• Title/Summary/Keyword: area mapping technique

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Application of Electromagnetic and Electrical Survey for Soil Contamination in Land-Fill Area (쓰레기 매립장의 토양오염 조사를 위한 전자탐사 및 전기탐사)

  • Chang Hyun-Sam;Lim Hae-Ryong;Hong Jae-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 1998
  • Geophysical survey techniques, such as electromagnetic(EM), GPR, and electrical method, have been tested in the landfill area to evaluate the applicability of these methods to soil contamination measurement. The EM method has proven to be excellent on mapping the areal distribution of contaminants and the migration path for leachate. Since the field operation of EM technique is simple as well as fast, we think the EM method must be the first choice for these purposes. Electrical survey techniques have proven to be very effective on mapping sectional distribution of contaminants. Generally, the GPR method is very good on high resolution survey of shallow depth, and field data acquisition is simple, too. But the resistivity method gives better information on deep area, for example, deeper than the depth of 20 m.

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Detection of cavities in a karst area by means of a 3D electrical resistivity technique (3차원 전기비저항탐사에 의한 카르스트 지역에서의 공동탐지)

  • Park, Sam-Gyu;Kim, Chang-Ryol;Son, Jung-Sul;Yi, Myeong-Jong;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we examined the applicability of a 3D electrical resistivity technique for the probing of underground cavities at a field test site in a karst area in Yongweol-ri, Muan-gun, in the south-western part of the Korean peninsula. At the test site, where the ground has subsided in the past, underground cavities are commonly found in the limestone bedrock, which is overlain with alluvial deposits. The limestone cavities at the test site are mostly filled with groundwater and clay; hence, they show levels of electrical resistivity that are significantly lower than those of the surrounding host bedrock. The results of this study demonstrate that the zones of low resistivity correspond to the zones of the cavities identified in the boreholes at the site, and that our 3D electrical resistivity survey is a very effective tool for detecting and mapping underground cavities in a karst area.

Constructing Area Cartogram Using a GIS Based Circular Cartogram Technique (GIS 기반 원형 카토그램 기법을 이용한 카토그램 제작 방법 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2008
  • Many cartographers have for many years searched for a way to construct cartograms in which the sizes of geographic areas such as states, counties or census tracts are reseated in proportion to their population or some other socio-economic properties. While many techniques and algorithms for creating cartograms have been proposed, some of them are still extremely complex to generate in a proper manner, and many of them suffer either from this lack of readability or from seamless integration with GIS software. This paper, therefore, presents a simple population cartogam technique based on the Circular Cartogram Algorithm(CCA) by Dorling(1996) to tackle these drawbacks by drawing the areas as simple circles for use as a base map and linking the construction with GIS mapping processes. For an automated approach in the cartogram generation, this paper proposes a close coupling method of ArcView GIS 3.3. package in order for users to access to the cartopam algorithm. Then, they will be available through an interface that the ArcView GIS system allows user-written routines to be accessed easily. The CCA and its coupling architecture ensure to improve the potential applicability of the use of cartograms to census mapping at practical levels. As the cartogram examples, cartograms of population and property types in 2005 Korea census data sets are illustrated in the end, by which viewers can easily identify the residential concentration and their relative ratio in Seoul metropolitan area.

A GIS Technique to Evaluate Landslide Activity (산사태 활동성분석을 위한 GIS 응용연구)

  • 김윤종;유일현;김원영;이사로;신은선;송무영
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1996
  • The inventory maps of landslide deposits show where landsliding has occured in the past., and serve as a general guide to slope stability. Isopleth maps derived from those inventory maps, provide an economi¬cal means for the recognition of landslide activity and assessing the degree of landslide hazard in a large area, es¬pecially rural areas. GIS could generalize the methods of hazard assessment by means of isopleth mapping of landslide deposits. Isopleth maps of Secheon and Boreong areas, where the degree of landslide hazard is very high, show the mitigation of landslide activities remarkably by the remedial efforts during the period of 1978-1991.

