• Title/Summary/Keyword: and Simulation

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An analysis of horizontal deformation of a pile in soil using a beam-on-spring model for the prediction of the eigenfrequency of the offshore wind turbine (해상풍력터빈의 고유진동수 예측을 위한 지반에 인입된 파일의 탄성지지보 모델 기반 수평 거동 해석)

  • Ryue, Jungsoo;Baik, Kyungmin;Kim, Tae-Ryong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2016
  • In the prediction of response of a pile in soil, numerical approaches such as a finite element method are generally applied due to complicate nonlinear behaviors of soils. However, the numerical methods based on the finite elements require heavy efforts in pile and soil modelling and also take long computing time. So their usage is limited especially in the early design stage in which principal dimensions and properties are not specified and tend to vary. On the contrary, theoretical approaches adopting linear approximations for soils are relatively simple and easy to model and take short computing time. Therefore, if they are validated to be reliable, they would be applicable in predicting responses of a pile in soil, particularly in early design stage. In case of wind turbines regarded in this study, it is required to assess their natural frequencies in early stages, and in this simulation the supporting pile inserted in soil could be replaced with a simplified elastic boundary condition at the bottom end of the wind turbine tower. To do this, analysis for a pile in soil is performed in this study to extract the spring constants at the top end of the pile. The pile in soil can be modelled as a beam on elastic spring by assuming that the soils deform within an elastic range. In this study, it is attempted to predict pile deformations and influence factors for lateral loads by means of the beam-on-spring model. As two example supporting structures for wind turbines, mono pile and suction pile models with different diameters are examined by evaluating their influence factors and validated by comparing them with those reported in literature. In addition, the deflection profiles along the depth and spring constants at the top end of the piles are compared to assess their supporting features.


  • Kim, Gi-Jung;Lee, Eui-Wung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2001
  • Orthognathic surgery of the mandibular prognathism and the retrognathism is tend to be performed on the mandibular ramus to prevent inferor alveolar nerve injuries. The purpose of this study is to find a safe and accurate reference point on mandibular ramus for orthognathic surgery by comparative anatomical study of dentofacial deformity patients. We use 38 Korean Cadavers with normal occlusion(Group 1), 3-dimensional simulation of computerized tomogram of 23 patients with retrognathism (Group 2), 27 patients with mandibular prognathism (Group 3). Following results are obtained : 1. The maximum thickness of the mandibular ramus is $8.78{\pm}1.15mm$ for Group 2, $7.61{\pm}1.26mm$ for Group 1, $6.95{\pm}0.82mm$ for Group3 respectively (P=0001). The minimum thickness is $5.51{\pm}1.08mm$ for Group 1, $5.06{\pm}0.40mm$ for Group 2, $4.56{\pm}0.78mm$ for Group3, respectively (p=0.0001). But, the thickness at the level of 5mm above the lingular is $0.78{\pm}0.65mm$ for Group 2, $5.63{\pm}1.28mm$ for Group 1, $5.32{\pm}0.91mm$ for Group 3, respectively. There is no significant difference between these groups(P=0.0510). 2. The horizontal location from the midwaist point to lingular is $0.18{\pm}1.57mm$ for Group 1, $0.69{\pm}1.33mm$ for Group 2, $0.66{\pm}1.66mm$ for Group 3, and there is no significant difference between these groups(p=0.0835). But the vertical location from the midwaist point to lingular is $1.45{\pm}2.64mm$ for Group 1, $0.63{\pm}1.44mm$ for Group 2, $0.34{\pm}1.81mm$ for Group 3, and there is significant difference between these groups(p=0.0030). 3. The horizontal location from the midwaist point to mandibular foramen is $0.29{\pm}1.75mm$ for Group 1, $0.63{\pm}1.44mm$ for Group 2, $0.34{\pm}1.81mm$ for Group 3, and there is no significant difference between these groups(p=0.5403). But the vertical location from the midwaist point to mandibular foramen is $-3.33{\pm}4.43mm$ for Group1, $-4.79{\pm}2.26mm$ for Group 2, $-6.06{\pm}2.99mm$ for Group 3, and there is significant difference between these groups(P=0.0001). 4. The horizontal length from the disto-buccal cusp tip of mandibular second molar to lingula is $30.97{\pm}4.17mm$ for Group 3, $28.29{\pm}2.65mm$ for Group 1, $25.48{\pm}0.77mm$ for Group 2 (p=0.0000), and also vertical length is $7.72{\pm}3.22mm$ for Group 3, $6.38{\pm}1.83mm$ for Group 1, $5.89{\pm}2.30mm$ for Group 2 (P=0.0014). 5. The location of lingular is 0.50 from anterior border of mandibular ramus in all groups, if it assumed the length from anterior border to posterior border is 1. And it is almost 0.33 from the sigmoid notch, if it assumed the length from sigmoid notch to antegonial notch is 1. 6. In Group 1, Antilingular prominence is located on ($1.12{\pm}1.43mm,\;4.01{\pm}2.36mm$) from the midwaist point, and there is no correlation between antilingular prominence and lingular, mandibular foramen.

