• Title/Summary/Keyword: area mapping technique

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A Study on the Mapping of Wind Resource using Vegetation Index Technique at North East Area in Jeju Island (영상자료의 식생지수를 이용한 제주 북동부 지역의 풍력자원지도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Ji Seon;Lee, Byung Gul;Moon, Seo Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2015
  • To create a wind resource map, we need a contour map, a roughness map and wind data. We need a land cover map for the roughness map of these data. A land cover map represents the area showing similar characteristics after color indexing based on the scientific method. The features of land cover is classified by Remote sensing technique. In this study, we verified the application of the NDVI technique is reasonable after we created the wind resource map using roughness maps by unsupervised classification and NDVI technique. As a result, the wind resource map using the NDVI technique showed a 60% accordance rate and difference in class less than one. From the results, The NDVI technique is found alternative to create roughness maps by the unsupervised classification.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Language Mapping in Brain Tumor Surgery: Validation With Direct Cortical Stimulation and Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potential

  • Koung Mi Kang;Kyung Min Kim;In Seong Kim;Joo Hyun Kim;Ho Kang;So Young Ji;Yun-Sik Dho;Hyongmin Oh;Hee-Pyoung Park;Han Gil Seo;Sung-Min Kim;Seung Hong Choi;Chul-Kee Park
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.553-563
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging-derived tractography (DTI-t) contribute to the localization of language areas, but their accuracy remains controversial. This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic performance of preoperative fMRI and DTI-t obtained with a simultaneous multi-slice technique using intraoperative direct cortical stimulation (DCS) or corticocortical evoked potential (CCEP) as reference standards. Materials and Methods: This prospective study included 26 patients (23-74 years; male:female, 13:13) with tumors in the vicinity of Broca's area who underwent preoperative fMRI and DTI-t. A site-by-site comparison between preoperative (fMRI and DTI-t) and intraoperative language mapping (DCS or CCEP) was performed for 226 cortical sites to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of fMRI and DTI-t for mapping Broca's areas. For sites with positive signals on fMRI or DTI-t, the true-positive rate (TPR) was calculated based on the concordance and discordance between fMRI and DTI-t. Results: Among 226 cortical sites, DCS was performed in 100 sites and CCEP was performed in 166 sites. The specificities of fMRI and DTI-t ranged from 72.4% (63/87) to 96.8% (122/126), respectively. The sensitivities of fMRI (except for verb generation) and DTI-t were 69.2% (9/13) to 92.3% (12/13) with DCS as the reference standard, and 40.0% (16/40) or lower with CCEP as the reference standard. For sites with preoperative fMRI or DTI-t positivity (n = 82), the TPR was high when fMRI and DTI-t were concordant (81.2% and 100% using DCS and CCEP, respectively, as the reference standards) and low when fMRI and DTI-t were discordant (≤ 24.2%). Conclusion: fMRI and DTI-t are sensitive and specific for mapping Broca's area compared with DCS and specific but insensitive compared with CCEP. A site with a positive signal on both fMRI and DTI-t represents a high probability of being an essential language area.

Soil Resource Inventory and Mapping using Geospatial Technique

  • Jayakumar, S.;Ramachandran, A.;Lee, Jung-Bin;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2009
  • Soil is one of the Earth's most important resources. There are many differences among the soils of plains.like and hilly terrains, and therefore, accurate and comprehensive information on soil is essential for optimum and sustainable soil utilization. However, information on the soil of the hilly terrains of the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India, is limited or absent. In the present study, Kolli hill, one among the hills of the Eastern Ghats, was soil.inventoried and mapped using a ground survey and remote sensing. Soil samples were collected and their physico.chemical properties analyzed according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards. The soils were classified up to the family level. As a result of this study, 30 soil series belonging to ten sub.groups of five great groups and three sub.orders and orders each, were identified (classified to the family level) and mapped. Entisols, Inseptisols and Alfisols were the three orders, among which Entisols was the major one, occupying 75% of the area. Among the five great groups, Ustorthents occupied majority of the area (73%). Lithic Ustorthents and Typic Ustorthents were the two major sub.groups, occupying 40% and 26% of the total area, respectively. The present soil resource mapping of the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu is a pioneer study, which yielded valuable information on the soil in this region.

