• 제목/요약/키워드: clothing information

검색결과 1,931건 처리시간 0.024초

중국 신세대 여성들의 감각추구성향에 따른 의복탐색행동 (Chinese New Generation Women's Clothing Exploratory Behavior according to their Sensitivity Pursuit Propensity)

  • 왕혜연;김용숙
    • 복식
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to identify Chinese new generation women's clothing exploratory behavior according to their sensitivity pursuit propensity. The respondents were 500 Chinese new generation women residing in Soju City, China. Frequencies, percent, mean, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, Chi-square test, and cluster analysis were done by use of SPSS PC+. The results were as follows; 1. The factors of sensitivity pursuit propensity were adventure & diversity, change, new atmosphere, and artistic sensitivity. And factors of clothing exploratory behavior were brand turnover, innovative clothing purchasing or wearing, clothing information collection through visiting store, and clothing information collection through contacting neighbors or advertisement. 2. The Chinese new generation women were classified into the creativity pursuit, the adventure & change pursuit, the multi-sensation pursuit, and the sensation retard according to their sensitivity pursuit propensity. 3. The creativity pursuit explored clothing for brand turnover and information through visiting store, communication, or advertisement, were found more among the unmarried late 20's with higher education and jobs. The adventure & change pursuit explored clothing information through visiting store, were found more among the unmarried university students in early 20's. The multi-sensation pursuit explored innovative clothing purchasing, were found more among the unmarried early 20's with jobs or students. The sensation retard explored clothing information through communication or advertisement, considered quality more, were found more among the married early 30's with lower education level and jobs.

소비자 의류 제품 지식과 외적 정보 탐색 활동에 관한 연구 (Consumer's Product Knowledge and Information Search related to Clothing)

  • 이지연;박재옥
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.641-654
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the consumer's product knowledge and his/her ability to obtain information when buying clothing. For the purpose of this study, questionnaires were given to 550 university students living in Seoul and the Kwgi area. The questionnaires were designed to measure the consumer's knowledge about examine his/her method of gathering information and to obtain some personal information Vsing a base of 407 students, data was analyzed through cross- tabulation, the chi square test, the t-test, the one-way ANOVA accompanied by a post-hoc analysis with the Tukey method, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the Spearman rho. The results of this study were as follows. 1) There was a significant difference in the amount of iuormation seeking between groups with different knowledge related to clothing. 2) The use of information sources was found to be significantly related to the consumer's subjective and objective knowledge. 3) The consumer's level of knowledge about clothing was related to the store characteristics that he/she took into consideration. The difference between the groups came from the number of store characteristics taken into consideration, rather than from the contents. The group that had more knowledge related to clothing was more aware of store characteristics than the other level stoup. Price, quality, uniqueness, and variety of clothing were equally important to by groups. 4) A moderate relationship was found between the consumer's subjective and objective knowledge, and between his/her purchasing experience and objective knowledge. There was a relatively high relationship between purchasing experience and subjective knowledge.

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의류제품 크로스채널 소비행동 - 타제품군과의 비교 - (Cross-channel consumption behavior of clothing product - A cross-category analysis -)

  • 홍우정;이규혜
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 2019
  • With the expansion of various distribution channels in online and offline stores, TV, and mobile, consumers now have more information search and retail selection channels to choose from than ever before. Major retailers now use multi- and omni-channel strategies. This study focused on cross-channel consumption, which involves the use of different information search and purchase channels. Using cross-channel consumption, consumers can search for information online and then make purchases offline and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between channel strategies and other consumer variables, and the study also assessed the effect of product type. To conduct this empirical study, the researchers developed a consumer questionnaire concerning three consumer channel strategies-on-on, cross, and off-off-and four product categories-clothing, cosmetics, books, and electronics. The results indicated that gender and marital status did not influence consumer channel strategies, but that age did have a significant influence. The analysis showed that consumers in their 40s preferred the cross channel strategy, perceiving it to be effective, satisfactory, and rewarding. Compared to other products, clothing products showed higher levels of cross channel strategies. Consumers indicated that they prefer searching for information online and then purchasing clothing offline. Overall, clothing products generated higher levels of channel satisfaction and channel switch intentions. Cross-channel clothing shoppers reported effective information retrieval times but longer delivery times.

