• Title/Summary/Keyword: capability indices

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A Study on the Selection of Evaluation Factors on Forest Carbon Cycle Community(F.C.C.C) using DHP Analysis Method (DHP분석을 이용한 산림탄소순환마을 대상지 평가기준 선발에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jeong-Weon;Kwak, Kyung-Ho;Jeong, Se-Myong;Kang, Sung-Pyo;An, Ki-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.672-680
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study has been carried to develop a criterion for the selection of evaluation factors on Forest Carbon Cycle Community(F.C.C.C) based on the result of survey of 96 participants who were operation managers on mountain eco village(31), relevant experts(33), and officers of local government(32). For analysis of the results of survey, DHP(Delphi Hierarchy Process) method was used which is a combination of Delphi method and AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The key factors on selection of a suitable area to launch F.C.C.C. project of Korea Forest Service was selected under three hierarchical classes. Class 1 comprises 3 indices(Physical resource index, Human resource index, Vision index), and Class 2 which contains 10 indices (Existing resource, Surroundings resource, Forest biomass resource, Humanities Social quality, Local resident participation, Leader's ability, External support, Planning of operation, Capability of operation, and Effect of operation). Class 3 is sub-level class of class which possess 38 indices. From the results of analysis, Consistency Index(C.I) of each index in the 3 classes was used as evaluation factor. In Class 1, index 'human resources' showed highest Consistency Index(0.454). In Class 2, index 'forest biomass resources' was the highest Consistency Index(0.376) in 'physical resources' of Class 1, index 'leader's ability' was the highest Consistency Index(0.326) in 'human resources' of Class 1, and index 'planning of operation' was the highest Consistency Index(0.346) in 'vision' of Class 1. In Class 3, relative importance of 38 index including 'Joint ownership land security(C.I.-0.266)' was evaluated. Based on the result of this study, a criterion for the selection of evaluation factors for F.C.C.C was developed and the evaluation criterion is expected to be use to select of a suitable area to launch F.C.C.C. project since 2011.

A study on an evaluation model for industrial information systems by industry sectors (업종별 특성을 고려한 기업정보화 성숙모형)

  • 진경수;임춘성;박찬권
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2002.01a
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    • pp.86-106
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    • 2002
  • Informatization is a process that corporation's external environmental factors and internal environmental factors influence as complex. is a phenomenon that appears via this process. To evaluate that informatization was propeled well or informatization level is high can be dangerous work extremely by only once-over-lightly some factors, organization information ability is superior or infrastructure is constructed well. Therefore, an evaluation for industrial information systems that consider corporation's external environment and internal environment configurationally and objective estimation through this is required in national dimension. This research sorted types of business using types of business classification of 2001 EIII(Evaluation Indices of Industrial Informatization) laying stress on corporation's product and product production process for reflecting various industrial classification. And we are dividing whole our country corporations by manufacture industry, the construction industry, distribution industry, service industry, banking industry 5 types of business. To see such classed types industry classification from consistent viewpoint, we saw them within new framework, purchase, operation, physical distribution, marketing and sale. service etc. laying stress on primary businesses except support businesses of planning, financial management etc. To draw special quality of business center from primary business of each types of business, we draw industry classification Key Capability that centers when plans corporation's corporate strategy and information strategy. And we deducted industrial classification key production business connected with industry classification Key Capability. After drawing an evaluation items for industrial information systems in informatization analysis viewpoint laying stress on drawn businesses. Finally we did Case Study by making out an evaluation for industrial information systems questionnaire that considers special quality of manufacturing industry. Through EIII that consider the industrial classification, we could know that it explains the corporation's purchase, production, distribution in general and detail.

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Analyzing the Structure of Science Gifted and General Middle School Students' Values of Career: Social Network Approach (중학교 과학영재학생과 일반학생들의 직업가치관 구조분석: 사회네트워크적 접근)

  • Shin, Sein;Lee, Jun-Ki;Ha, Minsu;Lee, Tae-Kyong;Jung, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.195-216
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    • 2015
  • Students' perceived values of career play a core role in formation of their career motivation. In particular, science gifted students should build sound values of career in science and technology so that our society can retain the human resources for future science and technology. This study compared and analyzed the structure of science gifted and general middle school students' preferred job and values of career using semantic network analysis. Methodologically, we first collected science gifted and general middle school students' preferred careers and the reasons of the career choice using survey method. Then, we structuralize semantic networks of students' perceived values of their preferred careers using semantic network analysis. We identified the characters of networks that two different student groups showed based on the structure matrix indices of semantic network analysis. Findings revealed that science gifted students considered the creativeness as the most important value of career. Second, science gifted students considered more diverse values of career than general students. Third, science gifted students considered the self-realization such as displaying capability as a core value of career in STEM and medical science whereas general students considered the community service as a core value of the careers. This study identified the significant differences between science gifted and general middle school students' values of careers. The structures of students perceived values of careers can be used for teachers to counsel their students about students' future careers.