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A Study to activate and evaluate competitive advantage on Free Trade Zone of Busan Port (부산항 관세자유지역의 경쟁력 평가 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, Y.S.;Chung, T.W.
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2004
  • As the environment for international logistics varies according to the globalization in world economy, world-class seaports are struggling for the position as strongholds in their own block. As a new government begins its own era in Korea, they are positively implementing their strategies at the level of government for making the Korean Peninsula the logistics centre in North-eastern Asia, marking the most of its geographic advantage. As one of those strategies, it plans to foster a specific area as an international logistics base camp in Northeast Asia by activating its logistics industry through inducing multinational logistics enterprises. In reality, however, in order for Busan seaport, the late-comer, to induce investment from the world-class multinational companies, a considerably large volume of investment should be given from both central and local governments. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to assess its competitiveness and to suggest an activation plan for BSDFA(Busan Seaport Duty-Free Area), based upon the results of on-the-spot interviews in China and Japan. The survey for the respondent's preference by way of Conjoint Analysis indicated that Investment procedures and limitations get the highest 36.2% preference, so the most critical strategy to be considered for attracting enterprises into DFA(Duty-Free Area) is to solve the problems related to the investment procedures and limitations. The simulation analysis results for market share showed that UAE has the highest preference and BSDFA the lowest preference among the five countries. However, when the levels of investment procedures and limitations and production costare upgraded, the competitiveness of BSDFA was elevated next to that of UAE among the 5 countries. Thus, in order for BSDFA to obtain competitiveness, it is implied that production cost level as well as investment procedures and limitations level, should be lowered so that it could meet companies' demand.

A study of lower facial change according to facial type when virtually vertical dimension increases (가상적 수직 교합 고경 증가 시 안모의 유형에 따른 하안모 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Woo;Lee, Gung-Chol;Moon, Cheol-Hyun;Bae, Jung-Yoon;Kim, Ji-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of increased vertical dimension of occlusion on lower facial changes by facial type. Materials and methods: Lateral cephalograms from 261 patients were obtained and classified by sagittal (Class I, II, and III) and vertical (hypodivergent, normodivergent, and hyperdivergent) facial patterns. Retrusive displacement of soft tissue Pogonion and downward displacement of soft tissue Menton were measured in each group after 2 mm of vertical dimension of occlusion was increased at the lower central incisor using a virtual simulation program. The ratio of both displacements was calculated in all groups. The statistical analysis was done by 2-way ANOVA and Post hoc was done by Tukey test (5% level of significance). Results: Retrusive displacement of soft tissue Pogonion in Class III group was statistically different compared to Class I and II, and in vertical facial groups all 3 groups were significantly different (P<.05). Downward displacement of soft tissue Menton showed statistically significant difference between all sagittal groups and vertical groups (P<.05). The ratio of both displacements showed statistically significant difference in all sagittal groups and vertical groups (P<.05), and Class II hyperdivergent group had the highest value. Conclusion: Lower facial change was statically significant according to the facial type when vertical dimension of occlusion increased. Class II hyperdivergent facial type showed the highest ratio after increase in vertical dimension of occlusion.

Analysis of Hydrological Impact Using Climate Change Scenarios and the CA-Markov Technique on Soyanggang-dam Watershed (CA-Markov 기법을 이용한 기후변화에 따른 소양강댐 유역의 수문분석)

  • Lim, Hyuk-Jin;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Bae, Deg-Hyo;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.5 s.166
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    • pp.453-466
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in the hydrological environment in Soyanggang-dam watershed due to climate change results (in yews 2050 and 2100) which were simulated using CCCma CGCM2 based on SRES A2 and B2. The SRES A2 and B2 were used to estimate NDVI values for selected land use using the relation of NDVI-Temperature using linear regression of observed data (in years 1998$\sim$2002). Land use change based on SRES A2 and B2 was estimated every 5- and 10-year period using the CA-Markov technique based on the 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 land cover map classified by Landsat TM satellite images. As a result, the trend in land use change in each land class was reflected. When land use changes in years 2050 and 2100 were simulated using the CA-Markov method, the forest class area declined while the urban, bareground and grassland classes increased. When simulation was done further for future scenarios, the transition change converged and no increasing trend was reflected. The impact assessment of evapotranspiration was conducted by comparing the observed data with the computed results based on three cases supposition scenarios of meteorological data (temperature, global radiation and wind speed) using the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The results showed that the runoff was reduced by about 50% compared with the present hydrologic condition when each SRES and periods were compared. If there was no land use change, the runoff would decline further to about 3$\sim$5%.

