• Title/Summary/Keyword: basin area

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Geochemical Characteristics of Black Slate and Coaly Slate from the Uranium Deposit in Deokpyeong Area (덕평리 지역 우라늄광상의 흑색점판암과 탄질점판암의 지구화학적 특성)

  • Shin, Dong-Bok;Kim, Su-Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.373-386
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    • 2011
  • Geochemical study was performed on black slates and interbedded U-bearing coaly slates in Deokpyeongri area, the representative uranium mineralized district of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, to discuss the genetic environments of the uranium deposit. REE concentration (254 ppm) of the black slates is higher than that (169 ppm) of the coaly slates and NASC-normalized REE patterns of the coaly slates show remarkable positive Eu anomaly. l11e redox-sensitive trace elements such as V, Cr, Co, Ni, Mo and U in the coaly slates are highly enriched compared to the black slates, especially for V of 24 times, Mo of 62 times, and U of 60 times. In additions, Pd and Pt are also enriched in the coaly slates. Positive Eu anomaly and the noticeable enrichment of the elements listed above compared to those of NASC indicate that those elements were not derived from common seawater but deposited under high temperature and reducing environment of submarine hydrothermal activities. Wide compositional ranges of major elements ($SiO_2/Al_2O_3$: 3.98~11.88, $Al_2O_3/Na_2O$: 25.6~139.06, $K_2O/Na_2O$: 6.80~46.85) also suggest that the source rocks of the sediments are mixtures of sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks. Higher sulfur contents in the coaly slates, 2.6 wt.%, than those in the black slates, 0.6 wt.% also indicates that the former was influenced by hydrothermal activities containing much sulfur. These geochemical characteristics are similar to the genetic environments of South China type PGE deposits (Mo-Ni-Zn-PGE) which is geotectonically correlated with the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt and is known as sedimentary-exhalative deposits. In conclusions, the uranium and other metallic elements mineralization seems to have occurred in the sedimentary basin that was affected by submarine hydrothermal activities and rich in organic materials under oxygen-poor environments as well.

Effects of Thermal Wastewater Effluent and Hydrogen Ion Potential (pH) on Water Quality and Periphyton Biomass in a Small Stream (Buso) of Pocheon Area, Korea (포천지역 계류 (부소천)의 수질과 부착조류 생물량에 온배수와 수소이온농도 (pH) 영향)

  • Jeon, Gyeonghye;Eum, Hyun Soo;Jung, Jinho;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Shin, Jae-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.96-115
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    • 2017
  • Understanding effects of thermal pollution and acidification has long been a concern of aquatic ecologists, but it remains largely unknown in Korea. This study was performed to elucidate the effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) and acid rain on water quality and attached algae in a small mountain stream, the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. A total of five study sites were selected in the upstream area including the inflowing point of hot-spring wastewater (HSW), one upstream site (BSU), and three sites below thermal effluent merged into the stream (1 m, 10 m and 300 m for BSD1, BSD2, and BSD3, respectively). Field surveys and laboratory analyses were carried out every month from December 2015 to September 2016. Water temperature ranged $1.7{\sim}28.8^{\circ}C$ with a mean of $15.0^{\circ}C$ among all sites. Due to the effect of thermal effluent, water temperature at HSW site was sustained at high level during the study period from $17.5^{\circ}C$ (January) to $28.8^{\circ}C$ (September) with a mean of $24.2{\pm}3.7^{\circ}C$, which was significantly higher than other sites. Thermal wastewater effluent also brought in high concentration of nutrients(N, P). The effect of TWE was particularly apparent during dry season and low temperature period (December~March). Temperature effect of TWE did not last toward downstream, while nutrient effect seemed to maintain in longer distance. pH ranged 5.1~8.4 with a mean of 6.9 among all sites during the study period. The pH decrease was attributed to seasonal acid rain and snow fall, and their effects was identified by acidophilic diatoms dominated mainly by Eunotia pectinalis and Tabellaria flocculosa during March and August. These findings indicated that water quality and periphyton assemblages in the upstream region of Buso Stream were affected by thermal pollution, eutrophication, and acidification, and their confounding effects were seasonally variable.

