• Title/Summary/Keyword: bifenthrin

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Efficiency of Eluting Solvents for Solid-Phase Extraction During Multiresidue Analysis of 16 Pesticides in Cucumber (고상추출카트리지를 이용한 잔류농약 다중분석과정에서 정제용매에 따른 회수율 비교)

  • Tu, Ock-Ju;Kim, Gyung-Sig;Jeong, Eui-Geun;Kim, Jin-Gon;Kim, Myung-Hee;Jung, Bo-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2002
  • A study was carried out to optimize the cleanup step using a solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge, $SupelClean^{TM}$ Florisil, for multiresidue analysis of 16 pesticides in cucumber matrix. Eluting efficiencies of two solvent systems including acetone/n-hexane and ethyl acetate/n-hexane mixtures were critically evaluated by recoveries of target anaytes from the SPE Florisil column. Based on the recovery as a measure of eluting efficiency, an acetone/n-hexane (20/80,v/v) mixture provided more than 80% recovery for 15 pesticides except bifenthrin. In case of ethyl acetate/n-hexane, 14 pesticides showed recoveries higher than 75% while those far alachlor and bifenthrin were less than 30%.

Evaluation of Susceptibility of Red Poultry Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae) in Five Regions to 11 Acaricides (11종의 살비제를 이용한 5개지역 닭진드기의 감수성 평가)

  • Lee, Seung Ju;Yoon, Jong Ung;Park, Geun Ho;Kim, Hyun Kyung;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2017
  • The susceptibility of Dermanyssus gallinae adults, collected from poultry farms in 5 regions, to 11 acaricides was investigated. When bifenthrin and formic acid with pyridaben were diluted 100 times, bifenthrin showed 100% acaricidal activity; however, formic acid with pyridaben showed less than 20% acaricidal activity for poultry farms in 3 regions (Gyeongju, Chilgok, and Geumsan) except Yeoncheon and Anseong. The carbamate compound, carbaryl showed 100% acaricidal activity in most of the regions, except Gyeongju. A phosphorus compound, dichlorvos showed 100% activity in most of the regions, yet 66.7% acaricidal activity in Yeoncheon. The susceptibility of D. gallinae from poultry farms in Yeoncheon and Anseong to most acaricides was high; however, in the other farms, the susceptibility of D. gallinae varied depending on the acaricide. Clothianidin, thiamethoxam, fenitrothion, and formic acid with pyridaben showed differences in acaricidal activity among regions. Therefore, farmers should concentrate during the selection of these acaricides. However, carbaryl, cartap hydrochloride, dichlorvos, and bifenthrin showed high activity against D. gallinae collected from poultry farms in five regions. Therefore, these acaricides could be used in most of these regions. To control D. gallinae effectively, the alternation of acaricides is necessary, and indiscriminate pesticide use should be avoided. Therefore, this study can serve as a basis for controlling D. gallinae.

Toxicity Evaluation of Agricultural Insecticides on Workers of Pharaoh Ant, Monomorium pharaonis (Hyme-noptera : Formicidae) (애집개미 (Monomorium pharaonis) 일개미에 대한 농업용 살충제의 독성평가)

  • Kang, Shin-Ho;Han, Jong-Been;Park, Shin-Sub;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2006
  • Toxicities of 34 agricultural insecticides was tested against Monomorium pharaonis workers by diet dipping method. Ten insecticides among them, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, cypermethrin, dichlorvos, fenthion, fenitrothion, methidathion, pirimifos-methyl, and phenthoate showed 100% rapid mortality. $LC_{50}$ (ppm) values of selected insecticides were appeared on the order of pirimifos-methyl (0.33), chlorpyrifos-methyl (0.76), phenthoate (1.70), bifenthrin (1.78), dichlorvos (2.50), cypermethrin (9.92), chlorpyrifos (22.21), fenitrothion (36.58), fenthion (40.96), and methidathion (64.34). $LT_{50}$ (day) values by diet dipping method showed that dichlorvos, benfuracarb and cypermethrin acted more rapid than boric acid and hydramethylnon. The values of the former three were 0.25, 0.38 and 0.27 days, and those of the latter two were 3.4 and 2.6 days, respectively. In persistance effect tests, chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenthion and methidathion showed over 90% insecticidal activity for 13 days.

Evaluation of Insecticidal Activity of Pesticides Against Hemipteran Pests on Apple Orchard (사과과수원의 노린재류에 대한 농약의 생물활성 평가)

  • Lee, Sun-Young;Yoon, Changmann;Do, Yun-Su;Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Lee, Jung-Sup;Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.264-271
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    • 2015
  • Stink bugs do damage on various crops including upland crops and tree fruits. Especially, yellow-brown stink bug (Halyomorpha halys ($St{\aa}l$)) and brown-winged green (Plautia stali) are severely damaged on apple orchard. Using seven insecticides - dinotefuran WP, etofenprox WP, chlorpyrifos WP, cabaryl WP, chlothianidin SC, flonicamid WG, and bifenthrin WG - registered on apple, contact and residual toxicities were tested on both male and female of P. stali and H. halys that preferred apple fruit. Contact toxicity of dinotefuran WP was excellent on male P. stali 48 hours after treatment (HAT) with 96.7% and significant on male Halyomorpha halys 48 HAT with 74.5% but the others had low effect. Contact toxicity on these stink bugs were higher in male than female. All insecticides except flonicamid, residual effects were all effective on both male and female of P. stali, while chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin were showed higher residual toxicity on both male and female of H. halys in laboratory condition. Two insecticides, chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin, were selected for the field test. Bifenthrin have a high residual effect on P. stali until 5 days after treatment, but have a low residual toxicity on H. halys in the field test. Chlorpyrifos showed higher residual toxicity in the laboratory, however, showed low residual efficacy on two species stink bug onto the field.