Estimation of Water Quality Environment in Youngsan and Seumjin River Basins (영산강과 섬진강 유역의 하천 수질환경 평가)

  • 양해근;최희철
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.16-31
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    • 2003
  • The water quality environment in Youngsan and Seumjin river basins was investigated based on the concept of the comprehensive Water Quality Index (WQI) and a spacial pollution source. Artificial factors influencing to river water quality have been analyzed. The specific delivery load of Youngsan river basin was found to be 8.34~97.25 kg/day/$\textrm{km}^2$, Gomagwon stream and Gwangju stream showed the relatively high rates as 97.25 kg/day/$\textrm{km}^2$ and 86.06 kg/day/$\textrm{km}^2$, respectively. The specific delivery load in Seumjin river basin was estimated to be 10.98∼19.51 kg/day/$\textrm{km}^2$, Suggesting no Significant Contribution of pollution. WQI of Youngsan watershed revealed 1.36~3.45, whereas Seumjin watershed showed a relatively low value of 0.5~1.47 And it is concluded that the specific delivery load suggested in this study provides the essential core data of the upper limit of pollutants receptor in the watershed area studied. From this study, it is suggested that the integrated environmental management of river basin requires the analysis of pollutants generation rate of the basin and the receptor capability for the self-purification.

A Study on the Liner Shipping Network of the Container Port (세계 주요 정기선사의 항만네트워크에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dongjoon;Bang, Heeseok;Woo, Suhan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2014
  • Competitiveness of container ports has been traditionally evaluated by capability of individual ports to provide services to customers or their service quality. However, since container ports are connected by container shipping networks to varying degrees, the status of the ports in liner shipping service networks also determines competitiveness of the ports. Sometimes same ports may play different roles in different forms of shipping networks. Shipping network connections that formulate in container ports therefore have more significant impact on their performance than service capabilities they have. This study aims to explore how the shipping and port network has been structured and changed in the past and to examine the network characteristics of ports using Social Network Analysis(SNA). In this SNA study, nodes in the network are the ports-of-call of the liner shipping services and links in the network are connections realized by vessel movements, such that the liner shipping networks determine the port networks. This study, therefore, investigates the liner shipping networks and through its results demonstrates the network characteristics of the ports that are represented by the four centrality indices. This provides port authorities and terminal operating companies with managerial implications to enhance competitiveness from customers' perspectives.

A Relative Importance Analysis of Promoting Factors for Technological Commercialization of Small and Medium Enterprises Manufacturing Railway Car Parts (철도차량부품 제조 중소기업의 기술사업화 촉진요인에 대한 상대적 중요도 분석)

  • Kim, Myung Jong;Koo, Jeong Seo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.1001-1012
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    • 2018
  • Regarding the small- and medium-sized enterprises in Korea that manufacture the railway vehicle parts, there are over 250 related companies. And they have been surviving in the form of producing and delivering the parts of the railway vehicles by importing the technologies and the products of the foreign countries rather than possessing their own technological abilities. Due to this, regarding the industry of the core components of the railroads, the dependence on the overseas has been high. As such, although, for supporting the small- and medium-sized enterprises that manufacture the railway vehicle parts, the government has been strengthening the diverse policy supports, it is a fact that the effectiveness of the support is not high. And, in order to effectively support these, there is a need to understand clearly and definitely what the important promotion factors are in the process of the technology commercialization. Accordingly, through the precedent researches regarding the factors that promote the technology commercializations of the small- and medium-sized enterprises that manufacture the railway vehicle parts, this research had extracted 10 main items. And the level of the importance of these indices was analyzed by using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). As a result of the AHP analysis, the factors within a corporation appeared to be the most important factor. And, as for the lower-ranking item, the commercialization capability was analyzed to be the most important item. It is highly expected that the contents and the results of this research will be usefully used when formulating the planning of the support program and the support policy for the technology commercializations by the public research organizations and the railroad management organization, which is an organization that supports the small- and medium-sized enterprises that manufacture the railway vehicle parts.

