• Title/Summary/Keyword: class evaluation

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Effect of 5 Week Long High-Fat Diet on Energy Metabolic Substrate Utilization and Energy Content Evaluation of Dietary Fat (5주간의 고지방식이 섭취시 흰쥐의 에너지 대사 기질 이용과 식이지방에너지 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-Jung;Kim, Ji-Su;Suh, Hea-Jung;Lim, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.1094-1099
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the effect of a long-term high-fat diet on energy metabolic substrate utilization in resting rats in order to revalue source fat energy efficiency during a high-fat diet and its effect on energy expenditure and body fat accumulation. Sprague-Dawley male rats at 4 weeks of age were bought from Orient Bio Con. The rats were divided into a control (CON) group and a high-fat diet (HF) group. Rats ate a high-fat diet (w/w 40%, kcal/kcal 64.9%) ad libitum for 5 weeks. Food intake and body weight were measured every day at 09:00 throughout the experimental period. Energy expenditure was measured using an animal energy metabolism chamber after 4 weeks. The final body weight did not change between the CON and HF groups, but caloric intake was significantly higher in the HF group than in the CON group (p<0.05). There was no difference between the groups in oxygen uptake, however carbon dioxide production was significantly higher in the HF group. Also, the respiratory exchange ratio was higher in the HF group. Carbohydrate oxidation was lower in the HF group than in the CON group, but fat oxidation in the HF group was greater. These results mean that energy substrate oxidation at rest is affected by diet composition, especially dietary fat content. Abdominal fat fad weights were significantly higher by 33% in the HF group than in the CON group even though the calorie intake in the HF group was higher by 6%. These results suggested that the dietary fat calorie value might have a higher Atwater value of 9 kcal/g, which mean that dietary fat calorie values could be reconsidered in body weight control scenarios such as which the obese or weight class athletes.

A Study on Results of Rehabilitation Therapy of Patients with Head Injury (두부손상 환자의 재활치료 결과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Su-Min;Lim, Hye-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 1994
  • The authors studied therapeutic effects and related clinical data retrospectively on a series of 48 consecutive patients with head injury who were referred to physical therapy and occupational therapy, Kosin University Medical Center during 1 year, from March, 1993. through March, 1994. The conclusions were as follows : 1. Average age of the subject patients was 50.6 years, their age remped from 14 to 72 years, and the incidence between male and femele was 1:1.1. 2. In respect to the educational level high school graduates showed the highest incidence 18 (39.1 %) of 46 cases, and in respect to economy level, middle class revealed the highest incidence, 31(64.6 %) in 48 cases. 3. The HBP was the most common cause of spontaneity injury, disclosing 19 cases in 35 patients(54.3%), whereas the main cause of traumatic injury was a traffic accident, 7 cases ( 53.8 %) in 13 patients. 4. As for the region of injury in the cases of spontaneity ICH was 14 persons (40%). In the cases of trauma, hematoma was seen in 6 cases(42.2 %) in 48 total cases ICH was seen in 17 cases (35.4 %) to be the most common region. 5. Among 35 persons, spontaneity CBR was the highest region of injury, 13 cases(37.1 %) ; the side of paralysis in extremities the right side showed higher incidence, 18 cas (1.4 %) as compared to the left, 16 cases(45.7%). In the case of traumatic injury, CBR was the highest region of injury, 4(30.8% )in 13 cases and as for the paralysis side, right side showed higher incidence 7 cases(53.8%) as compared to the left side 5 cases(38.5%). 6. In respect to recurrence, HBP was seen in 5 cases to be the most common cause, and as for the region of injury, CBR was the highest. 7. A period of rehabilitation therapy in the cases of physical therapy the highest term was 1-2 month, 14 persons(29.2%). As for occupational therapy within 2 week-term was the highest, 24 persons(50%). 8. Physical strenth grade M.T in the cases of the upper extrimities before therapy, the low mark(grade 0) was 30 cases(62.5%), compared to the high mark(above grade 3)seen in 1 case(2.1%), And after therapy, the lowest mark(grade 0)was seen in 5 cases(10.4%) where as the high mark(above grade 3)was seen in 29 cases(60.4%). In the case of the lower extremities before therapy, the mark(below grade 1)was 37 cases(77.1 %), while the high mark(above grade 3)was seen n 4 cases(8.4%). And after therapy the low mark(below grade 1)was seen in 5 cases (10.4 %) and the high mark (above grade 3)was seen in 29 cases(60.4 %). 9. Before therapy conigtive function-level evaluation utilized R.L.A.L, the low mark(below level 3)was seen in 9 cases(18.8%), while the high mark(above level 7)was seen in 18 cases(37.5%). And after therapy the low mark (below level 3)was 4 cases(8.3%) and high mark(above level 7)was seen in 38 cases(79%). 10. After rehabilitation therapy, patients who were able to walk independently were 29 persons(60.4%), among which 16 cases(55.2%) depended on cane. The ratio between the cases who were able to walk and unable to walk was 1.5:1.

