• Title/Summary/Keyword: color compensation

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Children's Bent Wooden Chair Design Using High Frequency Heat Molding Technique - Focused on Change of Kindergarten Environment -

  • Ryu, Eun-Seok;Choi, Kyung-Ran;Sung, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.230-238
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    • 2011
  • Consumers' expenditure is getting larger on children due to their parents' compensation for increase of double-income family life and decrease of birth rate caused by high economic growth. Increase of demand on children items in the market leads the necessity of development of furniture for children. This study is aimed to design children chairs that meet the environment for children. In this study, the age of children is defined to be 5~7 years old. In order to investigate what causes environment change, this study covers roughly change of environment, change of learning program and use of environment-friendly material. In such scope, we drew out the factors that the chairs for children shall be equipped with. Case studies were done through such drawn factors. The scope of the furniture for children is limited to the chairs for children among the ones made in either Korea or overseas. As a result, we could draw out such keyword of the furniture as storage, mobility, environment-friendly, object style image, preferred color, functionality and safety, based on which we could plan the design and make the final result through high frequency round molding manufacturing process.

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Illuminant-adaptive color reproduction for a mobile display (주변광원에 적응적인 모바일 디스플레이에서의 색 재현)

  • Kim, Jong-Man;Son, Chang-Hwan;Cho, Sung-Dae;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.2 s.314
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes an illuminant-adaptive reproduction method using light adaptation and flare conditions for a mobile display. Displayed images in daylight are perceived as quite dark due to the light adaptation of the human visual system, as the luminance of a mobile display is considerably lower than that of an outdoor environment. In addition, flare phenomena decrease the color gamut of a mobile display and de-saturating the chroma. Therefore, this paper presents an enhancement method composed of lightness enhancement and chroma compensation. First, the ambient light intensity is measured using a lux-sensor, then the flare is calculated based on the reflection ratio of the display device and the ambient light intensity. To improve the perceived image, the image's luminance is transformed by linearization of the response to the input luminance according to the ambient light intensity. Next, the displayed image is compensated according to the physically reduced chroma, resulting from flare phenomena. This study presents a color reproduction method based on an inverse cone response curve and flare condition. Consequently, the proposed algorithm improves the quality of the perceived image adaptive to an outdoor environment.

Detail Enhancement by Spatial Gamut Mapping Based on Local Contrast Compensation (지역적 대비를 보상하는 색역 사상을 통한 상세정보 향상)

  • Song, In-Yong;Ha, Ho-Gun;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2012
  • Currently many devices reproduce electronic images in the various ways. However, the color that is reproduced in any device is different from the original color due to the differences in the gamut between devices. A recent trend in gamut mapping algorithms is the use of spatial information to compute the color transformation of pixels from the input to the output gamut. However, these techniques share the problem of preserving details, and avoiding halos, and hue shift. In this paper, spatial gamut mapping for preserving the details of the input image is proposed. Our approach improves visibility of detail that is not effectively represented with conventional spatial gamut mapping. In proposed method, initially, we gamut map the input image using gamut clipping and obtain a detail layer for both the input and the gamut mapped images. Next, we calculate the difference between the two detail layers, obtaining the details of the out of gamut region. Finally, we add the details of out of gamut region to the gamut mapped image. Since the resulting image has out of gamut colors, we obtain resulting image of proposed method by using a gamut clipping method. Consequently, the printed output image was more consistent with the corresponding monitor image.

Illumination Mismatch Compensation Algorithm based on Layered Histogram Matching by Using Depth Information (깊이 정보에 따른 레이어별 히스토그램 매칭을 이용한 조명 불일치 보상 기법)

  • Lee, Dong-Seok;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.8C
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    • pp.651-660
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we implement an efficient histogram-based prefiltering to compensate the illumination mismatches in regions between neighboring views. In multi-view video, such illumination disharmony can primarily occur on account of different camera location and orientation and an imperfect camera calibration. This discrepancy can cause the performance decrease of multi-view video coding(MVC) algorithm. A histogram matching algorithm can be exploited to make up for these differences in a prefiltering step. Once all camera frames of a multi-view sequence are adjusted to a predefined reference through the histogram matching, the coding efficiency of MVC is improved. However general frames of multi-view video sequence are composed of several regions with different color composition and their histogram distribution which are mutually independent of each other. In addition, the location and depth of these objects from sequeuces captured from different cameras can be different with different frames. Thus we propose a new algorithm which classify a image into several subpartitions by its depth information first and then histogram matching is performed for each region individually. Experimental results show that the compression ratio for the proposed algorithm is improved comparing with the conventional image-based algorithms.

Innovative Method to Expand a Degree of Freedom of Observation in the Depth Direction without Losses of the Horizontal Number of Views in Autostereoscopic Multi-Views 3D Display System (시차장벽식 무안경 다시점 입체디스플레이 시스템에서 수평방향의 시점 수 저하 없이 깊이방향의 자유도를 증가시키기 위한 혁신적 방법)

  • Lee, Kwang-Hoon;Park, Min-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.10
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2013
  • An autostereoscopic multi-view 3D display system has the narrower degrees of freedom in the observational directions, such as the horizontal and perpendicular directions to the display plane, than the glasses-on type of 3D display. In this paper, we propose an innovative method to expand the width of the viewing zone formed in the depth direction while maintaining the number of views in the horizontal direction by using a triple segmented-slanted parallax barrier (TS-SPB) in the glasses-off type of 3D display. The validity of the proposal was verified by an optical simulation based on an environment similar to an actual case. The maximum number of views that can be displayed in the horizontal direction is 2n, and the width of the viewing zone with depth increased up to a factor of 3.36 compared to the existing one-layered parallax barrier system.

