• Title/Summary/Keyword: chinese tourist

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A Text Mining Analysis of Attributes for Satisfaction and Effect of Consumer Ratings to Korea and China Duty Free Stores - Focusing on Chinese Tourists - (텍스트 마이닝을 통한 한국과 중국 시내면세점 만족 속성과 소비자 평점에 미치는 영향 분석 -중국인 관광객을 중심으로)

  • Yang, DaSom;Kim, Jong Uk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to find new attributes by analyzing Korea and China duty free store online reviews and examine the influence of these attributes on star ratings(satisfaction)of duty free store. For study, we used Dazhong Dianping that largest online review site in China. Using R, we analyzed 5,659 reviews of Korea duty free store and 4,051 reviews of China duty free store. According to the analysis, Sale, Food and Membership attributes had a positive effect on star rating of Korea duty free store. Sale, Product, Airport, Food and Membership had a positive effect on star rating of China duty free store. This study has identified new factors such as food that showed the importance of providing space of restaurants while shopping at duty free store. This study has contributed to the existing literature by finding new attribute such as food. Practically, this finding will help to duty free industry workers better understand the impact of providing space of restaurants on duty free store.

Success Factors Analysis of Chinese Large Scenario Experience Drama:'You Jian Ping-yao' (중국 대형정경체험극 '우견평요'의 성공요인 분석)

  • Wang, Yilun;Jang, Hyewon
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, China's tourism performing art in a series of new completion of the project, increase the box office of tourism performing arts industry, higher economic income, at the same time led to the formation of brand of tourism performing arts and has a good reputation, with the regional culture, has a certain role in promoting economic development, including Large scenario experience drama is one of the key projects. Large scenario experience drama is a new form of drama that simulates the space design of real environment and enables the audience to have active experience in visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch and other senses with strong interactivity.Large scenario experience drama are adapted from traditional Chinese culture, regional culture and long-passed stories, and combine high technology such as lighting, sound effects, special effects and 3D effects to make the audience's experience more real.As the first Large scenario experience drama in China, 'You Jian Ping-yao' reflects the profound culture of Shanxi with new forms of expression and creative means, in the form of scene experience and make the audience more intuitive feel the 'Shanxi emotion', 'Shanxi sentiment' and 'Shanxi Morality', carry forward the traditional culture at the same time, also passed the Shanxi ancient and great values, strengthened the drama of China's movie village, impetus the development of the tourism industry in Shanxi, drive the Shanxi region of jingjing, gradually formed a complete industrial chain. However, there are also limitations such as improper plot connection and improper tourist management, which can improve the performance effect through more audience interaction and guidance. Therefore, it can be seen that large-scale situational experience dramas play a great role in promoting the dissemination of traditional culture and values, the development of tourism industry, the formation of regional brand characteristics and economic development. Through these, it can be seen that large-scale situational experience plays have enlightenments such as innovative thinking content, gradually forming an industrial chain closed-loop, and broadening publicity channels for the development of live-action performances.

Legal Aspects of Insurance Regarding Space Activities and the Situation in China: an Analysis Based on the New Development of Space Commercialization (空間活動保險法律問題及中國狀況:基於空間商業化最新發展的分析)

  • Nie, Mingyan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.385-417
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    • 2017
  • Insurances of space activities are divided into satellite insurance, astronaut insurance and third party liability insurance. Against the background of the rapid development of space commercialization, especially the increasing participation of private entities in space affairs, the present international and domestic mechanisms of space insurance are challenged. As a space-faring state which is in the process of developing space businesses, the regulations of space insurance in China are deserved to be discussed. Satellites insurance is at present well-developed, the "pre-launch", "launch" and "in-orbit" phases of satellites are all possible to be insured by related companies. China created the CAIA in 1997 to provide insurance for Chinese satellites. However, with more private entities start to involve in space as well as satellite industry, the regime established under the framework of CAIA is necessary to be modified, and the mechanism relating to space insurance brokers should be promoted. The astronauts are recognized as the envoy of humankind, and relevant international regulations are made to provide assistance to them in emergency circumstances. From the domestic perspective, astronauts will be fully insured. China creates a particular type of insurance for astronauts. However, once space tourism becomes a business, the insurance of the tourist will be demanded to be created. In order to promote China's space tourism, it is recommended to take the "Astronaut Group Insurance" as an optional model to space tourists, if the tourists are customers of a governmental-owned space company. Once private involvement of providing orbital/suborbital tourism service becomes a reality, new rules are required. Getting a third party liability insurance is deemed as an indispensable precondition for an applicant to get a launch permission. Domestic space laws will include provisions for the third party liability insurance. China's "Interim Measures" of 2002 realizes the importance of third party liability insurance and requires the permit holder to get it before entering the launching site. This regulation is different from the practices of other states. Concerning that China is the sponsor of APSCO, for the purpose of promoting commercial space cooperation, a harmonized approach to domestic law is recommended to be found.

