• Title/Summary/Keyword: automatic face tracking

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Face detection using haar-like feature and Tracking with Lucas-Kanade feature tracker (Haar-like feature를 이용한 얼굴 검출과 추적을 위한 Lucas-Kanade특징 추적)

  • Kim, Ki-Sang;Kim, Se-Hoon;Park, Gene-Yong;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.835-838
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we present automatic face detection and tracking which is robustness in rotation and translation. Detecting a face image, we used Haar-like feature, which is fast detect facial image. Also tracking, we applied Lucas-Kanade feature tracker and KLT algorithm, which has robustness for rotated facial image. In experiment result, we confirmed that face detection and tracking which is robustness in rotation and translation.

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Construction of a Video Dataset for Face Tracking Benchmarking Using a Ground Truth Generation Tool

  • Do, Luu Ngoc;Yang, Hyung Jeong;Kim, Soo Hyung;Lee, Guee Sang;Na, In Seop;Kim, Sun Hee
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • In the current generation of smart mobile devices, object tracking is one of the most important research topics for computer vision. Because human face tracking can be widely used for many applications, collecting a dataset of face videos is necessary for evaluating the performance of a tracker and for comparing different approaches. Unfortunately, the well-known benchmark datasets of face videos are not sufficiently diverse. As a result, it is difficult to compare the accuracy between different tracking algorithms in various conditions, namely illumination, background complexity, and subject movement. In this paper, we propose a new dataset that includes 91 face video clips that were recorded in different conditions. We also provide a semi-automatic ground-truth generation tool that can easily be used to evaluate the performance of face tracking systems. This tool helps to maintain the consistency of the definitions for the ground-truth in each frame. The resulting video data set is used to evaluate well-known approaches and test their efficiency.

Automatic Face Region Detection and Tracking for Robustness in Rotation using the Estimation Function (평가 함수를 사용하여 회전에 강건한 자동 얼굴 영역 검출과 추적)

  • Kim, Ki-Sang;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we proposed automatic face detection and tracking which is robustness in rotation. To detect a face image in complicated background and various illuminating conditions, we used face skin color detection. we used Harris corner detector for extract facial feature points. After that, we need to track these feature points. In traditional method, Lucas-Kanade feature tracker doesn't delete useless feature points by occlusion in current scene (face rotation or out of camera). So we proposed the estimation function, which delete useless feature points. The method of delete useless feature points is estimation value at each pyramidal level. When the face was occlusion, we deleted these feature points. This can be robustness to face rotation and out of camera. In experimental results, we assess that using estimation function is better than traditional feature tracker.

A study on the eye Location for Video-Conferencing Interface (화상 회의 인터페이스를 위한 눈 위치 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jo-Nam;Gang, Jang-Mook;Bang, Kee-Chun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2006
  • In current video-conferencing systems. user's face movements are restricted by fixed camera, therefore it is inconvenient to users. To solve this problem, tracking of face movements is needed. Tracking using whole face needs much computing time and whole face is difficult to define as an one feature. Thus, using several feature points in face is more desirable to track face movements efficiently. This paper addresses an effective eye location algorithm which is essential process of automatic human face tracking system for natural video-conferencing. The location of eye is very important information for face tracking, as eye has most clear and simplest attribute in face. The proposed algorithm is applied to candidate face regions from the face region extraction. It is not sensitive to lighting conditions and has no restriction on face size and face with glasses. The proposed algorithm shows very encouraging results from experiments on video-conferencing environments.

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Facial Region Tracking by Utilizing Infra-Red and CCD Color Image (CCD 컬러 영상과 적외선 영상을 이용한 얼굴 영역 검출)

  • Kim K. S.;Lee J. W.;Yoon T. H.;Han M. H.;Shin S. W.;Kim I. Y.;Song C. G.
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.577-579
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the automatic tracking algorithm tracing a human face is proposed by using YCbCr color coordinated information and its thermal properties expressed in terms of thermal indexes in an infra-red image. The facial candidates are separately estimated in CbCr color and infra-red domain, respectively with applying the morphological image processing operations and the geometrical shape measures for fitting the elliptical features of a human face. The identification of a true face is accomplished by logical 'AND' operation between the refined image in CbCr color and infra-red domain.

