• 제목/요약/키워드: backfill

검색결과 602건 처리시간 0.023초

Solidification of uranium tailings using alkali-activated slag mixed with natural zeolite

  • Fulin Wang;Min Zhou;Cheng Chen;Zhengping Yuan;Xinyang Geng;Shijiao Yang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2023
  • Cemented uranium tailings backfill created from alkali-activated slag (CUTB) is an effective method of disposing of uranium tailings. Using some environmental functional minerals with ion exchange, adsorption, and solidification abilities as backfill modified materials may improve the leaching resistance of the CUTB. Natural zeolite, which has good ion exchange and adsorption characteristics, is selected as the backfill modified material, and it is added to the backfill materials with cementitious material proportions of 4%, 8%, 12%, and 16% to prepare CUTB mixtures with environmental functional minerals. After the addition of natural zeolite, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the CUTB decreases, but the leaching resistance of the CUTB increases. When the natural zeolite content is 12%, the UCS reaches the minimum value of 8.95 MPa, and the concentration of uranium in the leaching solution is 0.28-8.07 mg/L, the leaching rate R42 is 9.61×10-7 cm/d, and cumulative leaching fraction P42 is 8.53×10-4 cm, which shows that the alkali-activated slag cementitious material has a good curing effect on the CUTB, and the addition of environmental functional minerals helps to further improve the leaching resistance of the CUTB, but it reduces the UCS to an extent.

금속-폴리에틸렌 복합관에 대해서 Marston-Spagler이론과 유한요소해석에 의해 구해진 뒤채움하중의 비교에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Comparison of the Backfill Loads Obtained by the Marston-Spangler에s Theory and by the Finite Element Analysis for the Metal-Polyethylene Composite Pipes)

  • 정진호
    • 한국지반공학회지:지반
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문은 금속-폴리에틸렌 복합관을 고랑에 매설하고 뒤채움할 경우 관에 작용하는 뒤채움 하중에 관한 연구로서 지금까지 널리 이용하고 있는 Marston-Spangler 이론을 유한요소 해석에 의해서 검토하였다. 유한요소 해석 결과의 신뢰성은 현장 매설관 실험에 의해서 검증하였다. 즉, 현장에서 실물 크기의 관을 매설한 후 뒤채움 높이를 증가시켜 가면서 측정한 관에 작용하는 하중과 관의 변형량은 유한요소 해석의 결과와 비교적 잘 일치함을 확인하였다. 그리고 1.0m 이하의 관경, 관경의 3.0배 이하의 고랑폭, 4.0m 이하의 뒤채움 높이 범위내에서, 뒤채움흙의 종류, 뒤채움 높이, 고랑폭 및 관경 등이 매설관에 작용하는 하중에 대해 어떠한 영향을 끼치는지를 유한요소 해석과 Marston-Bpangler 이론에 의해서 검토 비교하였다. 연구 결과로서 금속-폴리에틸렌 복합관에 작용하는 하중은 Marston-Spangler 이론에 의해서 계산하는 것이 합리적이라는 사실을 확인하였으며 Marston-Spangler 이론을 적용할때 설계계수 Inp 값으로 0.0을 취할 것을 제안하였다. 그리고 Marston-Spangler 뒤채움흘의 hi 값은 유한요소 해석에서 Duncan 흙 모텔의 SC 값, SM 흙에 대해서는 각각 0.13, 0.15로 할 것이 권장된다. 뒤채움 높이에 따른 하중비. WMf/WFBM의 변화는 좁은 고랑에서는 미미하나 넓은 고랑에서는 뒤 채움 높이가 증가할수록 증가하는 경향을 나타낸다. 또한 이 하중비는 관경이 커질수록 좁은 고랑 에서는 증가하는 반면 넓은 고랑에서는 감소한다. 그리고 뒤채움흙의 다짐도가 클수록 하중비는 감 소하며 SM 흙이 SC흙보다 더 큰 하중비를 나타낸다.식으로 모델 화하였다. 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 y/D=0.2 이하에서 CLM 방법의 적용성이 입증되었다.)히 현상적관찰(現象的觀察)과 경험적추리(經驗的推理)로서 설명(說明)되었기 때문에 현대의학(現代醫學)(서양의학(西洋醫學))과 같은 조직해부학(組織解剖學) 및 생화학적(生化學的)인 이론(理論)과는 상위(相違)한 점(點)이 많다. 더욱이 음양오행설(陰陽五行說)이라는 다분(多分)히 형이상적(形而上的)인 학(學) 사유(思惟)로서 관찰추리(觀察推理)되였기 때문에 현대의학(現代醫學)과의 비교설명(比較說明)이 거의 불가능(不可能)하며 또한 한의학이론(韓醫學理論)의 과학적근거제시(科學的根據提示)도 현재(現在)로서는 어려운 형편(形便)이다. 그러나 이 의학(醫學)은 이미 2,000여년간(餘年間) 동양(東洋)에서 전래(傳來)한 경험의학(經驗醫學)으로서 동양인(東洋人)들은 이 의학(醫學)으로 소화계질환(消化系疾患)을 포함(包含)한 여러 가지 인간(人間)의 질병(疾病)을 치료(治療)해 왔고 현재(現在)도 이 의학(醫學)으로 치료(治療)를 하고 있고 실제적(實際的)으로 많은 치효(治效)를 보고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 이 의학(醫學)속에는 아직도 현대과학(現代科學)으로서 해명(解明)되지 못하는 어떤 요소(要素)들이 깃들여 있는 것이 확실(確實)하며 이것을 밝혀내기 위해서 우리 의학자(醫學者)들은 이 의학(醫學)에 관(關)한 모든 것을 연구(硏究)해 보아야 한다. 이런 뜻에서 본고찰(本考察)은 한방(漢方)의 역대제문헌(歷代諸文獻)을 섭렵(涉獵)하여 소화계질환(消化系疾患)에 관(關)한 제이론(諸理論)들을 발췌(拔萃), 한방(漢方)에서 보는 (1) 소화기관(消化器官)의 생리(生理) (2) 병리(病理), 증후(證候) (3)

