• Title/Summary/Keyword: circular

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A building strategy of effective metropolitan circular railways (수도권 광역 순환전철 구축 전략)

  • Han, Woo-Jin;Park, Jeong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.620-625
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    • 2007
  • According to 'Metropolitan Traffic Network Plan' announced in 2001, radial railways which connect Seoul with satellite cities around Seoul appear gradually. And followed by this, social demand for circular metropolitan railways that can connect the radial railways horizontally is increasing. But existing plans about circular metropolitan railways has limits to propose only passing cities of the railways. If there is no detailed guideline for circular metropolitan railways, the each railway for circular line will be constructed individually and then it will be not effective circular railways totally. Additionally that railway project will be easily interrupted by popular complaints. Therefore "The basic plan for circular metropolitan railways" is needful to guide a right direction for circular metropolitan railways. In this paper, rough track diagram of 'node' station for circular metropolitan railways is proposed. It is essential part of the basic plan. If the track diagram of a node is publicized in advance and individually lines of circular metropolitan railways is enforced to followed it, all lines will has rich circular functionality. Finally, effective circular metropolitan railways can be built.

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Circular RNAs in and out of Cells: Therapeutic Usages of Circular RNAs

  • Mingyu Ju;Dayeon Kim;Geurim Son;Jinju Han
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2023
  • RNAs are versatile molecules that are primarily involved in gene regulation and can thus be widely used to advance the fields of therapeutics and diagnostics. In particular, circular RNAs which are highly stable, have emerged as strong candidates for use on next-generation therapeutic platforms. Endogenous circular RNAs control gene regulatory networks by interacting with other biomolecules or through translation into polypeptides. Circular RNAs exhibit cell-type specific expression patterns, which can be altered in tissues and body fluids depending on pathophysiological conditions. Circular RNAs that are aberrantly expressed in diseases can function as biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Moreover, exogenous circular RNAs synthesized in vitro can be introduced into cells as therapeutic molecules to modulate gene expression networks in vivo. Depending on the purpose, synthetic circular RNA sequences can either be identical to endogenous circular RNA sequences or artificially designed. In this review, we introduce the life cycle and known functions of intracellular circular RNAs. The current stage of endogenous circular RNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets is also described. Finally, approaches and considerations that are important for applying the available knowledge on endogenous circular RNAs to design exogenous circular RNAs for therapeutic purposes are presented.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.20 no.1_2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2006
  • The circular list coloring is a circular version of list colorings of graphs. Let $\chi_{c,l}$ denote the circular choosability(or the circular list chromatic number). In this paper, the circular choosability of outer planar graphs and odd wheel is discussed.

A Study on the Stress Concentration Factor and Fatigue Strength for T-Tubular Joints by FEM (유한요소법에 의한 튜블라 이음부의 응력집중계수 및 피로강도 해석)

  • 엄동석;강성원;하우일
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 1994
  • In designing, the strength of tubular joint has been an important problem for integrity of steel structures in which many tubular members are used. This paper presents the results of FEM analysis on stress concentration and fatigue crack initiation life for two types of tubular joints. One is circular and rectangular T type joints which consist of circular brace and rectangular chord. Another is circular and circular T type joints which consist of circular brace and circular chord. FEM analyses were performed under the axial load and in-plane bending moment. The fatigue crack initiation life can be estimated by using $\varepsilon$-N curve and by applying the Palmgren-Miner linear damage rule. According to the results, the stress concentration factor(SCF) of circular and rectangular joints is higher than that of circular and circular joints. The fatigue crack initiation lives of circular-circular joints and circular-rectangular joints were calculated.

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Exponential family of circular distributions

  • Kim, Sung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1217-1222
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we show that any circular density can be closely approximated by an exponential family of distributions. Therefore we propose an exponential family of distributions as a new family of circular distributions, which is absolutely suitable to model any shape of circular distributions. In this family of circular distributions, the trigonometric moments are found to be the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators (UMVUEs) of the parameters of distribution. Simulation result and goodness of fit test using an asymmetric real data set show usefulness of the novel circular distribution.

