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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: climate change risk

검색결과 422건 처리시간 0.029초

Establishment of location-base service(LBS) disaster risk prediction system in deteriorated areas (위치기반(LBS) 쇠퇴지역 재난재해 위험성 예측 시스템 구축)

  • Byun, Sung-Jun;Cho, Yong Han;Choi, Sang Keun;Jo, Bong Rae;Lee, Gun Won;Min, Byung-Hak
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제21권11호
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    • pp.570-576
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    • 2020
  • This study uses beacons and smartphone Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers to establish a location-based disaster/hazard prediction system. Beacons are usually installed indoors to locate users using triangulation in the room, but this study is differentiated from previous studies because the system is used outdoors to collect information on registration location and temperature and humidity in hazardous areas. In addition, since it is installed outdoors, waterproof, dehumidifying, and dustproof functions in the beacons themselves are required, and in case of heat and humidity, the sensor must be exposed to the outside, so the waterproof function is supplemented with a separate container. Based on these functions, information on declining and vulnerable areas is identified in real time, and temperature/humidity information is collected. We also propose a system that provides weather and fine-dust information for the area concerned. User location data are acquired through beacons and smartphone GPS receivers, and when users transmit from declining or vulnerable areas, they can establish the data to identify dangerous areas. In addition, temperature/humidity data in a microspace can be collected and utilized to build data to cope with climate change. Data can be used to identify specific areas of decline in a microspace, and various analyses can be made through the accumulated data.

A Study of Power Law Distribution of Korean Disaster and Identification of Focusing Events (한국 재난의 멱함수분포와 사회적 충격사건에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yongkyun;Kim, Sang Pil;Cho, Hyoung-Sig;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2016
  • Improvements in disaster management has become a global necessity because the magnitude of disasters is intensifying in parallel with the increased disaster damage. The disaster risk in Korea is also increasing due to the emergence of new types of disaster; such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, the increase of complex disasters, and the heightened probability of a catastrophic event due to climate change. This paper aimed to identify the disaster loss-frequency relationship from 1948 to 2014 in Korea by using four types of variables. In addition, this paper found major disasters that resulted in the reformation of disaster response organizations, and inputted the deaths and economic loss attributed to those disasters into the disaster loss-frequency graph. The research result substantiated that the disaster loss-frequency relationship in Korea follows the Power Law and found the coefficients of each Power Function. Additionally, this paper found that most of the reformations of disaster response organizations happened after major disasters that concentrated societies attention and anger due to the high human and economic impact; such events are labelled as "focusing events." These focusing events, with the characteristics of a low probability and high impact, are located in the long tail of the Power Law Distribution. This paper suggests that the effective public policy for disaster response needs to be developed by paying attention to 'low probability and high impact' focusing events that are located in the long tail of the Power Law Distribution.

Numerical Sensitivity Analysis on Hydraulic Characteristics by Dredging in Upstream of Abrupt Expansion Region (급확대 구간에서 준설영향으로 인한 상류 수리특성 변화에 대한 민감도 분석)

  • Jeong, Seok Il;Ryu, Kwang Hyun;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2017
  • Sediment exchange in river has been affected by artificial changes such as dredging and abnormal climate changes like intense rainfall. Over last decades in Korea, there were many constructions, restoration or rehabilitation in rivers. Therefore, deposition and erosion become more actively occurred than before, which may threaten the river safety such as flood defense. For safety's sake, the dredging of river bed, which is considered as the most typical measure, has been increased to extend hydraulic conveyance compared with previous conditions. However, since it might change the sediment mechanism, there would be another risk at which unexpected side effects such as headward erosion could be occurred. Particularly, sedimentation at abrupt expansion region is able to lead to hydraulic characteristics like water elevation in the upstream region in the beginning of dredging, which, however, has been barely studied in this field. Therefore in this study, the relationship between sediment mechanism at dredging section and hydraulic characteristics in upstream region were presented through numerical simulations in the idealized abruptly widen channel using Delft3D. The ideal channel of 2,000 m length with each side angle of 45 degrees at abruptly widen expansion region was employed to consider the sediment angle of repose. The sensitivity analysis was performed on the dimensionless factors consisted of upstream and downstream depths(hu, hd), width(wu, wd), water level(H), flow rate(Q) and discharge of sediment(Qs). And the sedimentation amount at dredging and the upstream hydraulic characteristics were investigated through that analysis. It showed that hd/hu, H/hu and wd/wu were more influential in sequence of effect on sedimentation amount, while hd/hu, wd/wu and H/hu on upstream region. It means that hd/hu was revealed as the most significant factors on sedimentation, also it would most highly affect the rising of water level upstream.

