• Title/Summary/Keyword: co-curriculum

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Exploring the Improvement of Mathematics Curriculum Achievement Standards for Elementary School in Competency-Based: Focused on comparing 'Number and Arithmetic' in Korean and Australian Curriculum (초등학교 수학과 교육과정 성취기준의 역량 기반 개선 방안 탐색 : 한국과 호주 '수와 연산' 영역 비교를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hwa Young
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.229-255
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    • 2020
  • In this study, considering the OECD's DeSeCo and 2030 projects, the curriculum to develop competency was expected to be more emphasized, and the evaluation standards of the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum for elementary school in Korea and the Australian curriculum were analyzed in depth. To this end, the capabilities newly emphasized in the OECD 2030 Project were examined in detail and examined how the Australian elementary school mathematics curriculum included capabilities in achievement standards and content descriptions. The achievement standards of elementary school mathematics curriculum in Korea and Australia were matched, and the contents of number and arithmetic domain were compared and analyzed, and the skill verbs included in the achievement standards were analyzed and compared to see how their competencies were reflected in the achievement standards. Based on the results of the analysis, implications for improving math achievement standards were derived to faithfully reflect the capabilities into the mathematics curriculum.

An Analysis on the Content Elements of Housing Area in Middle School Technology·Home Economics Textbooks by 2009 Revised Curriculum (2009 개정 중학교 기술·가정 교과서 주생활영역의 내용요소 분석)

  • Cho, Han Gyul;Jang, Sang Ock
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.297-325
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze content elements of Housing area in 2013 middle school Technology Home Economics textbooks 1 and 2, total of 22 according to 2009 revised curriculum. The analysis method was content analysis, focusing on contents of main text, tables & figures, reading material, and activity materials by their content elements. This research will contribute in obtaining suggestion for the post curriculum/textbook development and helping teachers to perform a lesson. The results are as follows. First, Housing area included 1 to 4 content elements per each units, from 2 chapters and 6 units. The content elements stated in Home economics curriculum were total of 16 which consists of 'the meaning of housing,' 'housing types,' 'family forms,' 'family life style cycle,' 'life style,' 'neighboring environment,' 'co-living values,' 'air environment,' 'heat environment,' 'light environment,' 'acoustic environment,' 'space division,' 'circulation', 'effective use of space,' and 'sustainable dwelling practice.' All of these components are dealt with in every textbooks. Second, the numbers of content elements provided in each textbooks were the same, however they showed difference in their contextual aspect. Some contents need supplemental material for their lacking content element. Others need proper understanding of the concept because some showed different contents from the appropriate content elements. Third, repetitions in content elements were observed, the contents of 'co-living values' in textbook 1 and 'sustainable dwelling practice' in textbook 2 were similar in terms of eco-friendly housing, co-housing and universal housing. These two content elements should be merged as one next curriculum, or should be stated together in one subunit.

Design and Operation of Co-Curriculum Integration with the Academic Curriculum -Focused on Design Thinking-Based Modular Maker Education Program- (교과 연계형 비교과 교육과정(Co-Curriculum) 설계 및 운영 -디자인적 사고 기반 모듈형 메이커 교육 프로그램 중심으로-)

  • Kyujin Lee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.124-140
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to design and implement a co-curricular program that integrates an advanced academic course with design thinking and maker education. The goal is to analyze the program's effectiveness and enhance learners' academic achievement. By incorporating digital fashion technology and modular maker activities, the program seeks to strengthen learners' creative problem-solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication abilities. The research methods included a review of prior studies, the establishment of a modular maker education environment, group discussions, learner interactions, instructor guidance, and satisfaction surveys. The program ran from the second semester of 2021 to the second semester of 2023, focusing on integrating co-curricular activities with academic coursework. It involved problem presentation, data investigation, discussions, modular maker practices, contest presentations, online activity sharing, and feedback sessions. The findings indicate that the program successfully fostered an organic learning environment and supported a learner-centered problem-solving process. Instructors provided guidance and coaching, which contributed to enhancing learners' core competencies and academic performance. The effectiveness of the program was assessed through lecture evaluations, satisfaction surveys, and expert consultations conducted over the past three years. In conclusion, the creative and flexible implementation of the design thinking-based modular maker education program effectively meets learners' diverse needs and offers various learning opportunities. It promotes communication and collaboration grounded in core knowledge, establishes an individualized education environment tailored to each student's characteristics, and aims to enhance students' creative problem-solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration skills, and overall competencies.