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A Study on Extraction of Non-metallic Ore Deposits from Remote Sensing Data of the Haenam Area (원격탐사자료에 의한 해남지역 비금속광상 및 관련 특성 추출을 위한 연구)

  • 박인석;박종남
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.105-123
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    • 1992
  • A study was made on the feature extraction for non-metallic one deposits and their related geology using the Remote Sensing and Airborne Radiometric data. The area chosen is around the Haenam area, where dickite and Quarzite mines are distributed in. The geology of the area consists mainly of Cretaceous volcanics and PreCambrian metamorphic. The methods applied are study on the reflectance characteristics of minerals and rocks sampled in the study area, and the feature extraction extraction of histogram normalized images for Landsat TM and Airborne Radiometric data, and finally evaluation of applicability of some useful pattern recognition techniques for regional lithological mapping. As a result, reflectances of non-metallic minerals are much higher than rock samples in the area. However, low grade dickites are slightly higher than rock samples, probably due to their greyish colour and also their textural features which may scatter the reflectance and may be capable of capturing much hychoryl ions. The reflectances of rock samples may depend on the degree of whiteness of samples. The outcrops or mine dumps in the study area were most effectively extracted on the histogram normalized image of TM Band 1, 2 and 3, due to their high reflectivity. The Masking technique using the above bands may be the most effective and the natural colour composite may provide some success as well. The colour composite image of PCA may also be effective in extracting geological features, and airborne radiometric data may be useful to some degree as an complementary tool.

Mapping of the water Quality of lake by using Landsat TM Images (Landsat TM영상을 이용한 호수의 수질분포도 작성)

  • 박종선;최승필;최철순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.285-290
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    • 2004
  • Sensors of Landsat detect different objects with different waves, so the range of water quality conditions can be accurately checked, and their images can be displayed in colors. The present study was conducted to measure the degree of clearness and depth and to detect elements from the surface water of Hwajinpo Lake. Based on these results, water quality of the lake was analyzed, and the range of water quality was drawn graphically. According to comparison outcomes, the new technique of detecting water elements from DN of Landsat TM images and drawing the range of water quality produced a far more accurate pattern for a wide area than the direct measurement. To display the pattern more clearly, the stretching technique in particular was very effective in the pattern analysis.

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A Pulse Width Modulation(CPWM) Technique with Chaos Phenomenon (혼돈 특성을 갖는 펄스폭 변조(CPWM)방식)

  • Kim, J.N.;Kim, J.H.;Jung, Y.G.;Lim, Y.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.04b
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    • pp.270-274
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a Chaos Pulse Width Modulation(CPWM) technique. For generating the chaotic numbers by chaos phenomenon, chaos area $\lambda$=0.99 in bifurcation tree of the proposed double tent mapping is used. A micro-controller is used for the generation of chaos numbers and triangular carrier with chaotic frequency is obtained through the process of frequency modulation according to the generated chaos numbers. The experiments are executed with the 1.5kw induction motor coupled with a 2.5A load. The experimental results show that the voltage / current spectra are spread to a chaotic range, and the switching noise of motor is reduced by the proposed method compared to the fixed frequency PWM method.

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A complete 3D map of Bell Glasstone spatial correction factors for BRAHMMA subcritical core

  • Shukla, Shefali;Roy, Tushar;Kashyap, Yogesh;Shukla, Mayank;Singh, Prashant
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.3488-3493
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    • 2022
  • Accelerator driven subcritical systems have long been discussed as facilities which can be used for solving the nuclear waste problem. The physics of these systems is very different from conventional reactors and new techniques had to be developed for reactivity monitoring. One such technique is the Area Ratio Method which studies the response of a subcritical system upon insertion of a large number of neutron pulses. An issue associated with this technique is the spatial dependence of measured reactivity which is intrinsic to the sub criticality of the system since the reactor does not operate on the fundamental mode and measured reactivity depends on the detector position. This is generally addressed by defining Bell-Glasstone spatial correction factor. This factor upon multiplication with measured reactivity gives the correct reactivity which is independent of detector location. Monte Carlo Methods are used for evaluating these factors. This paper presents a complete three dimensional map of spatial correction factors for BRAHMMA subcritical system. In addition, the dataset obtained also helps in identifying detector locations where the correction factor is close to unity, thereby implying no correction if the detector is used at those locations.

