• Title/Summary/Keyword: casual games

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Casual game design using the game engine (게임 엔진을 이용한 캐주얼 게임 설계)

  • Song, Gi-seob;Lee, Hee-bum;Bae, Jin-hyeong;Kang, Ji-hun;Kim, SooKyun;An, Syungog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.458-459
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    • 2012
  • Thanks to the recent advances in smartphones, various high quality contents are being developed. Three dimensional games that were very hard to produce in old picture phones are now used universally in smartphones, satisfying its users. This thesis utilizes a game engine that is more suitable for smartphones in that it can develop high quality game in a timely efficient manner in comparison to low quality development tools. It explains the methods of game planning and development using techniques such as high quality shading processes, optimization functions, etc.

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Hybrid Fuzzy Association Structure for Robust Pet Dog Disease Information System

  • Kim, Kwang Baek;Song, Doo Heon;Jun Park, Hyun
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2021
  • As the number of pet dog-related businesses is rising rapidly, there is an increasing need for reliable pet dog health information systems for casual pet owners, especially those caring for older dogs. Our goal is to implement a mobile pre-diagnosis system that can provide a first-hand pre-diagnosis and an appropriate coping strategy when the pet owner observes abnormal symptoms. Our previous attempt, which is based on the fuzzy C-means family in inference, performs well when only relevant symptoms are provided for the query, but this assumption is not realistic. Thus, in this paper, we propose a hybrid inference structure that combines fuzzy association memory and a double-layered fuzzy C-means algorithm to infer the probable disease with robustness, even when noisy symptoms are present in the query provided by the user. In the experiment, it is verified that our proposed system is more robust when noisy (irrelevant) input symptoms are provided and the inferred results (probable diseases) are more cohesive than those generated by the single-phase fuzzy C-means inference engine.

An Analysis of Market Trend and Profitability Model for Mobile Social Game : A Case Study of Japanese Mobile Social Game (모바일 소셜게임의 시장동향 및 수익모델 분석 - 일본 모바일 소셜게임을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Han-Gook
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2012
  • Recently people who enjoy social game via mobile devices significantly are increasing depending on the rapid adoption of smart phones and the development of the network such as LTE. Most of them are enjoying the casual gaming mobile social games that you are able to play easily, but social issues like health problems due to long play time are emerging. The users, however, do not last long because of the simplicity of the game, and there are few people who actually buy game items even though they play it long time. This study has been conducted aiming to overcome such difficulties. This study suggests ways to generate constantly revenue avoiding short-term box-office after the release of mobile social games based on the analysis for market trend and profitability of the mobile social game. In addition, by applying profitability model analyzed to Japan's most successful game practices, this paper suggests the concrete methods about the commitment of the users. For summarizing the main achievements of this paper, providing the latest market information about mobile social games, analysis of profitability, practical implications for the commitment of the users are presented.

A Comparison of Tendencies in Male and Female Gamers Using Customization and Life Simulation (커스터마이징과 육성시뮬레이션을 이용한 남녀 게이머 성향 비교)

  • Jung, Hee-Young;Jung, In-Hoo;Oh, Pyeong;Kim, Sun-Jeong;Hong, Seokmin
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2016
  • The market of mobile game is growing rapidly according to increasing trend of mobile market and dissemination of smart phone devices. Not only the number of male gamers, but also female gamers who are relatively playing casual games are increased and the mobile market is growing as well. Therefore, this study compared the tendencies in male and female gamers using "Link" which was based on customizing and life simulation. The results showed that female gamers had stronger affinity than male gamers in customization. Both male and female gamers showed similar interests in battle situation. This paper contributes to new perspective of mobile game developing and marketing opportunity.

Using Traditional Costumes in the Design of Game Character Clothing for 'Heungbu and Nolbu 1' Series of On-line Game Tales Runner (전통복식을 응용한 게임 캐릭터 의상 디자인 개발: 테일즈런너의 '흥부와 놀부1' 게임을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Du Na;Kim, Eun Jung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2014
  • 'Heongbu and Nolbu 1' is a series of the on-line game 'Tales Runner.' It is based on a traditional Korean fairy tale. However, the game characters in Heongbu and Nolbu 1 wear casual clothes even though the game is set in the Joseon Dynasty. Therefore, this paper presents proposed game characters clothes based on traditional Korean costumes from the Joseon Dynasty. This work should help inspire gamers and game designers with the beauty of Korean traditional costumes and familiarize them with an aspect of Korean people's identity. A literature review of online games and game characters was carried out, and game characters' clothes were analyzed. The design motifs of historical relics of the Joseon era were evaluated. Three styles, one traditional and two "fusion" styles integrating traditional and modern elements were proposed for each of the 4 characters: Chowon, Ruff, Bada and Abell. The chulrik and jurip were used as design motifs for Chowon. A traditional chulrik, short chulriks and pants are suggested. Second, the dongari and jeonrip were used as design motifs for Ruff. A traditional dongdari, sapok pants, deck pants and a vest are suggested. Third, the jeogori and chima were used as design motifs for Bada. A traditional female hanbok, arm warmers, short-sleeved jeogori and dress are suggested. Fourth, the dang-ui and daeran-chima were used as design motifs for Abell. A traditional dang-ui and daeran-chima, blouse, skirt, jumper and tight Bermuda shorts are suggested. The length, shape and color were converted into new styles, but some traditional elements such as the git and goreum were retained.

