• Title/Summary/Keyword: chromium

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Exposure and Toxicity Assessment of Ultrafine Particles from Nearby Traffic in Urban Air in Seoul, Korea

  • Yang, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Jin-Yong;Jang, Ji-Young;Lee, Gun-Woo;Kim, Soo-Hwan;Shin, Dong-Chun;Lim, Young-Wook
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.28
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    • pp.7.1-7.9
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    • 2013
  • Objectives We investigated the particle mass size distribution and chemical properties of air pollution particulate matter (PM) in the urban area and its capacity to induce cytotoxicity in human bronchial epithelial (BEAS-2B) cells. Methods To characterize the mass size distributions and chemical concentrations associated with urban PM, PM samples were collected by a 10-stage Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor close to nearby traffic in an urban area from December 2007 to December 2009. PM samples for in vitro cytotoxicity testing were collected by a mini-volume air sampler with $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ inlets. Results The PM size distributions were bi-modal, peaking at 0.18 to 0.32 and 1.8 to $3.2{\mu}m$. The mass concentrations of the metals in fine particles (0.1 to $1.8{\mu}m$) accounted for 45.6 to 80.4% of the mass concentrations of metals in $PM_{10}$. The mass proportions of fine particles of the pollutants related to traffic emission, lead (80.4%), cadmium (69.0%), and chromium (63.8%) were higher than those of other metals. Iron was the dominant transition metal in the particles, accounting for 64.3% of the $PM_{10}$ mass in all the samples. We observed PM concentration-dependent cytotoxic effects on BEAS-2B cells. Conclusions We found that exposure to $PM_{2.5}$ and $PM_{10}$ from a nearby traffic area induced significant increases in protein expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8). The cell death rate and release of cytokines in response to the $PM_{2.5}$ treatment were higher than those with $PM_{10}$. The combined results support the hypothesis that ultrafine particles from vehicular sources can induce inflammatory responses related to environmental respiratory injury.

Improvement of Conductive Micro-pattern Fabrication using a LIFT Process (레이저 직접묘화법을 이용한 미세패턴 전도성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the conductivity of the fine pattern is improved in the insulating substrate by laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) process. The high laser beam energy generated in conventional laser induced deposition processes induces problems such as low deposition density and oxidation of micro-patterns. These problems were improved by using a polymer coating layer for improved deposition accuracy and conductivity. Chromium and copper were used to deposit micro-patterns on silicon wafers. A multi-pulse laser beam was irradiated on a metal thin film to form a seed layer on an insulating substrate(SiO2) and electroless plating was applied on the seed layer to form a micro-pattern and structure. Irradiating the laser beam with multiple scanning method revealed that the energy of the laser beam improved the deposition density and the surface quality of the deposition layer and that the electric conductivity can be used as the microelectrode pattern. Measuring the resistivity after depositing the microelectrode by using the laser direct drawing method and electroless plating indicated that the resistivity of the microelectrode pattern was $6.4{\Omega}$, the resistance after plating was $2.6{\Omega}$, and the surface texture of the microelectrode pattern was uniformly deposited. Because the surface texture was uniform and densely deposited, the electrical conductivity was improved about three fold.

Sol-gel growth and structural, electrical, and optical properties of vanadium-based oxide thin films (바나듐 옥사이드 박막의 성장 및 그 구조적, 전기적, 광학적 특성)

  • Park, Young-Ran;Kim, Kwang-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.534-540
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    • 2006
  • Thin films of $V_2O_3$, $VO_2$, and $V_2O_5$ were obtained from a single precursor solution through post-annealing processes under different annealing conditions. As annealed in air, the deposited films became $V_2O_5$ with orthorhombic crystal structure, while they were $V_2O_3$ and $VO_2$ with rhombohedral and monoclinic crystal structure as annealed in vacuums with base pressure of $1{\times}10^{-6}$ Torr and with 10 mTorr $O_2$ pressure, respectively. Electrical and optical measurements indicated that the $V_2O_5$ and $VO_2$ films are semiconducting, while the $V_2O_3$ films are metallic at room temperature. Chromium doping in $VO_2$ resulted in a decrease of the resistivity and changed the conduction type from n-type to p-type. 10% Cr-doped $VO_2$ films were found to have orthorhombic crystal structure, which is different from that of the undoped $VO_2$. Spectral features in the optical absorption spectra of all the films were interpreted as the transitions involving O 2p and V 3d bands. The crystal-field splittings between $t_{2g}$ and $e_g$ states of the V 3d bands are estimated to be about 1.5 and 1.0 eV for $V_2O_5$ and $VO_2$, respectively.

