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Study on Developing the Information System for ESG Disclosure Management (ESG 정보공시 관리를 위한 정보시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-wook
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2024
  • While discussions on ESG are actively taking place in Europe and other countries, the number of countries pushing for mandatory ESG information disclosure related to non-financial information of listed companies is rapidly increasing. However, as companies respond to mandatory global ESG information disclosure, problems are emerging such as the stringent requirements of global ESG disclosure standards, the complexity of data management, and a lack of understanding and preparation of the ESG system itself. In addition, it requires a reasonable analysis of how business management opportunities and risk factors due to climate change affect the company's financial impact, so it is expected to be quite difficult to analyze the results that meet the disclosure standards. In order to perform tasks such as ESG management activities and information disclosure, data of various types and sources is required and management through an information system is necessary to measure this transparently, collect it without error, and manage it without omission. Therefore, in this study, we designed an ESG data integrated management model to integrate and manage various related indicators and data in order to transparently and efficiently convey the company's ESG activities to various stakeholders through ESG information disclosure. A framework for implementing an information system to handle management was developed. These research results can help companies facing difficulties in ESG disclosure at a practical level to efficiently manage ESG information disclosure. In addition, the presentation of an integrated data management model through analysis of the ESG disclosure work process and the development of an information system to support ESG information disclosure were significant in the academic aspects needed to study ESG in the future.

Changes in Rice Growth Characteristics during Intermittent Drainage Period using Multiple Sensing Technology (다중 센싱 기반 중간물떼기 기간에 따른 벼 생육 특성 변화)

  • Woo-jin Im;Dong-won Kwon;Hyeok-jin Bak;Ji-hyeon Lee;Sungyul Chang;Wan-Gyu Sang;Nam-Jin Chung;Jung-il Cho;Woon-Ha Hwang
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    • v.69 no.2
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    • pp.78-87
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    • 2024
  • The risk of global warming is increasing due to rapid climate change and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among the greenhouse gases, methane has a strong warming effect; in particular, 51.2% of the agricultural sector's methane emissions are from flooded rice fields. According to the current standard rice cultivation method, rice is grown during the maximum tillering stage with an intermittent drainage period of approximately 2 weeks. During the flooding period, methane-producing bacteria are active, but the activity of methane-producing bacteria and the amount of methane gas produced are reduced when the soil becomes oxidized through watering. Accordingly, this study used multiple-sensing technology to analyze the growth response according to the intermittent drainage period and to identify the extended intermittent drainage period with less impact on rice production. The equipment used for growth observations included NDVI, PRI, and IR sensors. The results confirmed that growth indices related to stress, such as NDVI and PRI, were not significantly different from those of the control when treated within 3 weeks of drainage, but drastically decreased when the drainage period was extended beyond 4 weeks. These results appear to result from the fact that soil water content (volumetric water content) also dropped to below 20% 4 weeks after irrigation, creating actual drought stress conditions. The 22nd day after treatment, when the soil moisture content reached 20%, was considered the point in time when drought stress conditions were formed. The point at which the SPAD value decreased to 0.6% of normal was estimated to be 23.5 days after treatment by using the regression equation between NDVI and SPAD.

A Thermal Time-Driven Dormancy Index as a Complementary Criterion for Grape Vine Freeze Risk Evaluation (포도 동해위험 판정기준으로서 온도시간 기반의 휴면심도 이용)

  • Kwon, Eun-Young;Jung, Jea-Eun;Chung, U-Ran;Lee, Seung-Jong;Song, Gi-Cheol;Choi, Dong-Geun;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Regardless of the recent observed warmer winters in Korea, more freeze injuries and associated economic losses are reported in fruit industry than ever before. Existing freeze-frost forecasting systems employ only daily minimum temperature for judging the potential damage on dormant flowering buds but cannot accommodate potential biological responses such as short-term acclimation of plants to severe weather episodes as well as annual variation in climate. We introduce 'dormancy depth', in addition to daily minimum temperature, as a complementary criterion for judging the potential damage of freezing temperatures on dormant flowering buds of grape vines. Dormancy depth can be estimated by a phonology model driven by daily maximum and minimum temperature and is expected to make a reasonable proxy for physiological tolerance of buds to low temperature. Dormancy depth at a selected site was estimated for a climatological normal year by this model, and we found a close similarity in time course change pattern between the estimated dormancy depth and the known cold tolerance of fruit trees. Inter-annual and spatial variation in dormancy depth were identified by this method, showing the feasibility of using dormancy depth as a proxy indicator for tolerance to low temperature during the winter season. The model was applied to 10 vineyards which were recently damaged by a cold spell, and a temperature-dormancy depth-freeze injury relationship was formulated into an exponential-saturation model which can be used for judging freeze risk under a given set of temperature and dormancy depth. Based on this model and the expected lowest temperature with a 10-year recurrence interval, a freeze risk probability map was produced for Hwaseong County, Korea. The results seemed to explain why the vineyards in the warmer part of Hwaseong County have been hit by more freeBe damage than those in the cooler part of the county. A dormancy depth-minimum temperature dual engine freeze warning system was designed for vineyards in major production counties in Korea by combining the site-specific dormancy depth and minimum temperature forecasts with the freeze risk model. In this system, daily accumulation of thermal time since last fall leads to the dormancy state (depth) for today. The regional minimum temperature forecast for tomorrow by the Korea Meteorological Administration is converted to the site specific forecast at a 30m resolution. These data are input to the freeze risk model and the percent damage probability is calculated for each grid cell and mapped for the entire county. Similar approaches may be used to develop freeze warning systems for other deciduous fruit trees.