Distribution of Pyrethroid Insecticides in a Nursery Drainage Channel

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Shin, Hyun-Moo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.891-896
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    • 2003
  • The objectives of this study wre to investigate the effects of two synthetic pyrethroids, bifenthrin(BF) and permethrin(PM), in runoff and to evaluate the effects of suspended solids (SS) in the transport of pyrethroid along the drainage channel. Monitoring of BF and PM was conducted with the runoffs as well as in sediments existing along the drainage channel at a nursery site located in southern California, USA. This study also suggests Best Management Practices (BMPs) to alleviage the pollution caused by heavy usage of pyrethroid insecticides at nursery sites. Due to a high affinity to solid particles of pyrethroid insecticides, the concentrations of BF and PM were proportional to the SS contents along the drainage channel. This study suggests that alleviation of pyrethroids existing in runoffs could be controlled by the removal of suspended solids in runoffs and potential implications of current drainage channels for mitigation of pesticides associated with runoffs.

Residual Characteristics and Safety Assessments of Bifenthrin, Carbendazim and Metconazole in Angelica gigas Nakai (당귀 중 bifenthrin, carbendazim, metconazole의 잔류 특성 및 안전성 평가)

  • Jeong, Hye Rim;Noh, Hyun Ho;Lee, Jae Yun;Park, Hyo Kyoung;Jin, Me Jee;Kim, Jin Chan;Hong, Su Myeong;Kyung, Kee Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to determine residual characteristics and to evaluate safety of bifenthrin, carbendazim and metconazole in minor crop, Angelica gigas Nakai. The test pesticides were sprayed onto the crop according to the combinations of spray days before harvest and frequency and then sampling was performed at the harvest day. Non-systemic pesticide bifenthrin was not detected in all samples, whereas systemic pesticides, carbendazim and metconazole, were detected from the crop in the range of from 0.14 to 0.49 and from 0.19 to 0.26, respectively. These results indicated that residual characteristics of the test pesticides in Angelica gigas Nakai were affected by their systemic properties. Also, residual concentration of carbendazim and metconazole in the crop was increased as more spraying frequency and spraying more closer to harvest day. And residual concentration of carbendazim in the crop on the last spraying day was 2.1 times higher than that of metconazole because nominal spraying dose of carbendazim was higher than that of metconazole by 1.9 times. The residue levels of the test pesticides in the crop were evaluated to be safe, considering their %ADIs were less than 0.9%.

Residual Characteristics of Insecticides Used for Oriental Tobacco Budworm Control of Paprika (파프리카 재배기간 중 담배나방 방제에 사용되는 살충제의 잔류특성)

  • Lee, Dong Yeol;Kim, Yeong Jin;Kim, Sang Gon;Kang, Kyu Young
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2013
  • BACKGROUND: This study was carried out to investigate the residual characteristics of insecticides used for Oriental Tobacco Budworm control and to establish the recommended pre-harvest residue limit leading to contribution in safety of paprika production. METHODS AND RESULTS: The recommended Pre-Harvest Residue Limits (PHRLs) of insecticides during cultivation of paprika were calculated from residue analyses of insecticides in fruits 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18 and 21 days after treatment. Paprika samples were extracted with QuEChERS method and cleaned-up with amino propyl SPE cartridge and PSA, and insecticide residues were analyzed either by HPLC/DAD or GLC/ECD. The limits of detection were 0.01 mg/kg for 5 insecticides. Average recoveries were $81.3{\pm}1.62%$-$98.3{\pm}1.58%$ of 5 insecticides at fortification levels of 0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg. The biological half-lives of the insecticides were 8.5 days for bifenthrin, 11.8 days for chlorantraniliprole, 16.8 days for chlorfenapyr, 7.1 days for lamda-cyhalothrin and 31.3 days for methoxyfenozide at recommended dosage, respectively. CONCLUSION(S): The pre-harvest residue limits for 10 days before harvest were recommended 1.05 mg/kg, 1.41 mg/kg, 0.93 mg/kg, 2.06 mg/kg and 1.08 mg/kg as bifenthrin, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, lamda-cyhalothrin and methoxyfenozide, respectively. This study can provide good practical measures to produce safe paprika fruit by prevention of products from exceeding of MRLs at pre-harvest stage.