Effects of Fly Ash on Heavy Metal Contents in Percolated Water of Paddy Soil (석탄회 시용이 논 토양수중의 중금속성분 용출에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong Woong;Yoon, Chung Han;Shin, Bang Sup;Kim, Kwang Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.236-242
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes of heavy metals in percolated water of paddy soil in which rice was cultivated in conditions of 0%, 5%. 30% addition of bituminous and anthracite fly ash respectively. In cultivated plot, the contents of Fe in percolated water increased gradually during the cultivation. But there was no sharp difference of Fe contents in fly ash treated plots. The contents of Mn in percolated water increased gradually during the cultivation and was high in the cultivated plot. But difference in the contents of Mn among plots not clear. The contents of Zn in percolated water was highest during 20-25 days in the cultivation, thereafter decreased gradually. The fly ash did not cause to increase the contents of Zn in percolated water. The contents of Cu in percolated water decreased through the cultivation. Fly ash treatment did not cause to increase the contents of Cu in percolated water. The contents of Pb in percolated water decreased gradually over the cultivation. Fly ash treatment did not largely influence to Pb percolation. In mid-July. Pb did not almost appeared in percolated water. The contents of Cd was highest about 15 days of the transplant, thereafter decreased gradually. After 40 day of the cultivation, leach of Cd stopped. When fly ashes were applied in paddy soil, the contents of heavy metals in percolated water was not so much compared with control plot. It seems that originally low contents of heavy metals in fly ash and decrease in solubility of heavy metals in a relatively high soil pH make it possible to use fly ash as a soil conditioner.

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Geological Distribution and Background Level of Copper and Zinc in Non-drinking Groundwater, South Korea

  • Jeon, Sang-Ho;Park, Sunhwa;Kim, Hyun-Koo;Song, Da-Hee;Kim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Moon-su;Kim, Deok-hyun;Lee, Gyeong-Mi;Kim, Tae-seung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2016
  • To add new groundwater standard, 7 candidate materials (copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, chromium, aluminum) were calculated by CROWN (Chemical Ranking Of groundwater pollutaNts). Copper and zinc were selected as groundwater candidates through the process and monitored total 430 samples for 2 years with 113 groundwater sampling sites. In this study, geological distribution characteristics (igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock) of copper and zinc were evaluated and the geological background levels obtained by a cumulative probability distribution and pre-selection methods were compared. In the results, the highest average concentrations of the copper and zinc were observed both in the igneous rock. The detection concentration ranges of copper and zinc in 430 groundwater samples were $0.002{\sim}0.931mg\;L^{-1}$, and $0.002{\sim}32.293mg\;L^{-1}$, respectively. In addition, detection concentration ranges of copper and zinc were $0.002{\sim}0.931mg\;L^{-1}$, $0.002{\sim}32.293mg\;L^{-1}$ in the igneous rock, $0.002{\sim}0.134mg\;L^{-1}$, $0.004{\sim}7.038mg\;L^{-1}$ in the metamorphic rock and $0.002{\sim}0.008mg\;L^{-1}$, $0.003{\sim}3.948mg\;L^{-1}$ in the sedimentary rock, respectively. As a result of the background concentrations with two methods, zinc concentrations with the pre-selected method are comparatively higher than that of the others with the cumulative distribution.