The Effects of Creativity Training by CoRT Thinking Skills on Young Children's Creativity and Nature-Friendly Attitude (CoRT 사고 기법을 활용한 창의성 훈련이 유아의 창의성 및 자연친화적 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Che-Hui;Kim, Bit-Nae;Hwang, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1263-1272
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of CoRT thinking skills training on young children's creativity and nature-friendly attitude. The subject of this study were 50 young children who attended kindergartens in Busan. The experimental group participated in CoRT thinking skills training while the comparison group participated in the typical activities according to the monthly plan of the kindergarten curriculum. The instrument used to evaluate the creativity and nature-friendly attitude of the young children were TTCT and nature-friendly attitude test. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA. Result showed that there were significant differences between the experimental group and the comparison group in post-test scores. The results suggested that the CoRT thinking skills training would be more effective to develop young children's creativity and nature-friendly attitude than typical activities according to the monthly plan of the kindergarten curriculum.

A Study on the Co-operative Education of the Junior Health College (보건전문대학의 산학협동교육에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Hwan-Kyung
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 1990
  • This study aimed at inquiring into the basic theory on co-operative education, grasping and analyzing the present situation of the junior health college, the present condition of co-operative education and into problem. and seeking to find a solution to activate the co-operative edcation of the junior health colleges. For this purpose this study compared the co-operative education system in our country with that of foreign countries revolving around the related literature to co-operative education, analyzed it, and the pointed out its problem. And this study classified into the solution of establishing co-operative education system, the solution of consolidating the on-the-spot training system, the solution to activate the co-operative education of the junior health college. First this study suggested three methods as a part of establishing co-operative education system as below. 1. The need to set up the ideology concerning co-operative education. 2. The construction of the advisory committee for co-operative education. 3. The establishment of an agency for co-operative education. And this study suggested nine methods as the method of consolidating the on-the-spot training as below. 1. The execution of the basic research for the on-the-spot training. 2. The reorganization of the existing curriculum into the curriculum the industrial organization requires. 3. The establishing of the system in a closer cooperation with the industrial organization for the on-the-spot training. 4. The participation in solving commonly the problems of the industrial organization and in education. 5. The establishing of the guidance system assuming exclusive charge of the on-the-spot training. 6. The submission of the evaluation sheet for the on-the-spot training. 7. The extension of the period of the on-the-spot training and the reorganization of an educational system. 8. The persistent support for the on-the-spot training at the governmental dimension. 9. The securing of the educational dost spent on the on-the-spot training and the imposition of benefits on the industrial organization.

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Comparative Study on Historical changes of Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics Education in Korea and japan (한국과 일본의 실과 및 기술.가정과교육의 역사적 변천 비교)

  • 박순자;신상옥
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2000
  • Comparative Study on Historical Changes of Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics Education in Korea and Japan This dissertation is a comparative study on Practical Arts(Home Economics) Education and Technology-Home Economics Education of Korea and Japan. I established two research objectives to conduct the research : To understand the differences in historical changes in Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics of the two countries: And to grope for the new direction of Home Economics Education. Research findings are as follows : Japan was also ahead of Korea for about two decades in terms of putting Home Economics Education in practice at elementary schools. Practical Arts Education Started to emerge in Elementary school system in 1955, which had been originated in vocational education before the year 1945 in Korean However, from the 3th curriculum Practical Arts Education Curriculum put emphasis on home lives. Regarding the characteristics of education from the perspectives of historical changes at Korean Junior-high schools after the year 1945. Home Economics Education had been regarded as “female subject”until the 1980s and was integrated into regular curricula for co-education in the middle of the 1990s. when the 6th Curriculum was activated. Technology-Home Economics started to emerge in Japan in 1962. while the subject Home Economics Education was integrated into curricula for males in high school as well in 1989. In the Korean 7th Curriculum, the combined subject Technology-Home Economics is divided into three categories. A remarkable difference from japanese Technology-Home Economics is that korean curriculum has no division between required and elective. In conclusion. I observe that both Korean and Japanese curricula for Home Economics Education were originated in Confucianism. However, unlike Korean situation, current Japanese Home Economics Education takes a significant part as a continuing and required subject for both primary and secondary co-education.

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A Research For Groping of Activating Education in Fisheries High Schools (수산고등학교(水産高等學校) 교육(敎育)의 활성화(活性化) 방안(方案) 모색(摸索)을 위한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Moon, Sung-Han
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1993
  • This study is to observe and activate a groping of education based on the perceptual responses from the teachers and the students in fisheries schools. The conclusions of this study are as follows : First, lower level of the perceptual response was estimated in the curriculum and experimental courses, the financial and administrative supports from the Government, the contribution of a fisheries high school to the local society the wages of seamen and the co-works between the industries and the academies. Second, a careful consideration is needed for the fisheries school to have a different shape. As one way for co-works of the industries and the academies, two year program in school and one year internship in a related company should be formed for the curriculum in a fisheries high school. A localized support for sea area, a fisheries high school's role as a re-eaducation for the seamaen and opening a educational graduate school for teachers in the fisheries university are pursued. Third, the perceptual response from the teachers and the students are globally weighted in the acquisition of the license with a graduation of the school and then the credit for the military services, the entering into the same area of the higher education, the expansion of the experimental materials in the courses, developing the curriculum, the Governmental supports and the awareness for the local society, in order. The issues indicated here should be researched continuously for activating the education in the fisheries high schools.

