• Title/Summary/Keyword: band image

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Progressive Wavelet Transform Coding for Image Communication (영상통신을 위한 점진적 웨이브렛 변환 부호화)

  • 김정일;유재휘
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, we propose new image coding using wavelet transform. The new method constructs hierarchical bit plane and progressively transports each bit plane. The proposed algorithm not only supports multi-resolution, dividing original image into special band and various resolution but also reduces blocking effects that come into JPEG In encoding time, this algorithm considers each band characters and priority of transport order, and applies to fast search of image.

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Design of Tunable Image Rejection Filter (주파수 조절이 가능한 영상주파수 제거 여파기 구현)

  • Ha Sang-Hoon;Kim Hyeong-Seok;Han Hyeong-Seok
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.208-211
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a tunable image rejection filter using two varactors is developed for mobile convergence. The filter is fabricated on a 0.25um substrate. ESD Pad is embedded to prevent damage caused by electrostatic discharge(ESD). Bias voltages are at WCDMA(2.1GHz). WiBro(2.3GHz), and WLAN(2.45) are 0.5V, 0.95V and 1.8V respectively. And the image rejection rations are more than 28dB at each band and insertion losses are less than 2dB at each band.

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Extraction of Waterline from X-band Satellite SAR Images (X-밴드 위성 SAR 영상을 이용한 수위선 탐지)

  • Lee, Kyung-Yup;Kim, Youn-Soo
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2011
  • This paper introduces a method about water line detection using SAR image. The method includes pre-processing of the SAR image with the threshold of the histogram to recognize the boundary between the water and the landmass area. Finally we applied the image differentiation to detect the water line in the SAR image. The TerraSAR-X and the Cosmo-SkyMed images, which are the high spatial resolution X-band SAR data, are used for the evaluation of our algorithm. The accuracy is verified over the stream line in urban area with the result from the Cosmo-SkyMed.

Progressive Image Coding using Wavelet Transform (웨이브렛 변환을 이용한 점진적 영상 부호화)

  • Kim, Jeong-Il;An, Kwang-Tae;Kim, Jae-Cheol;Yoo, Choong-Yeol;Lee, Kwang-Bae;Kim, Hyen-Ug
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.10
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    • pp.2640-2650
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    • 1997
  • In this paper we propose new image coding using wavelet transform. The new method constructs hierarchical bit plane and progressively transports each bit plane. The proposed algorithms not only supports multi-resolution, dividing original image into special band and various resolution but also reduces blocking effects that come int JPEG. In encoding time this algorithm considers each band characters and priority of transport order, and applies to fast search of image.

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Design and Implementation of Hyperspectral Image Analysis Tool: HYVIEW

  • Huan, Nguyen van;Kim, Ha-Kil;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2007
  • Hyperspectral images have shown a great potential for the applications in resource management, agriculture, mineral exploration and environmental monitoring. However, due to the large volume of data, processing of hyperspectral images faces some difficulties. This paper introduces the development of an image processing tool (HYVIEW) that is particularly designed for handling hyperspectral image data. Current version of HYVIEW is dealing with efficient algorithms for displaying hyperspectral images, selecting bands to create color composites, and atmospheric correction. Three band-selection schemes for producing color composites are available based on three most popular indexes of OIF, SI and CI. HYVIEW can effectively demonstrate the differences in the results of the three schemes. For the atmospheric correction, HYVIEW utilizes a pre-calculated LUT by which the complex process of correcting atmospheric effects can be performed fast and efficiently.

Remote monitoring of the breaking ocean waves by a marine X-band radar in Yongho Man, Busan (부산 용호만에서 선박용 X-band 레이더에 의한 쇄파의 원격 모니터링)

  • Lee, Dae-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the remote monitoring of breaking ocean waves generated by Typhoon Nabi, whose name means butterfly in Korean, using a marine X-band radar in the Yongho Man, Busan, Korea. The basic purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamic behavior and to estimate the periods of breaking waves across the surf zone from radar image sequences. In these experiments, the land-based radar system imaged the inshore zone of three miles from the coastline to a isobath of 30 meters. The wave period and the dominant wave direction for breaking ocean waves extracted directly from radar image sequences were 157.4 meters and 298 degrees, respectively. However, the result calculated quantitatively by the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showed that the period of breaking waves was 154.3 meters. The average difference in breaking wave periods between the value extracted by using EBRL (electronic bearing and range line) of radar and the calculated value by CWT was 3.1 meters, showing that the CWT method is also accurate. These results suggest that a marine X-band radar system is a viable method of monitoring the breaking ocean waves.

