• Title/Summary/Keyword: brown colored rice

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Changes of anthocyanidin, growth characteristics and brown rice yield of red colored rices at two region of eastern coast in Gyeongbuk province

  • Kim, Sang Kuk;Shin, Jong Hee;Kim, Se Jong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.330-330
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    • 2017
  • The tallest culm length was observed in Geonganghongmi cultivar grown in coast area, and culm length was always taller in coast area than that of inland area among these three red rice cultivars. However, number of tiller per rice plant was not affected by different cultural area. Number of spikelets per panicle was much more increased in inland area. Regional difference in number of spikelets per panicle was only observed in Jeongjinju cultivar. Among these red rice cultivars, the highest brown rice yield was Jeongjinju rice cultivar having 702kg in inland area and 692kg in coast area, respectively. The $L^*$ values, which expresses the brightness, were in the range of 36.3 ~ 36.7, 36.7 ~ 37.0, and 38.7 ~ 39.6 in Jeogjinju, Hongjinju, Geonganghongmi rice cultivars, respectively. The $a^*$ values, which expresses the redness positively and greenness negatively were in the range of 12.3 ~ 12.8, 12.2 ~ 12.3, and 12.1 ~ 11.9 in Jeogjinju, Hongjinju, Geonganghongmi rice cultivars, respectively. In addition, the b values, which expresses the yellowness positively and blueness negatively were in the range of 13.8 ~ 14.0, 13.6 ~ 13.5, and 14.9 ~ 14.7 in Jeogjinju, Hongjinju, Geonganghongmi rice cultivars, respectively. Anthocyanidin content ranged 524 to $610{\mu}g/g$ dry weight basis. Cyanidin content was 11.4 to 14.0 times higher than that of delphinidin under coast and inland area. Among these rice cultivars, anthocyanidin content was always higher in rice cultivar grown at coast area. Highest head brown rice rate was only observed in Geonganghongmi to 95.2 at coast area and 95.4 inland area, respectively. Protein content was always higher in coast area than that of inland area. The lowest protein content was measured in Jeogjinju and amylose content was relatively increased in inland area compared to that of coast area. Consequently, in considered with brown rice yield and pigment content, Hongjinju rice cultivar was recommended in optimal pigment rice cultivar in eastern coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.

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Assessment of Antioxidative Capacity in Relation to Seed Trails of Rice Varieties

  • Song, Hong-Keun;Ahn, Joung-Kuk;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Sun-Joo;Baek, Jin-Yeong;Chung, Ill-Min
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.544-553
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    • 2006
  • In order to assess antioxidant capacity in relation to seed traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.), ninety-six varieties were examined for antioxidative activity of brown rice grain using superoxide dismutase (SOD), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) assays. Overall, average total activities measured by the three methods were of very wide range between 64% and 13%. Significant differences were noted depending on the variety and evaluation method. Rice varieties with foreign origin, middle maturity, colored hulls, and colorless awn exhibited statistically significant higher total activity. As for the measurements, total activity was significantly correlated with SOD (r=0.29***), DPPH (r=0.80***) and TBA (r=0.76***). Between the three activities, SOD was not positively correlated with DPPH (r=0.15*), while TBA was significantly correlated with DPPH value (r=0.51***). DPPH (55.20%) and TBA (50.36%) were significantly higher in foreign rice, while SOD activity (44.29%) was significantly higher in domestic rice. However, an average total activity was significantly higher in foreign rice (47.31%) than in domestic rice (35.92%). SOD, DPPH and TBA activities of middle maturity in maturity time were the highest total activity (44.96%) and significantly differed from the other two groups. Total activity was significantly higher in rice with a colorless awn (42.18%) than with a colored awn (35.87%).

Correlation of Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Activity with Content of Pigments and Phenolic Compounds of Colored Rice Seeds (유색미 색소체 및 페놀성화합물 함량과 항산화.항변이원성 간의 상관관계)

  • Kang, Mi-Young;Shin, Soo-Young;Nam, Seok-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.968-974
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    • 2003
  • Twenty-three cultivars of colored rice were collected from inside and outside Korea to determine the contents of pigments and phenolic compounds, and also to compare their correlations with antioxidativity and antimutagenicity. The pigment content decreased in the order of LK 1-3-6-12-1-1>LK 1D 2-7-12-1-1>Elwee>Mutumanikam>IR 1544-38-2-2-1-2-2>wx 124-163-45-7-1-1-1, LK 1A-2-12-1-1. Polyphenolic content was the greatest in IR 17491-5-4-3-3 with a ratio of 0.244 g per 100 g brown rice, followed by LK 1-3-6-12-1-1>LK 1D2-12-1>Elwee>Mutumanikam 7 IR 1544-38-2-2-1-2-2, LK 1A-2-12-1-1. The pigment contents for each colored rice cultivar showed a highly positive correlation with polyphenolics in colored rice seeds. For chromaticity, a positive correlation was exhibited between the lightness and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. In contrast, a negative correlation was observed between the redness and the inhibitory effect of lipid peroxidation.