$CO_2$ Transport for CCS Application in Republic of Korea (이산화탄소 포집 및 저장 실용화를 위한 대한민국에서의 이산화탄소 수송)

  • Huh, Cheol;Kang, Seong-Gil;Cho, Mang-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2010
  • Offshore subsurface storage of $CO_2$ is regarded as one of the most promising options to response severe climate change. Marine geological storage of $CO_2$ is to capture $CO_2$ from major point sources, to transport to the storage sites and to store $CO_2$ into the offshore subsurface geological structure such as the depleted gas reservoir and deep sea saline aquifer. Since 2005, we have developed relevant technologies for marine geological storage of $CO_2$. Those technologies include possible storage site surveys and basic designs for $CO_2$ transport and storage processes. To design a reliable $CO_2$ marine geological storage system, we devised a hypothetical scenario and used a numerical simulation tool to study its detailed processes. The process of transport $CO_2$ from the onshore capture sites to the offshore storage sites can be simulated with a thermodynamic equation of state. Before going to main calculation of process design, we compared and analyzed the relevant equation of states. To evaluate the predictive accuracies of the examined equation of states, we compare the results of numerical calculations with experimental reference data. Up to now, process design for this $CO_2$ marine geological storage has been carried out mainly on pure $CO_2$. Unfortunately the captured $CO_2$ mixture contains many impurities such as $N_2$, $O_2$, Ar, $H_{2}O$, $SO_{\chi}$, $H_{2}S$. A small amount of impurities can change the thermodynamic properties and then significantly affect the compression, purification and transport processes. This paper analyzes the major design parameters that are useful for constructing onshore and offshore $CO_2$ transport systems. On the basis of a parametric study of the hypothetical scenario, we suggest relevant variation ranges for the design parameters, particularly the flow rate, diameter, temperature, and pressure.

Exploring Ways to Improve the Predictability of Flowering Time and Potential Yield of Soybean in the Crop Model Simulation (작물모형의 생물계절 및 잠재수량 예측력 개선 방법 탐색: I. 유전 모수 정보 향상으로 콩의 개화시기 및 잠재수량 예측력 향상이 가능한가?)

  • Chung, Uran;Shin, Pyeong;Seo, Myung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2017
  • There are two references of genetic information in Korean soybean cultivar. This study suggested that the new seven genetic information to supplement the uncertainty on prediction of potential yield of two references in soybean, and assessed the availability of two references and seven genetic information for future research. We carried out evaluate the prediction on flowering time and potential yield of the two references of genetic parameters and the new seven genetic parameters (New1~New7); the new seven genetic parameters were calibrated in Jinju, Suwon, Chuncheon during 2003-2006. As a result, in the individual and regional combination genetic parameters, the statistical indicators of the genetic parameters of the each site or the genetic parameters of the participating stations showed improved results, but did not significant. In Daegu, Miryang, and Jeonju, the predictability on flowering time of genetic parameters of New7 was not improved than that of two references. However, the genetic parameters of New7 showed improvement of predictability on potential yield. No predictability on flowering time of genetic parameters of two references as having the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) on flowering time respectively, at 0.00 and 0.01, but the predictability of genetic parameter of New7 was improved as $R^2$ on flowering time of New7 was 0.31 in Miryang. On the other hand, $R^2$ on potential yield of genetic parameters of two references were respectively 0.66 and 0.41, but no predictability on potential yield of genetic parameter of New7 as $R^2$ of New7 showed 0.00 in Jeonju. However, it is expected that the regional combination genetic parameters with the good evaluation can be utilized to predict the flowering timing and potential yields of other regions. Although it is necessary to analyze further whether or not the input data is uncertain.