Implementation of color CCD Camera using DSP(GCB4101) (디지털 신호처리 칩(GCD4101)을 사용한 컬러 CCD 카메라 구현)

  • Kwon, O-Sang;Lee, Eung-Hyuk;Min, Hong-Ki;Chung, Jung-Seok;Hong, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1999
  • The research and implementation was preformed on high-resolution CCTV camera with CCD exclusive DSP conventional analog signal processor CCTV camera has its limit on auto exposure(AE), auto white balance(AWB), back light compensation(BLC) processing, severe distortion and noise of image, manual control parameter setting, etc. In our study, to resolve the problems in conventional CCTV camera, we made it possible to control AE, AWB, BLC automatically by the use of the DSP, which are used exclusively in the CCD camera produced domestically, and the microcontroller. And we utilized the function of screen display of microcontroller for the user-friendly interface to control CCD camera. And the electronic variable resister(EVR) was used to avoid setting parameters manually in the level of manufacturing process. As the result, It became possible to control parameters of the camera by program. And the cost-down effect was accomplished by improving the reliability of parameter values and reducing the efforts in setting parameters.

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Hand Tracking and Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction

  • Bai, Yu;Park, Sang-Yun;Kim, Yun-Sik;Jeong, In-Gab;Ok, Soo-Yol;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this paper is to present the methodology for hand tracking and hand gesture recognition. The detected hand and gesture can be used to implement the non-contact mouse. We had developed a MP3 player using this technology controlling the computer instead of mouse. In this algorithm, we first do a pre-processing to every frame which including lighting compensation and background filtration to reducing the adverse impact on correctness of hand tracking and hand gesture recognition. Secondly, YCbCr skin-color likelihood algorithm is used to detecting the hand area. Then, we used Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift (CAMSHIFT) algorithm to tracking hand. As the formula-based region of interest is square, the hand is closer to rectangular. We have improved the formula of the search window to get a much suitable search window for hand. And then, Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithm is used for hand gesture recognition. For training the system, we collected 1500 hand gesture pictures of 5 hand gestures. Finally we have performed extensive experiment on a Windows XP system to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed scheme. The hand tracking correct rate is 96% and the hand gestures average correct rate is 95%.

Depth map temporal consistency compensation using motion estimation (움직임 추정을 통한 깊이 지도의 시간적 일관성 보상 기법)

  • Hyun, Jeeho;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2013
  • Generally, a camera isn't located at the center of display in a tele-presence system and it causes an incorrect eye contact between speakers which reduce the realistic feeling during the conversation. To solve this incorrect eye contact problem, we newly propose an intermediate view reconstruction algorithm using both a color camera and a depth camera and applying for the depth image based rendering (DIBR) algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, an efficient hole filling method using the arithmetic mean value of neighbor pixels and an efficient boundary noise removal method by expanding the edge region of depth image are included. We show that the generated eye-contacted image has good quality through experiments.

Enhancement of Faded Images Using Integrated Compensation Coefficients Based on Multi-Scale Gray World Algorithm (다중크기 회색계 알고리즘 기반의 통합된 보정 계수를 이용한 바랜 영상 개선)

  • Kyung, Wang-Jun;Kim, Dae-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.8
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2014
  • Fading effect of old pictures and printings is shown up differently according to the ink property, temperature, humidity, illuminants, and so on. Faded image enhancement techniques based on illuminant estimation are proposed such as the gray world algorithm and white patch retinex methods. However, conventional simple operators are not suitable for enhancing faded images because partial fading effect is appeared differently. Thus, this paper presents a color enhancement algorithm based on integrating correction coefficients for faded images. First, the proposed method adopts local process by using multi-scale average mask. The coefficients for each multi-scale average mask are obtained to apply the gray world algorithm. Then, integrating the coefficients with weights is performed to calculate correction ratio for red and blue channels in the gray world assumption. Finally, the enhanced image is obtained by applying the integrated coefficients to the gray world algorithm. In the experimental results, the proposed method reproduces better colors for both wholly and partially faded images compared with the previous methods.

Picture Quality Compensation for PDP-TV in Shutter-Glass type 3D Image (셔터 글래스 방식 3D 영상에서의 PDP-TV 화질 보상)

  • Choi, Seog-Gweon;Lee, In-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Tae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2014
  • 3D stereoscopic display is becoming increasingly common. Most stereoscopic displays still require the viewers to wear 3D glasses to watch 3D contents. As it is widely known, especially in shutter glass method, 3D glasses normally cause to reduce the perceived colorfulness and sharpness considerably as well as brightness. In this paper, we have estimated and analyzed the degradation of perceptual brightness in 3D images viewed through the shutter glasses by using CIECAM02 model. This study focuses on loss of colorfulness and sharpness when PDP-TV is watched at 3D mode in shutter-glass type 3D-TV. We analyze perceptual colorfulness and sharpness of 3D display with glasses and propose a method to compensate 3D colorfulness and sharpness for the best 3D experience.