• Title/Summary/Keyword: approximate construction cost

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An Approximate Cost Estimating Model for Eco-River Facility Construction Project at Planning Stage (자연형 하천공사 개략공사비 산정모델의 개발)

  • Choi, In-Wook;Lee, Si-Wook;Woo, Sung-kwon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2009
  • After the middle of 90's, the eco rivers maintenance enterprise was propelled about city rivers. The environmental function is more emphasized because of revising the rivers law enforced at 2008.4. Also, the field of application is being magnified. It is difficult to apply that the conceptual public work expense estimating model of the rivers which adjusts a focus at open channel rivers excepts the small-scale rivers maintenance public work. The research presents a eco rivers public work conceptual public work expense estimating model frame work. It suits the change of the rivers environmental renewal construction paradigm. It develops the conceptual public work expense estimating plan of the rivers at the planning phase using the collection and analysis of the data. As a result, riffle, spur dyke, stepping stones, fish way and etc are added. Consequently, it brings the hydrophilic function is considered seriously conceptual public work expense estimating model of the eco rivers.

Development of the Approximate Cost Estimating Model Using Statistical Inference for PSC Box Girder Bridge Constructed by the Incremental Launching Method (통계적 기법을 활용한 ILM압출공법 교량 상부공사 개략공사비 산정모델 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Bum;Cho, Ji-Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2013
  • This research focuses on development of the conceptual cost estimation models for I.L.M box girder bridge. The current conceptual cost estimation for public construction projects is dependent on governmental average unit price references which has been regarded as inaccurate and unreliable by many experts. Therefore, there have been strong demands for developing a better way of conceptual cost estimating methods. This research has proposed three different conceptual cost estimating method for a P.S.C. girder bridge built with the I.L.M method. Model (I) attempts to seek the proper breakdown of standard works that are accountable for more than 95 percentage in total cost and calculates the amount of standard work's materials from the standard section and volume of I.L.M box girder bridge. Model (II) utilizes a correlation analysis (coefficient over 0.6 or more) between breakdown of standard works and input data that would be considered available information in preliminary design phase. Model(III) obtains conceptual estimating through multiple-regression analysis between the breakdown of standard works and all of input data related to them. In order to validate the clustering of coverage in the preliminary design phase, the variation of I.L.M cost coverage from multiple-regression analysis[model(III)] has been investigated which result in between -3.76% and 11.79%, comparing with AACE(Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering) which informs its variation between -5% and +15% in the design phase. The model proposed from this research are envisioned to be improved to a great distinct if reliable cost date for P.S.C. girder bridges can be continually collected with reasonable accuracies.

A Design-Decision Support Framework for Evaluation of Design Options in Passenger Ship Engine Room

  • Kim, Soo-Woong;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Kwon, Young-Sub
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2006
  • Most real world design evaluation and risk-based decision support combine quantitative and qualitative (linguistic) variables. Decision-making based on conventional mathematics that combines qualitative and quantitative concepts always exhibit difficulty in modelling actual problems. The successful selection process for choosing a design/procurement proposal is based on a high degree of technical integrity, safety levels and low costs in construction, corrective measures, maintenance, operation, inspection and preventive measures. However, the objectives of maximising the degree of technical performance, maximising the safety levels and minimising the costs incurred are usually in conflict, and the evaluation of the technical performance, safety and costs is always associated with uncertainties, especially for a novel system at the initial concept design stage. In this paper, a design-decision support framework using a composite structure methodology grounded in approximate reasoning approach and evidential reasoning method is suggested for design evaluation of machinery space of a ship engine room at the initial stages. It is a Multiple Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) or Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) framework, which provides a juxtaposition of cost, safety and technical performance of a system during evaluation to assist decision makers in selecting the winning design/procurement proposal that best satisfies the requirement in hand. An illustrative example is used to demonstrate the application of the proposed framework.

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Study on the Reduced System Based on the Sub-Domain Method (영역분할 기법에 기초한 축소시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gi;Cho, Maeng-Hyo;Kim, Hyuk;Choi, Hyoung-Gil;Choi, Jae-Rack
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.9 s.252
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    • pp.1062-1069
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    • 2006
  • Reduction schemes approximate the lower eigenvalues that represent the global behavior of the structures. But, they are not efficient to be applied to large-scaled problems because these schemes require considerable amount of computing time in constructing reduced one from the original large-scaled systems. In addition, the selection of the primary degrees of freedom might be localized to cause the excessive emphasis of the lower mode or lost of the important modes. In the present study, a new reduction method combined with the subdomain method is proposed. For the construction of the final reduced system the system of each domain subdivided into primary, slave and interface degrees of freedom. It is remarkably efficient and accurate comparable to full-scale system. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method saves computational cost effectively and provides a reduced system which predicts accurate eigen-pairs of global system.

Particle removal characteristics of high-velocity electrostatic mist eliminator (정전 고속 미스트 엘리미네이터의 포집 효율 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-seon;Kim, Hak-Joon;Han, Bangwoo;Woo, Chang Gyu;Kim, Yong-Jin;Lee, Sangrin;Moon, Sangchul
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we developed a flat-plate type wet electrostatic precipitator that generates stable corona discharge compared to wire type discharge electrode. In order to compare the particle removal efficiency according to the shape of the discharge electrode such as the variation of the horizontal and vertical distance between spiked edges, and the variation of the height of discharge pin support were tested. As a result, when the horizontal distance between spiked edges was increased up to 36 mm, the vertical distance between spiked edges was increased up to 54 mm, and the height of the discharge pin support was increased up to 76 mm, the removal efficiency of PM10 was maintained at approximate 60.0%. Furthermore, the removal efficiency of particles over $5{\mu}m$ was about 80% or more. When the flow rate was 4 m/s, the gap between collection plates was 60 mm, and -14 kV was applied to the discharge electrode. The particle removal efficiency of the flat-plate type electrostatic precipitator was maintained when the horizontal and vertical distance between spiked edges, and the height of the discharge pin support was below a certain level. Those variables may be the important design factors for the shape of the discharge electrode. Therefore, when designing the electrostatic precipitator with multiple channels, the horizontal and vertical distance between spiked edges, and the height of discharge pin support must be selected in consideration of the weight of the discharge electrode and the processing cost.