A Study on the Water Exchange Plan with Disaster Prevention Facilities in Masan Bay (마산만 재해방지시설을 이용한 해수교환 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gweon-Su;Ryu, Ha-Sang;Kim, Kang-Min
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.637-645
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    • 2013
  • Masan bay with a semi-enclosed waters has serious water quality problems due to the low flow and river pollution load from land, and shows the vulnerable locational characteristics to storm surge. We are seeking the way of both operating disaster prevention facilities and water quality improvement measures in the bay. That is, the water was exchanged using the head difference occurred by operating disaster prevention facilities. The location of disaster prevention facilities was assumed to be in the inlet of the bay, in the vicinity of Machang bridge, and in the vicinity of Dot island and the operation time was assumed to be early morning hours(01~05) considering the number of shipping passage and annual tide, and spring tide of the largest head difference. In addition, the experiment case of water exchange including the in-outflow feeder pipe was tested. According to the simulation results, water exchange rate in all experiments has shown a steady increase. Water exchange rate of the whole of Masan bay in the case of present is 38.62%. The water exchange rate of the inside of Masan bay compared with the inlet of bay, appeared to be very low. Thus, we judged that the characteristics of semi-enclosed waters were well reproduced. On the results of the experiment of disaster prevention facilities and in-outflow feeder pipe, the case of the operation of disaster prevention facilities, water exchage rate is high compared with the case of present. And, the higer the operating frequency, the more water exchange is appeared. The cases of water exchange prevention facilities through the in-outflow feeder pipe caused by the head difference, also showed the higest improvement of the water quality. Compared with the south of Machang bridge, the effect of water exchange was better in the inlet of Masan bay and Dot island. On the other hand, the inlet of Masan bay is higer than Dot island as for water exchange of the whole of Masan bay, but opposite, water change rate including Masan inside was higher in the case of Dot island.

Adaptive Lock Escalation in Database Management Systems (데이타베이스 관리 시스템에서의 적응형 로크 상승)

  • Chang, Ji-Woong;Lee, Young-Koo;Whang, Kyu-Young;Yang, Jae-Heon
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.742-757
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    • 2001
  • Since database management systems(DBMSS) have limited lock resources, transactions requesting locks beyond the limit mutt be aborted. In the worst carte, if such transactions are aborted repeatedly, the DBMS can become paralyzed, i.e., transaction execute but cannot commit. Lock escalation is considered a solution to this problem. However, existing lock escalation methods do not provide a complete solution. In this paper, we prognose a new lock escalation method, adaptive lock escalation, that selves most of the problems. First, we propose a general model for lock escalation and present the concept of the unescalatable look, which is the major cause making the transactions to abort. Second, we propose the notions of semi lock escalation, lock blocking, and selective relief as the mechanisms to control the number of unescalatable locks. We then propose the adaptive lock escalation method using these notions. Adaptive lock escalation reduces needless aborts and guarantees that the DBMS is not paralyzed under excessive lock requests. It also allows graceful degradation of performance under those circumstances. Third, through extensive simulation, we show that adaptive lock escalation outperforms existing lock escalation methods. The results show that, compared to the existing methods, adaptive lock escalation reduces the number of aborts and the average response time, and increases the throughput to a great extent. Especially, it is shown that the number of concurrent transactions can be increased more than 16 ~256 fold. The contribution of this paper is significant in that it has formally analysed the role of lock escalation in lock resource management and identified the detailed underlying mechanisms. Existing lock escalation methods rely on users or system administrator to handle the problems of excessive lock requests. In contrast, adaptive lock escalation releases the users of this responsibility by providing graceful degradation and preventing system paralysis through automatic control of unescalatable locks Thus adaptive lock escalation can contribute to developing self-tuning: DBMSS that draw a lot of attention these days.

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Change of Hydraulic Properties of Sand due to Fine Diatom Particle Migration (미세 Diatom 입자 이동에 의한 모래지반의 투수 특성 변화)

  • Pyo, Won-Mi;Lee, Jong-Sub;Lee, Joo Yong;Hong, Won-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2018
  • During the process of gas hydrate extraction in the deep seabed, fine diatom particle migration occurs, which causes the seabed slope failure and the productivity deterioration of the gas hydrate. Therefore, a study related with the changes of the ground characteristics due to the fine particle migration is required. The objective of this study is to investigate the change of hydraulic properties of sand due to the migration of fine diatom particle in sandy soils. In order to simulate the sediments of the Ulleung basin gas hydrate in the East Sea, fifteen sand-diatom mixtures that have different diatom volume fractions (DVF) are prepared. During the falling head permeability tests, the coefficients of permeability are measured according to the DVF. In addition, for the simulation of the fine diatom particle migration, constant head permeability tests are conducted by applying the hydraulic pressures of 3 kPa, 6kPa, and 9 kPa on a specimen composed of two layers: a specimen with 50% DVF in upper layer and a specimen with 0% DVF in lower layer. Furthermore, the coefficient of permeability and the electrical resistivity of the migration zone are measured during the constant head permeability test. The falling head permeability tests show that the coefficient of permeability decreases as the DVF of the specimen increases. In addition, the gradient of the coefficient of permeability curve decreases in the DVF range of 10%~50% compared with that of 0%~10%, and increases above 50% in DVF. The result of constant head permeability tests shows that the coefficient of permeability decreases and electrical resistivity increases in the migration zone due to the fine diatom particle migration. This study demonstrates that fine diatom particle migration reduces the permeability of the soils and the behavior of the migration zone due to the fine diatom particle migration may be estimated based on the reversal relationship between the coefficient of permeability and the electrical resistivity.