yield prediction by fertility factor scores was caused by one of follows; 1) the roughness of the yield inspection, and 2) missextraction of fertility constituents. The second step in this study, assuming that the residuals by multiple regression analysis were due to factors other than soil fertility, we can now proceed to predicting the yield from the field characters with the classified fertility groups by means of Hayashi's theory of quantification No. 1. Such variables as fertility groups (FTYG), water availability (WATER), soil drainage (DRNG), climatic zone (CLIZ), surface soil's stickiness (STCKT), surface soil's dry consistence (DCNST), and surface soil's texture (FTEXT) are taken up as the explanatory variables. The quantification appears reasonable; the well to extremely well in soil drainage, very sticky of surface soil, inefficiency in water availability, coarse texture, and very hard to extremely hard dry consistence in soil are detrimental to the rice yield. The R was as high as 0.90 for the set of variables. But the given explanatory variables in this study were not quite effective in explaining rice yield. The method developed seems to be promising only if properly collected data are available. Conditions that should be satisfied in the yield inspection obtained from common cultivator for the purpose of deriving a prediction equation were put forward.

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Inverse Agonists at $A_1$ Adenosine Receptors in Rat Cerebral Cortex (흰쥐의 뇌의$A_1$ 아데노신 수용체에 작용하는 역효현제에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Sun;Yang, Wan-Suk;Kim, Kyung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1996
  • According to the traditional receptor model, competitive antagonists share with agonists the ability to bind to a common site on receptors, but they are different from agonist in that they cannot trigger the biological response-i.e., they lack intrinsic efficacy. Recent findings extend the model by indicating that not all antagonists display an intrinsic efficacy of zero but that some display 'inverse agonism'. In the present study we studied the inverse agonism at $A_1$ adenosine receptors in membranes prepared from rat cerebral cortex. Eight commercially available $A_1$ adenosine receptor antagonists (CGS-15943, ADPX, CPT, DPCPX, DPX, N-0840, PACPX and 8-PT) were screened for inverse agonism by measuring the extent of $[^{35}S]guanosine-5'-({\gamma}-thio)$ triphosphate $([^{35}S]GTP_{\gamma}S)$ binding to G proteins. The agonist-induced stimulation of $[^{35}S]GTP_{\gamma}S$ bindings was completely blocked in the presence of $A_1$ adenosine receptor antagonists. Under optimal conditions, two types of antagonists could be distinguished. Seven antagonists including DPCPX decreased the basal $[^{35}S]GTP_{\gamma}S$ binding in the absence of agonist, displaying inverse agonist activity. One (CGS-15943) had no effect on the basal bindings. N-ethylmaleimide treatment reduced the basal bindings as well as agonist-mediated stimulation of $[^{35}S]GTP_{\gamma}S$ bindings, indicating that a substantial amount of this binding reflects an activated state of the C proteins. In good agreement with these findings, 0.1 mM GTP decreased the apparent affinity of the receptors for the agonist PIA, increased that for DPCPX, and had no effect on that for CGS-15943.

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Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for Spatial and Temporal Temperature Simulation in the Hapcheon Dam Reservoir (합천댐 저수지에서의 시공간적 수온모의를 위한 매개변수 민감도 분석)

  • Kim, Boram;Kang, Boosik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.12
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    • pp.1181-1191
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    • 2013
  • This study have implemented finding the optimal water temperature parameter set for Hapcheon dam reservoir using CE-QUAL-W2 model. In particular the sensitivity analysis was carried out for four water temperature parameters of wind sheltering coefficient (WSC), radiation heat coefficient (BETA), light extinction coefficient (EXH2O), heat exchange coefficient at the channel bed (CBHE). Firstly, WSC, BETA, EXH2O shows relatively high sensitivity in common during April to September, and CBHE does during August to November. Secondly, as a result of identifying depth range of parameter influence, BETA and EXH2O show 0~9 m and 8~14 m which is thermocline layer close to water surface, CBHE is deep layer 12 m away from bottom. Finally, applying annual or monthly optimal parameter sets indicates that the bias between two sets does not show much differences for WSC and CBHE parameters, but BETA and EXH2O parameters show $0.20^{\circ}C$ and $0.51^{\circ}C$ of monthly average biases for two parameter sets. In particular the bias reveals to be $0.4^{\circ}C$ and $1.09^{\circ}C$ during May and August that confirms the necessity of use of monthly parameters during that season. It is claimed that the current operational custom use of annual parameters in calibration of reservoir water quality model requires the improvement of using monthly parameters.