Cold Tolerance Assessment of Lagerstroemia indica and Pyracantha angustifolia with Dormant Branches (배롱나무와 피라칸사 겨울 휴면지의 내한성 평가)

  • Shin, Chang-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to check danger of the cold injury by reviewing the lowest temperature by regions and the cold tolerance of Lagerstroemia indica and Pyracantha angustifolia. The cold tolerance of the samples treated at low temperature was evaluated by measuring electrical conductivity and observing browning of the cambium. It was proved that the lethal temperature of L. indica is below 17.1C, and that of P. angustifolia is below 18.9C. The frequency of the lowest temperature went down below 17.1C, was 7 times in Daejeon, 55 times in Cheongju and 72 times in Suwon for the last 45 years. In Daejeon, it has happened only once since 1975. The temperature dropped below 18.9C 45 times in Cheongju and 32 times in Suwon during the same period, but it has not happened at all since 1991. It appears that the rising coefficient of the lowest temperature increases, as the latitude gets higher. As a result, L. indica and P. angustifolia which were planted in the central region of Korea, are considered in danger from freezing injury because the temperature can get very low intermittently in winter. But, the risk of freezing has reduced gradually as the lowest temperature raises each year.

Development of Water Hammer Simulation Model for Safety Assessment of Hydroelectric Power Plant (수력발전설비의 안전도 평가를 위한 수충격 해석 모형 개발)

  • Nam, Myeong Jun;Lee, Jae-Young;Jung, Woo-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.760-767
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    • 2020
  • Sustainable growth of hydroelectric power plants is expected in consideration of climate change and energy security. However, hydroelectric power plants always have a risk of water hammer damage, and safety assurance is very important. The water hammer phenomenon commonly occurs during operations such as rapid opening and closing of the valves and pump/turbine shutdown in pipe systems, which is more common in cases of emergency shutdown. In this study, a computational numerical model was developed using the MOC-FDM scheme to reflect the mechanism of water hammer occurrence. The proposed model was implemented in boundary conditions such as reservoir, pipeline, valve, and pump/turbine conditions and then applied to simulate hypothetical case studies. The analysis results of the model were verified using the analysis results at the main points of the pipe systems. The model produced reasonably good performance and was validated by comparison with the results of the SIMSEN package model. The model could be used as an efficient tool for the safety assessment of hydroelectric power plants based on accurate prediction of transient behavior in the operation of hydropower facilities.

A Study on Estimation of Levee Safety Map for Determining the Priority of River Maintenance (하천 유지관리 우선순위 결정을 위한 제방안전도맵 산정방법 연구)

  • Yoon, Kwang Seok;Kim, Sooyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제18권12호
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2017
  • Owing to recent climate change, the scale of rainfall tends to increase gradually and the risk of flooding has increased. Therefore, the importance of improving the levee management and disaster response is increasing. Levee management in Korea is carried out at the level of damage recovery after the occurrence of damage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology for predicting and managing the levee safety with proactive river management. In this study, a method to estimate the safety against erosion and overflow was suggested. A map of levee safety that can be used as basic data is presented by displaying the levee safety on the map. The levee erosion safety was calculated as the ratio of the internal and external force for each shore type. The levee overflow safety was calculated as the ratio of the maximum conveyance and design flood. The maximum conveyance was a discharge when the level of the river was equal to the level of the levee crown. The levee safety was classified into 5 grades: very safe, safe, normal, dangerous, and very dangerous. As a research area from downstream of Nam River Dam to Nakdong River Junction, the levee safety against erosion and overflow was estimated for all levees and all cross-sections of the river. The levee safety was displayed on a map using GIS. Through the levee safety map as a result of this study, the levee safety can be observed intuitively. Using the levee safety map, a maintenance plan for a river can be easy to build. This levee safety map can be used to help determine the priority of investment for efficient budget used.

A Study on the Growth Proccess and Strategic Niche Management of New Energy Technology: A Case Study with Government Supporting Photovoltaic R&D Project (전략적 니치관리(SNM)를 활용한 정부 신재생 R&D 성장과정 분석)

  • Kim, Bong-Gyun;Moon, Sun-Woo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.161-187
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    • 2012
  • Recently, environmentally friendly technology are becoming important due to reconsideration about climate change and environmental pollution. In addition, as well as technical skills and social interaction through an analysis of the nonlinear transition management and policy implementation are emerging. This study of the development of photovoltaic industry in Korea 10 years analyze with strategic niche management (SNM) based on the theoretical and multi-layered perspective (MLP) is used as the analytical framework. Choose the gerverment-support project for niche technology, through a process of quantifying and alnalyze the phase transition to Regime with the numerical method and policy vision, learning effects, and network that key elements of SNM, MLP. Through the analysis of the photovoltaic industry technology-commercialization phase was investigated. This conventional overall and step-by-step model for technical management is proposed to replace exiting linear and narrow method and through the case study its validity was confirmed.