Analysis of Industrial Linkage Effects for Farm Land Base Development Project -With respect to the Hwangrak Benefited Area with Reservoir - (농업생산기반 정비사업의 산업연관효과분석 -황락 저수지지구를 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Jae Hwan;Han, Seok Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 1999
  • This study is aiming at identifying the foreward and backward lingkage effects of the farm land base development project. Korean Government has continuously carried out farmland base development projets including the integrated agricultural development projects. large and medium scale irrigation projects and the comprehensive development of the four big river basin including tidal land reclamation and estuary dam construction for the all weather farming since 1962. the starting year of the five year economic development plans. Consequently the irrigation rate of paddy fields in Korea reached to 75% in 1998 and to escalate the irrigation rate, the Government had procured heavy investment fund from IBRD. IMF and OECF etc. To cope with the agricultural problems like trade liberalization in accordance with WTO policy, the government has tried to solve such problems as new farmland base development policy, preservation of the farmland and expansion of farmland to meet self-sufficiency of foods in the future. Especially, farmland base development projects have been challanged to environmental and ecological problems in evaluating economic benefits and costs where the value of non-market goods have not been included in those. Up to data, in evaluating benefits and costs of the projects, farmland base development projects have been confined to direct incremental value of farm products and it's related costs. Therefore the projects'efficiency as a decision making criteria has shown the low level of economic efficiencies. In estimating economic efficiencies including Leontiefs input-output analysis of the projects could not be founded in Korea at present. Accordingly this study is aimed at achieving and identifying the following objectives. (1) To identify the problems related to the financial supports of the Government in implementing the proposed projects. (2) To estimated backward and foreward linkage effects of the proposed project from the view point of national economy as a whole. To achieve the objectives, Hwangrak benefited area with reservoir which is located in Seosan-haemi Disticts, Chungnam Province were selected as a case study. The main results of the study are summarized as follows : a. The present value of investment and O & M cost were amounted to 3,510million won and the present value of the value added in related industries was estimated at 5.913million won for the period of economic life of 70 years. b. The total discounted value of farm products in the concerned industries derived by the project was estimated at 10,495million won and the foreward and backward linkage effects of the project were amounted to 6,760 and 5,126million won respectively. c. The total number of employment opportunities derived from the related industries for the period of project life were 3,136 man/year. d. Farmland base development projects were showed that the backward linkage effects estimated by index of the sensitivity dispersion were larger than the forward linkage effect estimated by index of the power of dispersion. On the other hand, the forward linkage effect of rice production value during project life was larger than the backward linkage effect e. The rate of creation of new job opportunity by means of implementing civil engineering works were shown high in itself rather than any other fields. and the linkage effects of production of the project investment were mainly derived from the metal and non-metal fields. f. According to the industrial linkage effect analysis, farmland base development projects were identified economically feasible from the view point of national economy as a whole even though the economic efficiencies of the project was outstandingly decreased owing to delaying construction period and increasing project costs.

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The Structual Restoration on Gyeongju-Style Piled Stone-Type Wooden Chamber Tombs (경주식 적석목곽묘의 구조복원 재고)

  • Gweon, Yong Dae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.66-87
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    • 2009
  • The definition of the structure of wooden chamber tomb(piled stone-type) is as follows. It is a tomb with wooden chamber, and stones were piled on top of the wooden chamber, and then a wooden structure was placed on top of the piled stones, and more stones were piled on top of the wooden structure, and sealed with clay. Of course this definition can vary according to periods, the buried, etc. Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs have some distinguished characteristics compared to general definition of piled stone type wooden chamber tombs. Outside the wooden chamber, either stone embankments or filled-in stones were layed out, and pilet-in stones are positioned right above the wooden chamber, and almost every class used this type, and finally, it is exclusively found in Gyeongju area. First generations of this Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs appeared in first half of 5th century. These tombs inherited characteristics like ground plan, wooden chamber, double chamber(inner chamber and outer chamber), piled stones, burial of the living with the dead, piled stones, from precedent wooden chamber tombs. However these tombs have explicit new characteristics which are not found in the precedent wooden chamber tombs such as stone embankments, wooden pillars, piled stones(above ground level), soil tumuluses. stone embankments and wooden pillars are exclusively found on great piled stone type above-ground level wooden chamber tombs such as the Hwangnamdaechong(皇南大塚). Stone embankments, wooden pillars, piled stones(above ground level) are all elements of building process of soil tumuluses. stone embankments support outer wall of above-ground level wooden chambers and disperse the weight of tumuluses. Wooden pillars functioned as auxiliary supports with wooden structures to prevent the collapse of stone embankments. Piled stones are consists of stones of regular size, placed on the wooden structure. And after the piled stones were sealed with clay, tumulus was built with soil. Piled stones are unique characteristics which reflects the environment of Gyeongju area. Piled stone type wooden chamber tombs are located on the vast and plain river basin of Hyeongsan river(兄山江). Which makes vast source of sands and pebbles. Therefore, tumulus of these tombs contains large amount of sands and are prone to collapse if soil tumulus was built directly on the wooden structure. Consequently, to maintain external shape of the tumulus and to prevent collapse of inner structure, piled stones and clay-sealing was made. In this way, they can prevent total collapse of the tombs even if the tumulus was washed away. The soil tumulus is a characteristic which emerges when a nation or political entity reaches certain growing stage. It can be said that after birth of a nation, growing stage follows and social structure will change, and a newly emerged ruling class starts building new tombs, instead of precedent wooden chamber tombs. In this process, soil tumulus was built and the size and structure of the tombs differ according to the ruling class. Ground plan, stone embankments, number of the persons buried alive with the dead, quantity and quality of artifacts reflect social status of the ruling class. In conclusion, Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs emerged with different characteristics from the precedent wooden chamber tombs when Shilla reached growing stage.

