• 제목/요약/키워드: circular features

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원형관 내 데토네이션 파 구조 및 동적 특성 수치 연구 (Numerical Study of Detonation Wave Structure and Dynamics in a Circular Tube)

  • 조덕래;김종관;장근진;최정열
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2012년도 제38회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.278-281
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    • 2012
  • 펄스 데토네이션 엔진과 같이 원형 관내를 전파하는 데토네이션 파의 삼차원 파면 구조 및 동적 특성을 파악하기 위한 수치 해석을 수행하였다. 비가역 Arrhenius 반응 모델을 이용하여 일련의 pre-exponential 값에 대한 해석을 수행하여 2-셀,3-셀, 4-셀 및 6-셀 데토네이션 모드의 삼차원 파면구조에 대한 생성 매커니즘들을 살펴보았다. 2차원 결과와 비교하여 반경 방향에서 slapping 횡단 파의 효과를 확인하였으며, 모든 다중-셀 모드에서 벽면에서의 데토네이션 파면 구조와 그을음 막 기록들은 반경 방향으로 slapping 파가 움직이는 동안 시계 및 반 시계 방향으로 움직이는 횡단파에 의하여 형성되며, 굽어진 벽면에서 반사되는 횡단파는 다차원 confinement 효과에 의하여 강도가 변화한다.

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원형 근전도 센서 어레이 시스템의 센서 틀어짐에 강인한 손 제스쳐 인식 (Hand Gesture Recognition Regardless of Sensor Misplacement for Circular EMG Sensor Array System)

  • 주성수;박훈기;김인영;이종실
    • 재활복지공학회논문지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.371-376
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문에서는 원형 근전도 시스템 장비를 사용하여 근전도 패턴인식을 할 때, 장비의 센서 위치와 무관하게 패턴 인식이 가능한 알고리즘을 제안한다. 6가지 동작의 8채널 근전도 신호를 1초간 측정한 데이터를 이용하여 14개의 특징점을 추출하였다. 또한 8개의 채널에서 추출된 112개의 특징점을 나열하여 주성분분석을 하고 영향력이 높은 데이터만을 추려내어 8개의 입력 신호로 줄였다. 모든 실험은 k-NN 분류기를 이용하여 데이터를 학습시키고 5-fold 교차 검증을 사용하여 데이터를 검증하였다. 기계학습에서 데이터를 학습시킬 때, 어떤 데이터를 학습하느냐에 따라 그 결과가 크게 달라진다. 기존의 연구들에서 사용하는 학습 데이터를 사용 할 경우 99.3%의 정확도를 확인하였다. 그러나 센서의 위치가 22.5도 정도만 틀어지더라도 67.28%의 정확도로 명확하게 떨어짐을 보았다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 학습 방법을 사용 할 경우 98%의 정확도를 보이고 장비의 센서의 위치가 바뀌더라도 98% 근처의 정확도를 유지함을 보였다. 이러한 결과를 사용하여 원형 근전도 시스템을 사용하는 사용자들의 편의성을 크게 증대시켜 줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

현대 패션에 나타난 래글런 슬리브의 패턴구성 특징에 관한 연구 (The features of pattern structure in the raglan sleeve as observed in modern fashion)

  • 신장희
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2018
  • This study classified the figurative features of the raglan sleeves presented in the Spring and Summer Collections and Fall and Winter Collections abroad in 2010 and 2018 and analyzed the production methods and patterns of the classified raglan sleeves. The analysis results are described below. The raglan sleeves in the latest fashion trends were classified into Type H, Type A, Type O and Type Y per shape. The production features of raglan sleeves in the latest fashion trends included the cutting lines in various shapes, a flounce that made shoulders look wider, and decorations such as gathers, studs, punching, slits, pleats and tucks. The raglan sleeve design was classified into Yoke Raglan, Armhole Princess Raglan, Semi Raglan, Gathered Raglan, Pleats Raglan, Cowl Raglan, Origami Raglan, Circular Curved Raglan, Capes Raglan and Constructive Design Raglan and the patterns per design were presented. For creative and experimental clothing by the analysis of the features of raglan sleeve structure, a variety of configuration methods need to be developed and implemented. The analysis results of this study will contribute to the development of the fashion industry through small quantity batch production pursuing unique styles as the basis for further study on the configuration methods of raglan sleeves. This study will be used in various ways as education materials on sleeve patterns in the educational field. Through the analysis of sleeve patterns, this study tries to provide basic data for planning the design of raglan sleeves and helping to diversify the ladies' apparel market in the future.