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A Study of the Velocity Distribution and Vorticity Measurement in the Pump Sump Using PIV (PIV를 이용한 흡수조 내 유속분포 및 와류강도 측정에 대한 연구)

  • Byeon, Hyun Hyuk;Kim, Seo Jun;Yoon, Byung Man
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2020
  • The climate change occurring all over the world increases the risk, specially in urban area, Accordingly, rainwater pumping station expansion is required than before. In order to increase the efficiency of the rainwater pumping station, the analysis of flow characteristics in the pump sump is needed for vortex control. Many efforts have been made to illuminate the vortex behavior using PIV, but any reliable results have not been obtained yet, because of the limitations in image capturing and dependency of measured velocity values on the interrogation area and time interval used for velocity calculation. In this study, therefore, experiments were carried out to find out the limitation of PIV and estimate the validation of the velocity values associated with the analysis parameters such as interrogation area, time interval, grid size. For the experimental condition used in this study, the limitation of PIV and the effects of parameters on the velocity estimation are presented.

Eco-Friendly Design Evaluation Model Using PEI for Construction Facilities (PEI를 활용한 건설시설물의 친환경 설계평가모델)

  • Kim, Joon-Soo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.729-738
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    • 2017
  • With the signing of the Paris Agreement, which is the new climate change agreement at the end of 2015, it will have a great impact on Korea environmental policy. The construction industry, which accounts for 42% of Korea's total CO2 emissions, has been implementing various policies to improve the environmental problems. However, it is only applying passively to other projects except eco-friendly building certification. This is because most of the eco-related systems are based on building facilities. Therefore, there is a need for a new eco - friendly design evaluation model that can be widely applied not only to architecture but also to civil engineering facilities. In this study, a new model is developed based on the existing VE model, which adds new factors to evaluate the environmental friendliness, potential environmental pollution concept and environmental risk of facilities. This model is an eco-friendly design evaluation model that enables decision makers to effectively select alternative environmental criteria at the design stage. As a result of the case analysis of the block retaining wall and the alternative retaining wall, the value of the eco - friendly value of the alternative was 1.026 times higher than the original one. If this model is used at the design stage, it is expected to contribute not only to the construction of environmentally friendly facilities but also to the reduction of carbon emissions.

A Comparative Study on the Theory of Lee jaema and Chang ts' ungcheng (이제마(李濟馬)와 장종정(張從正)의 학술사상(學術思想)에 대한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Ch’ oi, yeikwen;Kim, kyungyo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.41-68
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    • 1996
  • This thesis is a try for examining the historical characteristics of Constiutional medicine. For this purpose, I have examined their theory, and made a comparison carefully. Through this study, I have obtained several results as following. Both Chang and Lee lived in the time of change, which was unstable and uncertain. Under the condition, they both rejected following the existing trends of learned circles, and developed new thoughts and clinical techniques. They rejected superstitious beliefs and fatalism, and conducted the pursuit of experimental knowledge and rationale idea. Clinical experience was the very base of their study. They both criticized the bad habits of abuse of tonifing medication and health seeking. Especially Lee regarded control of emotion and regulation of a way of life as the best way for preservation of one's health. Chang regarded pathogenic factors as the ultimate factor of diseases, and strived for eliminating pathogenic factors, but L brought to a conclusion that the final factor of diseases was what is called "heart" itself, and emotional changes were the most essential causes of disease. It can be said that the pathogenesis insisted by Chang can be called The insistence that pathologic factors are the very etiology of all the disease (邪氣致病論), or all the diseases result from pathologic factors. And his whole remedy can be summarized as following, A study on the method of eliminating pathogenic factors. But the purpose of Constitutional medicine is to correct imbalance intrinsic to one's internal organs. In this aspect, Constitutional medicine is a "regulatory medicine". Depending on the classification of six vital substances, Chang classified all disease into six categories. These were based on symptoms and sings represented. While classification of diseases made by Lee was likely to rely upon constitutional characteristics. Chang thought that the three remedies made up of perspiration, purgation, vomiting were the most efficient way of eliminating pathogenic factors. Lee, however, thought those weren't methods of eliminating pathogenic factors but the best ways restoring one's self-regulation power. Chang thought that all the febrile disease essentially has a tendency in properties to belong to "heat", but Lee pointed out that pathologic processes are variable in accordance with constitutional features. They both regarded pathogenesis of diabetes as fire. That is to say, fire is the most essential factor of diabetes. And there are many risk factors such as inappropriate foods, drugs, climate, etc., but Lee thought what is most important is heart. Putting all accounts together, medical characteristics of Chang are similar to those of T aiyinjen and Shaoyangjen, and have no relation to those of those of Shaoyinjen. Therefore we can conclude that Chang understood pathologic processes of disease of T aiyinjen and Shaoyangjen, whether he knew about constitutional features or not.

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