Geosites, Geoheritages and Geotrails of the Hwaseong Geopark, the Candidate for Korean National Geopark (화성 국가지질공원 후보지의 지질명소, 지질유산 그리고 지오트레일)

  • Cho, Hyeongseong;Shin, Seungwon;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Chae, Yong-Un;Park, Jeong-Woong;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, Hyeong Soo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2019
  • Geopark is a new system for development of the local economy through conservation, education, and tourism that is an area of scientific importance for the earth sciences and that has outstanding scenic values. The Hwaseong Geopark, the candidate for Korean National Geopark is composed of 10 geosites: Gojeongri dinosaur egg fossils, Ueumdo, Eoseom, Ddakseom, Goryeom, Jebudo, Baengmiri Coast, Gungpyeonhang, Ippado and Gukwado geosites. In this study, geosites, geoheritages, and geotrails of the Hwaseong Geopark were described in detail, and the value and significane as a geopark were also discussed. The geology of the Hwaseong Geopark area belonging to the Gyeonggi Massif consists of the Precambrian metamorphic and meta-sedimentary rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary rocks, and Quaternary deposits, indicating high geodiversity. The Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils geosite, designated as a natural monument, has a geotrail including dinosaur egg nest fossils, burrows, tafoni, fault and drag fold, cross-bedding. Furthermore, a variety of infrastructures such as eco-trail deck, visitor center are well-established in the geosite. In the Ueumdo geosite, there are various metamorphic rocks (gneiss, schist, and phyllite) and geological structures (fold, fault, joint, dike, and vein), thus it has a high educational value. The Eoseom geosite has high academic value because of the orbicular texture found in metamorphic rocks. Also, various volcanic and sedimentary rocks belonging to the Cretaceous Tando Basin can be observed in the Ddakseom and Goryeom geosites. In the Jebudo, Baengmiri Coast, and Gungpyeonghang geosites, a variety of coastal landforms (tidal flat, seastacks, sand and gravel beach, and coastal dunes), metamorphic rocks and geological structures, such as clastic dikes and quartz veins can be observed, and they also provide various programs including mudflat experience to visitors. Ippado and Gukwado geosites have typical large-scale fold structures, and unique coastal erosional features and various Paleozoic schists can be observed. The Hwaseong Geopark consists of outstanding geosites with high geodiversity and academic values, and it also has geotrails that combine geology, geomorphology, landscape and ecology with infrastructures and various education and experience programs. Therefore, the Hwaseong Geopark is expected to serve as a great National Geopark representing the western Gyeonggi Province, Korea.