Enhanced Image Magnification by Using Extrapolation (외삽법을 이용한 개선된 영상확대기법)

  • Je Sung-Kwan;Kim Kwang-Back;Cho Jae-Hyun;Lee Jin-Young;Cha Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.825-828
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    • 2006
  • The most commonly used techniques for image magnification are interpolation based. However, the magnified images produced by this technique often appear blocking and blurring phenomenon when the image is enlarged. In this paper, we enhanced image magnification algorithm using edge information. The proposed algorithm not used interpolation based but by using sub-band of input image in extrapolation. According to mapping relationship in pyramid, we calculated up-band information to magnify. In experiments, the proposed model shows solved the problem of image loss like the blocking and blurring phenomenon. As the result, it is faster and higher resolution than traditional magnification algorithms.

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Wind Retrieval from X-band SAR Image Using Numerical Ocean Scattering Model

  • Kim, Duk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2009
  • For the last 14 years, space-borne satellite SAR system such as RADARSAT-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT ASAR have provided a continuous observation over the ocean. However, the data acquired from those systems were limited to C-band frequency until the advent of the first spacebome German X-band SAR system TerraSAR-X in 2007. Korea is also planning to launch the nation's first X-band SAR satellite (KOMPSAT-5) in 2010. It is timely and necessary to develop X-band models for estimating geophysical parameters from these X-band SAR systems. In this study, X-band wind retrieval model was investigated and developed based on numerical ocean scattering model (radar backscattering model and hydrodynamic interaction model). Although these models have not yet been tested and validated for broad ranges of wind conditions, the estimated wind speeds from TerraSAR-X data show generally good agreement with in-situ measurements.

A Study on the Classification of Forest by Landsat TM Data (Landsat TM 자료를 이용한 임종구분에 관한 연구)

  • 최승필;홍성태;박재훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 1993
  • Forest occupied a part of natural ecosystem carries out a role of purifying air, preserving water resource, prevention of the breeding and extermination, recreation areas and etc that preserve and for me one's living environment. In this study, the classification for management of this forest is performed with Landsat TM Image. The classes are decided needle-leaf trees, broad-leaf trees, farming land and grass land, and water. When the TM digital images are classified on computer, water is represented in 7∼13 D.N. of 4th band. But the others is appeared similar mostly specific values so that must be done image processing. When the images compounded 2ed band and 3ed band are processed with ratio of enhancement. Needle-leaf treas is represented in l18∼136 D.N. of 1st band, broad-leaf trees in 72∼91 D.N. of 3ed band, farm land and glass land in 96∼120 of 3ed band. Forest Information is classified with M.L.C, an image classification method. The errors of needle-leaf trees, broad-leaf trees, farm land and grass land, and water are appeared each -7.43, +1.89,+7.58 and -2.04 as compared the digital image with investigation on the scene. Finally, these results are useful for classification of forest vegetation with Landsat TM Image.

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Analysis of a Spatial Distribution and Nutritional Status of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Jinyang Lake Using Landsat 8 Satellite Image (Landsat 8호 영상을 이용한 진양호의 클로로필 a 농도의 공간분포와 영양상태 분석)

  • Jang, Min Won;Cho, Hyun Kyung;Kim, Sang Min
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nutritional status of Lake Jinyang using Landsat 8 satellite image band correlated with chlorophyll-a, which is also related to algae proliferation. We selected 20 Landsat 8 images dating from 2013 to 2017, taken close to water quality measurement date when the cloud cover was less than 20 %. Based on the results of the previous studies, analyzing the correlation between chlorophyll-a, and Landsat 8 satellite image band, we selected near infrared wavelength, band 5 which is closely related to the population of algae. The nutritional status was classified using the Aizaki trophic state index (TSIm). The results of the regression equation between band 5 and the observed chlorophyll-a data was used to calculate chlorophyll-a for the image data from 2013 to 2017. The concentration of chlorophyll-a ranged from 3 to $16.1mg/m^3$. To illustrate the spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a within the lake, the chlorophyll-a concentration was divided into five grades. The images on October 14, 2014 and April 10, 2016 showed relatively high value of chlorophyll-a, while January 18, 2015 and December 6, 2016 chlorophyll-a value were below 5. The images on October 14, 2014 and April 10, 2016 were rated as eutrophic status in most areas. The results of simulating water quality for the day when the water quality was not measured resulted to an approximate value for the Panmun station while the Naedong station needed some corrections.