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  • Yuk, Keun-Cheol;Moon, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2004
  • This study attempted to survey the present status of the eight students who, 17 years from now, had participated in a special program for 170 days preparing for early entrance to the KAIST. With six students who responded to the questionnaire previously sent, the study focused on each participant's achievement at present, his evaluation on Accelerated Education, his personal opinions on early entrance to university and Gifted Science Education. From the survey, we could find out that three participants had received a doctorate and they are currently working as researchers at research center or professors at university. The other three participants are working as researchers at research center after receiving the M. S. Academic achievements vary according to each participant, but three of them, who ranked high in research achievement, had their articles published in international journals of the SCI level even when they were between 25 and 28 of age. Two of them in particular showed outstanding engineering and developing the commercial modem for IMT 2000 for the first time in Korea. One participant entered Harvard University to major in physics and afterwards studied the law in UCLA. He is now a professor in the law department. Concerning the evaluations on Accelerated Education and early entrance system, four participants answered positively while two participants expressed negative attitudes. When asked their opinions on the Gifted Education in Korea, such problems were pointed out as too much pressure of entering the first-class universities, the tendency to avoid choosing science-related major at universities, the lack of education system that encourages creative thinking, etc. It is necessary that the accelerated education play an important role to maximize their hidden potentials. It remains to be seen in what places these six participants will find themselves and of what ideas they will come up within the next 17 years. It will be worthwhile to wait until then for another survey.

The Effect of Issue-Centered Discussion in Home Economics on Middle School Students' Critical Thinking (쟁점중심 가정과 토론수업이 비판적 사고력에 미치는 효과)

  • 이영옥;채정현
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to construct an issue-centered discussion instructional model for Home Economics and to determine its effect on middle school students' critical thinking. The research questions were posed as below. 1) The object and content of home economics in the 7th national middle school curricula are analyzed to sort out possible issues. 2) An issue-centered discussion instructional model is constructed to be applicable to middle school home economics class. and a lesson plan is prepared. 3) The effect of the issue-centered discussion instructional model developed in this study on student critical thinking faculty is examined. The findings of this study were as follows : First. seven criteria were selected to determine what types of issues were applicable to home economics lesson. Based on the selected criteria. 41 themes of issues were extracted from the 7th middle school textbooks. and their content validity was verified. Second, an issue-centered discussion instructional model was designed to deal with four themes in eight sessions in the procedure of problem raising, confirming, term defining. tentative alternative selecting, data gathering. discussing/critical approaching. and selecting/concluding. Third, two different third-year classes of K middle school in the city of Busan that consisted of 75 students were respectively selected as an experimental group and a control group, and the experiment was conducted in eight sessions for five weeks to see whether the teaching plan brought any changes to the critical mind of the students. The experimental group exposed to the issue-centered discussion lesson made a significant progress in critical thinking faculty(P<.05). In particular. that instruction gave a favorable impact on demonstration evaluating(P<.05). one of the critical thinking subfactors. When the students were asked to assess the issue-centered discussion lesson. most of them viewed it favorably. In the future, more research efforts should be dedicated to enhancing the practical applicability of issue-centered discussion instruction in home economics education. developing good evaluation tools about critical thinking faculty and finding out how discussion instruction could be conducted more efficiently.

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Evaluation of clinical status of removable partial dentures (가철성 국소의치의 임상적 상태에 대한 평가)

  • Yang, Dong-Seok;Cho, Uk;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Jeon, Young-Chan;Yun, Mi-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.320-327
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    • 2009
  • Statement of Problem: Although many efforts have been continually made to estimate long term prognosis of removable partial dentures, the complication of removable partial dentures was still found because of inaccurate fabrication procedure and improper maintenance care. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical status of removable partial dentures. Material and methods: A total of 112 individuals with 153 removable partial dentures (35 - 87 years, 64 women and 48 men) were examined by intra-oral examination, diagnostic cast and radiographic examination. Results and conclusion: The results of this study were as follows: 1. Length of service of removable partial dentures was $5.3{\pm}4.3$ years (mean), 4.0 years (median). 2. A total of 45 removable partial dentures were considered failures. The loss of 18 abutments of 369 was founded. 3. Type of arch, Kennedy classification and type of opposite dentition were found to have no influence on longevity and success rate of removable partial dentures (P > .05). 4. Most common major connector was the palatal plate in maxilla and the number of lingual bar and linguoplate designed in mandible were similar. 5. The circumferential type retainer was the most commonly used retainer. 6. Sixty-three percent of the class I and II removable partial dentures incorporated indirect retention into the design. 7. Approximately 81% of the removable partial dentures had at least one defect. Excessive wear of posterior teeth (27.9%), lack of integrity (23.2%), lack of stability (22.6%) were frequent defects of removable partial dentures.