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Potential Ability of Traditional Korean Medical Tourism and Economic Valuation of Sasang Constitutional Typology Diagnosis from Foreigner's Perspective (외국인이 인식하는 한의학 의료관광의 가능성 및 사상체질진단 경제적 가치평가)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Soon;Lee, Hee-Seung;Cha, Byung-Hun;Joo, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2011
  • 1. Objectives : This study aimed to provide practical insights on the development of traditional Korean medical tourism and maximize the satisfaction of foreign patients. The main objectives of this study were also to evaluate Sasang Constitutional Medicine(S.C.M.) diagnosis cost from foreigners' perspectives. 2. Methods : For this study, the data were collected from tourists to Korea between January 3, 2010 to February 20, 2010. The sample used in this study was mainly composed of Japanese, Chines and US/Canada, because they are the major national visitor origin group to Korea. The primary data were collected by questionnaire survey using a standardized instrument with a convenience sampling procedure, and efforts of the interviews involved an on-site, self-administrated questionnaire to those sitting or visiting tourist attractions. The total size of the sample was 276 of which 275 showed no missing value against the factors needed for final analysis and were for analysis as an effective sample. SPSS 13.0 for window was used to analyze the collected data on which descriptive statistics and the Limited Dependent(LIMDEP) 8.0 program was used in estimating the willingness-to-pay(WTP) for traditional Korean medical tourism through the Contingent Valuation Method(CVM). A dichotomous choice question form of a CVM was applied to estimating the value. 3. Results and Conclusion: 1. There was significant statistical relationship between attributes when considering medical tourism destination and socio-demographic profiles such as age group, nationality, educational level and occupation. 2. In the level of recognition on Korean medicine, north Americans showed low level of recognition compared to other nationalities. In addition, in terms of age group, 20's and 30's showed low level of recognition on Korean medicine, 3. In relation to the level of interest on Korean medicine, Japanese respondents had higher interesting level on Korean medicine. Also singles had higher level of interest. 4. Regarding preferred Korean medical treatment program, there found significant statistical relationship between Korean medical treatment program and socio-demographic characteristics. 5. The estimating result of the logit model showed that the variables affecting the WTP for Sasang Constitutional medicine diagnosis were offered price and potential ability of medical tourism destination. 6. In relation to WTP for Sasang Constitutional medicine diagnosis, Japanese respondents showed a WTP of USD 62.69 and Chinese respondents showed USD 57.09. On the other hands, respondents from north America and other countries showed a WTP of USD 65.50. In conclusion, from this study, the results found that the opportunities in tradition Korean medical tourism are immense and the possible rewards are numerous. It is time to continue to promote 'Sasang Constitutional medicine' and make the Korean medical tourism programs considering on nationalities, age group, gender and WTP.

A Study on the Healthcare Utilization Pattern of Foreign Nationals with National Health Insurance in South Korea (외국인 건강보험가입자의 의료서비스 이용 현황 분석)

  • Park, Hyung Are;Jin, Ki Nam;Koo, Jun Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.314-323
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of medical service use of foreigners living in Korea by their nationality and types of national health insurance. As of 2018, 1,058,886 people were extracted from the qualification DB, excluding people whose insurance premium is missing. The data analysis showed that nearly 78% of foreigners with national health insurance used medical services and the countries with the largest number of users were China, Vietnam, and the United States. The total cost of treatment per capita was highest in the United States regardless of hospitalization and outpatient. The number of medical treatments per person, and the medical expenses of outpatients & inpatients services were highest among the regionally-insured and the length of stay per person was highest among the workers' dependents. Lastly, it was found that Chinese and regionally-insured received much more benefits than other groups compared to the premium they pay. After July 2019, foreign nationals residing in Korea for six months or longer are obligated to enroll in the national health insurance program. Since the latest data was in 2018, the result did not properly reflect the current situation, but it is meaningful that it made basic data for future comparative analysis.

