• Title/Summary/Keyword: channel integration

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Development of a New Hybrid Silicon Thin-Film Transistor Fabrication Process

  • Cho, Sung-Haeng;Choi, Yong-Mo;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Jeong, Yu-Gwang;Jeong, Chang-Oh;Kim, Shi-Yul
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-36
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    • 2009
  • A new hybrid silicon thin-film transistor (TFT) fabrication process using the DPSS laser crystallization technique was developed in this study to realize low-temperature poly-Si (LTPS) and a-Si:H TFTs on the same substrate as a backplane of the active-matrix liquid crystal flat-panel display (AMLCD). LTPS TFTs were integrated into the peripheral area of the activematrix LCD panel for the gate driver circuit, and a-Si:H TFTs were used as a switching device of the pixel electrode in the active area. The technology was developed based on the current a-Si:H TFT fabrication process in the bottom-gate, back-channel etch-type configuration. The ion-doping and activation processes, which are required in the conventional LTPS technology, were thus not introduced, and the field effect mobility values of $4\sim5cm^2/V{\cdot}s$ and $0.5cm^2/V{\cdot}s$ for the LTPS and a-Si:H TFTs, respectively, were obtained. The application of this technology was demonstrated on the 14.1" WXGA+(1440$\times$900) AMLCD panel, and a smaller area, lower power consumption, higher reliability, and lower photosensitivity were realized in the gate driver circuit that was fabricated in this process compared with the a-Si:H TFT gate driver integration circuit

A Stereo Audio DAC with Asymmetric PWM Power Amplifier (비대칭 펄스 폭 변조 파워-앰프를 갖는 스테레오 오디오 디지털-아날로그 변환기)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Jun, Young-Hyun;Kong, Bai-Sun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2008
  • A stereo audio digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a power amplifier using asymmetric pulse-width modulation (PWM) is presented. To adopt class-D amplifier mainly used in high-power audio appliances for head-phones application, this work analyzes the noise caused by the inter-channel interference during the integration and optimizes the design of the sigma-delta modulator to decrease the performance degradation caused by the noise. The asymmetric PWM is implemented to reduce switching noise and power loss generated from the power amplifier. This proposed architecture is fabricated in 0.13-mm CMOS technology. The proposed audio DAC including the power amplifier with single-ended output achieves a dynamic range (DR) of 95-dB dissipating 4.4-mW.

Area-Efficient Semi-Parallel Encoding Structure for Long Polar Codes (긴 극 부호를 위한 저 면적 부분 병렬 극 부호 부호기 설계)

  • Shin, Yerin;Choi, Soyeon;Yoo, Hoyoung
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1288-1294
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    • 2019
  • The channel-achieving property made the polar code show to advantage as an error-correcting code. However, sufficient error-correction performance shows the asymptotic property that is achieved when the length of the code is long. Therefore, efficient architecture is needed to realize the implementation of very-large-scale integration for the case of long input data. Although the most basic fully parallel encoder is intuitive and easy to implement, it is not suitable for long polar codes because of the high hardware complexity. Complementing this, a partially parallel encoder was proposed which has an excellent result in terms of hardware area. Nevertheless, this method has not been completely generalized and has the disadvantage that different architectures appear depending on the hardware designer. In this paper, we propose a hardware design scheme that applies the proposed systematic approach which is optimized for bit-dimension permutations. By applying this solution, it is possible to design a generalized partially parallel encoder for long polar codes with the same intuitive architecture as a fully parallel encoder.