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Experimental analysis on FEM definition of backfill-rectangular tank-fluid system

  • Cakir, Tufan;Livaoglu, Ramazan
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.165-185
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    • 2013
  • In the present study, the numerical and experimental investigations were performed on the backfill- exterior wall-fluid interaction systems in case of empty and full tanks. For this, firstly, the non-linear three dimensional (3D) finite element models were developed considering both backfill-wall and fluid-wall interactions, and modal analyses for these systems were carried out in order to acquire modal frequencies and mode shapes by means of ANSYS finite element structural analysis program. Secondly, a series of field tests were fulfilled to define their modal characteristics and to compare the results from proposed approximation in the selected structures. Finally, comparing the theoretical predictions from the finite element models to results from experimental measurements, a close agreement was found between theory and experiment. Thus, it can be easily stated that experimental verifications provide strong support for the finite element models and the proposed procedures themselves are the meritorious approximations to the real problem, and this makes the models appealing for use in further investigations.

함수비에 따른 유동성 뒤채움재의 열저항 특성 (Thermal Resistant Characteristics of Accelerated Flowable Backfill Materials on Water Content)

  • 오기대;김대홍
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2010년도 추계 학술발표회
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    • pp.1258-1263
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    • 2010
  • Backfill material of buried electrical transmission cable should dissipate the heat as rapidly as it is generated, or high temperatures will lead thermal runaway. These problems could raise thermal resistance and recude trasmission efficiency. So Backfill material of buried electrical transmission cable should have not only structual safty but good thermal property. So, in this study, we performed thermal resistancy test for various materials such as sand, weathered soil, clay and mixed soil to analyze the thermal characteristics of CLSM(controlled low strength materials) for water content.

