• Title/Summary/Keyword: automated culture system

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Deformation Monitoring of Subway Track using by Automatic Measurement (자동화계측을 통한 지하철 궤도 변형 모니터링연구)

  • Jung-Youl Choi;Jae-Min Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.579-584
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    • 2024
  • Currently, large-scale, deep construction is being carried out adjacent to subway tracks in korea. when excavating adjacent to each other, it is very important to ensure the safety of earth retaining structures and underground structures. therefore, we are managing the safety of the subway by introducing an automated measurement system. deformation of the subway track during adjacent excavation may affect train running stability. this is a factor that can be linked to train derailments. however, current subway track safety evaluation using automated measurement systems relies only on the maximum value of measured data. therefore, a method to improve the usability of automated measurement system results is needed. in this study, we utilized a technique that can quantitatively evaluate the measurement results of a large amount of subway track deformation. a safety evaluation was conducted on subway track deformation due to adjacent excavation using a vast amount of data using probabilistic statistical analysis techniques.

Usefulness of Automated PCR Test for the Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Fresh Biopsy Tissues (신선조직 검체에서 결핵균 검출을 위한 자동화 중합효소연쇄반응 검사의 유용성)

  • Choi, Woo Soon;Shin, So Young;Kim, Jong Ok;Kim, Myung Sook;Lee, Hye Kyung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2006
  • Background: Although there have been several studies regarding the clinical value of an automated TB-PCR study using sputum, bronchial washing, and other body fluid samples for the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis, there are only a few reports on the use of fresh tissue samples. Materials and methods: The acid-fast bacilli stain(AFB), tuberculosis culture, automated TB-PCR study, and histopathology examination were performed in 42 fresh tissue samples. Results: Among the 42 cases, 18 cases were diagnosed with tuberculosis based on the clinical findings. Sixteen of the 18 cases were TB-PCR positive and of these 16 cases, only 2 cases were positive in the AFB stain or culture study. However, all 18 cases showed the histopathology findings of chronic granulomatous inflammation that was compatible with tuberculosis. Based on the clinical findings, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictability, and negative predictability of the automated TB-PCR study were 88.9%, 100%, 100%, and 92.3% respectively. Conclusion: An automated TB-PCR assay is an important diagnostic tool for diagnosing tuberculosis in fresh tissue samples.

Automated Crop Production For the $21^{St}$ Century

  • Lu, F.M.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2000
  • After ten years of implementing the agricultural automation program in Taiwan, some positive effects and satisfactory results have been recognized by both the agricultural industry and local administrative bureaux. The automation of agriculture is a response to sophisticated demands for production and quality in countries with high labor costs. The development of sensor systems, control systems, precision agriculture systems, and engineering for plant culture systems will determine the degree of automation used for crop production in the 21st century. The engineering system will capitalize upon expertise from physiologists, pathologists, systems analysts, agronomists, horticulturists, computer programmers, economists, crop producers and managers in order to efficiently implement automated crop production.

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A study on the Beehive Door Opening and Closing System using a Hornet Sound Analysis

  • Kim, Joon Ho;Han, Wook;Chung, Wonki
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.393-396
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    • 2022
  • Recently, rapid climate change has had a significant impact on the ecosystem of honeybees. In addition, the problem of Vespa Hornets invasion of colonies has a fatal impact on the bee ecosystem, independent of climate change. Especially in late summer. This study relates to a method for preventing Vespa Hornets attack. In this study, we developed a Vespa Hornets sound detection device was developed by collecting and analyzing the sound of a Vespa Hornets and applying IoT technology. The developed device detects the sound of a Vespa Hornets when Vespa Hornets appears around the hive of the bees and sends a signal to automatically close the door of the beehive. The device that receives the signal drives the motor that controls the honeycomb door to close the beehive door. The Vespa Hornets sound detection device operates until no Vespa Hornets sound is detected. The system developed by us is expected to be installed in the beehives of actual beekeeping farms to dramatically reduce the damage caused by by Vespa Hornets.

Optimization of Expression Conditions for Soluble Protein by Using a Robotic System of Multi-culture Vessels

  • Ahn, Woo-Sung;Ahn, Ji-Young;Jung, Chan-Hun;Hwang, Kwang-Yeon;Kim, Eunice Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Joon;Im, Ha-Na;Kim, Jin-Oh;Yu, Myeong-Hee;Lee, Cheol-Ju
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.1868-1874
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    • 2007
  • We have developed a robotic system for an automated parallel cell cultivation process that enables screening of induction parameters for the soluble expression of recombinant protein. The system is designed for parallelized and simultaneous cultivation of up to 24 different types of cells or a single type of cell at 24 different conditions. Twenty-four culture vessels of about 200 ml are arranged in four columns${\times}$six rows. The system is equipped with four independent thermostated waterbaths, each of which accommodates six culture vessels. A two-channel liquid handler is attached in order to distribute medium from the reservoir to the culture vessels, to transfer seed or other reagents, and to take an aliquot from the growing cells. Cells in each vessel are agitated and aerated by sparging filtered air. We tested the system by growing Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cells harboring a plasmid for a model protein, and used it in optimizing protein expression conditions by varying the induction temperature and the inducer concentration. The results revealed the usefulness of our custom-made cell cultivation robot in screening optimal conditions for the expression of soluble proteins.

