• Title/Summary/Keyword: and Topic Map

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Construction of Record Retrieval System based on Topic Map (토픽맵 기반의 기록정보 검색시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Chang-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.19
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    • pp.57-102
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    • 2009
  • Recently, distribution of record via web and coefficient of utilization are increase. so, Archival information service using website becomes essential part of record center. The main point of archival information service by website is making record information retrieval easy. It has need of matching user's request and representation of record resources correctly to making archival information retrieval easy. Archivist and record manager have used various information representation tools from taxonomy to recent thesaurus, still, the accuracy of information retrieval has not solved. This study constructed record retrieval system based on Topic Map by modeling record resources which focusing on description metadata of the records to improve this problem. The target user of the system is general web users and its range is limited to the president related sources in the National Archives Portal Service. The procedure is as follows; 1) Design an ontology model for archival information service based on topic map which focusing on description metadata of the records. 2) Buildpractical record retrieval system with topic map that received information source list, which extracted from the National Archives Portal Service, by editor. 3) Check and assess features of record retrieval system based on topic map through user interface. Through the practice, relevance navigation to other record sources by semantic inference of description metadata is confirmed. And also, records could be built up as knowledge with result of scattered archival sources.

A Study on the Thesaurus Construction Using the Topic Map (토픽맵을 이용한 시소러스의 구조화 연구)

  • Nam, Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.22 no.3 s.57
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2005
  • The terminology management is absolutely necessary for maintaining the efficiency of thesaurus. This is because the creating, differentiating, disappearing, and other processes of the descriptor become accomplished dynamically, making effective management of thesaurus a very difficult task. Therefore, a device is required for accomplishing methods to construct and maintain the thesaurus. This study proposes the methods to construct the thesaurus management using the basic elements of a topic map which are topic, occurrence, and association. Second, the study proposes the methods to represent the basic and specific instances using the systematic mapping algorithm and merging algorithm. Also, using a hub document as a standard, this study gives the methods to expand and subsitute the descriptors using the topic type. The new method applying fixed concept for double layer management on terms is developed, too. The purpose of this method is to fix the conceptual term which represents independent concept of time and space, and to select the descriptor freely by external information circumstance.

A method of Multi-Layer Visualizations for XTM (XTM을 위한 다층적 시각화 방법)

  • 박영조;박호병;조용윤;유재우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10b
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    • pp.529-531
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    • 2004
  • 웹 상에는 많은 자원들과 정보들이 존재한다. XML은 이러한 자원들과 정보들을 구조화하기 위해서 개발되었다. XTM(XML Topic Maps)은 XML의 형태로 자원들과 정보들에 의미를 부여할 수 있는 언어이다. XTM은 Topic과 Association을 이용해서 자원들과 정보들이 가진 의미를 표현한다 XTM상에서 나타나는 Topic과 Association은 매우 거대하고 다양하기 때문에 모든 Topic과 Association을 한꺼번에 표현하기 어렵다 또한, 사용자가 수백만개의 Topic과 Association에서 원하는 Topic과 Association을 찾기 어렵다. 따라서 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 다양한 시각화 방법이 연구되었다. 현재 Topic Maps을 표현할 때 트리, 그래프, 맵 등 하나의 구조를 이용해서 표현한다. 하지만 추상화정도에 따라 시각화 방법은 장ㆍ단점을 지닌다. 본 논문에서는 웹 상의 자원, 정보들과 의미 사이에 여러 계층이 존재하는 다층적 시각화를 제안한다. 각 계층은 독립적인 표현구조로 나타내어 추상화정도에 따라 최적화된 구조를 사용한다. 사용자는 자신이 원하는 Topic과 Association을 점진적 접근을 통해서 원하는 Topic과 Association을 검색할 수 있다. 또한 Topic이 Association의 member처럼 사용되는 경우, 시각적으로 Topic이 표현되면 Topic은 연결된 Association과 직접적인 연결을 갖는다.

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Knowledge Map Service based on Ontology of Nation R&D Information (국가R&D정보에 대한 온톨로지 기반 지식맵 서비스)

  • Kim, Sun-Tae;Lee, Won-Goo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2016
  • Knowledge map is widely used to represent knowledge in many domains. This paper presents a method of integrating the national R&D data and assists of users to navigate the integrated data via using a knowledge map service. The knowledge map service is built by using a lightweight ontology modeling method. The national R&D data is integrated with the research project as its center, i.e., the other R&D data such as research papers, patent, and project reports are connected with the research project as its outputs. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the simple relationships between the integrated data such as project-outputs relationships, document-author relationships, and document-topic relationships. Knowledge map enables us to infer the further relationships such as co-author and co-topic relationships. To extract the relationships between the integrated data, a RDB-to-Triples transformer is implemented. Lastly, we show an experiment on R&D data integration using the lightweight ontology, triples generation, and visualization and navigation of the knowledge map.

The viewpoint-based product information modeling in collaborative product development (협업적 제품개발에서의 관점기반 제품정보 모델링)

  • 채희권;최영환;김광수
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2003
  • The information sharing is essential to make collaboration by participants in the collaboration environment. The sharing of the information is necessary to reduce time-to-market of new Product. In this paper, V2-model is proposed far supporting the sharing of the information on product development. V2-model supports collaborative product development in design and supply chain. Through viewpoints, V2-model supports 1) two-level structure that consist of private level and public level ,2) level-up process and 3) product development process. The public level information supports to share the product information on collaborative supply chain and design. The viewpoints in V2-model are divided into public viewpoints that point to the public level information and private viewpoints that point to the private level information. Private viewpoints are transformed into public viewpoints. The extended Topic Map has B-Topic, S-Topic and View for representing V2-model in this paper. The level-up process of V2-model is implemented through the merging of S-Topics. V2-model is implemented with washing machine model using extended Topic Maps. In this model, the public viewpoints and private viewpoints are represented and the level-up process, which transforms private viewpoints into public viewpoints, is implemented.