Effect of prosthetic designs and alveolar bone conditions on stress distribution in fixed partial dentures with pier abutments (중간 지대치가 존재하는 고정성 국소의치에서 보철물 설계 및 치조골 상태가 응력분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Wook;Kim, Chang-Seop;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.328-334
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Pier abutments act as a Class I fulcrum lever system when the teeth are incorporated in a fixed partial denture with rigid connectors. Therefore non-rigid connector incorporated into the fixed partial denture might reduce the stresses created by the leverage. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, by means of finite element method, the effects of non-rigid connectors and supporting alveolar bone level on stress distribution for fixed partial dentures with pier abutments. Material and methods: A 2-dimensional finite element model simulating a 5-unit metal ceramic fixed partial denture with a pier abutment with rigid or non-rigid designs, the connector was located at the distal region of the second premolar, was developed. In the model, the lower canine, second premolar, and second molar served as abutments. Four types of alveolar bone condition were employed. One was normal bone condition and others were supporting bone reduced 20% height at one abutment. Two different loading conditions, each 150 N on 1st premolar and 1st molar and 300N on 1st molar, were used. Results: Two types of FPD were displaced apically. The amount of displacement decreased in an almost linear slope away from the loaded point. Non-rigid design tended to cause the higher stresses in supporting bone of premolar and molar abutments and the lower stresses in that of canine than rigid design. Alveolar bone loss increased the stresses in supporting bone of corresponding abutment. Conclusion: Careful evaluation of the retentive capacity of retainers and the periodontal condition of abutments may be required for the prosthetic design of fixed partial denture with a pier abutment.

Predicting the Goshawk's habitat area using Species Distribution Modeling: Case Study area Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea (종분포모형을 이용한 참매의 서식지 예측 -충청북도를 대상으로-)

  • Cho, Hae-Jin;Kim, Dal-Ho;Shin, Man-Seok;Kang, Tehan;Lee, Myungwoo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.333-343
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    • 2015
  • This research aims at identifying the goshawk's possible and replaceable breeding ground by using the MaxEnt prediction model which has so far been insufficiently used in Korea, and providing evidence to expand possible protection areas for the goshawk's breeding for the future. The field research identified 10 goshawk's nests, and 23 appearance points confirmed during the 3rd round of environmental research were used for analysis. 4 geomorphic, 3 environmental, 7 distance, and 9 weather factors were used as model variables. The final environmental variables were selected through non-parametric verification between appearance and non-appearance coordinates identified by random sampling. The final predictive model (MaxEnt) was structured using 10 factors related to breeding ground and 7 factors related to appearance area selected by statistics verification. According to the results of the study, the factor that affected breeding point structure model the most was temperature seasonality, followed by distance from mixforest, density-class on the forest map and relief energy. The factor that affected appearance point structure model the most was temperature seasonality, followed by distance from rivers and ponds, distance from agricultural land and gradient. The nature of the goshawk's breeding environment and habit to breed inside forests were reflected in this modeling that targets breeding points. The northern central area which is about $189.5 km^2$(2.55 %) is expected to be suitable breeding ground. Large cities such as Cheongju and Chungju are located in the southern part of Chungcheongbuk-do whereas the northern part of Chungcheongbuk-do has evenly distributed forests and farmlands, which helps goshawks have a scope of influence and food source to breed. Appearance point modeling predicted an area of $3,071 km^2$(41.38 %) showing a wider ranging habitat than that of the breeding point modeling due to some limitations such as limited moving observation and non-consideration of seasonal changes. When targeting the breeding points, a specific predictive area can be deduced but it is difficult to check the points of nests and it is impossible to reflect the goshawk's behavioral area. On the other hand, when targeting appearance points, a wider ranging area can be covered but it is less accurate compared to predictive breeding point since simple movements and constant use status are not reflected. However, with these results, the goshawk's habitat can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. In particular, it is necessary to apply precise predictive breeding area data based on habitat modeling results when enforcing an environmental evaluation or establishing a development plan.