A Study on the AM/FM Digital Radio for Practical Use Based on DRM and DRM+ (DRM과 DRM+ 기반의 AM/FM 디지털라디오 활용 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Kyu;Park, Goo-Man
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.990-1003
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, the possibility and necessity of the digital broadcasting propulsion in AM and FM is presented based on DRM and DRM+ transmission modes, They are the members of series technological family in digital radio development. As the frequency utilization, the application of DRM+ is flexible in any mode such as IN-BAND or OUT-OF-BAND. When the digital audio broadcasting is planned at LOW-VHF bandwidth such as TV channel No.5 and NO.6 being adjacent to FM band and OUT-Of-BAND DRM+ technology is applied, there is no collision and jamming. Particularly, in the IN-BAND Hybrid mode, it is mentioned that there was the difficulty problem for multiple SFN transmitters uses. Not like the IN-BAND mode the OUT-OF-BAND mode lets multiple transmitters, because neighbor transmitters do not interfere each other. Digital transmitter can be combined with the existing FM transmitter. The intensity of power and size of area can be easily determined according to local broadcasters' condition. And the OUT-OF-BAND mode is advantageous for AM/FM integration in digital radio receiver manufacturing, which makes the conversion schedule much shorter.

Reactor core analysis through the SP3-ACMFD approach Part II: Transient solution

  • Mirzaee, Morteza Khosravi;Zolfaghari, A.;Minuchehr, A.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.230-237
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    • 2020
  • In this part, an implicit time dependent solution is presented for the Boltzmann transport equation discretized by the analytic coarse mesh finite difference method (ACMFD) over the spatial domain as well as the simplified P3 (SP3) for the angular variable. In the first part of this work we proposed a SP3-ACMFD approach to solve the static eigenvalue equations which provide the initial conditions for temp dependent equations. Having solved the 3D multi-group SP3-ACMFD static equations, an implicit approach is resorted to ensure stability of time steps. An exponential behavior is assumed in transverse integrated equations to establish a relationship between flux moments and currents. Also, analytic integration is benefited for the time-dependent solution of precursor concentration equations. Finally, a multi-channel one-phase thermal hydraulic model is coupled to the proposed methodology. Transient equations are then solved at each step using the GMRES technique. To show the sufficiency of proposed transient SP3-ACMFD approximation for a full core analysis, a comparison is made using transport peers as the reference. To further demonstrate superiority, results are compared with a 3D multi-group transient diffusion solver developed as a byproduct of this work. Outcomes confirm that the idea can be considered as an economic interim approach which is superior to the diffusion approximation, and comparable with transport in results.

A Study on the role of buyers and sellers in e-Marketplace (e-Marketplace에서의 구매자와 판매자의 역할분석)

  • 조원길
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2002
  • The evolution of transaction-based business model is upon us. The business models of many e-Marketplace in their early stages have typically been based on transaction fees. Many e-Marketplaces have even called out transaction revenues as a core element of their business plans. The transaction business represents the most simple of business models, but it does not provide a long-term sustain able advantage. For buyer's convenience, wide selection and test price hold appeal. For suppliers, the extended global market reach and direct access to customers and consortiums of customers is powerful. To maxmize leverage of these new e-marketplace, you must from both a buyer perspective as well as a supplier perspective. Also required is a strategy that takes in account all of the various e-Marketplace transaction standards and one that allows the easy accomodation to new e-marketplace as the market change. These new e-marketplace will need to be factored into the sales channel strategies. To be successful, integration with these e-marketplaces should occur at a complete business process level. This study explored independent and industry-backed current and future business models that are emerging in the B2B electronic market industry, as well as value -added service models for the Net market maker industry. E-Marketplaces will evolve into digital work environments in which real industry collaboration can occur.

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An Analysis the Role between the Buyer and Seller in the Field of e-Trade (전자무역에서 구매자와 판매자의 역할분석)