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A Case Study of Geometrical Fracture Model for Groundwater Well Placement, Eastern Munsan, Gyeonggido, Korea (지하수개발을 위한 단열모델 연구사례(경기도 문산 동쪽지역))

  • Choi Sung-Ja;Chwae Uee-Chan;Kim Se-Kon;Park Jun-Beom;Sung Ki-Sung;Sung Ik-Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.2 s.177
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2006
  • This study is the case of groundwater development based on the geometrical fracture model of target area established only through geological fracture mapping technique. A fracture mapping of $9km^2$, eastern Munsan, has been conducted to determine geological and hydrological factors for new water well placement in the Gyeonggi gneiss complex. Geophysical exploration was not applicable because of small restricted area and dense underground utilities at the site. Form line mapping on the basis of foliation orientation and rock type revealed a synform of NS fold axis bearing to the south. An EW geological cross-section passed through the site area shows a F2 synform as a double-wall ice cream spoon shape. Three regional faults of $N20^{\circ}E,\;N30^{\circ}W$, and NS have been dragged into the site to help understand extensional fault paths. The $N20^{\circ}E$ fault with dextral sense is geometrically interpreted as a western fault of two flexural conjugate type-P shear faults in the F2 synformal fold. The NE cross-section reveals that a possible groundwater belt in the western limb of super-posed fold area is formed as a trigonal prism within 100 m depth of the intersectional space between the $N20^{\circ}E$ fault plane and the weakly sheared plane of transposed foliation. Another possible fault for water resource strikes $N40^{\circ}E$. Recommended sites for new water well placement are along the $N20^{\circ}E\;and\;N40^{\circ}E$ faults. As a result of fracture mapping, 145 ton/day of water can be produced at one well along the $N20^{\circ}E$ fault line. Exploration of groundwater in the area is succeeded only using with geological fracture mapping and interpretation of geological cross-section, without any geophysical survey. Intersection of fault generated with the F2 synformal fold and foliation supply space of groundwater reserver.

Detection of Vegetation Dieback Areas in the Subalpine Zone of Mt. Baekdu Using MODIS Time Series Data (MODIS 시계열 자료를 이용한 백두산 아고산대 식생 고사지역 탐지)

  • Kim, Nam-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.825-835
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this research is to develope technique and mapping for detecting distribution of vegetation dieback areas in the subalpine zone of Mt. Baekdu. A detection technique developed the rule-based model using MODIS images. Dieback areas could be classified as 4 categories of initial dieback, middle dieback, and end dieback by pruning stages of leaves. Dieback area was $28km^2$ from year 2001 to year 2006, intial dieback was $16km^2$, middle dieback was $10km^2$, and end dieback was $2km^2$ by the each stage. Dieback area was $35km^2$ from year 2006 to year 2011. Total area was $35km^2$ from year 2001 to year 2011, areas of middle dieback and end dieback were increased. The research method for this study may help to support in application with preliminary detection of dieback areas in the mountains by the global warming.

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Fashion-show Animation Generation using a Single Image to 3D Human Reconstruction Technique (이미지에서 3차원 인물복원 기법을 사용한 패션쇼 애니메이션 생성기법)

  • Ahn, Heejune;Minar, Matiur Rahman
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we introduce the technology to convert a single human image into a fashion show animation video clip. The technology can help the customers confirm the dynamic fitting result when combined with the virtual try on technique as well as the interesting experience to a normal person of being a fashion model. We developed an extended technique of full human 2D to 3D inverse modeling based on SMPLify human body inverse modeling technique, and a rigged model animation method. The 3D shape deformation of the full human from the body model was performed by 2 part deformation in the image domain and reconstruction using the estimated depth information. The quality of resultant animation videos are made to be publically available for evaluation. We consider it is a promising approach for commercial application when supplemented with the post - processing technology such as image segmentation technique, mapping technique and restoration technique of obscured area.