A Study of the Time-Space and Appreciation for the Performance Culture of Gwanseo Region in Late Joseon Period: Focusing on Analysis of Terminology (조선후기 관서지방의 공연 시공간과 향유에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Hye-jin
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.287-325
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    • 2011
  • This paper studies the time-space and appreciation of the performance culture of Gwanseo region, which is considered to have formed a characteristic culture in late Joseon period. For this purpose, 4 gasa written in hangeul (Korean alphabet), as well as 4 yeonhaeng gasa, 108 articles of Gwanseoakbu were examined. Plus, among the 9 types of yeonhaengrok (Documents of Performance culture) written in Chinese character, those parts which describe the performance traits have been analyzed. Then, 'main list of terminology' has been deduced based on the categorization according to the following points : 1) subjects of performance and appreciation 2) time and period of performance 3) space of performance 4) contents of performance 5) background and motive for performance and 6) method of performance. Through this process, various 'nouns' and 'predicate verbs' in relation to performance culture emerged, which were systemized according to types of performance elements and categories. Major terminology includes predicate verbs and symbolic verbs such as nokuihongsang,' 'baekdaehongjang,' 'jeolsaekgeumga,' 'cheonga,' 'hwaryu,' 'gamuja,' and 'tongsoja,' as well as the terms already known such as gisaeng, iwon, yangbang, akgong, and jeonak, which refer to musicians and dancers. Subjects of performance were divided into performers and listeners, categorized into concert, music, and dance, according to performance form. In the case for music, it was divided into instrumental or vocal, solo or accompanied (byeongju, self-accompaniment). In the case for vocal music, noteworthy was the inclusion of profesional artist's singing (called gwangdae or uchang). The record of 23 names of popular artists from Gwanseo region, with mention of special talents for each person, reflects the degree of activeness and artistic level of the province. Depending on the appreciating patrons, the audience were indicated as the terms including 'yugaek (party guest),' jwasang,' 'on jwaseok,' and 'sonnim (guests).' It seems that appraisal for a certain performance was very much affected by the tastes, views, and disposition of the appreciating patrons. Therefore it is interesting to observe different comparative reviews of concerts of different regions given by literary figures, offering various criticism on identical performance. In terms of performance space, it has been divided into natural or architectural space, doing justice to special performance sites such as a famous pavilion or an on-the-boat performance. Specific terms related to the scale and brightness of stage, as well as stage props and cast, based on descriptions of performance space were found. The performance space, including famous pavilions; Yeongwangjeong, Bubyeokru, Baeksangru, Wolparu, and Uigeomjeong, which are all well-known tourist sites of Gwanseo province, have been often visited by viceroys. governors, and envoys during a tour or trip. This, and the fact that full-scale performances were regularly held here, and that more than 15 different kinds of boats which were used for boat concert are mentioned, all confirm the general popularity of boat concerts at the time. Performance time, categorized by season or time of day (am/pm/night) and analyzed in terms of time of occurrence and duration, there were no special limitation as to when to have a performance. Most morning concerts were held as part of official duties for the envoys, after their meeting session, whereas evening concerts were more lengthy in duration, with a greater number of people in the audience. In the case of boat concert, samples include day-time concert and performances that began during the day and which lasted till later in the evening. Major terminology related to performance time and season includes descriptions of time of day (morning, evening, night) and mention of sunset, twilight, moonlight, stars, candles, and lamps. Such terms which reflect the flow of time contributed in making a concert more lively. Terminology for the contents of performance was mostly words like 'instrumental,' 'pungak,' or 'pungnyu.' Besides, contextual expressions gave hints as to whether there were dance, singing, ensemble, solo, and duets. Words for dance and singing used in Gwanseo province were almost identical to those used for gasa and jeongjae in the capital, Hanyang. However, many sentences reveal that performances of 'hangjangmu' of hongmunyeon, sword dance, and baettaragi were on a top-quality level. Moreover, chants in hanmun Chinese character and folk songs, which are characteristic for this region, show unique features of local musical performance. It is judged that understanding the purpose and background of a performance is important in grasping the foundation and continuity of local culture. Concerts were usually either related to official protocol for 'greeting,' 'sending-off,' 'reports,' and 'patrols' or for private enjoyment. The rituals for Gwanseo province characteristically features river crossing ceremony on the Daedong river, which has been closely documented by many. What is more, the Gwanseo region featured continued coming and goings of Pyeongan envoys and local officers, as well as ambassadors to and fro China, which required an organized and full-scale performance of music and dance. The method of performance varied from a large-scale, official ones, for which female entertainers and a great banquet in addition to musicians were required, to private gatherings that are more intimate. A performance may take the form of 'taking turns' or 'a competition,' reflecting the dynamic nature of the musical culture at the time. This study, which is deduction of terminology in relation to the time-space and appreciation culture of musical performances of Gwanseo region in late Joseon period, should be expanded in the future into research on 'the performance culture unique to Gwanseo region,' in relation to the financial and administrative aspects of the province, as well as everyday lifestyle. Furthermore, it could proceed to a more intensive research by a comparative study with related literary documents and pictorial data, which could serve as the foundation for understanding the use of space and stage, as well as the performance format characteristic to Korean traditional performing arts.