Effect Assessment and Derivation of Ecological Effect Guideline on CO2-Induced Acidification for Marine Organisms (이산화탄소 증가로 인한 해수 산성화가 해양생물에 미치는 영향평가 및 생태영향기준 도출)

  • Gim, Byeong-Mo;Choi, Tae Seob;Lee, Jung-Suk;Park, Young-Gyu;Kang, Seong-Gil;Jeon, Ei-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2014
  • Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology is recognizing one of method responding the climate change with reduction of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. In Korea, due to its geological characteristics, sub-seabed geological CO2 storage is regarded as more practical approach than on-land storage under the goal of its deployment. However, concerns on potential CO2 leakage and relevant acidification issue in the marine environment can be an important subject in recently increasing sub-seabed geological CO2 storage sites. In the present study effect data from literatures were collected in order to conduct an effect assessment of elevated CO2 levels in marine environments using a species sensitivity distribution (SSD) various marine organisms such as microbe, crustacean, echinoderm, mollusc and fish. Results from literatures using domestic species were compared to those from foreign literatures to evaluate the reliability of the effect levels of each biological group and end-point. Ecological effect guidelines through estimating level of pH variation (δpH) to adversely affect 5 and 50% of tested organisms, HC5 and HC50, were determined using SSD of marine organisms exposed to the CO2-induced acidification. Estimated HC5 as δpH of 0.137 can be used as only interim quality guideline possibly with adequate assessment factor. In the future, the current interim guideline as HC5 of δpH in this study will look forward to compensate with supplement of ecotoxicological data reflecting various trophic levels and indigenous species.

Design Strategies and Processes through the Concept of Resilience (리질리언스 개념을 통해서 본 설계 전략과 과정)

  • Choi, Hyeyoung;Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 2018
  • Cities face new challenges not only in natural disasters by climate change but also in social and economic fluctuations. With the existing simple reconstruction method, it is difficult to solve the overall problems that a city or region may face. As a new approach to cope with various changes, the concept of resilience is emerging. Resilience is also one of the themes of recent major urban design projects. Design with the concept of resilience is a new strategy that can deal with various changes of urban space, rather than a temporary trend. The purpose of this paper is to explore the design method by analyzing cases where the concept of resilience is employed. We aim to examine what kind of design strategies are needed for the resilience design and how this design process differ in character, as compared to general design projects. Cases for this study include the "Rebuild by Design" competition held in 2013 and the "Resilient by Design/Bay Area Challenge" competition held in 2017. This paper consists of literature reviews and case studies. The latter is divided into two aspects: content analysis based on the theory of resilience and characteristics of the design process. Cases are analyzed through literature reviews and process characteristics of resilience design in response to the general design process. The main categories for urban resilience used as the framework for analysis include: Urban Infrastructure, Social Dynamics, Economic Dynamics, Health and Wellbeing, Governance Networks, and Planning and Institutions. As a result, the aspects of resilience concepts considered and design strategies undertaken by each team were identified. Each team tried to connect all 6 categories to their design strategies, placing special value on the role of governance, a system that enables collaborative design and project persistency. In terms of the design process, the following characteristics were found: planning the whole project process in the pre-project phase, analyzing predictable socioeconomic risk factors in addition to physical vulnerabilities, aiming for landscape-oriented integrated design, and sustainable implementation strategies with specific operations and budget plans. This paper is meaningful to connect the concept of resilience, which has been discussed in various articles, to design strategy, and to explore the possibility of constructing a practical methodology by deriving the characteristics of the resilience design process. It remains a future task to research design strategies that apply the concept of resilience to various types of urban spaces, in addition to areas that are vulnerable to disasters.

