The performance of the multiprocessor systems is limited by the several factors. The system performance is affected by the processor speed, memory delay, and interconnection network bandwidth/latency. By the evolution of semiconductor technology, off the shelf microprocessor speed breaks beyond GHz, and the processors can be scalable up to multiprocessor system by connecting through the interconnection networks. In this situation, the system performances are bound by the latencies and the bandwidth of the interconnection networks. SCI, Myrinet, and Gigabit Ethernet are widely adopted as a high-speed interconnection network links for the high performance cluster systems. Performance improvement of the interconnection network can be achieved by the bandwidth extension and the latency minimization. Speed up of the operation clock speed is a simple way to accomplish the bandwidth and latency betterment, while its physical distance makes the difficulties to attain the high frequency clock. Hence the system performance and scalability suffered from the interconnection network limitation. Duplicating the link of the interconnection network is one of the solutions to resolve the bottleneck of the scalable systems. Dual-ring SCI link structure is an example of the interconnection network improvement. In this paper, I propose a network topology and a transaction path algorism, which optimize the latency and the efficiency under the duplicated links. By the simulation results, the proposed structure shows 1.05 to 1.11 times better latency, and exhibits 1.42 to 2.1 times faster execution compared to the dual ring systems.
The recent dot-com craze has been one of the main causes that accelerated the growth of internet-related companies in diversity as well as in size. Meanwhile, the domestic market of supplies and equipment for internet businesses has been dominated by major foreign companies. To regain their market positions, the domestic manufacturers had to find the way to build up their competitive advantages, such as meeting their customers needs and reducing overall costs. In this study, one domestic PC server manufacturer, which competes fiercely with foreign manufacturers for the top place, has been chosen as a model to evaluate its current supply chain and to find an area that can be improved for a better performance. System Dynamics is used throughout the study. The central concept to system dynamics is understanding how all the objects in a system interact with one another. It focuses on feedback and secondary effects to think through how a strategy might or might not work, depending on how organizational changes are received, and what kinds of consequences emerge. Then, computerized models were built for simulations, each with different conditions, and, finally, the results were evaluated based on some criteria which are considered to be important and meaningful. The inefficiency that exists in the supply chain was proved to be a thirty-day long purchasing order leadtime, and it was expected that more effective supply chain could be formed if the leadtme were reduced to 14 days or 7 days. The results of simulations showed that the overall expected costs in supply chain was the least with the purchasing leadtime being 7 days. The lower average number of parts held as inventory, along with the reduced lost sales, acted as the factor reducing the expected overall costs. Although there was a slight increase in the average number of final products held as inventory and the total ordering cost, the benefits from lower parts inventory and reduced lost sales were large enough to justify the overall cost reduction.
$Ta_2O_5$ thin film IS a promising material for the high dielectrics of ULSI DRAM. In this study, $Ta_2O_5$ thin film was grown on p-type( 100) Si wafer by thermal metal organic chemical vapo deposition ( MCCVD) method and the effect of operating varialbles including substrate temperature( $T_s$), bubbler temperature( $T_ \sigma$), reactor pressure( P ) was investigated in detail. $Ta_2O_5$ thin film were analyzed by SEM, XRD, XPS, FT-IR, AES, TEM and AFM. In addition, the effect of various anneal methods was examined and compared. Anneal methods were furnace annealing( FA) and rapid thermal annealing( RTA) in $N_{2}$ or $O_{2}$ ambients. Growth rate was evidently classified into two different regimes. : (1) surface reaction rate-limited reglme in the range of $T_s$=300 ~ $400 ^{\circ}C$ and (2: mass transport-limited regime in the range of $T_s$=400 ~ $450^{\circ}C$.It was found that the effective activation energies were 18.46kcal/mol and 1.9kcal/mol, respectively. As the bubbler temperature increases, the growth rate became maximum at $T_ \sigma$=$140^{\circ}C$. With increasing pressure, the growth rate became maximum at P=3torr but the refractive index which is close to the bulk value of 2.1 was obtained in the range of 0.1 ~ 1 torr. Good step coverage of 85. 71% was obtained at $T_s$=$400 ^{\circ}C$ and sticking coefficient was 0.06 by comparison with Monte Carlo simulation result. From the results of AES, FT-IR and E M , the degree of SiO, formation at the interface between Si and TazO, was larger in the order of FA-$O_{2}$ > RTA-$O_{2}$, FA-$N_{2}$ > RTA-$N_{2}$. However, the $N_{2}$ ambient annealing resulted in more severe Weficiency in the $Ta_2O_5$ thin film than the TEX>$O_{2}$ ambient.