Application Plan of Goods Information in the Public Procurement Service for Enhancing U-City Plans (U-City계획 고도화를 위한 조달청 물품정보 활용 방안 : CCTV 사례를 중심으로)

  • PARK, Jun-Ho;PARK, Jeong-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a reference model is constructed that provides architects or designers with sufficient information on the intelligent service facility that is essential for U-City space configuration, and for the support of enhanced design, as well as for planning activities. At the core of the reference model is comprehensive information about the intelligent service facility that plans the content of services, and the latest related information that is regularly updated. A plan is presented to take advantage of the database of list information systems in the Public Procurement Service that handles intelligent service facilities. We suggest a number of improvements by analyzing the current status of, and issues with, the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, and by conducting a simulation for the proper placement of CCTV. As the design of U-City plan has evolved from IT technology-based to smart space-based, reviews of limitations such as the lack of standards, information about the installation, and the placement of the intelligent service facility that provides U-service have been carried out. Due to the absence of relevant legislation and guidelines, however, planning activities, such as the appropriate placement of the intelligent service facility are difficult when considering efficient service provision. In addition, with the lack of information about IT technology and intelligent service facilities that can be provided to U-City planners and designers, there are a number of difficulties when establishing an optimal plan with respect to service level and budget. To solve these problems, this study presents a plan in conjunction with the goods information from the Public Procurement Service. The Public Procurement Service has already built an industry-related database of around 260,000 cases, which has been continually updated. It can be a very useful source of information about the intelligent service facility, the ever-changing U-City industry's core, and the relevant technologies. However, since providing this information is insufficient in the application process and, due to the constraints in the information disclosure process, there have been some issues in its application. Therefore, this study, by presenting an improvement plan for the linkage and application of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, has significance for the provision of the basic framework for future U-City enhancement plans, and multi-departments' common utilization of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service.

Inhibitory effects of Electroacupuncture & Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL40),Hu-gye(SI03)ㆍWijung(BL40) on Neuropathic Pain in Rats (위중(委中), 후계(後谿), 위중배후계(委中配後谿) 전침(電鍼) 및 침자(鍼刺)가 백서(白鼠)의 신경병리성(神經病理性) 동통(疼痛) 억제(抑制)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Oh, Chang-log;Na, Chang-su;Lyu, Chung-yeol;Cho, Myung-rae
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2005
  • Objective : Neuropathic pain sometimes arises from a partial peripheral nerve injury. This kind of pain is usually accompanied by spontaneous burning pain, allodynia and hyperalgesia. It has been well known that acupuncture is effective to the pain control from ancient time in Asia. However, it is not clear whether Electroacupuncture(EA) & Acupuncture(AC) can control neuropathic pain effectively. The aim of this study is to examine if Electroacupuncture&Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL4O), Hu-gye(SI03) Wijung(BL40) may be effective to the neuropathic pain (mechanical allodynia cold allodynia) in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Methods : A rat model of neuropathic pain was made by injurying tibial nerve and sural nerve while common peroneal nerve was maintained. After the neuropathic surgery, we examined if the rats exhibited the behavioral signs allodynia. The allodynia was assessed by stimulating the medial malleolus with von frey filament and acetone. Three weeks after the neuropathic surgery, electroacupuncture &, acupuncture stimulation was delivered to Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL40), Hu-gye(SI03) Wijung(BL40) one time a day for one week. After that we examined the withdrawal response of neuropathic rats' legs by von frey filament and acetone stimulation, c-fos and AchE(Acetylcholine esterase) in the periaqe- ductal gray(PAG) of neuropathic rats' brain. Results : 1. Electroacupuncture&Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL40), Hu-gye(SI03) Wijung(BL4O) significantly decreased the withdrawal response of mechanically allodynia in EA-BL40+SI03 group and AC-SI03 group as compared with control group on 6th day. 2. Electroacupuncture &Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL40), Hu-gye (SI03) Wijung (BL40) significantly decreased the withdrawal response of chemical allodynia(cold allodynia) in EA-SI03 group, EA-BL40+SI03 group and AC-SI03 group as compared with control group on 6th day. 3. Electroacupuncture & Acupuncture at Hu-gye ( SI03), Wijung (BL40), Hu-gye (SI03) Wijung(BL40) significantly decreased the expression of c-fos in the periaqe- ductal gray(PAC) of neuropathic rats' brain in EA-BL40+SI03 group and AC-SI03 group as compared with control group. 4. Electroacupuncture&Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03), Wijung(BL40), Hu-gye (SI03) Wijung(BL40) significantly decreased the expression of AchE in the periaqe- ductal gray(PAG) of neuropathic rats' brain in EA-BL40+SI03 group and AC-SI03 group as compared with control group. Conclusions : Based on the above results it is assumed that Electroacupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03) Wijung(BL40) and Acupuncture at Hu-gye(SI03) can help the treatment of neuropathic pain.

