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Analyzing the Structure of Science Gifted and General Middle School Students' Values of Career: Social Network Approach  

Shin, Sein (Chonbuk National University)
Lee, Jun-Ki (Chonbuk National University)
Ha, Minsu (Kangwon National University)
Lee, Tae-Kyong (Ulsan Sineon Middle School)
Jung, Young-Hee (Chonbuk National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Gifted/Talented Education / v.25, no.2, 2015 , pp. 195-216 More about this Journal
Students' perceived values of career play a core role in formation of their career motivation. In particular, science gifted students should build sound values of career in science and technology so that our society can retain the human resources for future science and technology. This study compared and analyzed the structure of science gifted and general middle school students' preferred job and values of career using semantic network analysis. Methodologically, we first collected science gifted and general middle school students' preferred careers and the reasons of the career choice using survey method. Then, we structuralize semantic networks of students' perceived values of their preferred careers using semantic network analysis. We identified the characters of networks that two different student groups showed based on the structure matrix indices of semantic network analysis. Findings revealed that science gifted students considered the creativeness as the most important value of career. Second, science gifted students considered more diverse values of career than general students. Third, science gifted students considered the self-realization such as displaying capability as a core value of career in STEM and medical science whereas general students considered the community service as a core value of the careers. This study identified the significant differences between science gifted and general middle school students' values of careers. The structures of students perceived values of careers can be used for teachers to counsel their students about students' future careers.
Science gifted student; General student; Middle school student; The value of career; Social network analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
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