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ESPI에서 AO변조기를 사용한 진동모드 정량화에 관한 연구 (A study on the Quantification of vibration mode by ESPI using A.O Modulator)

  • 박낙규;유원재;안중근;강영준
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.207-210
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    • 2001
  • Recently, the study on the vibration analysis of machinery is greatly important and ESPI is widely used because of its many attractive features. Firstly, ESPI can be used to measure the vibration mode shape and the phase in real-time. Secondly, the conventional measuring methode, such as accelerometers, take much time to measure the whole field of object, but ESPI needs shorter time than other methods. Because ESPI is a field-inspection method. Thirdly, ESPI is a non-contact measuring system. ESPI does not have influence on the specimen. Beyond these features, there are several advantages in ESPI system. In this paper, the Stroboscopic ESPI system is described for measurement of a vibration mode shape. The Stroboscopic ESPI system had been used to visualize the vibration mode shape, in which EO(Electro-Optic)modulator was used to chop CW(Continuous Wavefront)laser. But it was not easy to control EO modulator and quantified the vibration amplitude and the phase of circular metal plate. At first, we found resonant frequency of the specimen by using time-averaged ESPI method. Nextly, the amplitudes of specimen were quantified by using Stroboscopic ESPI and we compare the results which were obtained in several chopping ratio.

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Signature 기반의 겹쳐진 원형 물체 검출 및 인식 기법 (Detection and Recognition of Overlapped Circular Objects based a Signature Representation Scheme)

  • 박상범;한헌수;한영준
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new algorithm for detecting and recognizing overlapped objects among a stack of arbitrarily located objects using a signature representation scheme. The proposed algorithm consists of two processes of detecting overlap of objects and of determining the boundary between overlapping objects. To determine overlap of objects, in the first step, the edge image of object region is extracted and those areas in the object region are considered as the object areas if an area is surrounded by a closed edge. For each object, its signature image is constructed by measuring the distances of those edge points from the center of the object, along the angle axis, which are located at every angle with reference to the center of the object. When an object is not overlapped, its features which consist of the positions and angles of outstanding points in the signature are searched in the database to find its corresponding model. When an object is overlapped, its features are partially matched with those object models among which the best matching model is selected as the corresponding model. The boundary among the overlapping objects is determined by projecting the signature to the original image. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested with the task of picking the top or non-overlapped object from a stack of arbitrarily located objects. In the experiment, a recognition rate of 98% has been achieved.

동심원 잡음패턴을 가진 물체의 위치정보획득 알고리즘 (An Algorithm to Obtain Location Information of Objects with Concentric Noise Patterns)

  • 심영석;문영식;박성한
    • 전자공학회논문지B
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    • 제32B권11호
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    • pp.1393-1404
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    • 1995
  • For the factory automation(FA) of production or assembly lines, computer vision techniques have been widely used for the recognition and position-control of objects. In this application, it is very important to analyze characteristic features of each object and to find an efficient matching algorithm using the selected features. If the object has regular or homogeneous patterns, the problem is relatively simple. However, If the object is shifted or rotated, and if the depth of the input visual system is not fixed, the problem becomes very complicated. Also, in order to understand and recognize objects with concentric noise patterns, it is more effective to use feature-information represented in polar coordinates than in cartesian coordinates. In this paper, an algorithm for the recognition of objects with concentric circular noise-patterns is proposed. And position-conrtol information is calculated with the matching result. First, a filtering algorithm for eliminating concentric noise patterns is proposed to obtain concentric-feature patterns. Then a shift, rotation and scale invariant alogrithm is proposed for the recognition and position-control of objects uusing invariant feature information. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed alogrithm.