Mapping Technique for Flood Vulnerable Area Using Surface Runoff Mechanism (지표유출메커니즘을 활용한 홍수취약지구 표출 기법)

  • LEE, Jae-Yeong;HAN, Kun-Yeun;KIM, Hyun-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2019
  • Floods can be caused by a variety of factors, and the main cause of floods is the exceeding of urban drainage system or river capacity. In addition, rainfall frequently occurs that causes large watershed runoff. Since the existing methodology of preparing for flood risk map is based on hydraulic and hydrological modeling, it is difficult to analyse for a large area because it takes a long time due to the extensive data collection and complex analysis process. In order to overcome this problem, this study proposes a methodology of mapping for flood vulnerable area that considered the surface runoff mechanism. This makes it possible to reduce the time and effort required to estimate flood vulnerabilities and enable detailed analysis of large areas. The target area is Seoul, and it was confirmed that flood damage is likely to occur near selected vulnerable areas by verifying using 2×2 confusion matrix and ROC curve. By selecting and prioritizing flood vulnerable areas through the surface runoff mechanism proposed in this study, the establishment of systematic disaster prevention measures and efficient budget allocation will be possible.

FPGA Mapping Incorporated with Multiplexer Tree Synthesis (멀티플렉서 트리 합성이 통합된 FPGA 매핑)

  • Kim, Kyosun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2016
  • The practical constraints on the commercial FPGAs which contain dedicated wide function multiplexers in their slice structure are incorporated with one of the most advanced FPGA mapping algorithms based on the AIG (And-Inverter Graph), one of the best logic representations in academia. As the first step of the mapping process, cuts are enumerated as intermediate structures. And then, the cuts which can be mapped to the multiplexers are recognized. Without any increased complexity, the delay and area of multiplexers as well as LUTs are calculated after checking the requirements for the tree construction such as symmetry and depth limit against dynamically changing mapping of neighboring nodes. Besides, the root positions of multiplexer trees are identified from the RTL code, and annotated to the AIG as AOs (Auxiliary Outputs). A new AIG embedding the multiplexer tree structures which are intentionally synthesized by Shannon expansion at the AOs, is overlapped with the optimized AIG. The lossless synthesis technique which employs FRAIG (Functionally Reduced AIG) is applied to this approach. The proposed approach and techniques are validated by implementing and applying them to two RISC processor examples, which yielded 13~30% area reduction, and up to 32% delay reduction. The research will be extended to take into account the constraints on the dedicated hardware for carry chains.

The Effect on Activity of Cerebral Cortex by Key-point Control of The Adult Hemiplegia with fMRI (fMRI를 이용한 성인 편마비의 항조절점 운동이 대뇌피질의 활성화에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee Won-Kil
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.295-345
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    • 2003
  • This study investigated activation of cerebral cortex in patients with hemiplegia that was caused by neural damage. Key-point control movement therapy of Bobath was performed for 9 weeks in 3 subjects with hemiplegia and fMRI was used to compare and analyze activated degree of cerebral cortex in these subjects. fMRI was conducted using the blood oxygen level-dependent(BOLD) technique at 3.0T MR scanner with a standard head coil. The motor activation task consisted of finger flexion-extension exercise in six cycles(one half-cycles = 8 scans = $3\;sec{\times}\;8\;=\;24\;sec$). Subjects performed this task according to visual stimulus that sign of right hand or left hand twinkled(500ms on, 500ms off). After mapping activation of cerebral motor cortex on hand motor function, below results were obtained. 1. Activation decreased in primary motor area, whereas it increased in supplementary motor area and visual association area(p<.001). 2. Activation was observed in bilateral medial frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus of left cerebrum, inferior frontal gyrus, inter-hemispheric, fusiform gyrus of right cerebrum, superior parietal lobule of parietal lobe and precuneus in subjedt 1, parahippocampal gyrus of limbic lobe and cingulate gyrus in subject 2, and inferior frontal gyrus of right frontal lobe, middle frontal gyrus, and inferior parietal lobule of left cerebrum in subject 3 (p<.001). 3. Activation cluster extended in declive of right cellebellum posterior lobe in subject 1, culmen of anterior lobe and declive of posterior lobe in subject 2, and dentate gyrus of anterior lobe, culmen and tuber of posterior lobe in subject 3 (p<.001). In conclusion, these data showed that Key-point control movement therapy of Bobath after stroke affect cerebral cortex activation by increasing efficiency of cortical networks. Therefore mapping of brain neural network activation is useful for plasticity and reorganization of cerebral cortex and cortico-spinal tract of motor recovery mechanisms after stroke.

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