• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary method

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Application of the Polar Parabolic Equation Method for Sound Propagation over a Smooth Sea Mountain in the Ocean (해저구릉 위로의 음의 전파를 설명하기 위한 Polar PE의 적용)

  • You, Chul-Soo;Yoon, Suk-Wang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2E
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1995
  • The polar parabolic equation method (Polar PE) which introduces a series of "cascaded" boundary fitting coordinates into the parabolic equation method has been verified as a good numerical method for atmospheric sound propagation over a curved surface and hills. Polar PE is applied here to underwater sound propagation over a sea mountain assuming locally reacting boundary sea bottom and pressure release water surface for the boundary conditions. Calculations are presented for underwater propagation over a 450 m high sea mountain. Feasibility of Polar PE application for underwater sound propagation over a smooth mountain is discussed.

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Newton's Method to Determine Fourier Coefficients and Wave Properties for Deep Water Waves

  • JangRyong Shin
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2023
  • Since Chappelear developed a Fourier approximation method, considerable research efforts have been made. On the other hand, Fourier approximations are unsuitable for deep water waves. The purpose of this study is to provide a Fourier approximation suitable even for deep water waves and a numerical method to determine the Fourier coefficients and the wave properties. In addition, the convergence of the solution was tested in terms of its order. This paper presents a velocity potential satisfying the Laplace equation and the bottom boundary condition (BBC) with a truncated Fourier series. Two wave profiles were derived by applying the potential to the kinematic free surface boundary condition (KFSBC) and the dynamic free surface boundary condition (DFSBC). A set of nonlinear equations was represented to determine the Fourier coefficients, which were derived so that the two profiles are identical at specified phases. The set of equations was solved using Newton's method. This study proved that there is a limit to the series order, i.e., the maximum series order is N=12, and that there is a height limitation of this method which is slightly lower than the Michell theory. The reason why the other Fourier approximations are not suitable for deep water waves is discussed.

Theoretical approach on the effective heat exchanger design using boundary layer theory (경계층 이론을 이용한 고효율 열교환기 설계를 위한 이론적 접근법)

  • Lee, Dong-Yeon;Lee, Moo-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.5655-5660
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is theoretically to suggest the effective heat exchanger design method using boundary layer analysis. The boundary layer formation and interruption on rectangular plate and round plate fins are explained and the heat transfer coefficients showed with the variation of the velocity and temperature boundary layer. In addition, the flow pattern on one plate fin surface considered as external flow and flow pattern between fins considered as internal flow. As a result, theoretical method for the boundary layer interruption avoidance is suggested and the heat transfer coefficient of the round plate fin was higher than that of the rectangular plate fin because of the less thermal and velocity boundary layer thickness except the centerline.

Determination of Design Flood Levels for the Tidal Reach of the Han River

  • Jun, Kyungsoo;Li, Li
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.173-173
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    • 2015
  • The flood water level in tidal river is determined by the joint effects of flood discharge and tidal water levels at downstream boundary. Due to the variable tidal boundary conditions, the evaluated design water levels associated with a certain flood event can be significantly different. To avoid determining of design water levels just by a certain tidal boundary condition and remove the influence of variability in boundary condition from the evaluation of design water levels, a probabilistic approach is considered in this study. This study focuses on the development of a method to evaluate the realistic design water levels in tidal river with taking into account the combined effects of river discharge and tidal level. The flood water levels are described by the joint probability of two driving forces, river discharge and tidal water levels. The developed method is applied to determine design water levels for the tidal reach of the Han River. An unsteady flow model is used to simulate the flow in the reach. To determine design water levels associated with a certain flood event, first, possible boundary conditions are obtained by sampling starting times of tidal level time series; then for each tidal boundary condition, corresponding peak water levels along the channel are computed; and finally, design water levels are determined by computing the expectations of the peak water levels. Two types of tides which are composed by different constituents are assumed (one is composed by $M_2$, and the other one is composed by $M_2$ and $M_2$) at downstream boundary, and two flood events with different maximum flood discharges are considered in this study. It is found that (a) the computed design water levels with two assumed tides have no significant difference for a certain flood event, though variability of peak water levels due to the tidal effect is considerably different; (b) tidal effect can reach to the Jamsil submerged weir and the effect is obvious in the downstream reach of the Singok submerged weir; (c) in the tidally affected reach, the variability of peak water levels due to the tidal effect is greater if the maximum flood discharge is smaller.

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Efficient Link Aggregation in Delay-Bandwidth Sensitive Networks (지연과 대역폭이 민감한 망에서의 효율적인 링크 집단화 방법)

  • Kwon, So-Ra;Jeon, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, Service Boundary Line approximation method is proposed to improve the accuracy of aggregated link state information for source routing in transport networks that conduct hierarchical QoS routing. The proposed method is especially useful for aggregating links that have both delay and bandwidth as their QoS parameters. This method selects the main path weight in the network and transports the data to the external networks together with the aggregation information, reducing information distortion caused from the loss of some path weight during aggregation process. In this paper, the main path weight is defined as outlier. Service Boundary Line has 2k+5parameters. k is the number of outliers. The number of storage spaces of Service Boundary Line changes according to the number of outliers. Simulation results show that our approximation method requires a storage space that 1.5-2 times larger than those in other known techniques depending on outlier selection method, but its information accuracy of proposed method in the ratio between storage space and information accuracy is higher.

