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Hemifacial Transplantation Model in Rats

  • Lim, Jong Woo;Eun, Seok Chan
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2014
  • Background: To refine facial transplantation techniques and achieve sound results, it is essential to develop a suitable animal model. Rat is a small animal and has many advantages over other animals that have been used as transplantation models. The purpose of this study was to describe a rat hemifacial transplantation model and to verify its convenience and reproducibility. Methods: Animals used in this study were Lewis rats (recipients) and Lewis-Brown Norway rats (donors). Nine transplantations were performed, requiring 18 animals. The hemifacial flap that included the ipsilateral ear was harvested based on the unilateral common carotid artery and external jugular vein and was transferred as a single unit. Cyclosporine A therapy was initiated 24 hours after transplantation and lasted for 2 weeks. Signs of rejection responses were evaluated daily. Results: The mean transplantation time was 1 hour 20 minutes. The anatomy of common carotid artery and external jugular vein was consistent, and the vessel size was appropriate for anastomosis. Six of nine allografts remained good viable without vascular problems at the conclusion of study (postoperative 2 weeks). Conclusion: The rat hemifacial transplantation model is suitable as a standard transplantation training model.

An assurance level and product type based evaluation effort model for CC evaluation (CC기반에서 보증수준 및 제품유형을 동시에 고려한 평가업무량 모델)

  • Choi, Sang-Soo;Choi, Seung;Lee, Wan-Seok;Lee, Kang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2004
  • Common Criteria(CC, ISO/IEC 15408) is an international standard for evaluation of Information Suity Systems(ISS). There need a suitable evidence of estimation of evaluation cost in an evaluation facility under the CC-based evaluation and assurance scheme. In this paper, we propose an evaluation effort model, which is based not only on assurance-level but also on product-type of ISS, by means of real experience of real evaluators, use-ratio concept and the Function Point of security function. The model is based not on a real evaluation environment of evaluation facility, but on CC, public PPs and product specific STs. Our result might be used as a basic model for estimation of evaluation cost and time of ISS in an CC-based evaluation and assurance scheme.

A model for investigating vehicle-bridge interaction under high moving speed

  • Liu, Hanyun;Yu, Zhiwu;Guo, Wei;Han, Yan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.5
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    • pp.627-635
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    • 2021
  • The speed of rail vehicles become higher and higher over two decades, and China has unveiled a prototype high-speed train in October 2020 that has been able to reach 400 km/h. At such high speeds, wheel-rail force items that had previously been ignored in common computational model should be reevaluated and reconsidered. Aiming at this problem, a new model for investigating the vehicle-bridge interaction at high moving speed is proposed. Comparing with the common model, the new model was more accurate and applicable, because it additionally considers the second-order pseudo-inertia forces effect and its modeling equilibrium position was based on the initial deformed curve of bridge, which could include the influences of temperature, pre-camber, shrinkage and creep deformation, and pier uneven settlement, etc. Taking 5 km/h as the speed interval, the dynamic responses of the classical vehicle-bridge system in the speed range of 5 km/h to 400 km/h are studied. The results show that ignoring the second-order pseudo-inertia force will underestimate the dynamic response of vehicle-bridge system and make the high-speed railway bridge structure design unsafe.

Assessing Students' Molecular-Level Representations of Solution Chemistry

  • Lee, Soo-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.677-692
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    • 2007
  • In this study, university students were provided with repeated opportunities to represent their ideas graphically, and to examined via their drawings the extent to which they could visualize macroscopic phenomena microscopically. These drawings provided insight into the students' basic understanding of solution chemistry, revealing three conceptual models: the Undifferentiated Symbolic Model, the Particulate Model, and the Symbolic Ionic Model. Generally speaking, students who had poor conceptual understanding tended to exhibit the Undifferentiated Symbolic Model, whereas students with deeper understanding tended to employ the Symbolic Ionic Model. Students' conceptual comprehension was predictable from their graphical representations, which better elucidated what they actually comprehended about the phenomena, as opposed to their ambiguous verbal descriptions alone. The results of this study demonstrated a lack of development in university students' conceptions of solutions. Their weakness in understanding at the molecular-level became more obvious when they were asked to represent their ideas in drawings. Few students exhibited expert knowledge, and several common misconceptions were found, which indicated typical difficulties students have perceiving common phenomena at the molecular level. The findings of this study illustrate how eliciting graphical representations can be used to assess students' conceptual understandings.

Improvement of AS/RS Class-based Storage Policy by Common Zone Allocation (공동영역의 설정에 의한 AS/RS의 등급별 저장정책 개선 방안 연구)

  • 문기주;김광필
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 1999
  • It has been concluded that the performance of class-based storage policy is better than the performance of random storage policy in the literature. However, the rack shortage problem assigned to the 1st class items makes the decision hard to apply the class-based storage policy in practice. In this paper, a new common zone concept is introduced between two classes to resolve the problem with class-based storage policy. The common zone is the area to accept items from both classes. An AS/RS model is developed for computer simulation study and the effect of common area sizes with various AS/RS operation conditions is analyzed.