Study on Introductory Situation of Circular Economy in Architectural Design in Japan

  • Takuya OKUMURA;Takashi KANETA;Sayaka NISHINO
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 2024
  • The concept of the circular economy is gaining popularity due to the growing awareness of sustainability. However, Japan seems to have lower awareness of this concept compared to other countries. The aim of this study is to clarify the current status of the implementation of circular design in Japanese architectural design. The case studies utilizing the 'Circular Design Toolkit' framework and interviews with architectural designers who practice the circular economy is conducted for it.

Analysis of the Effect of Wind Direction on Ozone Level

  • Na, Jong-Hwa;Sung, Su-Jin;Yu, Hye-Kyung
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we analyze the effect of circular variables such as wind direction, time and month on the ozone level. In particular, we examined the effect of wind direction by exploratory data analysis methods and provide the correlation and regression analyzes in the cases including all circular explanatory variables. In the analysis, we convert time and month variables to circular variables and analyze the effect of these variables on regression analysis; in addition, we also consider circular-circular regression. We used weather condition and air pollution data collected from Dongdaemoon district of Seoul in 2007.

Free Vibration Analysis of a Circular Plate with an Eccentric Circular Hole by the Independent Coordinate Coupling Method (독립좌표연성법을 이용한 편심 된 원형 구멍을 갖는 원판의 자유진동해석)

  • Heo, Seok;Kwak, Moon-K.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.681-689
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    • 2008
  • This paper is concerned with the free vibration analysis of a circular plate with an eccentric circular hole by the Independent coordinate coupling method(ICCM). It was proved in the previous study that the ICCM can accurately predict the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the annular plates and can also be used for the free vibration analysis of the simply-supported circular plate with an eccentric circular hole. In this study, the clamped and free boundary conditions were considered for the circular plate. The numerical results show that the ICCM can be used effectively for the free vibration problem of circular plate with an eccentric hole compared to the finite element method.

A Study on the Characteristics of Sound Insulation at the Circular Voided Concrete Floor in the Multi-Housing (공동주택에서 중공 슬래브 바닥의 차음 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 손철수
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of the resent research is to investigate the characteristics of sound insulation at the circular voided concrete slab in the multi-housing. In order to do this research, the method for field measurement of floor impact sound level was used following the Korea Standard F2810-1996. For the multi-housing, three kinds of circular voided concrete slabs are used to measure the characteristics of sound insulation.The results are as follows; 1.The main factor affecting the characteristics of sound insulation at the circular voided concrete slab in the multi-housing is sound-absorbing materials in the circular tube. 2. The main factor to effect the difference of sound pressure level is circular tube in the concrete slab. 3. The forms of circular tubes effect the characteristics of sound insulation at the circular tube. 4. Sound Pressure Level resulting from the piping direction of circular tubes in little different to octave band level.More study will be needed about the depth and distance of sound insulation materials, and the components of sound insulation materials for the multi-housing.

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Origin and meaning of Circular stone Pagoda in Unjusa Temple (운주사 원형석탑의 시원과 의미)

  • Kim, Ki-Yong;Cheon, Deuk-Youm
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2014
  • There are lots of and kinds of stone pagoda and stone Buddhas at Unjusa Temple in Hwasun, Jeonnam, which is thus called as Cheontap(千塔) or Cheonbul.(千佛) Several archaeological excavations have been conducted in Unjusa though, the foundation purpose or background motivation is yet wrapped in mystery. Circular shape is representative pagoda of Unjusa made of round frame or spherical roof but circular stone pagoda is unusual that there is no similar example found in India or China as well as in Korea. Located in the symbolic center, Circular stone pagoda is a key to understand Unjusa. Yundeung(輪燈) is made of stone for circular stone pagoda and there are craft lamp and large lamp. The large lamp, for the palace courtyard on the occasion of Palgwanhoe,(八關會) consists of discs and light on each disc. Outdoor lamp of circular stone pagoda made of stone for permanent preservation purpose. Unjusa is a very special temple with stone-yundeung for circular stone pagoda. In this study, a circular stone pagoda that is the source of yundeung said. Unjusa circular stone pagoda next to the title of 'yundeung pagoda' and proposes to call.