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Topic Map based Guided Navigation Aid (Topic Map 기반의 Guided Navigation Aid)

  • 허승호;김학근;임순범;최윤철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.421-423
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    • 2003
  • 3D 가상환경 개발 초기 단계에서부터 효과적인 Navigation을 위해서 Navigation Aid에 대한 연구가 꾸준히 진행되어왔다. 그러나 지금까지는 환경 구조의 중요 지점만을 정리한 요약 형태의 정보를 제공하는 방법이 주를 이루고 있어서, Navigation 대상 환경에 익숙지 않은 사용자에게 환경구조를 이해하게 하는 인지적 부담을 주고 있다. 본 논문에서는 사용자의 Navigation을 위한 인지적 부담을 최소화 하는 토픽맵을 적용한 투어코스 자동생성 및 생성보조 시스템을 본 Navigation Aid 시스템이 적용된 가상 환경을 통해서 제안했다. 이는 현실세계에 존재하는 환경을 가상환경을 통해 사전방문 하거나 효과적인 이동경로를 선정하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

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X-TOP: Design and Implementation of TopicMaps Platform for Ontology Construction on Legacy Systems (X-TOP: 레거시 시스템상에서 온톨로지 구축을 위한 토픽맵 플랫폼의 설계와 구현)

  • Park, Yeo-Sam;Chang, Ok-Bae;Han, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.130-142
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    • 2008
  • Different from other ontology languages, TopicMap is capable of integrating numerous amount of heterogenous information resources using the locational information without any information transformation. Although many conventional editors have been developed for topic maps, they are standalone-type only for writing XTM documents. As a result, these tools request too much time for handling large-scale data and provoke practical problems to integrate with legacy systems which are mostly based on relational database. In this paper, we model a large-scale topic map structure based on XTM 1.0 into RDB structure to minimize the processing time and build up the ontology in legacy systems. We implement a topic map platform called X-TOP that can enhance the efficiency of ontology construction and provide interoperability between XTM documents and database. Moreover, we can use conventional SQL tools and other application development tools for topic map construction in X-TOP. The X-TOP is implemented to have 3-tier architecture to support flexible user interfaces and diverse DBMS. This paper shows the usability of X-TOP by means of the comparison with conventional tools and the application to healthcare cancer ontology management.

XTM based Knowledge Exchanges for Product Configuration Modeling (XML Topic Map을 이용한 Product Configuration 지식 교환에 관한 연구)

  • Cho J.;Kwak H.W.;Kim H.;Kim H.S.;Lee J.H.;Cho J.M.;Hong C.S.;Do N.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2006
  • Modeling product configurations needs large amounts of knowledge about technical and marketing restrictions on the product. Previous attempts to automate product configurations concentrate on representations and management of the knowledge for specific domains in fixed and isolated computing environments. Since the knowledge about product configurations is subject to continuous change and hard to express, these attempts often failed to efficiently manage and exchange the knowledge in collaborative product development. In this paper, XML Topic Map (XTM) is introduced to represent and exchange the knowledge about product configurations in collaborative product development. A product configuration model based on XTM along with its merger and inference facilities enables configuration engineers In collaborative product development to manage and exchange their knowledge efficiently. An implementation of the proposed product configuration model is presented to demonstrate that the proposed approach enables enterprises to exchange the knowledge about product configurations during their collaborative product development.

Exploratory Study of Developing a Synchronization-Based Approach for Multi-step Discovery of Knowledge Structures

  • Yu, So Young
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.16-32
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    • 2014
  • As Topic Modeling has been applied in increasingly various domains, the difficulty in naming and characterizing topics also has been recognized more. This study, therefore, explores an approach of combining text mining with network analysis in a multi-step approach. The concept of synchronization was applied to re-assign the top author keywords in more than one topic category, in order to improve the visibility of the topic-author keyword network, and to increase the topical cohesion in each topic. The suggested approach was applied using 16,548 articles with 2,881 unique author keywords in construction and building engineering indexed by KSCI. As a result, it was revealed that the combined approach could improve both the visibility of the topic-author keyword map and topical cohesion in most of the detected topic categories. There should be more cases of applying the approach in various domains for generalization and advancement of the approach. Also, more sophisticated evaluation methods should also be necessary to develop the suggested approach.

TMDM for Data Integration Management in Cloud Environment (클라우드 환경에서 데이터 통합 관리를 위한 TMDM)

  • Moon, Seok-jae;Shin, Hyo-young;Jeong, Gye-dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.970-973
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    • 2012
  • In cloud environment, enterprises use a number of systems which are not interconnected and save master information in a distributed way in each of them. Master information which is not managed is incorrect and discord each other so that lowers efficiency of business process and disables optimum decision making. It is necessary to do high-qualified management of master information to operate efficient and errorless business process. This paper suggests TMDM as a solution to solve heterogeneous problems occurred between interconnected master information in cloud environment and to manage business process in an efficient method. TMDM is an information storage that is suggested to solve mutual discord problems between master information using Topic Maps that considers correlation between data. Topic Maps can be connected by association between topics in order to access through a topic to all related knowledge information which is described by the topic. This also can be applied to master information between legacy systems within cloud.

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