Moving Least Squares Difference Method for the Analysis of 2-D Melting Problem (2차원 융해문제의 해석을 위한 이동최소제곱 차분법)

  • Yoon, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2013
  • This paper develops a 2-D moving least squares(MLS) difference method for Stefan problem by extending the 1-D version of the conventional method. Unlike to 1-D interfacial modeling, the complex topology change in 2-D domain due to arbitrarily moving boundary is successfully modelled. The MLS derivative approximation that drives the kinetics of moving boundary is derived while the strong merit of MLS Difference Method that utilizes only nodal computation is effectively conserved. The governing equations are differentiated by an implicit scheme for achieving numerical stability and the moving boundary is updated by an explicit scheme for maximizing numerical efficiency. Numerical experiments prove that the MLS Difference Method shows very good accuracy and efficiency in solving complex 2-D Stefan problems.

Frequency Domain Analysis for Hydrodynamic Responses of Floating Structure using Desingularized Indirect Boundary Integral Equation Method (비특이화 간접경계적분방정식 방법을 이용한 부유식 구조물의 유체동역학적 거동에 대한 주파수영역 해석)

  • Oh, Seunghoon;Jung, Dongho;Cho, Seok-kyu;Nam, Bo-woo;Sung, Hong Gun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a Rankine source method is applied and validated to analyze the hydrodynamic response of a three-dimensional floating structure in the frequency domain. The boundary value problems for radiation and diffraction problem are solved by using a desingularized indirect boundary integral equation method (DIBIEM). The DIBIEM is simpler and faster than conventional methods based on the numerical surface integration of Green's function because the singularities of Green's function are located outside of fluid regions. In case of floating structure with complex geometry, it is difficult to desingularize the singularities of Green's function consistently. Therefore a mixed approach is carried out in this study. The mixed approach is partially desingularized except singularities of the body. Wave drift loads are calculated by the middle-field formulation method that is mathematically simple and has fast convergence. In order to validate the accuracy of the developed program, various numerical simulations are carried out and these results are analyzed and compared with previously published calculations and experiments.

Decohesion of <100> Symmetric Tilt Copper Grain Boundary by Tensile Load Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation (경사진 <100> 결정립계의 계면분리 거동에 관한 분자동역학 전산모사)

  • Nguyen, Thao;Cho, Maeng-Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.38-41
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    • 2009
  • Debonding behavior of symmetric tilt bicrystal interfaces with <100> misorientation axis is investigated through molecular dynamics simulations. FCC single crystal copper is considered in each grain and the model is idealized as a grain boundary under mechanical loading. Embedded-Atom Method potential is chosen to calculate the interatomic forces between atoms. Constrained tensile deformations are applied to a variety of misorientation angles in order to estimate the effect of grain boundary angle on local peak stress. A new parameter of symmetric grain-boundary structure is introduced and refines the correlation between grain boundary angle and local peak stress.

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Large Eddy Simulation of Boundary Layer Transition on the Turbine Blade (LES를 이용한 축류 터빈 경계층 천이에 대한 수치해석)

  • Jin, Byung-Ju;Park, No-Ma;Yoo, Jung-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.392-397
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    • 2001
  • A numerical study is performed to investigate the interaction between subsonic axial turbine blade boundary layer and periodically oncoming rotor induced wakes. An implicit scheme for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equation is developed, which adopts a 4th-order compact difference for spatial discretiztion, a 2nd order Crank-Nicolson scheme for temporal discretization and the dynamic eddy viscosity model as the subgrid scale model. The efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method are verified by applying to some benchmark problems such as laminar cylinder flow, laminar airfoil cascade flow and a transitional flat plate boundary layer flow. Computational results show good agreements with previous experimental and numerical results. Finally, flow through a stator cascade is simulated at $Re = 7.5{\times}10^5$ without free-stream turbulence intensity. The velocity fields and skin friction coefficients in the transitional region show similar trends with previous boundary layer natural transition.

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A Numerical Analysis of Streamwise Vortices in Turbulent Boundary Layers (주유동방향 와동과 난류경계층과의 상호작용에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • 김정한;양장식;김봉환;이기백
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes the numerical computations of the interaction between the streamwise vortex and a flat plate 3-D turbulent boundary layer. In the present study, the main interest is in the behavior of the streamwise vortices introduced in turbulent boundary layers. The flow behind a vortex generator is modeled by the information that is avilable from studies on the dalta winglet. An algorithm of the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional turbulent flows, together with a two layer turbulent model to resolve the near-wall flow, is based on the method of artificial compressibility. The present results show boundary layer distortion due to vortices, such as strong spanwise flow divergence and boundary thinning, and have a good agreement with the experimental data.

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