Automatic Face Tracking based on Active Contour Model using Two-Level Composite Gradient Map (두 단계 합성 기울기 맵을 이용한 활성 외곽선 모델 기반 자동 얼굴 추적)

  • Kim, Soo-Kyung;Jang, Yo-Jin;Hong, Helen
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.901-911
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a construction technique of two-level composite gradient map to automatically track a face with large movement in successive frames. Our method is composed of three main steps. First, the gradient maps with two-level resolution are generated for fast convergence of active contour. Second, to recognize the variations of face between successive frames and remove the neighbor background, weighted composite gradient map is generated by combining the composite gradient map and difference mask of previous and current frames. Third, to prevent active contour from converging local minima, the energy slope is generated by using closing operation. In addition, the fast closing operation is proposed to accelerate the processing time of closing operation. For performance evaluation, we compare our method with previous active contour model-based face tracking methods using a visual inspection, robustness test and processing time. Experimental results show that our method can effectively track the face with large movement and robustly converge to the optimal position even in frames with complicated background.

Facial Region Tracking by Infra-red and CCD Color Image (CCD 컬러 영상과 적외선 영상을 이용한 얼굴 영역 검출)

  • Yoon, T.H.;Kim, K.S.;Han, M.H.;Shin, S.W.;Kim, I.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.60-62
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the automatic tracking algorithm tracing a human face is proposed by using YCbCr color coordinated information and its thermal properties expressed in terms of thermal indexes in an infra-red image. The facial candidates are separately estimated in CbCr color and infra-red domain, respectively with applying the morphological image processing operations and the geometrical shape measures for fitting the elliptical features of a human face. The identification of a true face is accomplished by logical 'AND' operation between the refined image in CbCr color and infra-red domain.

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Facial Region Tracking in YCbCr Color Coordinates (YCbCr 컬러 영상 변환을 통한 얼굴 영역 자동 검출)

  • Han, M.H.;Kim, K.S.;Yoon, T.H.;Shin, S.W.;Kim, I.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.63-65
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the automatic face tracking algorithm is proposed by using the color and edge information of a color image. To reduce the effects of variations in the illumination conditions, an acquired CCD color image is first transformed into YCbCr color coordinates, and subsequently the morphological image processing operations, and the elliptical geometric measures are applied to extract the refined facial area.

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An Automatic Camera Tracking System for Video Surveillance

  • Lee, Sang-Hwa;Sharma, Siddharth;Lin, Sang-Lin;Park, Jong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.07a
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    • pp.42-45
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes an intelligent video surveillance system for human object tracking. The proposed system integrates the object extraction, human object recognition, face detection, and camera control. First, the object in the video signals is extracted using the background subtraction. Then, the object region is examined whether it is human or not. For this recognition, the region-based shape descriptor, angular radial transform (ART) in MPEG-7, is used to learn and train the shapes of human bodies. When it is decided that the object is human or something to be investigated, the face region is detected. Finally, the face or object region is tracked in the video, and the pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) controllable camera tracks the moving object with the motion information of the object. This paper performs the simulation with the real CCTV cameras and their communication protocol. According to the experiments, the proposed system is able to track the moving object(human) automatically not only in the image domain but also in the real 3-D space. The proposed system reduces the human supervisors and improves the surveillance efficiency with the computer vision techniques.

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Facial Region Extraction in an Infrared Image (적외선 영상에서의 얼굴 영역 자동 추적)

  • Shin, S.W.;Kim, K.S.;Yoon, T.H.;Han, M.H.;Kim, I.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.57-59
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    • 2005
  • In our study, the automatic tracking algorithm of a human face is proposed by utilizing the thermal properties and 2nd momented geometrical feature of an infrared image. First, the facial candidates are estimated by restricting the certain range of thermal values, and the spurious blobs cleaning algorithm is applied to track the refined facial region in an infrared image.

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