Yoon Sang Min;Lee Sang-wook;Ahn Seung Do;Kim Jong Hoon;YE Byong Yong;Ra Young Shin;Kim Tae Hyung;Choi Eun Kyung
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose : To explore a 3D conformal radiotherapy technique for a posterior fossa boost, and the potential advantages of a prone position for such radiotherapy. Materials and Methods :A CT simulator and 3D conformal radiotherapy Planning system was used for the posterior fossa boost treatment on a 13-year-old medulloblastoma patient. He was placed In the prone position and Immobilized with an aquaplast mask and immobilization mold. CT scans were obtained of the brain from the top of the skull to the lower neck, with IV contrast enhancement. The target volume and normal structures were delineated on each slice, with treatment planning peformed using non-coplanar conformal beams. Results : The CT scans, and treatment In the prone position, were peformed successfully. In the prone position, the definition of the target volume was made easier due to the well enhanced tentorium, In audition, the posterior fossa was located anteriorly, and with the greater choice of beam arrangements, more accurate treatment planning was possible as the primary beams were not obstructed by the treatment table. Conclusion : .A posterior fossa boost, in the prone position, Is feasible in cooperating patients, but further evaluation is needed to define the optimal and most comfortable treatment positions.
This study considers the environmental factors affecting propagation loss and sonar performance in the continental regions of the East Coast Sea of Korea. Water mass distributions appear to change dramatically in a few weeks. Simple calculation with the case when the NKCW (North Korean Cold Water) develops shows that the difference in propagation loss may reach in the worst up to 10dB over range 5km. Another factor, an eddy, has typical dimensions of 100-200km in diameter and 150-200m in thickness. Employing a typical eddy and assuming frequency to be 100Hz, its effects on propagation loss appear to make lower the normal formation of convergence zones with which sonars are possible to detect long-range targets. The change of convergence zones may result in 10dB difference in received signals in a given depth. Thermal fronts also appear to be critical restrictions to operating sonars in shallow waters. Assuming frequency to be 200Hz, thermal fronts can make 10dB difference in propagation loss between with and without them over range 20km. An observation made in one site in the East Coast Sea of Korea reveals that internal waves may appear in near-inertial period and their spectra may exist in periods 2-17min. A simulation employing simple internal wave packets gives that they break convergence zones on the bottom, causing the performance degradation of FOM as much as 4dB in frequency 1kHz. An acoustic experiment, using fixed source and receiver at the same site, shows that the received signals fluctuate tremendously with time reaching up to 6.5dB in frequencies 1kHz or less. Ambient noises give negative effects directly on sonar performance. Measurements at some sites in the East Coast Sea of Korea suggest that the noise levels greatly fluctuate with time, for example noon and early morning, mainly due to ship traffics. The average difference in a day may reach 10dB in frequency 200Hz. Another experiment using an array of hydrophones gives that the spectrum levels of ambient noises are highly directional, their difference being as large as 10dB with vertical or horizontal angles. This fact strongly implies that we should obtain in-situ information of noise levels to estimate reasonable sonar performance. As one of non-stationary noise sources, an eel may give serious problems to sonar operation on or under the sea bottoms. Observed eel noises in a pier of water depth 14m appear to have duration time of about 0.4 seconds and frequency ranges of 0.2-2.8kHz. The 'song'of an eel increases ambient noise levels to average 2.16dB in the frequencies concerned, being large enough to degrade detection performance of the sonars on or below sediments. An experiment using hydrophones in water and sediment gives that sensitivity drops of 3-4dB are expected for the hydrophones laid in sediment at frequencies of 0.5-1.5kHz. The SNR difference between in water and in sediment, however, shows large fluctuations rather than stable patterns with the source-receiver ranges.
Park, Ju-Kyeong;Lee, Seung-Hun;Cha, Seok-Yong;Kim, Yang-Su;Lee, Sun-Young
Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
General treatment for cholangiocarcinoma is complete surgical resection. However recurrence is common in those patients. In most of cases the purpose of the treatment for patients with recurrent is palliative. Therefore we adopt intraluminal catheter to treat a recurrent patient with high-dose-rate intraluminal brachytherapy. This study aims to evaluate the treatment procedure and set-up reproducibility of intraluminal brachytherapy in the recurrent patient. Study patient was diagnosed at rcT1N0M0 and undergone intraluminal brachytherapy after Arrow Sheath insertion. 3 Gy was delivered in every fraction with a total dose of 30 Gy. We planned dose normalization at distal, proximal and central axis point of narrowed bile duct far from 1 cm. To evaluate set-up reproducibility, we measured distance between distal, proximal treatment target volume point and anterior surface of the thoracic vertebral body respectively for five times before every treatment with dummy seed insertion. Mean distance between distal, proximal treatment target volume point and anterior surface of 10th and 11th thoracic vertebral bodies is 0.5 cm, 6.1 cm and standard deviation is 0.06, 0.08 respectively. In addition, set-up reproducibility was maintained significantly. The patient has been alive with no evidence of disease recurrence for more than a year and has not yet reported severe complications. In conclusion, high-dose-rate intraluminal brachytherapy for unresectable recurrence of cholangiocarcinoma maintains high set-up reproducibility without severe side effects.
Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
This paper reports the fabrication of a DVB-T/H System in Package (SiP) that is able to receive and process the DVB-T/H signal. The DVB-T/H is the European telecommunication standard for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). An IC-embedded Printed Circuit Board (PCB) process, interpose a chip between PCB layers, has applied to the DVB-T/H SiP. The chip inserted in DVB-T/H SiP is the System on Chip (SoC) for mobile TV. It is comprised of a RF block for DVB-T/H RF signal and a digital block to convert received signal to digital signal for an application processor. To operate the DVB-T/H IC, a 3MHz DC-DC converter and LDO are on the DVB-T/H SiP. And a 38.4MHz crystal is used as a clock source. The fabricated DVB-T/H SiP form 4 layers which size is $8mm{\times}8mm$. The DVB-T/H IC is located between 2nd and 3rd layer. According to the result of simulation, the RF signal sensitivity is improved since the layout modification of the ground plane and via. And we confirmed the adjustment of LC value on power transmission is necessary to turn down the noise level in a SiP. Although the size of a DVB-T/H SiP is decreased over 70% than reference module, the power consumption and efficiency is on a par with reference module. The average power consumption is 297mW and the efficiency is 87%. But, the RF signal sensitivity is declined by average 3.8dB. This is caused by the decrease of the RF signal sensitivity which is 2.8dB, because of the noise from the DC-DC converter.
In this paper, we developed DNL(Dynamic Network Loading) model based on Moving cell theory to analyze the dynamic characteristics of traffic flow in congested network. In this paper vehicles entered into link at same interval would construct one cell, and the cells moved according to Cell following rule. In the past researches relating to DNL model a continuous single link is separated into two sections such as running section and queuing section to describe physical queue so that various dynamic states generated in real link are only simplified by running and queuing state. However, the approach has some difficulties in simulating various dynamic flow characteristics. To overcome these problems, we present Moving cell theory which is developed by combining Car following theory and Lagrangian method mainly using for the analysis of air pollutants dispersion. In Moving cell theory platoons are represented by cells and each cell is processed by Cell following theory. This type of simulation model is firstly presented by Cremer et al(1999). However they did not develop merging and diverging model because their model was applied to basic freeway section. Moreover they set the number of vehicles which can be included in one cell in one interval so this formulation cant apply to signalized intersection in urban network. To solve these difficulties we develop new approach using Moving cell theory and simulate traffic flow dynamics continuously by movement and state transition of the cells. The developed model are played on simple network including merging and diverging section and it shows improved abilities to describe flow dynamics comparing past DNL models.
Jeon, Kyung Soo;Oh, Young Kee;Baek, Jong Geun;Kim, Ok Bae;Kim, Jin Hee;Choi, Tae Jin;Jeong, Dong Hyeok;Kim, Jeong Kee
Progress in Medical Physics
Recently, the uses of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) for radiation treatment simulation and planning which is used for intensity modulated radiation therapy with high technique are increasing. Because of the increasing uses of MDCT, additional doses are also increasing. The objective of this study is to evaluate the absorbed dose of body and skin undergoing in MDCT scans. In this study, the exposed dose at the surface and the center of the cylindrical water phantom was measured using an pencil ionization chamber, 30 cc ionization chamber and TL Powder. The results of MDCT were 31.84 mGy, 33.58 mGy and 32.73 mGy respectively. The absorbed dose at the surface showed that the TL reading value was 33.92 mGy from MDCT. These results showed that the surface dose was about 3.5% from the MDCT exposure higher than a dose which is located at the center of the phantom. These results mean that the total exposed dose undergoing MDCT 4 times (diagnostic, radiation therapy planning, follow-up et al.), is about 14 cGy, and have to be considered significantly to reduce the exposed dose from CT scan.
Woo, S. K.;Choi, Y.;Im, K. C.;Song, T. Y.;Jung, J. H.;Lee, K. H.;Kim, S. E.;Choe, Y. S.;Park, C. C.;Kim, B. T.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
A spatially adaptive falter was formulated to imrove PET image qualify and the Performance of the filter was evaluated using simulation and phantom and human PET studies. In the proposed filter. if a pixel was identified as the edge Pixel, the Pixel value was Preserved. Otherwise a Pixel was replaced by the mean of the pixel values weighted by 2:7: 2. A Pixel was identified as the edge Pixel. if it satisfies the following conditions : the number of ADs (absolute difference between center and neighborhood pixels) which is smaller than THl (($pix_max{\times}0.1/log_2(NPM)$, NPM : mean of 6 neighborhood pixels excluding minimum and maximum) is 8-k and the number of ADs which is lager than TH2 ($NPM{\times}0.1$) is k. where k : 2, 3, …, 6. The results of this study demonstrate the superior performance of the Proposed titter compared to Gaussian fitter, weight median filter and subset averaged median filter. The proposed tittering method is simple but effective in increasing uniformity and contrast with minimal degradation of spatial resolution of PET images and thus. is expected to Provide improved diagnositc quality PET images .
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.