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A Study on Managing the Options of Generic BOM (Generic BOM의 option 처리에 관한 연구)

  • 김태우;장현수;이병기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.179-182
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    • 2000
  • Today, customer-requirements are getting various, so manufacturing companies face many problems to reflect them with its' new product development or product variety. As the product model managed by companies is more increasing, there might be much more selection conditions and many kinds of parts requited for it. With those reasons, it demands many different kinds of BOM information for new product development and product variety. Under the those manufacturing environment, we can realize that lots of current products have shared many design property and common parts with those of old version. This thesis present these new products for common characteries are classified design property and common parts with those of old version. with product family and it define with modelling language which is Generic BOM. The suggested prototype programmed with Power Builder 6.0 and Ms-SQL is to help companies manage common parts and develop new product effectively by classifying product family's basic characteries with basic and changable levels.

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An Analysis of Interior Design Guidelines for User-Centered Common Space (거주자 중심의 공유공간 계획을 위한 실내디자인 지침 분석연구)

  • Yoo, Seo-Yeon;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2004
  • Apartment, which have become the major housing style in Korea, have contributed to the development of housing culture as well as achieved a growth in volume. However, the demands and characteristics of residents have not been reflected in the apartment, because it has been developed only for a growth in volume. In this society, housing unit was the first consideration rather than common space. Therefore, a required resident-centered common space is the domestic housing market's necessity. Under this circumstance, this study investigated previous studies on interior design guidelines for common space were analyzed using Murtha and Lee's user benefit criteria which emphasizes humanity. In-depth content analysis was employed in this study. The result showed that four categories of the model were related toward more user-centered residential environment-behavioral facilitation, physiological maintenance, perceptual maintenance, and social facilitation.

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A Study on Lightning Overvoltage Characteristics of Grounding Systems in Underground Distribution Power Cables

  • Jung, Chae-Kyun;Jung, Yeon-Ha;Kang, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.628-634
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the transient characteristics of grounding systems used in under-ground distribution power cables. Recently, two kinds of grounding system are used for underground distribution cables in Korea. The first one is conventional multi-point grounding system, the other is newly proposed non-bundled common grounding system. The non-bundled common grounding system has an advantage the decreasing the power loss due to decrease of the shield circulation current. In this paper, the lightning overvoltage induced in neutral wire (in case of non-bundled common grounding system, overvoltage between opened neural wires and grounding in each phase) of these two kinds of grounding systems are estimated and compared by field tests and EMTP simulations. The EMTP simulation methods are firstly verified by comparison of measurement and simulation. Finally, the insulation level against lightning is expected by EMTP simulation results using verified model.

Common Innovative City in Gwangju and Jeonnam Province: Location Selection Process and Regional Development Effects (광주.전남 공동혁신도시 입지선정과 지역발전 효과)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.223-238
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    • 2007
  • Central government of Korea devised the balanced national development as one of important agenda of government administration, and set up special act for balanced national development. According to special act, a plan to transfer public institutions to local areas was publicized on June 24, 2005. Thus 175 public institutions located in the capital area will be transfered to 11 local governments, and innovative cities will be built in local areas until 2012. However, Gwangju and Jeonnam province adopted not two individual innovative cities but one common innovative city in cooperation with two local governments. This study focuses on the characteristics of location selection process of common innovative city in Gwangju and Jeonnam province. Discussion about construction of common innovative city was started in need of new model for common development of two provinces, and most of peoples agreed a plan to establish on common innovative city within Jeonnam area near Gwangju area. Gwangju Jeonnam Regional Innovation Council, in particular, played an important role in the process of location selection and initial discussion about common innovative city. In addition, Common innovative city to be built in Naju city will be provided positive regional development effects in several dimensions. In result, it has been evaluated as a successful model of innovative city to be constructed with transfer of public institutions to local areas.

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Application of the Habitat Evaluation Procedure(HEP) for Legally Protected Wildbirds using Delphi Technique to Environmental Impact Assessment - In case of the Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus) in four areas (Paju, Siheung, Ansan, Hwaseong) - (델파이기법을 이용한 법적보호종 서식환경평가의 환경영향평가 적용방안 개발 - 파주시, 시흥시, 안산시, 화성시에서의 황조롱이를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Seok-Won;Rho, Paikho;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.277-290
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to propose the new procedure to apply Habitat Evaluation Procedure(HEP) of target species using delphi technique, which is suitable to develop endangered species with few researches and ecological knowledges. To identify habitat quality of specific species in development project site, we can develop habitat model and create habitat suitability maps. In this study, we select the Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus) as target species in four areas(Paju, Siheung, Ansan, Hwaseong) which is located near the Seoul metropolitan area. The Delphi technique was selected to get the reliable information on the species and habitats requirements. Through the delphi approach, seven habitat components were determined as suitable variables for the Common Kestrel: density(n/km2) of small mammals, area(km2) of bare-grounds, pasturelands and riparian, and open area(%), spatial distribution and area of croplands, landscape diversity, breeding sites(tall trees, cliffs, high-rise buildings), and the length of shelf. Habitat variables used in this model were classified into two categories: % of suitable land-cover type(open areas, croplands, pasturelands, wetlands, and baregrounds) and the quality of feeding sites(within 250m from edges of woodlands). Habitat quality of the Common Kestrel was assessed against occurred sites derived from the nationwide survey. Predicted habitat suitability map were closely related to the observed sites of the endangered avian species in the study areas. With the habitat suitability map of the Common Kestrel, we assess the environmental impacts with habitat loss after development project in environmental impact assessment.