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개착식 터널의 라이닝에 작용하는 토압경감대책에 관한 실험적 연구 (An experimental study on the reduction method of earth pressure acting on the cut-and-cover tunnel lining)

  • 김상윤;임종철;박이근;페르디난드 이 바우티스타
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.952-957
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    • 2004
  • Cut and Cover Method is generally used in shallow tunnels and tunnel entrances with thin soil cover. In this type of cons0truction, backfilling is considered to be the most important process. In this process even though the backfill material is thoroughly compacted, compaction and self-weight due to vehicular vibration and pressure exerted by the soil cause the backfill material to undergo self-compression which leads to settlement. The settlement of the backfill material subjects the tunnel lining under excessive earth pressure which cause cracking and deformation. In the model test performed installation of geotextile on the sides and top of the tunnel was able to reduce the earth pressure acting on the tunnel lining.

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지중 송전케이블의 되메움재 효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effect of Low Thermal Resistivity Backfill for the Permissible Current-Carrying Capability of Underground Power Cables)

  • 정성환;김대경;최상봉;이동일;강지원
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2002년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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    • pp.256-258
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    • 2002
  • This paper analyzes the sensitivity of the permissible current-carrying capability of underground power cables according to the thermal property of backfill materials and construction size of backfill materials. It is helpful for operators to determine the operating current and to design the construction of underground power cables.

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역 T 형 옹벽에 작용하는 연직토압분포 (Vertical Earth Pressure Distribution on Cantilever Retaining Wall)

  • 유남재;이명욱
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제16권
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 1996
  • Centrifuge model tests of cantilever retaining wall were performed to investigate the vertical stress distribution due to selfweight of backfill material. Model tests were carried out to find the effect of arching action on vertical stress distribution by changing the roughness of rigid boundary slope and the distance between retaining wall and boudary slope. A reduced scale model of cantilever retaining wall was made with concrete and Jumunjin Standary Sand with 80 % of relative density was used as foundation and backfill material. Centrifuge tests were performed by increasing g-level up to 40 g with measuring vertical stress induced by selfweight of backfill material. Test results on vertical stress distribution were analyzed and compared with results of Silo theory.

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쉴드터널에서의 뒷채움주입에 관한 연구 (A Study on Backfill Injection of Shield Tunnelling)

  • 민덕기;백진욱
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 1995년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 1995
  • In Resent years, urban tunnels have been more deeply constructed due to the congestion of buried steuctures. In such conditions, the shield method has become one of the popular urban tunnelling method by reason of several characteristics ; safety of construction, mimium environmental damage, and workbility. In tunnelling, the space which is tail-void are created between the ground and the other face of the primary lining. in other to reduce the ground seformation, it is important backfilling in tail-void. In this paper, the result of an experimental investigation undertaken to evaluate the physical and mechanical propeties of grouts composed of various mixtures of backfill materials. And the backfill injection model test was carried out considering the effects of tail-void.

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  • Kwon, S.;Cho, W.J.;Lee, J.O.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2013
  • Adequate design of engineered barriers, including canister, buffer and backfill, is important for the safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Three-dimensional computer simulations were carried out under different condition to examine the thermal and mechanical behavior of engineered barriers and rock mass. The research looked at five areas of importance, the effect of the swelling pressure, water content of buffer, density of compacted bentonite, emplacement type and the selection of failure criteria. The results highlighted the need to consider tensile stress in the outer shell of a canister due to thermal expansion of the canister and the swelling pressure from the buffer for a more reliable design of an underground repository system. In addition, an adequate failure criterion should be used for the buffer and backfill.

Void detection for tunnel lining backfill using impact-echo method based on continuous wavelet transform and convolutional neural network

  • Jiyun Lee;Kyuwon Kim;Meiyan Kang;Eun-Soo Hong;Suyoung Choi
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2024
  • We propose a new method for detecting voids behind tunnel concrete linings using the impact-echo method that is based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and a convolutional neural network (CNN). We first collect experimental data using the impact-echo method and then convert them into time-frequency images via CWT. We provide a CNN model trained using the converted images and experimentally confirm that our proposed model is robust. Moreover, it exhibits outstanding performance in detecting backfill voids and their status.