An approximate study on flood reduction effect depending upon weir or gate type of lateral overflow structure of washland (강변저류지 월류부에서 월류제 또는 수문 형식에 따른 홍수저감효과에 관한 개략적 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae Jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.573-583
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    • 2013
  • Construction of large-scale structures such as dams would be suggested actively to cope with change of flood characteristics caused by climate change. However, due to environmental, economic and political issues, dams are not ideally constructed. Thus flood damage reduction planning projects would get started including washland or detention pond for sharing the flood in basin. The washland made artificially by human being is an area of floodplain surrounded by bank to be intentionally inundated by overflowing through overflow structure adjacent to main channel during flood season. Flood reduction capacity at just downstream of each washland could be affected by type, length, and crest elevation of overflow structure in addition to shape of design hydrograph, storage volume of washland, etc.. In this study flood reduction effects of washland are estimated for overflow weir type and gate type to compare the results of flood reduction respectively subjected to given hydrograph in sample site, the Cheongmicheon stream. It has been shown that even if gate type at overflow structure could yield more flood reduction than overflow weir type, economic aspect such as initial cost, operation cost and maintenance cost should be considered to select the type of overflow structure because flood reduction rate by gate type could not be significant value from engineering point of view.

Research on Variable Girder Types and Tendon Arrangement of PSC Box Girder Bridges by using the Optimum Design (최적설계에 의한 PSC 박스 거더교의 변단면 거더유형과 긴장재 배치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2006
  • This study performed the optimum design of balanced and unbalanced span length bridges with many variable Girder types by using the optimum design program to minimize the cost for PSC box girder bridge of the full staging method. The objective of this study is to present tendon's application direction about complicated construction hereafter by studying about optimum tendon arrangement that is worked in each variable Girder type. This program used SUMT procedure and Kavlie's extended penalty function to allow infeasible design points in the process. Powell's direct method was used in searching design points and Gradient Approximate Method was used to reduce design hours.

Optimal Active-Control & Development of Optimization Algorithm for Reduction of Drag in Flow Problems(3) -Construction of the Formulation for True Newton Method and Application to Viscous Drag Reduction of Three-Dimensional Flow (드래그 감소를 위한 유체의 최적 엑티브 제어 및 최적화 알고리즘의 개발(3) - 트루 뉴턴법을 위한 정식화 개발 및 유체의 3차원 최적 엑티브 제어)

  • Bark, Jai-Hyeong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.751-759
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    • 2007
  • We have developed several methods for the optimization problem having large-scale and highly nonlinear system. First, step by step method in optimization process was employed to improve the convergence. In addition, techniques of furnishing good initial guesses for analysis using sensitivity information acquired from optimization iteration, and of manipulating analysis/optimization convergency criterion motivated from simultaneous technique were used. We applied them to flow control problem and verified their efficiency and robustness. However, they are based on quasi-Newton method that approximate the Hessian matrix using exact first derivatives. However solution of the Navier-Stokes equations are very cost, so we want to improve the efficiency of the optimization algorithm as much as possible. Thus we develop a true Newton method that uses exact Hessian matrix. And we apply that to the three-dimensional problem of flow around a sphere. This problem is certainly intractable with existing methods for optimal flow control. However, we can attack such problems with the methods that we developed previously and true Newton method.

Uplift Capacity of Wood Pile for Greenhouse Foundation (온실 기초용 나무말뚝의 인발저항력 검토)

  • Yun, Sung Wook;Choi, Man Kwon;Lee, Si Young;Yu, Chan;Yoon, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 2015
  • Wood piles are rarely used in the construction of a greenhouse in Korea, but they are relatively more often used in other countries, such as the Netherlands. There are several advantages associated with wood piles: they are more cost-effective, less time-consuming, and more ecofriendly than the steel pipes (SPs) and pre-stressed highstrength (PHC) piles. However, one of the limiting conditions is that they have to be installed below the groundwater level to prevent decay. Since the groundwater levels are generally high in the reclaimed lands in Korea, wood piles are expected to be used often as reinforcements for foundations of greenhouses in these areas. In this study, we measured the uplift capacities of wood piles through in-situ uplift capacity tests with an aim to provide basic design data for wood pile foundations. In order to test their applicability, we then compared these experimentally measured ultimate uplift capacities with the ones calculated through some of the existing theoretical equations. The wood piles used in the loading tests were made of softwood (pine wood), and the tests were performed using piles with different diameters (∅25cm and ∅30cm) and embedded depths (1m, 3m, and 5m). The test results revealed that the uplift capacity of the wood piles showed a clear linearly increasing tendency in proportion to the embedded depth, with the ultimate uplift capacities for the diameters 25cm and 30cm being 9.38 and 10.56tf, respectively, at the embedded depth of 5m; thus demonstrating uplift capacities of ${\geq}9tf$. The comparison between the actually measured values of the uplift capacity and the ones calculated through equations revealed that the latter, which were obtained using the ${\alpha}$ method, were generally in an approximate agreement with the in-situ measured values.