A Study of Fluoride and Arsenic Adsorption from Aqueous Solution Using Alum Sludge Based Adsorbent (알럼 슬러지 기반 흡착제를 이용한 수용액상 불소 및 비소 흡착에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon Hak;Ji, Won Hyun;Lee, Jin Soo;Park, Seong Sook;Choi, Kung Won;Kang, Chan Ung;Kim, Sun Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2020
  • An Alum-sludge based adsorbent (ASBA) was synthesized by the hydrothermal treatment of alum sludge obtained from settling basin in water treatment plant. ASBA was applied to remove fluoride and arsenic in artificially-contaminated aqueous solutions and mine drainage. The mineralogical crystal structure, composition, and specific surface area of ASBA were identified. The result revealed that ASBA has irregular pores and a specific surface area of 87.25 ㎡ g-1 on its surface, which is advantageous for quick and facile adsorption. The main mineral components of the adsorbent were found to be quartz(SiO2), montmorillonite((Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·4H2O) and albite(NaAlSi3O8). The effects of pH, reaction time, initial concentration, and temperature on removal of fluoride and arsenic were examined. The results of the experiments showed that, the adsorbed amount of fluoride and arsenic gradually decreased with increasing pH. Based on the results of kinetic and isotherm experiments, the maximum adsorption capacity of fluoride and arsenic were 7.6 and 5.6 mg g-1, respectively. Developed models of fluoride and arsenic were suitable for the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Moreover, As for fluoride and arsenic, the increase rate of adsorption concentration decreased after 8 and 12 hr, respectively, after the start of the reaction. Also, the thermodynamic data showed that the amount of fluoride and arsenic adsorbed onto ASBA increased with increasing temperature from 25℃ to 35℃, indicating that the adsorption was endothermic and non-spontaneous reaction. As a result of regeneration experiments, ASBA can be regenerated by 1N of NaOH. In the actual mine drainage experiment, it was found that it has relatively high removal rates of 77% and 69%. The experimental results show ASBA is effective as an adsorbent for removal fluoride and arsenic from mine drainage, which has a small flow rate and acid/neutral pH environment.

Understanding the Impact of Environmental Changes on the Number of Species and Populations of Odonata after Creating a Constructed Wetland (인공습지 조성 후 환경변화가 잠자리목의 종수 및 개체수에 미치는 영향 파악)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Bae, Soo-Hyoung;Lee, Gwang-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.515-529
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    • 2020
  • Constructed wetlands undergo biological and physical changes such as an increase in the proportion of arid plants due to the natural succession process after formation. It can adversely affect not only the purification function but also the habitat of species. As such, this study aims to identify environmental factors affecting biodiversity and propose management plans based on the monitoring results of physical environmental changes and the emergence of species in seven constructed wetlands selected based on the water depth and surrounding conditions among the lands purchased by the Nakdong River basin. We examined the environmental conditions and emergence of the Odonata, which is a wetland-dependent species, to predict the trend of changes in biodiversity and abundance. The results showed that the open water area decreased as the emergent plants spread to the deep water in 2015 compared to 2012 when they were initially restored to a depth of 0.2 to 1 m. While a total of 54 dragonfly species were observed, the habitat diversity, such as vegetation, water surface, and grassland, remained similar to the initial formation of the wetlands despite the expansion of the emergent plants. On the other hand, the number of Agrionidae species, which prefer areas with fewer aquatic plants, decreased between 2012 and 2015 due to the diminished water surface. The p-values of the differences in the number of species and population between wetlands by year were 2.568e-09 and 1.162e-08, respectively, indicating the statistically significant differences. The decrease in open water surface was found to have the greatest effect on the biodiversity and habitat density of dragonflies. The time-series survey of constructed wetlands confirmed that the spread of Phragmites communis, P. japonica, Typha orientalis, etc., caused a decrease in species diversity. It suggests that environmental management to maintain the open water surface area is necessary.

The Historical Background of the Sueki Excavated from the Gaya Region (가야권역에서 출토된 스에키계토기의 역사적인 배경)

  • SUZUKI, Koki
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2022
  • In the mid-Kofun period, the technology employed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula had reached the Japanese archipelago, and a Japanese-style unglazed earthenware called Sueki was produced. During the early period of the spread of technology, regional elements from all over the Korean Peninsula remained strong, with production on the Japanese archipelago carried out only in very limited regions. After that, production in all parts of the archipelago began gradually. The Sueki culture was introduced to the Japanese archipelago with the technology of the Korean Peninsula; however, many excavations have been reported in the Korean Peninsula(these excavations are even called Suekitype). Many of these excavations were conducted in Jeolla-do, Yeongnam, and the Yeongsan River basin. As revealed in previous studies, however, many imitations were excavated around Jeolla-do, while Sueki of the Japanese archipelago were excavated from tombs in the Yeongnam area. The excavation period was generally from the late 5th century to the early 6th century(especially from the TK23 to MT15 stage), which is fundamentally different from that of Jeolla-do. Regarding the locations where Sueki were excavated, the majority were found in the tombs of local authorities. They were rarely excavated from the tombs of the royal people. Furthermore, there is no evidence of special meaning given to funeral ceremonies or Sueki in the Japanese archipelago form; therefore, most of them are thought to have been treated the same as unglazed earthenware. Considering the tombs as a whole, influential people(groups, families, and forces) were not only connected to certain areas of the Gaya region but also had complex and larger relationships. In other words, the Sueki excavated from the Yeongnam area may reflect the rise and fall of the forces in each Gaya region and the changes of the Yeongnam period. The role of negotiation and exchange can be seen not only from the fact that influential people in the central government of the Gaya region were involved but also from the existence of areas(groups, families, forces) discovered in the Gaya region indicating mutual relationships.