의복관여와 인터넷사용이 의류제품의 인터넷 쇼핑태도 및 인터넷 구매에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Clothing Involvement and Internet Usage on Internet Shopping Attitude and Internet Purchase of Clothing Products)

  • 황진숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of clothing involvement and internet usage on internet shopping attitude and internet purchase of clothing products. The subjects used for the study were 210 male and 338 female college students. The clothing involvement consisted of pleasure/interest, symbolism/expression, and perceived risk factors. The internet usage consisted of information and entertainment uses. The internet shopping attitude had convenience and security factors. The results showed that there were positive relationships between clothing involvement factors and internet shopping attitude factors. Regarding the relationship between internet usage and internet shopping attitude, there was a positive relationship between internet information use and internet attitude for convenience while there was a positive relationship between internet entertainment use and internet attitude for security. According to clothing involvement and internet usage, the respondents were segmented by four groups. The results showed that these segmented groups were different in regard to internet shopping attitude, internet purchase, and demographics. For example, symbolishm/internet information use group considered internet shopping more convenient and purchased clothing more frequently through internet than did other groups. The implications of the study were discussed.

의복 구매 유형에 관련된 상황 변수 연구 -계획구매, 비계획구매, 충동구매를 중심으로- (Effects of Situational Variables on Clothing Purchase Types -Planning Purchase, Unplanning Purchase, and Impulse Purchase-)

  • 신정희;박은주
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.536-548
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    • 1994
  • The puprpose of this study were to investigate the conceptual framework of situational variables on clothing types, to find out the relationship between situational variables and personality characteristics, and to determine the effects of situational variables on clothing purchase types. A Questionnaire was developed based on the previous studies. Data was collected from 530 women living Pusan and analyzed by the factor analysis, person correlation, and discriminant analysis. The results of this study were as following; Communication situations and purchasing situations were found out to be different on clothing purchase types. In planning purchase, consumers were affected by printed and tele-communication information search and were affected by interpersonal information search in unplanning purchase. In impulseing purchase, consumers were affected by store information search. It was found out that consumers with high rational clothing involvements were affected by only the purchasing situations when they would buy clothing, but consumers with high emotional clothing involvements were affected by the communication situations as well as the purchase situations. Consumers with high self monitoring traits were not affected by the communication situations and mostly the purchasing situations. Results showed that the purchasing situation was the most significant variables in clothing purchase behavior, communication situating or purchasing situations were differently influenced on clothing purchase types.

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패션제품의 인터넷 홈페이지 광고 전략에 관한 연구 (The Internet Homepage Advertising Strategy of the Fashion Goods)

  • 정미재;이선재
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the strategy for Internet fashion homepage advertising that attracts consumers attention and discloses clothing brand to consumers continually. In this paper, the following subjects were set up: (a) to classify the structure and evaluation factors of the fashion homepage advertising, (b) to analyze the effect of demographic variables and clothing involvement of consumer on fashion homepage advertising structures and evaluation factors. A random sample of 553 people in the age group 16-34s living in Seoul and Kyungki region during March 2000 was selected from Internet users. SPSS package was used for data analysis. Frequency, Percentage, Factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test and regression analysis were applied. The results of this research were as follows: First, in the process of classifying the dimension of the fashion homepage advertising, homepage advertising structure was composed of 5 factors: interactive, amusing factor, professional information, fashion information and useful information. And homepage advertising evaluating factors were interesting, information and irritation. Second, it was found that clothing involvement influenced fashion homepage advertising. High involvement group preferred the fashion information factor of the homepage advertising structure and low involvement group was useful information factor of the homepage advertising structure. Both high and low involvement groups preferred interesting factor of the homepage advertising evaluation. Third, demographic variables also influenced fashion homepage advertising Females manifested greater interests in informative factor of homepage advertising than males. Findings from this study provide an insight into fashion homepage advertising strategy related to consumers clothing behavior.