Comparison of the nutritional compositions of oxidative stress-tolerant transgenic rice and conventional rice (산화 스트레스 내성 형질전환 벼 현미의 주요 영양성분 분석)

  • Woo, Hee-Jong;Shin, Kong-Sik;Lim, Myung-Ho;Park, Soon Ki
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.206-211
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    • 2014
  • Nutritional assessment of transgenic crops to improve safety evaluations is important for food production. An oxidative stress-tolerant rice was generated by stable insertion of the TC gene-a tocopherol cyclase isolated from tobacco-into the genome of a common variety of japonica colored rice. The nutritional composition of the brown rice grains from the transgenic TC line was compared with that of the parental rice cultivar Heugnambyeo and two different varieties of non-transgenic rice. The results indicate that the analyzed nutritional compositions of the brown grains from the transgenic TC line were within the range of values reported for other commercial lines, and measurements of nutritional compositions were equivalent to those of the non-transgenic rice.

Morphological Characteristics of the Rice (Oryza sativa L.) with Red Pigmentation (적색종피 돌연변이 벼의 형질특성조사)

  • Matin, Mohammad Nurul;Kang, Sang-Gu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2010
  • Seven rice germplasms with red pigmentation within the pericarp were isolated from a large mutant collection. These red pericarp phenotypes resulted from the functions of the Rc, Rd and RdRc genes. Among them, two brown pericarp of the Rc type, four red pericarp of the RdRc type, and one white pericarp of the Rd type were identified. Morphological and agronomic characteristics of those rice germplasms were studied. The Rc type germplasms have the faint red or brown color pericarp and the Rd types produce the white pericarp, whereas the RdRc type germplasms have the dark red pericarp. Most of the important agronomic characteristics including plant stature, tillering ability, spikelet fertility, and total grain yield were lower in the colored rice than those of the wild-type control. All of the studied colored rice germplasms had a tendency of easy seed-shattering in comparison to the control. These characteristics of newly identified germplasms will be useful for identifying the genes responsible for pericarp color phenotype determination.

A New Selective Medium for Detecting Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae in Rice Seeds

  • Song, Wan-Yeob;Kang, Mi-Hyung;Kim, Hyung-Moo
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2000
  • A selective agar medium was developed and tested for the isolation of Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae, the causal bacterial pathogen of bacterial brown stripe, from rice seeds. The new selective agar medium, designated sorbitol pyroglutamic acid agar (SPA) medium, contained 0.5 g of $K_2$HPO$_4$, 3.0 g of Na$_2$HPO$_4$, 2.0 g of D-sorbitol, 0.2 g of L-pyroglutamic acid, 10.0 $m\ell$ of tween 80, 40.0 mg of victoria blue B, 15.0 g of agar, 150.0 mg of ampicillin and 25.0 mg of vancomycin per litter. Colonies of A. avenae subsp. avenae on SPA medium were smooth, round, convex, shiny, blue and 1.5-2.0 mm in diameter 4 days after incubation at 28$^{\circ}C$. Blue colored colony having dark blue zone was typical type of A. avenae subsp. avenae colonies on the medium. Mean recovery of 8 isolates of A. avenae subsp. avenae on the selective SPA medium was 95.8% in comparison to that on KB medium. The saprophytic bacteria were reduced to 97.9% on SPA medium compared to those on KB medium. Most of other rice seedborne bacteria as well as reported pathogenic bacteria were failed to grow on SPA medium. This medium was highly selective for recovering A. avenae subsp. avenae from rice seed samples, and it could be used to enhance the recovery of this bacterium from rice seed samples, which may be contaminated with large numbers of competing microorganisms.

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Variation of Characteristics and Principal Component Analysis of Collected Colored Rice Cultivars (수집 유색미 계통의 형질특성 변이 및 주성분 분석)

  • 김창영;변종영;이종철
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characteristics and grain component of 10 collected colored rice cultivars to find out the possibilities of using the agronomically usefull characters to provide information for colored rice breeding and cultivation. The coefficients of variation of culm length, grains number, ripening rate, maturity time, and coat color of grain and seed were higher than those of other characters. The positive correlations were observed among heading dates, grain numbers per panicle, and 1000 grain weight, as well as between culm length and panicle length, panicle length and grain numbers per panicle, 1000 grain weight and darkness of seed coat color, while negative correlations were observed between heading dates and panicle numbers per hill, grain yield and seed coat color as well as among culm length, length, number per hill and seed coat color of brown rice, respectively. The first component of principal component analysis was consist of panicle numbers per hill, 1000 grain weight, and grain yield showing higher correlations among them which explained the variance of the sink size of respective cultivars. The second component of principal component analysis was consist of heading date, grain numbers per panicle and maturing date showing higher correlations among them which explained the variance of maturity of respective cultivars.