Evaluation of Future Hydrologic Risk of Drought in Nakdong River Basin Using Bayesian Classification-Based Composite Drought Index (베이지안 분류 기반 통합가뭄지수를 활용한 낙동강 유역의 미래 가뭄에 대한 수문학적 위험도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeok;Kim, Ji Eun;Kim, Jiyoung;Yoo, Jiyoung;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.309-319
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the frequency and intensity of meteorological disasters have increased due to climate change. In South Korea, there are regional differences in vulnerability and response capability to cope with climate change because of regional climate characteristics. In particular, drought results from various factors and is linked to extensive meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural impacts. Therefore, in order to effectively cope with drought, it is necessary to use a composite drought index that can take into account various factors, and to evaluate future droughts comprehensively considering climate change. This study evaluated hydrologic risk(${\bar{R}}$) of future drought in the Nakdong River basin based on the Dynamic Naive Bayesian Classification (DNBC)-based composite drought index, which was calculated by applying Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Streamflow Drought Index (SDI), Evaporate Stress Index (ESI) and Water Supply Capacity Index (WSCI) to the DNBC. The indices used in the DNBC were calculated using observation data and climate scenario data. A bivariate frequency analysis was performed for the severity and duration of the composite drought. Then using the estimated bivariate return periods, hydrologic risks of drought were calculated for observation and future periods. The overall results indicated that there were the highest risks during the future period (2021-2040) (${\bar{R}}$=0.572), and Miryang River (#2021) had the highest risk (${\bar{R}}$=0.940) on average. The hydrologic risk of the Nakdong River basin will increase highly in the near future (2021-2040). During the far future (2041-2099), the hydrologic risk decreased in the northern basins, and increased in the southern basins.

Assessment of soil moisture-vegetation-carbon flux relationship for agricultural drought using optical multispectral sensor (다중분광광학센서를 활용한 농업가뭄의 토양수분-식생-이산화탄소 플럭스 관계 분석)

  • Sur, Chanyang;Nam, Won-Hob
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.721-728
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    • 2023
  • Agricultural drought is triggered by a depletion of moisture content in the soil, which hinders photosynthesis and thus increases carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between soil moisture (SM) and vegetation activity toward quantifying CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. To this end, the MODerate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), an optical multispectral sensor, was used to evaluate two regions in South Korea for validation. Vegetation activity was analyzed through MOD13A1 vegetation indices products, and MODIS gross primary productivity (GPP) product was used to calculate the CO2 flux based on its relationship with respiration. In the case of SM, it was calculated through the method of applying apparent thermal inertia (ATI) in combination with land surface temperature and albedo. To validate the SM and CO2 flux, flux tower data was used which are the observed measurement values for the extreme drought period of 2014 and 2015 in South Korea. These two variables were analyzed for temporal variation on flux tower data as daily time scale, and the relationship with vegetation index (VI) was synthesized and analyzed on a monthly scale. The highest correlation between SM and VI (correlation coefficient (r) = 0.82) was observed at a time lag of one month, and that between VI and CO2 (r = 0.81) at half month. This regional study suggests a potential capability of MODIS-based SM, VI, and CO2 flux, which can be applied to an assessment of the global view of the agricultural drought by using available satellite remote sensing products.

A Study on Development of Alternative Non-aqueous Cleaning Agents to Ozone Depletion Substances and its Field Application (오존파괴물질 대체 비수계세정제 개발 및 현장 적용 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Bae;Bae, Jae-Heum;Lee, Min-Jae;Lee, Jong-Gi;Lee, Ho-Yeoul;Bae, Soo-Jung;Lee, Dong-Kee
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.306-313
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    • 2011
  • Flux or solder is used in soldering process for manufacturing electronic parts such as printed circuit boards (PCB). After soldering process, residual flux and solder paste on the parts should be removed since their residuals could cause performance degradation or failure of parts due to their corrosion and electric leakage. Ozone depletion substances such as 1,1,1- trichloroethane (TCE) and HCFC-141b have widely been using for removal of residual flux and solder paste after soldering process In manufacturing of electronic parts until now. In this study, non-aqueous cleaning agents without flash point were developed and applied to industrial field for replacement of cleaning agents with ozone depletion. In order to develop non-aqueous cleaning agents without ethers, esters, fluoride- type solvents. And their physical properties and cleaning abilities were evaluated, and they were applied to industrial fields for cleaning of flux and solder on the PCB. And vacuum distillation apparatus were operated to determine their operating conditions and recycling yields for recycling of used cleaning agents formulated in this study. As a result of physical properties measurement of our formulated cleaning agents, they were expected to have good wetting and penetrating power since their surface tensions were relatively low as 18.0~20.4 dyne/$cm^2$ and their wetting indices are relatively large. And some cleaning agents holding fluoride-type solvents as their components did not have any flash point and they seemed to be safe in their handling and storage. The cleaning experimental results showed that some cleaning agents were better in their cleaning of flux and solder paste than 1,1,1-TCE and HCFC-141b. And industrial application results of the formulated cleaning agents for cleaning PCB indicated that they can be applicable to industry due to their good cleaning capability in comparison with HCFC-141b. The recycling experiments of the used formulated cleaning agents through a vacuum distillation apparatus also showed that their 91.9~97.5% could be recycled with its proper operating conditions.