Microfluidic System Based High Throughput Drug Screening System for Curcumin/TRAIL Combinational Chemotherapy in Human Prostate Cancer PC3 Cells

  • An, Dami;Kim, Kwangmi;Kim, Jeongyun
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2014
  • We have developed a fully automated high throughput drug screening (HTDS) system based on the microfluidic cell culture array to perform combinational chemotherapy. This system has 64 individually addressable cell culture chambers where the sequential combinatorial concentrations of two different drugs can be generated by two microfluidic diffusive mixers. Each diffusive mixer has two integrated micropumps connected to the media and the drug reservoirs respectively for generating the desired combination without the need for any extra equipment to perfuse the solution such as syringe pumps. The cell array is periodically exposed to the drug combination with the programmed LabVIEW system during a couple of days without extra handling after seeding the cells into the microfluidic device and also, this device does not require the continuous generation of solutions compared to the previous systems. Therefore, the total amount of drug being consumed per experiment is less than a few hundred micro liters in each reservoir. The utility of this system is demonstrated through investigating the viability of the prostate cancer PC3 cell line with the combinational treatments of curcumin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL). Our results suggest that the system can be used for screening and optimizing drug combination with a small amount of reagent for combinatorial chemotherapy against cancer cells.

Comparative Evaluation of Three Culture Methods for the Isolation of Mycobacteria from Clinical Samples

  • Sorlozano, Antonio;Soria, Isabel;Roman, Juan;Huertas, Pilar;Soto, Maria Jose;Piedrola, Gonzalo;Gutierrez, Jose
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1259-1264
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    • 2009
  • We assessed the capacity of two liquid-medium culture methods with automated incubation and reading systems (MB/BacT ALERT 3D System and BACTEC MGIT 960 System) and one solid-medium culture method ($L\ddot{o}wenstein$-Jensen) to detect mycobacteria in different types of clinical samples. Out of 1,770 cultured clinical samples (1,519 of respiratory origin and 251 of non respiratory origin), mycobacteria were isolated in 156 samples (135 M. tuberculosis complex, 8 M. chelonae, 6 M. kansasii, 4 M. fortuitum, 2 M. gordonae, and 1 M. marinum) by at least one of the methods used. The BACTEC MGIT 960 System proved to be the most sensitive method (86.5%), especially in the detection of M. tuberculosis complex (89.1%). However, $L\ddot{o}wenstein$-Jensen culture was the most sensitive (76.2%) to detect nontuberculous mycobacteria. The BACTEC MGIT 960 System showed the lowest mean detection time for mycobacterial growth (15.3 days), significantly shorter than the other two methods. Highest sensitivity (95.5%) and specificity (99.6%) values were obtained using the BACTEC MGIT 960 System with the $L\ddot{o}wenstein$-Jensen culture method, which was also the only combination capable of detecting 100% of the nontuberculous mycobacteria.

Development of an Automated Control System for Bioreactor using the Plant Tissue Culture (식물조직배양용 바이오리액터의 농도제어 시스템 개발)

  • Chung, Seok-Hyun;No, Daehyun;Kang, Changho;Kang, Sukwon;Han, Bong-Hee;Lee, Gee-Myung;Na, Young-Sun
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2004
  • The bioreactor system for the large-scale plant tissue culture was developed to control the pH concentration and DO (dissolved oxygen), and air flowrate. The system controlling the proper air flow rate for each bulblet growth stage and monitoring the contamination of bioreactor using the pH change was controled by computer program. For the uniform bulblet distribution in bioreactor, the proper air flow rate was 300 cc/min at the beginning of bulblet culture, 400 cc/min after 20 days, 500 cc/min after 40 days, 600 cc/min after 60days, and 700 cc/min after 80 days. It was possible to maintain the pH concentration within 5.5$\pm$0.5 during the culture by control system of bioreactor.

Cell-Based Assay Design for High-Content Screening of Drug Candidates

  • Nierode, Gregory;Kwon, Paul S.;Dordick, Jonathan S.;Kwon, Seok-Joon
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 2016
  • To reduce attrition in drug development, it is crucial to consider the development and implementation of translational phenotypic assays as well as decipher diverse molecular mechanisms of action for new molecular entities. High-throughput fluorescence and confocal microscopes with advanced analysis software have simplified the simultaneous identification and quantification of various cellular processes through what is now referred to as high-content screening (HCS). HCS permits automated identification of modifiers of accessible and biologically relevant targets and can thus be used to detect gene interactions or identify toxic pathways of drug candidates to improve drug discovery and development processes. In this review, we summarize several HCS-compatible, biochemical, and molecular biology-driven assays, including immunohistochemistry, RNAi, reporter gene assay, CRISPR-Cas9 system, and protein-protein interactions to assess a variety of cellular processes, including proliferation, morphological changes, protein expression, localization, post-translational modifications, and protein-protein interactions. These cell-based assay methods can be applied to not only 2D cell culture but also 3D cell culture systems in a high-throughput manner.

Introduction Plan of Qualification System for Handlers in Automatic Connection·Disconnect System (자동 연결·분리 시스템 취급자 자격제도 도입방안)

  • Jong-Bok You;Jai-Hyun Kim;Mi Jeong Lee;Jong-Bae Baek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2024
  • Despite the growing importance of safe railroad operation with the recent implementation of the Severe Accident Punishment Act, industrial accidents related to the shunting of railway vehicles persist. Therefore, the government and Korea Railroad Corporation are collaborating on an automated connection and disconnection system that enables remote control of shunting trains from a central control room, utilizing surveillance cameras. By eliminating the need for on-site workers during freight car operations at stations, it aims to reduce safety accidents inherent in manual receiving processes. A qualifying government-issued railway vehicle driver's license is necessary to handle this newly developed automatic connection and disconnection system. As a result, this study aims to establish an appropriate driver qualification system.