  • Lee, Joo-Won
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.195-212
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    • 2005
  • International trade has been changed from traditional trade to e-trade due to the fast expanding of information technology like e-marketplace, EDI (Electronic data interchange) using Internet since mid of 1990's. e-Trade, as a new trade method, could handle every trade procedure such as market research, contract, customs clearance, logistics and payment using IT like internet without restriction of time and space. The evolution of transaction-based business model is upon us. The business models of many e-Marketplace in their early stages have typically been based on transaction fees. Many e-Marketplaces have even called out transaction revenues as a core element of their business plans. The transaction business represents the most simple of business models, but it does not provide a long-term sustain able advantage. For buyer's convenience, wide selection and test price hold appeal. For suppliers, the extended global market reach and direct access to customers and consortiums of customers is powerful. To maximize leverage of these new e-marketplace, you must from both a buyer perspective as well as a supplier perspective. Also required is a strategy that takes in account all of the various e-Marketplace transaction standards and one that allows the easy accomodation to new e-marketplace as the market change. These new e-marketplace will need to be factored into the sales channel strategies. To be successful, integration with these e-marketplaces should occur at a complete business process level. This study would suggest on the role of buyers and sellers for e-trade which could maximize effect of e-trade in order to cope with rapid changing IT environment and global trade environment. Therefore, this study suggests top priority tasks for implementing on the specialization strategy of e-trade process.

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Self-sustained n-Type Memory Transistor Devices Based on Natural Cellulose Paper Fibers

  • Martins, Rodrigo;Pereira, Luis;Barquinha, Pedro;Correia, Nuno;Goncalves, Goncalo;Ferreira, Isabel;Dias, Carlos;Correia, N.;Dionisio, M.;Silva, M.;Fortunato, Elvira
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2009
  • Reported herein is the architecture for a nonvolatile n-type memory paper field-effect transistor. The device was built via the hybrid integration of natural cellulose fibers (pine and eucalyptus fibers embedded in resin with ionic additives), which act simultaneously as substrate and gate dielectric, using passive and active semiconductors, respectively, as well as amorphous indium zinc and gallium indium zinc oxides for the gate electrode and channel layer, respectively. This was complemented by the use of continuous patterned metal layers as source/drain electrodes.

Quantified Lockscreen: Integration of Personalized Facial Expression Detection and Mobile Lockscreen application for Emotion Mining and Quantified Self (Quantified Lockscreen: 감정 마이닝과 자기정량화를 위한 개인화된 표정인식 및 모바일 잠금화면 통합 어플리케이션)

  • Kim, Sung Sil;Park, Junsoo;Woo, Woontack
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.11
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    • pp.1459-1466
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    • 2015
  • Lockscreen is one of the most frequently encountered interfaces by smartphone users. Although users perform unlocking actions every day, there are no benefits in using lockscreens apart from security and authentication purposes. In this paper, we replace the traditional lockscreen with an application that analyzes facial expressions in order to collect facial expression data and provide real-time feedback to users. To evaluate this concept, we have implemented Quantified Lockscreen application, supporting the following contributions of this paper: 1) an unobtrusive interface for collecting facial expression data and evaluating emotional patterns, 2) an improvement in accuracy of facial expression detection through a personalized machine learning process, and 3) an enhancement of the validity of emotion data through bidirectional, multi-channel and multi-input methodology.

The Application and Integration of an Improvement Technique for Layers of NETCONF (NETCONF 계층에 대한 개선 기법 적용 및 통합)

  • Lee, YangMin;Lee, JaeKee
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.256-268
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    • 2016
  • Modern networks consisting of various heterogeneous equipment are often installed in a distributed manner. Thus the NETCONF standard was established to manage networks centrally and efficiently. In this paper, we present a method that integrates each NETCONF layer into a single system based on the results of previous studies. In the RPC Layer, an asynchronous communication channel and parallel processes are possible using multi-threading. In the Operation Layer, operational efficiency is increased by using a data group with dependencies between the equipment configuration data and by improving the data structure, enabling efficiently processing of XML queries even with multiple managers. The data modeling techniques and grouping methods in the Content Layer are presented in detail for interoperability between the Operation Layer and the Content Layer. Finally, the GUI program was implemented and its implementation is reported. We performed an experiment comparing the improved NETCONF with the standard NETCONF to measure factors, such as query processing ratio, query processing speed, and CPU utilization. The improved NETCONF demonstrated excellent query processing ratio and query processing speed, whereas the standard NETCONF had excellent CPU utilization.