Generation Rate and Content Variation of Manganese in Stainless Steel Welding (스테인레스 강 용접중 발생하는 망간의 발생량 및 함량변화에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Chung Sik;Kim, Jeong Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 2006
  • Manganese has a role as both toxic and essential in humans. Manganese is also an essential component in the welding because it increases the hardness and strength, prevents steel from cracking of welding part and acts as a deoxidizing agent to form a stable weld. In this study, manganese generation rate and its content was determined in flux cored arc welding on stainless steel. Domestic two products and foreign four products of flux cored wires were tested in the well designed fume generation chamber as a function of input power. Welding fume was measured by gravimetric method and metal manganese was determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometer. The outer shell of the flux cored wire tube and inner flux were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy to determine their metal compositions. Manganese generation rate($FGR_{mn}$) was increased as the input power increased. It was 16.3 mg/min at the low input power, 38.1 mg/min at the optimal input power, and up to 55.4 mg/min at the high input power. This means that $FGR_{mn}$ is increased at the work place if welder raise the current and/or voltage for the high productivity. The slope coefficient of $FGR_{mn}$ was smaller than that of the generation rate of total fume(FGR). Also, the correlation coefficient of $FGR_{mn}$ was 0.65 whereas that of FGR is 0.91. $FGR_{mn}$ was equal or higher in the domestic products than that of the foreign products although FGR was similar. From the electron microscopic analytical data, we concluded that outer shell of the wire was composed mainly of iron, chromium, nickel and less than 1.2 % of manganese. There are many metal ingredients such as iron, silica, manganese, zirconium, titanium, nickel, potassium, and aluminum in the inner flux but they were not homogeneous. It was found that both $FGR_{mn}$ and content of manganese was higher and more varied in domestic flux cored wires than those of foreign products. To reduce worker exposure to fumes and hazardous component at the source, further research is needed to develop new welding filler materials that improve the quality of flux cored wire in respect to these points. Welder should keep in mind that the FGR, $FGR_{mn}$ and probably the generation rate of other hazardous metals were increased as the input power increase for the high productivity.


  • Sung, Moo Gyung;Kim, Kwang Nam;Chang, Ik Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.29-51
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    • 1990
  • This study was designed to compre the tensile bond strength of 4-META containging denture base resin to Co-Cr alloys after various surface treatments. Especially the surface treatment of sandblasting the mental with aluminum oxide and treating in oxidizing solution composed of 3% aqueous sulfuric acid with 1% potassium manganate were compared. Effect of surface roughness on bonding was measured after sandblasting with 50um, 300um aluminun oxide and polishing with emery pater. Also the effects of wax and wax solvent on bonding were observed. According to the type of polymerization process, heat-cured Meta-Dent resin and autopolymerizing Meta-Fast resin were used. For some specimnens, the tensile bond strength were measured agter three pre-conditions : 1day after bonding, immersed in water at $75^{\circ}C{\pm}3^{\circ}C$ for 4weeks, under normal ambient condition for 4weeks. The following results were obtained from this study : 1. The bond strengths of resins containing 4-META were significantly higher than those of conventional denture base resins(p<0.05). 2. Autopolymerizing Meta-Fast resin had higher bond strength than heat-cured Meta-Dent, resin(p<0.05). 3. The bond strengths of Biosil and Nobilium to 4-META containging resins were not significally different(p>0.05). 4. Stable adhesion can be achieved when mechanically roughen the metal surface by snadblasting with $50{\mu}m$ aluminum oxide than treating in an oxidizing soluing with potassium manganate(p<0.05). 5. Once the metal surface is contaminated with wax, the bond srtength decreased greatly in spite of wax wash with boiling water. But the bond strength recovered significantly with the use of wax solvent 6. Meta-Dent resin had higher bond strength when roughen the metal surface with $50{\mu}m$ aluminum oxide than with $300{\mu}m$ aluminum oxide(p<0.05). In case of Meta-Fast, resin, the use of $300{\mu}m$aluminum oxide was a little advantageous of bonding, but was statistically insignificant(p>0.05).