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Effect of Tightening Torque on Abutment-Fixture Joint Stability using 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis (임플란트 지대주나사의 조임회전력이 연결부 안정성에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 유한요소해석 연구)

  • Eom, Tae-Gwan;Suh, Seung-Woo;Jeon, Gyeo-Rok;Shin, Jung-Wook;Jeong, Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Loosening or fracture of the abutment screw is one of the common problems related to the dental implant. Generally, in order to make the screw joint stable, the preload generated by tightening torque needs to be increased within the elastic limit of the screw. However, additional tensile forces can produce the plastic deformation of abutment screw when functional loads are superimposed on preload stresses, and they can elicit loosening or fracture of the abutment screw. Therefore, it is necessary to find the optimum tightening torque that maximizes a fatigue life and simultaneously offer a reasonable degree of protection against loosening. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to present the influence of tightening torque on the implant-abutment screw joint stability with the 3 dimensional finite element analysis. Material and methods: In this study, the finite element model of the implant system with external butt joint connection was designed and verified by comparison with additional theoretical and experimental results. Four different amount of tightening torques(10, 20, 30 and 40 Ncm) and the external loading(250 N, $30^{\circ}$) were applied to the model, and the equivalent stress distributions and the gap distances were calculated according to each tightening torque and the result was analyzed. Results: Within the limitation of this study, the following results were drawn; 1) There was the proportional relation between the tightening torque and the preload. 2) In case of applying only the tightening torque, the maximum stress was found at the screw neck. 3) The maximum stress was also shown at the screw neck under the external loading condition. However in case of applying 10 Ncm tightening torque, it was found at the undersurface of the screw head. 4) The joint opening was observed under the external loading in case of applying 10 Ncm and 20 Ncm of tightening torque. 5) When the tightening torque was applied at 40 Ncm, under the external loading the maximum stress exceeded the allowable stress value of the titanium alloy. Conclusion: Implant abutment screw must have a proper tightening torque that will be able to maintain joint stability of fixture and abutment.

Selective Word Embedding for Sentence Classification by Considering Information Gain and Word Similarity (문장 분류를 위한 정보 이득 및 유사도에 따른 단어 제거와 선택적 단어 임베딩 방안)

  • Lee, Min Seok;Yang, Seok Woo;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 2019
  • Dimensionality reduction is one of the methods to handle big data in text mining. For dimensionality reduction, we should consider the density of data, which has a significant influence on the performance of sentence classification. It requires lots of computations for data of higher dimensions. Eventually, it can cause lots of computational cost and overfitting in the model. Thus, the dimension reduction process is necessary to improve the performance of the model. Diverse methods have been proposed from only lessening the noise of data like misspelling or informal text to including semantic and syntactic information. On top of it, the expression and selection of the text features have impacts on the performance of the classifier for sentence classification, which is one of the fields of Natural Language Processing. The common goal of dimension reduction is to find latent space that is representative of raw data from observation space. Existing methods utilize various algorithms for dimensionality reduction, such as feature extraction and feature selection. In addition to these algorithms, word embeddings, learning low-dimensional vector space representations of words, that can capture semantic and syntactic information from data are also utilized. For improving performance, recent studies have suggested methods that the word dictionary is modified according to the positive and negative score of pre-defined words. The basic idea of this study is that similar words have similar vector representations. Once the feature selection algorithm selects the words that are not important, we thought the words that are similar to the selected words also have no impacts on sentence classification. This study proposes two ways to achieve more accurate classification that conduct selective word elimination under specific regulations and construct word embedding based on Word2Vec embedding. To select words having low importance from the text, we use information gain algorithm to measure the importance and cosine similarity to search for similar words. First, we eliminate words that have comparatively low information gain values from the raw text and form word embedding. Second, we select words additionally that are similar to the words that have a low level of information gain values and make word embedding. In the end, these filtered text and word embedding apply to the deep learning models; Convolutional Neural Network and Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM. This study uses customer reviews on Kindle in Amazon.com, IMDB, and Yelp as datasets, and classify each data using the deep learning models. The reviews got more than five helpful votes, and the ratio of helpful votes was over 70% classified as helpful reviews. Also, Yelp only shows the number of helpful votes. We extracted 100,000 reviews which got more than five helpful votes using a random sampling method among 750,000 reviews. The minimal preprocessing was executed to each dataset, such as removing numbers and special characters from text data. To evaluate the proposed methods, we compared the performances of Word2Vec and GloVe word embeddings, which used all the words. We showed that one of the proposed methods is better than the embeddings with all the words. By removing unimportant words, we can get better performance. However, if we removed too many words, it showed that the performance was lowered. For future research, it is required to consider diverse ways of preprocessing and the in-depth analysis for the co-occurrence of words to measure similarity values among words. Also, we only applied the proposed method with Word2Vec. Other embedding methods such as GloVe, fastText, ELMo can be applied with the proposed methods, and it is possible to identify the possible combinations between word embedding methods and elimination methods.