Current Statues of Phenomics and its Application for Crop Improvement: Imaging Systems for High-throughput Screening (작물육종 효율 극대화를 위한 피노믹스(phenomics) 연구동향: 화상기술을 이용한 식물 표현형 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seong-Kon;Kwon, Tack-Ryoun;Suh, Eun-Jung;Bae, Shin-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2011
  • Food security has been a main global issue due to climate changes and growing world population expected to 9 billion by 2050. While biodiversity is becoming more highlight, breeders are confronting shortage of various genetic materials needed for new variety to tackle food shortage challenge. Though biotechnology is still under debate on potential risk to human and environment, it is considered as one of alternative tools to address food supply issue for its potential to create a number of variations in genetic resource. The new technology, phenomics, is developing to improve efficiency of crop improvement. Phenomics is concerned with the measurement of phenomes which are the physical, morphological, physiological and/or biochemical traits of organisms as they change in response to genetic mutation and environmental influences. It can be served to provide better understanding of phenotypes at whole plant. For last decades, high-throughput screening (HTS) systems have been developed to measure phenomes, rapidly and quantitatively. Imaging technology such as thermal and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging systems is an area of HTS which has been used in agriculture. In this article, we review the current statues of high-throughput screening system in phenomics and its application for crop improvement.

Particulate Matter and CO2 Improvement Effects by Vegetation-based Bio-filters and the Indoor Comfort Index Analysis (식생기반 바이오필터의 미세먼지, 이산화탄소 개선효과와 실내쾌적지수 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Han;Choi, Boo-Hun;Choi, Na-Hyun;Jang, Eun-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: In the month of January 2018, fine dust alerts and warnings were issued 36 times for PM10 and 81 times for PM2.5. Air quality is becoming a serious issue nation-wide. Although interest in air-purifying plants is growing due to the controversy over the risk of chemical substances of regular air-purifying solutions, industrial spread of the plants has been limited due to their efficiency in air-conditioning perspective. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study aims to propose a vegetation-based bio-filter system that can assure total indoor air volume for the efficient application of air-purifying plants. In order to evaluate the quantitative performance of the system, time-series analysis was conducted on air-conditioning performance, indoor air quality, and comfort index improvement effects in a lecture room-style laboratory with 16 persons present in the room. The system provided 4.24 ACH ventilation rate and reduced indoor temperature by 1.6C and black bulb temperature by $1.0^{\circ}C$. Relative humidity increased by 24.4% and deteriorated comfort index. However, this seemed to be offset by turbulent flow created from the operation of air blowers. While PM10 was reduced by 39.5% to 22.11μg/m3, CO2 increased up to 1,329ppm. It is interpreted that released CO2 could not be processed because light compensation point was not reached. As for the indoor comfort index, PMV was reduced by 83.6 % and PPD was reduced by 47.0% on average, indicating that indoor space in a comfort range could be created by operating vegetation-based bio-filters. CONCLUSION: The study confirmed that the vegetation-based bio-filter system is effective in lowering indoor temperature and PM10 and has positive effects on creating comfortable indoor space in terms of PMV and PPD.

Thermal Effects on the Development, Fecundity and Life Table Parameters of Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Yardlong Bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.)) (갓끈동부콩에서 아카시아진딧물[Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae)]의 온도발육, 성충 수명과 산란 및 생명표분석)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Choi, Byeong-Ryeol;Seo, Bo-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Ji, Chang Woo;Park, Chang-Gyu;Ahn, Jeong Joon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2018
  • The cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a polyphagous species with a worldwide distribution. We investigated the temperature effects on development periods of nymphs, and the longevity and fecundity of apterous female of A. craccivora. The study was conducted at six constant temperatures of 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25, 30.0, and 32.5C. A. craccivora developed successfully from nymph to adult stage at all temperatures subjected. The developmental rate of A. craccivora increased as temperature increased. The lower developmental threshold (LT) and thermal constant (K) of A. craccivora nymph stage were estimated by linear regression as 5.3C and 128.4 degree-days (DD), respectively. Lower and higher threshold temperatures (TL, TH and TH-TL, respectively) were calculated by the Sharpe_Schoolfield_Ikemoto (SSI) model as 17.0C, 34.6C and 17.5C. Developmental completion of nymph stages was described using a three-parameter Weibull function. Life table parameters were estimated. The intrinsic rate of increase was highest at 25C, while the net reproductive rate was highest at 20C. Biological characteristics of A. craccivora populations from different geographic areas were discussed.