Suggestion on Chinese Clothing Market Launching : Focused on Foreign Students's Clothing Buying Behavior in Korea

  • Koo, In-Sook;Liu, Dashuang
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2011
  • This paper is a study on the information required for developing Korean clothing products intended for Chinese students in Korea and for opening markets of Korean clothing and brands in China. It analyses the buying behaviors, purchasing ability, the favourite apparel type for clothing, and satisfaction with Korean clothing and brands of Chinese students in Korea, with which it seeks a program for South Korea branding to enter into the Chinese clothing market. Three hundred fifty seven students of Hannam University and PaiChai University Chung nam National University in Daejeon-city took part in this study. This paper adopts Descriptive Analysis, Crossing Analysis, Bivariate Correlations, and One-way ANOVA in SPSS 17.0 with Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons to know about the impact of demographic variables of Chinese students in Korea on buying information sources, the criteria for store selection, buying capacity, praise degree on various properties of Korean clothes products and their satisfaction with Korean clothes products. The first proposal of expanding China market for Korean merchants is to achieve maximum sales based on sales promotion strategies, such as the credit card corporations, the store display and sales person service development, SPA, design size development, and to upgrade consumption values. The second proposal is Korean clothes corporations should open the Internet shopping corresponding to the physical stores, the most frequently used information source of Chinese students is the network, from the age distribution of Internet users in 2008 in China, population above 10 and below 30 accounts for 66.7% of all users, In recommending clothes made in Korea to Chinese young people, on-line advertising will get better effects than other strategies, specially during advertisement, they should take good use of Korean television shows and variety shows or help Chinese poor areas to do the social contribution hereby to improve the public image of Korean clothes corporations, which can bring good sale promotion effects as well.

국내 소규모 경작업자의 방제복 착용에 대한 의식 및 디자인 개발 현황 (Survey for the Use of Pesticide Protective Clothing in Smallholder Farmers for the Purpose of Improving Wearing Acceptability)

  • 유경숙
    • 복식
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2006
  • This survey was performed to gain basic information for the development of new protective clothing of high acceptability in pesticide splaying among small size farmers. The rate of protective clothing wearing was low during pesticide spray although they understand its necessity. The reason for this low acceptability was related to the heat stress and reduced work efficiency deriving from wearing protective clothing. Instead of wearing they tend to carry out spray work while the ambient temperature is not to high. In the similar context, they rather intend to spray in consideration of weather condition instead of wearing protective clothing in the future. However, they are willing to purchase protective clothing if desirable products are developed: the clothing need to be efficient in both protection and work performance; the fanciness in design is not a requisite. This survey result will provide information necessary for the direction of new protective clothing development.

성소비자의 의복 동조행동에 대한 연구 - 허영심, 의복소비가치를 중심으로 - (A study on the clothing conformity behavior of female consumers - focused on the vanity and clothing consumption value -)

  • 임경복
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to closely describe the meaning of the clothing conformity behavior of female consumers in today's society. In this process, the vanity scale was used as a precedence variable, on the other hand, clothing consumption value and information search behavior was used as outcome variable, which has an effect on the clothing conformity behavior. The subjects were 300 females who live in Seoul and Kyung-gi. The data were analyzed by Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, Factor analysis, Regression and ANOVA using SPSS program. The results were as follows. First, the vanity scale was classified into four factors, a concern and a positive view for each achievement and appearance. Clothing consumption value was divided into five factors; fashion, appearance attractiveness, emotional, social and functional clothing consumption value. Clothing conformity behavior was classified into three factors; normal, informational, and identified conformity factor. Second, various vanity scales influenced the clothing conformity behavior factors. In particular, concern for achievement and appearance were more important factors to clothing conformity behavior. Among six clothing consumption values, fashion was a more significant factor affected by clothing conformity behavior. Also, various conformity behaviors influenced the information search behaviors. Finally, according to age, school record, and pocket money, there were significant differences in clothing conformity behaviors and vanity factors.

A Market Research on the Development Trends of Aerogel Daily Clothing

  • Du, Ying;Kim, Hee-Eun
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the development trends of aerogel daily clothing through market research, and to discuss the main points of future aerogel application in daily clothing. Market research on daily clothing has been conducted by collecting relevant information on the internet and analyzing the content of the information. We summarized the market research results in three aspects: the daily clothing brand using aerogel, the aerogel composite used in daily clothing, and the property of aerogel daily clothing. From these results, it can be seen that the development of aerogel daily clothing is becoming active and specialized. But there are still many difficulties due to lack of development experience. One problem is that the application methods of aerogel composite in current aerogel daily clothing are similar. Another problem is that the analysis of consumer reviews can only provides a rough understanding of the property of aerogel daily clothing. Therefore, further application research of aerogel composite in the field of daily clothing through scientific evaluation is required. It is expected to improve the performance of the aerogel daily clothing and increase the utilization of aerogel composite by conducting the further application research.