A Study of Fluoride Adsorption in Aqueous Solution Using Iron Sludge based Adsorbent at Mine Drainage Treatment Facility (광산배수 정화시설 철 슬러지 기반 흡착제를 활용한 수용액상 불소 흡착에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon Hak;Kim, Sun Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.709-716
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    • 2021
  • In this study, an adsorbent prepared by natural drying of iron hydroxide-based sludge collected from settling basin at a mine drainage treatment facility located in Gangneung, Gangwon-do was used to remove fluoride in an artificial fluoride solution and mine drainage, and the adsorption characteristics of the adsorbent were investigated. As a result of analyzing the chemical composition, mineralogical properties, and specific surface area of the adsorbent used in the experiment, iron oxide (Fe2O3) occupies 79.2 wt.% as the main constituent, and a peak related to calcite (CaCO3) in the crystal structure analysis was analyzed. It was also identified that an irregular surface and a specific surface area of 216.78 m2·g-1. In the indoor batch-type experiment, the effect of changes in reaction time, pH, initial fluoride concentration and temperature on the change in adsorption amount was analyzed. The adsorption of fluoride showed an adsorption amount of 3.85 mg·g-1 16 hours after the start of the reaction, and the increase rate of the adsorption amount gradually decreased. Also, as the pH increased, the amount of fluoride adsorption decreased, and in particular, the amount of fluoride adsorption decreased rapidly around pH 5.5, the point of zero charge at which the surface charge of the adsorbent changes. Meanwhile, the results of the isotherm adsorption experiment were applied to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm adsorption models to infer the fluoride adsorption mechanism of the used adsorbent. To understand the thermodynamic properties of the adsorbent using the Van't Hoff equation, thermodynamic constants 𝚫H° and 𝚫G° were calculated using the adsorption amount information obtained by increasing the temperature from 25℃ to 65℃ to determine the adsorption characteristics of the adsorbent. Finally, the adsorbent was applied to the mine drainage having a fluoride concentration of about 12.8 mg·L-1, and the fluoride removal rate was about 50%.

Analysis of the effect of long-term water supply improvement by the installation of sand dams in water scarce areas (물부족 지역에서 샌드댐 설치에 의한 장기 물공급 개선 효과 분석)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Lee, Jeongwoo;Lee, Jeong Eun;Kim, Il-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.12
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    • pp.999-1009
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    • 2022
  • The Chuncheon Mullori area is an underprivileged area for water welfare that does not have a local water supply system. Here, water is supplied to the village by using a small-scale water supply facility that uses underground water and underground water as the source. To solve the problem of water shortage during drought and to prepare for the increasing water demand, a sand dam was installed near the valley river, and this facility has been operating since May 2022. In this study, in order to evaluate the reliability of water supply when a sand dam is assumed during a drought in the past, groundwater runoff simulation results using MODFLOW were used to generate inflow data from 2011 to 2020, an unmeasured period. After performing SWAT-K basin hydrologic modeling for the watershed upstream of the existing water intake source and the sand dam, the groundwater runoff was calculated, and the relative ratio of the monthly groundwater runoff for the previous 10 years to the monthly groundwater runoff in 2021 was obtained. By applying this ratio to the 2021 inflow time series data, historical inflow data from 2011 to 2020 were generated. As a result of analyzing the availability of water supply during extreme drought in the past for three cases of demand 20 m3/day, 50 m3/day, and 100 m3/day, it can be confirmed that the reliability of water supply increases with the installation of sand dams. In the case of 100 m3/day, it was analyzed that the reliability exceeded 90% only when the existing water intake source and the sand dam were operated in conjunction. All three operating conditions were evaluated to satisfy 50 m3/day or more of demand based on 95% reliability of water supply and 30 m3/day or more of demand based on 99% of reliability.