A Method of Gameplay Analysis by Petri Net Model Simulation (Petri Net 모델 시뮬레이션을 통한 게임플레이 분석방법)

  • Chang, Heedong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2015
  • As the popularity of casual games, they are increasing the needs to satisfy personal dispositions and the gameplay requirements of the various users in the game development process. These require analysis of action patterns of gameplay of various users in the testing phase of the game development. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze action patterns of gameplay through Petri net model simulation with gameplay metrics data. The proposed method has practical simulation environments because of using gameplay metrics data, and it can analyze diversely like reachability, coverbility, and liveness given by Petri net model analysis. An application example of the proposed method using a Petri net modeling tool GPenSIM v4.0 is given to analyze the patterns of gameplay in game Pacman. The results of simulations is presented. The presented results show that the proposed method can analysis patterns of gameplay diversely.

A Study on Interior Design Expressional Tendency of Korean style Apartments introducing Traditional Hanok Factors - Focusing on the Cases applied to Korean Brand-name Apartments - (한옥의 전통적 요소를 도입한 한국형 아파트 실내디자인의 표현 경향에 관한 연구 - 한국 브랜드 아파트에 적용된 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Bo-Ra;Choi, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2016
  • Focusing on the cases applied to korean brand-name apartments In 1960s, economical growth and introduction of western-type cultures led to a boom of apartment construction. After internationalization'in 1980s through Olympic games in 1988, korean culture has attracted attention and individual life quality has been improved. Since 1990s, changes in personal life style has affected the housing culture and the construction companies started moving from quantitative supply to developing their own differential characteristics. Differentiation scheme triggered by construction companies since mid-1990s mainly focused on various ideas for space deployment. Space plans include such things as a private ground, a kitchen in the south, etc. while interior plans include to provide selection of the korean traditional style, natural or casual one. 'korean traditional style' apartment is one of such theme of the brand-named apartment. Interests on 'Tradition' can be broken down into a social trend and media trend. Firstly, the former includes the designation of Bukchon as a reserving area, one of the governmental 'Hanok Survival Program', and traditional building promotion scheme on the basis of construction policy plans. Secondly, the latter covers the interests which attract through the media showing oriental cosmetics, korean culture export via Hallyu, popularity of korean dramas, etc. Thus, it seems worth studying on the apartments with traditional factors. And also, this study aims to setup the concept and trends of korean traditional style apartments through the interior expression on the korean-factor space developed by brand-name apartments so that it could correct such false knowledge out of misunderstood concept of traditional space which results from simple decoration or structure type not accompanying Korean emotion or spirit rendered by some misleading media.

Application of Information Technologies for Lifelong Learning

  • Poplavskyi, Mykhailo;Bondar, Ihor
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of the research involves outlining the need for modern professionals to acquire new competencies. In the conditions of rapid civilizational progress, in order to meet the requirements of the labor market in the knowledge society, there is a readiness for continuous training as an indicator of professional success. The purpose of the research is to identify the impact of various forms of application of information technologies for lifelong learning in order to provide the continuous self-development of each person without cultural or age restrictions and on the basis of rapid digital progress. A high level (96%) of need of the adult population in continuing education with the use of digital technologies has been established. The most effective ways to implement the concept of "lifelong learning" have been identified (educational camps, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, Makerspace activities, portfolio use, use of emoji, casual game, scientific research with iVR game, implementation of digital games, work in scientific cafes). 2 basic objectives of continuing professional education for adults have been outlined (continuous improvement of qualifications and obtaining new qualifications). The features of ICT application in adult education have been investigated by using the following methods, namely: flexibility in terms of easy access to ideas, solving various problems, orientation approach, functional learning, group or individual learning, integration of leisure, personal and professional activities, gamification. The advantages of application of information technologies for continuous education (economic, time, and adaptive) have been revealed. The concept of continuous adult learning in the context of digitalization has been concluded. The research provides a description of the structural principles of the concept of additional education; a system of information requests of the applicant, as well as basic technologies for lifelong learning. The research indicates the lack of comprehensive research in the relevant field. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of using the obtained results for a wider acquaintance of the adult population with the importance of the application of lifelong learning for professional activities and the introduction of methods for its implementation in the educational policy of the state.

A study on security independent behavior in social game using expanded health belief model (건강신념모델을 확장한 소셜게임(Social Game) 보안의지행동에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Ho-Jeong;Kim, Sung-Jun;Kwon, Do-Soon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2016
  • With the development of Internet and popularization of smartphones over recent years, social network services are experiencing rapid growth. On top of this, smartphone gaming market is showing a rapid growth and the use of mobile social games is on the significant rise. The occurrence of game data manipulation targeting these services and personal information leakage is highlighting the importance of social gaming security. This study is intended to propose development plans effective and efficient in social game services by figuring out factors putting effects on security dependent behavior of social game users in Korea and carrying out a practical study on the casual relationship between factors influencing security dependent behavior through recognized behavioral control and attitudes for privacy infringement of these factors. To do this, proposed was a study model in which the HBM(Health Belief Model) allowing the social game user to influence security dependent behavior was expanded and applied as a major variable. To verify the study model of this study practically, a survey was conducted among university students in Seoul-based K University and S University who had experienced using social game services. According to the study findings, firstly, the perceived seriousness turned out to provide positive influence to trust. But, the perceived seriousness turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy. Secondly, the perceived probability turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Thirdly, the perceived gain turned out to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Fourthly, the perceived disorder turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Fifthly, self-efficacy turned out to put positive effects on trust. But, self-efficacy turned out not to put positive effects on security dependent behavior. Sixthly, trust turned out not to put positive effects on security dependent behavior. This study is intended to make a strategic proposal so that social game users can raise awareness of their level of security perception and security willingness through this.

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