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Dietary intakes of Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo, and Cr of Korean adult women - Comparison between the data from analyzed and calculated - (성인 여성의 미량무기질(Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo 및 Cr) 섭취량 - 분석치와 계산치의 비교 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Lim, Hyeon-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2006
  • The previous studies on the intake of trace elements performed in Korea were only concerned about major elements like Fe, Zn or Cu. There is little data about the intake of minor elements like Mn, Se, Mo or Cr. And most of the data were obtained by calculation using Food Composition Tables or by analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS). The purpose of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the dietary intake of seven trace elements, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo, and Cr of Korean adult wonmen and to compare the data between analyzed using ICP-MS (or ICP-AES) and calculated by the CAN-Pro (or Food Composition Table). A total of nineteen adult women participated voluntarily in this study and collected one-tenth of the foods that they consumed for three consecutive days. Analyzed intake of Fe of the subjects was $6.94{\pm}2.18$ (calculated, $18.87{\pm}4.50$) mg/day, that of Ze was $9.35{\pm}4.95$ (calculated, $8.35{\pm}2.87mg/day$), that of Cu was $1.18{\pm}0.26\;(1.11{\pm}0.32mg/day)$, that of Mn was $3.69{\pm}0.69\;(2.83{\pm}1.68mg/day)$, that of Se was $41.93{\pm}9.28$ (calculated, $27.58{\pm}6.97{\mu}g/day$), that of Mo was $134.0{\pm}49.1{\mu}g/day$, and that of Cr was $136.5{\pm}147.9{\mu}g/day$. The analyzed Fe intake of the subjects did not meet Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) nor Recommended Intakes (RI) for Korean women aged 20-29 years old. However, the analyzed intakes of the other six elements, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo, and Cr, seemed to meet each of the respective RIs. The analyzed Fe intake was significantly lower than the calculated one, in fact by 2.72 times, however, the analyzed intakes of the other elements, Mn and Se, were significantly higher and those of Zn and Cu were similar than each of the calculated ones. The difference of the data between analyzed and calculated intakes indicates that it is necessary to set up database on trace element contents of foods of the Food Composition Table and the CAN-Pro so as to have accuracy.

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Properties of Light-weight Expanded Bonded Leather Using Thermal Expandable Microspheres (열 팽창성 Microsphere를 적용한 경량 발포 재생피혁 특성 분석)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Kim, Won-Ju;Kim, Yeong-Woo
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 2020
  • Shaving dust is a collagen fiber that is the leather waste occurred for thickness adjustment during the natural leather manufacturing process, and causes problems such as an environmental contamination because of a chromium (Cr) contained when it comes to reclaiming process. Various studies applying the shaving dust are currently being conducted in many countries across the world with an initiative by the EU. Of those applications, the bonded leather is being highlighted as a substitute for natural leather. Since the bonded leather, however, uses latex as a binder, accordingly it entails a high weight and a poor ventilation, which are deemed as disadvantages due to its dense internal tissues compared to other synthetic leathers. To address such disadvantages, this study employed the thermally expandable micro sphere to improve its air permeability and light weight by alleviating the internal structure. This is a study on the manufacturing of light bonded leather using the shaving dusts. In the study, the shaving dusts were forced to foam under 100~120℃ considering the heat resistance of collagen fiber after applying the thermally expandable micro sphere, and then the tendency was analyzed. In the analysis results, the most excellent foaming rate was exhibited when the shaving dusts were treated under 120℃ for 8 minutes and the variation of internal structure according to a foaming was observed through SEM analysis for the cross-section of the bonded leather.

Hardness Correction Algorithm Applicable to Korea as Related to Aquatic Toxicity Variation for Heavy Metals (국내 적용가능한 중금속 수서독성에 대한 경도보정 알고리즘 연구)

  • An, Youn-Joo;Yang, Chang-Yong;Nam, Sun-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2008
  • Water hardness is a significant parameter as related to aquatic toxicity of some heavy metals. Hardness dependent metals include cadmium, copper, chromium (III), nickel, lead, zinc and silver. Developed countries have applied the hardness correction procedure to derive the water quality criteria for protecting the aquatic organisms. In the present study, we investigated the hardness correction algorithms used in United States of America, European Union, Australia/New Zealand, and Canada, and analyzed the details associated with those algorithms. Toxicity values of heavy metals were definitely different after hardness correction for all of algorithms analyzed. We found that the hardness corrected toxicity values followed by the algorithms of USA and Australia/New Zealand were very similar or same, however they were slightly different for cadmium at the hardness less than 30 mg $CaCO_3\;L^{-1}$. Among the hardness correction algorithms studied, the algorithm used in Australia/New Zealand appears to be a good choice to apply in Korean situation due to its simplicity compared to the algorithm of USA.