Identification of M-1, S-1 Cortex Using Combined Intraoperative SEP and Cortical Stimulation - A Case Report - (수술중 체성감각 유발전위 및 대뇌피질 자극을 이용한 일차 운동피질영역과 일차 감각피질영역의 확인 - 증례보고 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Uhn;Son, Byung-Chul;Kim, Moon-Chan;Kang, Joon-Ki
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.954-958
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    • 2000
  • In the removal of small subcortical lesion in the eloquent area like sensory-motor cortex, the prevention of neurologic deficit is important. We present our technique of identification of M-1, S-1 cortex in a case of subcortical granuloma located in sensorymotor cortex. To accurately localize mass, stereotactic craniotomy was planned. At the beginning of procedure, functional MRI of motor cortex was done with stereotactic headframe in place. Next, the stereotactic craniotomy about 4 cm was done under propofol anesthesia for cortical mapping. After reflection of dura, central sulcus was identified with phase-reversal response of intraoperative SEP(somatosensory evoked potential) of contralateral median nerve. Then the patient was awakened, and direct cortical stimulation was done. We observed the muscle contractions of elbow, hand and fingers and the paresthesia over forearm, hand, fingers on the M-1 and S-1 cortex. Through cortical mapping and stereotactic guidance, we concluded that the mass lie immediately posterior to central sulcus, then the mass was carefully removed through small transsulcal approach, opening about 1 cm of rolandic sulcus.

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Augmented reality and dynamic infrared thermography for perforator mapping in the anterolateral thigh

  • Cifuentes, Ignacio Javier;Dagnino, Bruno Leonardo;Salisbury, Maria Carolina;Perez, Maria Eliana;Ortega, Claudia;Maldonado, Daniela
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.284-288
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    • 2018
  • Dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) has been used for the preoperative mapping of cutaneous perforators. This technique has shown a positive correlation with intraoperative findings. Our aim was to evaluate the accuracy of perforator mapping with DIRT and augmented reality using a portable projector. For this purpose, three volunteers had both of their anterolateral thighs assessed for the presence and location of cutaneous perforators using DIRT. The obtained image of these "hotspots" was projected back onto the thigh and the presence of Doppler signals within a 10-cm diameter from the midpoint between the lateral patella and the anterior superior iliac spine was assessed using a handheld Doppler device. Hotspots were identified in all six anterolateral thighs and were successfully projected onto the skin. The median number of perforators identified within the area of interest was 5 (range, 3-8) and the median time needed to identify them was 3.5 minutes (range, 3.3-4.0 minutes). Every hotspot was correlated to a Doppler sound signal. In conclusion, augmented reality can be a reliable method for transferring the location of perforators identified by DIRT onto the thigh, facilitating its assessment and yielding a reliable map of potential perforators for flap raising.

Functional MRI of Language Area (언어영역의 기능적 자기공명영상)

  • 유재욱;나동규;변홍식;노덕우;조재민;문찬홍;나덕렬;장기현
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of functional MR imaging (fMRI) for language mapping and determination of language lateralization. Materials and Methods : Functional maps of the language area were obtained during word generation tasks and decision task in ten volunteers (7 right handed, 3 left-handed). MR examinations were performed at 1.5T scanner with EPI BOLD technique. Each task consisted of three resting periods and two activation periods with each period of 30 seconds. Total acquisition time was 162 sec. SPM program was used for the postprocessing of images. Statistical comparisons were performed by using t-statistics on a pixel-by- pixel basis after global normalization by ANCOVA. Activation areas were topographically analyzed (p>0.001) and activated pixels in each hemisphere were compared quantitatively by lateralization index. Results : Significant activation signals were demonstrated in 9 of 10 volunteers. Activation signals were found in the premotor and motor cortices, the inferior frontal, inferior parietal, and mid-temporal lobes during stimulation tasks. In the right handed seven volunteers, activation of language areas was lateralized to the left side. Verb generation task produced stronger activation in the language areas and higher value of lateralization index than noun generation task or decision task. Conclusion : fMRI could be a useful non-invasive method for language mapping and determination of language dominance.

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