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    • 천문학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2000
  • We have performed extensive simulations of response of gaseous disk in barred galaxies using SPH method. The gravitational potential is assumed to be generated by disk, bulge, halo, and bar. The mass of gaseous disk in SPH simulation is assumed to be negligible compared to the stellar and dark mass component, and the gravitational potential generated by other components is fixed in time. The self-gravity of the gas is not considered in most simulations, but we have made a small set of simulations including the self-gravity of the gas. Non-circular component of velocity generated by the rotating, non-axisymmetric potential causes many interesting features. In most cases, there is a strong tendency of concentration of gas toward the central parts of the galaxy. The morphology of the gas becomes quite complex, but the general behavior can be understood in terms of simple linear approximations: the locations and number of Lindblad resonances play critical role in determining the general distribution of the gas. We present our results in the form of 'atlas' of artificial galaxies. We also make a brief comment on the observational implications of our calculations. Since the gaseous component show interesting features while the stellar component behaves more smoothly, high resolution mapping using molecular emission line for barred galaxies would be desirable.

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On low cost model-based monitoring of industrial robotic arms using standard machine vision

  • Karagiannidisa, Aris;Vosniakos, George C.
    • Advances in robotics research
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2014
  • This paper contributes towards the development of a computer vision system for telemonitoring of industrial articulated robotic arms. The system aims to provide precision real time measurements of the joint angles by employing low cost cameras and visual markers on the body of the robot. To achieve this, a mathematical model that connects image features and joint angles was developed covering rotation of a single joint whose axis is parallel to the visual projection plane. The feature that is examined during image processing is the varying area of given circular target placed on the body of the robot, as registered by the camera during rotation of the arm. In order to distinguish between rotation directions four targets were used placed every $90^{\circ}$ and observed by two cameras at suitable angular distances. The results were deemed acceptable considering camera cost and lighting conditions of the workspace. A computational error analysis explored how deviations from the ideal camera positions affect the measurements and led to appropriate correction. The method is deemed to be extensible to multiple joint motion of a known kinematic chain.

드론영상에서 구조요청자 자동추출 방안: 도심지역 촬영영상을 중심으로 (Automatic Extraction of Rescue Requests from Drone Images: Focused on Urban Area Images)

  • 박창민
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we propose the automatic extraction method of Rescue Requests from Drone Images. A central object is extracted from each image by using central object extraction method[7] before classification. A central object in an images are defined as a set of regions that is lined around center of the image and has significant texture distribution against its surrounding. In this case of artificial objects, edge of straight line is often found, and texture is regular and directive. However, natural object's case is not. Such characteristics are extracted using Edge direction histogram energy and texture Gabor energy. The Edge direction histogram energy calculated based on the direction of only non-circular edges. The texture Gabor energy is calculated based on the 24-dimension Gebor filter bank. Maximum and minimum energy along direction in Gabor filter dictionary is selected. Finally, the extracted rescue requestor object areas using the dominant features of the objects. Through experiments, we obtain accuracy of more than 75% for extraction method using each features.

Platysiphon verticillatus and Arcticophycus glacialis: gen. et comb. nov. (Stschapoviales, Phaeophyceae) based on ecological considerations, life history, morphology, and ultrastructure

  • Wilce, Robert T.;Bradley, Peter M.
    • ALGAE
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.199-216
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    • 2019
  • Platysiphon verticillatus and Punctaria glacialis are synonymized by mainly on the basis of shared genes, nine identical sequences. Our hypothesis is that synonymy is erroneous. We posit the many differences of biological features between the two species, their ecological preferences, and occurrences do not support synonymy. Arcticophycus (nov. gen.) is described and contains the new combination Arcticophycus glacialis. Asexual, vegetative, life histories are proposed. Novel reproductive structures are described including previously unknown features of thallus development in the life history of both species. Discovery of the novel Platysiphon cyst, and dual sporangia types in Arcticophycus, is critical in establishing a probable strategy for survival through the Arctic winter for each annual species. Pl. verticillatus is erect, tubular, ovoid to circular in X sections, flaccid, non-parenchymatous, light brown, 10-15 cm high with distinctive photosynthetic hairs in clusters or whorled on the upper one third of the thallus. A. glacialis is erect, planar, robust, parenchymatous, dark brown and hairs absent. The Halosiphon clade is named, consisting of four genera: Halosiphon, Platysiphon, Arcticophycus, and Stschapovia. Occurrence of these genera is identified. Emended are the genus Platysiphon, the family Platysiphonaceae and the order Stschapoviales.