A Study on Industry-specific Sustainability Strategy: Analyzing ESG Reports and News Articles (산업별 지속가능경영 전략 고찰: ESG 보고서와 뉴스 기사를 중심으로)

  • WonHee Kim;YoungOk Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 2023
  • As global energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged as social issues, there is a growing demand for companies to move away from profit-centric business models and embrace sustainable management that balances environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. ESG activities of companies vary across industries, and industry-specific weights are applied in ESG evaluations. Therefore, it is important to develop strategic management approaches that reflect the characteristics of each industry and the importance of each ESG factor. Additionally, with the stance of strengthened focus on ESG disclosures, specific guidelines are needed to identify and report on sustainable management activities of domestic companies. To understand corporate sustainability strategies, analyzing ESG reports and news articles by industry can help identify strategic characteristics in specific industries. However, each company has its own unique strategies and report structures, making it difficult to grasp detailed trends or action items. In our study, we analyzed ESG reports (2019-2021) and news articles (2019-2022) of six companies in the 'Finance,' 'Manufacturing,' and 'IT' sectors to examine the sustainability strategies of leading domestic ESG companies. Text mining techniques such as keyword frequency analysis and topic modeling were applied to identify industry-specific, ESG element-specific management strategies and issues. The analysis revealed that in the 'Finance' sector, customer-centric management strategies and efforts to promote an inclusive culture within and outside the company were prominent. Strategies addressing climate change, such as carbon neutrality and expanding green finance, were also emphasized. In the 'Manufacturing' sector, the focus was on creating sustainable communities through occupational health and safety issues, sustainable supply chain management, low-carbon technology development, and eco-friendly investments to achieve carbon neutrality. In the 'IT' sector, there was a tendency to focus on technological innovation and digital responsibility to enhance social value through technology. Furthermore, the key issues identified in the ESG factors were as follows: under the 'Environmental' element, issues such as greenhouse gas and carbon emission management, industry-specific eco-friendly activities, and green partnerships were identified. Under the 'Social' element, key issues included social contribution activities through stakeholder engagement, supporting the growth and coexistence of members and partner companies, and enhancing customer value through stable service provision. Under the 'Governance' element, key issues were identified as strengthening board independence through the appointment of outside directors, risk management and communication for sustainable growth, and establishing transparent governance structures. The exploration of the relationship between ESG disclosures in reports and ESG issues in news articles revealed that the sustainability strategies disclosed in reports were aligned with the issues related to ESG disclosed in news articles. However, there was a tendency to strengthen ESG activities for prevention and improvement after negative media coverage that could have a negative impact on corporate image. Additionally, environmental issues were mentioned more frequently in news articles compared to ESG reports, with environmental-related keywords being emphasized in the 'Finance' sector in the reports. Thus, ESG reports and news articles shared some similarities in content due to the sharing of information sources. However, the impact of media coverage influenced the emphasis on specific sustainability strategies, and the extent of mentioning environmental issues varied across documents. Based on our study, the following contributions were derived. From a practical perspective, companies need to consider their characteristics and establish sustainability strategies that align with their capabilities and situations. From an academic perspective, unlike previous studies on ESG strategies, we present a subdivided methodology through analysis considering the industry-specific characteristics of companies.

Development of disaster severity classification model using machine learning technique (머신러닝 기법을 이용한 재해강도 분류모형 개발)

  • Lee, Seungmin;Baek, Seonuk;Lee, Junhak;Kim, Kyungtak;Kim, Soojun;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, natural disasters such as heavy rainfall and typhoons have occurred more frequently, and their severity has increased due to climate change. The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) currently uses the same criteria for all regions in Korea for watch and warning based on the maximum cumulative rainfall with durations of 3-hour and 12-hour to reduce damage. However, KMA's criteria do not consider the regional characteristics of damages caused by heavy rainfall and typhoon events. In this regard, it is necessary to develop new criteria considering regional characteristics of damage and cumulative rainfalls in durations, establishing four stages: blue, yellow, orange, and red. A classification model, called DSCM (Disaster Severity Classification Model), for the four-stage disaster severity was developed using four machine learning models (Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and XGBoost). This study applied DSCM to local governments of Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province province. To develop DSCM, we used data on rainfall, cumulative rainfall, maximum rainfalls for durations of 3-hour and 12-hour, and antecedent rainfall as independent variables, and a 4-class damage scale for heavy rain damage and typhoon damage for each local government as dependent variables. As a result, the Decision Tree model had the highest accuracy with an F1-Score of 0.56. We believe that this developed DSCM can help identify disaster risk at each stage and contribute to reducing damage through efficient disaster management for local governments based on specific events.