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A research for development of liberal subjects related to Home economics in higher education curriculum (가정학 관련 교양과목 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • 최정임
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of this study were to : (1) examine current curricula related to home economics in university liberal education curriculum, (2) identify the educational needs on fields and contents related to home economics in college-level liberal education curriculum perceived by university students and professors, (3) provide the findings to make recommendations for development of liberal subjects related to home economics in university liberal education curriculum. This study was conducted by means of the review of literatures and the questionnaire survey. the instruments for the survey was developed by the researcher, the one was for students and the other was for professors. They included items of needs about 6 fields related to home economics and 8 contents each, and there were items of reasons for needs about each fields. The samples for the analysis were 284 university students in Seoul, and 176 university professors of all over the country. The research findings were as follows : 1. There were differences between current curricula and students' needs related to home economics in university liberal education curriculum. 2. There were much more subjects related to home economics in woman's university than in co-ed. university. 3. Students needed such fields as follows : (1) maintenance of individual and family relation, (2) human development, (3) home management and consumer education 4. The reason why students needed the subjects was that they could be helpful to solve the problems of everyday life. 5. The reason why professors needed the subjects was that they could be useful to prepare for the future of every student.

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Senior High School Students'Concerns about Home Economics and their Educational Needs in Korea and Japan -In the areas of the Family and Child Care- (한.일 여자고등학생의 가정과에 대한 관심과 학습요구의 실태조사 -가족과 보육을 중심으로-)

  • ;Makino katsuko
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1996
  • The purposes of this study was to investigate high school girl students’concerns about the family life education in Home Economics and their needs for learning in home economics classes in order to develop an advisable co-education curriculum. The questionnaires were completed by 196 first grade students in Seoul in 1993 and 765 first grade students in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefectures in 1991. The contents of the questionnaire were as follows:1) students’interests in the areas of Home Economics education, 2) students'concerns in their daily life 3) students’interests in a new curriculum for family life education:16 contents from human birth to death. 4) students’experience with their family, and 5) students’educational needs in Home Economics’teaching method. The result of our research showed that:1) Most of senior high school students in Korea and Japan had strong interests in their life and life span. 2) Although there are some differences in the degree of concerns between Korea and Japan, senior high school students in Korea and Japan had strong concerns with their “characteristics and personality”, their “future job”, their “looks and figure”and their “hobby and amusement”, these had not been the contents of home economics in Korea and Japan, but had been in U.S. 3) Very few senior high school students in Japan and especially in Korea had contacts with their grandparents. 4) Senior high school students in Korea and Japan showed strong interests in their near future stage, but they showed less interest in the stage of early childhood. 5) Senior high school students in Korea and Japan showed their diverse needs for learning in home economics classes. The results indicated that co-education curriculum for family life education should meet adolescent needs and concerns, and our new curriculum, “from one’s birth to death/one’s life span”, would be more advisable.

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A study on the Energy resource in School Buildings with the Changes of Educational Facilities Standard (교육 시설기준 변화에 따른 학교건축물의 에너지원 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Lee, Kang-Guk;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2010
  • Since the Korean War, Korea has experienced modernization. The population increase by baby booming has asked for more space for educational facilities. In such a situation, the purpose of educational facilities was to accommodate continuously increasing students, rather than seeking for quantitative demands. In addition, in accordance with social changes, educational shifts were required. After the revision of the seventh national curriculum in education in 1997, the school buildings became varied. The design of buildings in accordance with educational curriculum has been improved, but still lack of forming comfortable environment and considering energy efficiency in school buildings. For the improvement of educational environments, educational media such as TV and computers have been provided, and energy systems, including heating and cooling systems, has been continuously increased. As a result, it appeared that energy use in school buildings and facilities has been steadily increased and that the structure of energy consumption has been also changed, especially with regard to electricity use. Living in the 21st century, human beings face global environmental issues, such as global warming, geographical climate changes, and ozone destruction that are the consequences of fossil energy use. Therefore, even in industrial areas, considering a counterplan for low energy use is being paid attention. Starting with Kyoto Protocol in 1992, people try to decrease carbon dioxide and to develop alternative energies (i.e. natural energy); for example, solar energy, wind force, terrestrial heat, and water power. Advanced countries already set up a criterion for $CO_2$ decrease ranging from office buildings to residential houses and also propose alternatives for the $CO_2$ decrease. However, there is no such a plan for low energy use and $CO_2$ decrease in school facilities, and any research on the actual conditions was not accomplished. Thus, this study examines energy demand in classrooms that take up a large portion of energy demand in school building structure.