Research Trend Analysis of Publications in the Journal of Home Economics Education Association Using Network Text Analysis (네트워크 텍스트 분석을 이용한 한국가정과교육학회지 논문의 연구 동향 분석)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Eun Jeung;Kim, Ji sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trend in home economics education using network text analysis method. The 586 research articles published in the Journal of Home Economics Education Association between July, 2003 and December 2018 were examined using Neckinger 4, a social network analysis software. The frequency and centrality measures(degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality) were calculated for the words appeared throughout the whole period, and the centrality analysis and LAD(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) were conducted for the four sub-periods. The results are as follows: first, the most frequently appeared words are parents, culture, unit, health, career, consumption, practicality, etc. The words such as parents and management scored high in degree centrality; parents and male students in closeness centrality; and male students and units in betweenness centrality. Second, when divided into four periods, the words such as education, family, purpose, class, middle school, and school appeared most frequently across the periods; but some words such as 'purpose' (in period 3 and 4), or 'process' (in period 4) were salient only in certain periods. Third, the words with high centrality were consistent regardless of the types of centrality within each period. Fourth, the topic analysis using LAD showed that curriculum, textbook, family healthiness, teaching-learning, evaluation, dietary life, appearance management, and consumption were the topics consistently appeared across all periods. The topics have become diversified and deepened. New topics such as teacher training and safety appeared in later periods, possibly due to the curriculum and national policy changes, and housing as a less represented topic is suggested as an area that needs further research attention. This study has implication in that it allows researchers to identify the major research interests and the trends in research by researchers in home economic education.

Monitoring and Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Domestic Agricultural Products (국내 유통 다소비 농산물의 잔류농약 모니터링 및 노출평가)

  • Kang, Namsuk;Kim, Seongcheol;Kang, Yoonjung;Kim, Dohyeong;Jang, Jinwook;Won, Sera;Hyun, Jaehee;Kim, Dongeon;Jeong, Il-Yong;Rhee, Gyuseek;Shin, Yeongmin;Joung, Dong Yun;Kim, Sang Yub;Park, Juyoung;Kwon, Kisung;Ji, Youngae
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2015
  • This study was implemented to evaluate food safety on residual pesticides in agricultural products of Korea and to use as a data base for the establishment of food policy. A total of 196 pesticide upon these products were analyzed using multi class pesticide multiresidue methods of Korean Food Code, and 232 samples of 15 agricultural products collected from 9 regions were supplied for this study. In the results, 64 kinds of pesticides were detected in 53 samples, chlorpyrifos and procymidone of them were shown a high frequency of detection in the analyzed pesticides. Among them, two samples (chlorpyrifos in perilla leaves and picoxystrobin in peach) were detected over Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). The levels of the detected pesticide residues were within safe levels. Also, the intake assessment for pesticide residues including chlorpyrifos at multi pesticide residue monitoring were carried out. The result showed that the ratio of EDI (estimated daily intake) to ADI (acceptable daily intake) was 0.001~0.902% which means that the detected pesticide residues were in a safe range so that residual pesticides in the agricultural products in Korea are properly controlled.

Evaluation of Chloride Diffusion Behavior and Analysis of Probabilistic Service Life in Long Term Aged GGBFS Concrete (장기 재령 GGBFS 콘크리트의 염화물 확산 거동 평가 및 확률론적 염해 내구수명 해석)

  • Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2020
  • In this study, three levels of W/B(Water to Binder) ratio (0.37, 0.42, 0.47) and substitution ratio of GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) rate (0 %, 30 %, 50 %) were considered to perform RCPT (Rapid Chloride Diffusion Test) at the 1,095 aged day. Accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient and passed charge of each concrete mixture were assessed according to Tang's method and ASTM C 1202, and improving behaviors of durability performance with increasing aged days are analyzed based on the test results of previous aged days from the preceding study. As the age of concrete increases, the passed charge and diffusion coefficient have been significantly reduced, and especially the concrete specimens containing GGBFS showed a significantly more reduction than OPC(Ordinary Portland Cement) concrete specimen by latent hydraulic activity. In the case of OPC concrete's results of passed charge, at the 1,095 days, two of them were still in the "Moderate" class. So, if only OPC is used as the binder of concrete, the resistance performance for chloride attack is weak. In this study, the time-parameters (m) were derived based on the results of the accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient, and the deterministic and probabilistic analysis for service life were performed by assuming the design variable as a probability function. For probabilistic service life analysis, durability failure probabilities were calculated using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to evaluate service life. The service life of probabilistic method were lower than that of deterministic method, since the target value of PDF (Probability of Durability Failure) was set very low at 10 %. If the target value of PDF suitable for the purpose of using structure can be set and proper variability can be considered for each design variable, it is believed that more economical durability design can be made.