Evaluation of Toxicity of Pesticides against Honeybee (Apis mellitera) and Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) (꿀벌과 서양뒤영벌에 대한 농약의 독성평가)

  • Ahn, Ki-Su;Oh, Mann-Gyun;Ahn, Hee-Geun;Yoon, Chang-Mann;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to evaluate the acute toxicity and residual toxicity of the 69 kinds of agrochemicals (41 insecticides, 18 fungicides, and 10 acaricides) against honeybee, Apis mellifera and bumblebee, Bombus terrestris. According to the IOBC standard, the toxicity showed below 30% was classified as non-toxic. Among 41 insecticides, five insecticides (acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, thiacloprid, milbemectin, and buprofezin+amitraz) against the honeybee; eight insecticides (methomyl, thiodicarb, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, thiacloprid, abamectin, spino sad, buprofezin+amitraz) against the bumblebee did not show any toxic effect. Therefore, it thought to being safe. Other 18 fungicides and 10 acaricides were safe against the honeybee and bumblebee. In residual toxicity against the honeybee, eight insecticides (dichlorvos, methomyl, imidachlorprid, emamectin benzoate, spinosad, cartap hydrochloride, chlorfenapyr, and endosulfan) among 41 insecticides tested were safe at three days after treatment; however, sixteen insecticides (dimethoate, fenitrothion, fenthion, methidathion, phenthoate, pyraclofos, fenpropathrin, clothianidin, dinotefuran, thiamethoxam, abamectin, acetamiprid+ethofenprox, acetamiprid+indoxacarb, bifenthrin+imidacloprid, ethofenprox+phenthoate, imidacloprid+methiocarb) still remain high toxicity at eleven days after treatment. Against the bumblebee, residual toxicity showed as safe in seven insecticides (dimethoate, methidation, a-cypermethion, ethofenprox, indoxcarb, chlorpyrifos+a-cypennethrin, esfenvalerate+fenitrochion) at three days after treatment; however, eight insecticides (fenitrothion, pyraclofos, clothianidin, fipronil, acetamiprid+ethofenprox, chlorpyrifos+bifenthrin, ethofenprox+phenthoate, imidacloprid+methiocarb) still showed high toxicity at seven days after treatment. From above results, it will be useful information to select insecticides being safe and effective against the honeybee and bumblebee.

The Exposure Risk Assessment of Residual Pesticides in Tea (다류에 존재하는 잔류농약 노출 안전성 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Kwan;Oh, Moon-Seog;Kim, Ki-Yu;Kim, Yeong-Su;Son, Mi-Hee;Bae, Ho-Jung;Kang, Chung-Won;Park, Young-Bok;Yoon, Mi-Hye;Lee, Jong-Bok;Jeong, Ju-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2011
  • The investigation of 218 residual pesticides for 19 types of tea (persimmon leaf tea, chrysanthemum tea, green tea, lavender tea, rosemary tea, dandelion leaf tea, puer tea, mulberry leaf tea, hydrangea leaf tea, jasmine tea, nuomixiang tea, buckwheat tea, mugwort tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, longjing tea, rose tea, tiehkwanyin tea and huoguo tea) obtained from markets in Ansan and Suwon was carried out to assess the risk for residual pesticides in tea. The detection rate was 23.1 % (19 samples of total 65 tea samples) and the detected pesticides were 15 pesticides, such as bifenthrin, bromopropylate, chlorpyrifos, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, chlorfenapyr, dicofol, endosulfan, fenpropathrin, fludioxonil, fenvalerate, iprobenfos, isoprothiolane, tetradifon and triazophos. The range of concentrations for the detected residual pesticides was 0.01 to 1.24 mg/kg which showed below their maximum residue limits (MRL), but the residual concentration of bifenthrin in a puer tea showed above the legal limit of 0.3 mg/kg. The result of risk assessment of residual pesticides for the detected 15 samples showed that EDI (estimated daily intake) of the pesticides detected ranged 0.0001~0.0844% of their ADI (acceptable daily intake).

Insecticidal Effect of Aggregation Pheromone Fish Net Trap using Residual Effect of Insecticides Against Bean Bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae) (살충제의 잔효성을 이용한 집합페로몬통발트랩에 유인된 톱다리개미허리노린재의 살충효과)

  • Lee, Seon-Woo;Yun, Seung-Hwan;Koo, Hyun-Na;Kim, Hyun Kyung;Youn, Young-Nam;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.206-212
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    • 2013
  • This study was examined for activity of aggregation pheromone fish net trap with residual effect of insecticides against Riptortus pedestris. Time of escape was from aggregation pheromone fish net trap researched 49.74 min ($ET_{99}$) and 65.01 min ($ET_{99}$) with 1st and 2nd instar nymph respectively. Six insecticides for the stink bugs were treated to 3 different materials (wood, metal and plastic). Bifenthrin and fenitrothion were showed 100% insecticidal activity at 48 h to all developmental stage of R. pedestris. Residual effect of bifenthrin and fenitrothion on plastic material were showed 100% insecticidal activity over 15 day after treatment with 1st, 3rd instar nymphs and adults except 5th instar nymph. In field test using plastic material trap with two pesticides, 1st instar nymphs and adults were showed 100% mortality until 10 day after treatment. These results indicate that R. pedestris might be managed using aggregation pheromone trap with insecticides.