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Starch Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Colored Rice Varieties (유색미 품종별 전분 구조 및 이화학적 특성)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Oh, Sung-Hwan;Han, Sang-Ik;Lee, Yu-Young;Lee, Byung-Won;Ham, Hyeonmi;Choi, Yong Hwan;Oh, Sea-Kwan;Cho, Jun Hyeon;Song, You Chun
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2016
  • We investigated the physicochemical properties and starch structure of various rice varieties including 15 colored cultivars. NKHC showed the highest level of protein, lipid, and total dietary fiber levels. Reddish brown rice showed higher lipid content than that in black rice cultivars. Apparent amylose content of waxy and non-waxy colored rice varieties was within the range of 3~5% and 15~18%, respectively. IP exhibited the highest total starch (TS) content, whereas, NKHC and HJJ showed lower TS content than that in other cultivars. Pasting temperature of all colored rice cultivars, except IP, was about $68^{\circ}C$. Peak viscosity of IP, JJJ, Hong, and GGHM showed high values of 138, 130, 128, and 124, respectively. All the colored rice cultivars presented A-type X-ray diffraction pattern and polygonal shapes of starch granules were observed using scanning electron micrographs (SEM). Major groups of amylopectin chain lengths were B (12 < DP ${\leq}$ 24) and A (DP ${\leq}$ 12). SMHC showed the highest B chain content and the lowest A chain content (P < 0.05). These experimental results provided useful information for scientists and the food industry regarding colored rice starches.

Multivariate Analysis of Variation of Growth and Quality Characteristics in Colored Rice Germplasm (유색미 도입 유전자원의 생육 및 품질특성 변이 다변량 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Hyun;Lee, Ji-Yoon;Chun, Jae-Buhm;You, Oh-Jong;Son, Eun-Ho
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation of growth and quality characteristics in colored rice from 178 accessions and to develop useful, basic rice breeding data by classifying these germplasm characteristics via principal component (PC) analysis. The coefficient of variation of the 178colored rice accessions were the highest for panicle length (PL) and protein contents, followed by length-width ratio (LWR), 1000-grain weight (TGW), culm length (CL), and amylose contents, whereas the lowest was for the number of panicles per hill (NP), which is a yield component. The results from the PC analysis exhibited eigenvalues and contributions respective to each PC as follows: PC1, 2.06 and 29.49%; PC2, 1.31 and 18.75%; PC3, 1.21 and 17.36%; PC4, 1.01 and 14.38%. The eigenvalues of four PCs were over 1.0, and their cumulative contributions were 79.98%, which completes the necessary condition for evaluation of the 178 colored rice accessions. Cluster analysis showed cluster I as the largest, which included 79 accessions, while clusters II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII comprised 46, 19, 13, 4, 8, and 9 accessions, respectively. Moreover, dark brown accessions were dispersed in clusters I and II, and many resources of purple seed coat color were found in clusters V, VI, and VII. Particularly, cluster V had resources of only black and purple seed coat colors. Resources of cluster VII were found to have a relatively small average CL, PL, and LWR; notably, cluster V had the smallest average TGW, and cluster IV the lowest NP but the highest TGW. Finally, considering the yield potential, growth characteristics, heading stage, and color during breeding of colored rice, we obtained the following conclusions: cluster VII is suitable for breeding of colored rice; cross breeding among clusters I, II, and VII has a high yield potential; and it is possible to produce a superior color by cross breeding plants from cluster V and VI.

Variation of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Hull and Bran Extracts in Different Colored Rices (종피색이 다른 벼 품종의 영과 쌀겨 추출물의 항산화 및 항암활성 변이)

  • Shin, So-Hee;Chung, Nam-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2011
  • In order to confirm the biological activities of rice bran and hull, total phenolic content, antioxidant and anticancer activities were examined in three rice varieties that have different seed coat colors such as brown, black, and purple. The antioxidant activity was measured by free radical scavenging assay including DPPH, $ABTS^+$ and reducing power activity. The anticancer activity was evaluated by WST assay with human HepG2 cell lines. As the result, Huegjinju, black seed coat rice, showed higher of the total phenolics contents in both bran and hull, than purple Jeojinju and brown Ilpum. In the antioxidant activity, Heugjinju showed the highest among the bran extracts, but the activities of hull extracts were similar in three varieties. In the anticancer activity to HepG2 cell line, the hull extract was 20% higher than that of bran extract in the average of three varieties. The hull extracts of Ilpum and Jeokjinju showed similar anticancer activites about 92%, and that of Heugjinju showed the lowest activity of 30.4%. The anticancer activities of hull extracts in three varieties showed positive correlation with total phenolics contents, DPPH radical scavenging activities and reducing power activities. In conclusion, the rice bran and hull showed potent antioxidant and anticancer activities varied in three varieties that have different seed coat colors.