• Title/Summary/Keyword: analysis of textbooks

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Language Education Policy and English Textbooks of Korea and Japan

  • Chang, Bok-Myung;Owada, Kazuhara
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study is to understand how English textbooks in Korea and Japan reflect English education policies for improving the English language learners' cultural ability. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the method of analyzing English textbooks was used because English textbooks are an important tool that most specifically reflects the English policy of a country. This study analyzed a total of six English textbooks, three middle school English textbooks currently used in Korea and three in Japan. We analyzed nouns/pronouns related to culture presented in the reading section included in each unit, and compared cultural diversity and cultural identity included in English textbooks in Korea and Japan. As a result, it was found that both countries experienced cultural diversity through English education and introduced their cultural pride to Western culture to realize the goal of strengthening global capabilities. This textbook analysis results show that English textbooks of Korea and Japan depend on American/British cultures and norms. The cultural contents of English textbooks in Korea and Japan tend to focus on geography, food and drink, festivals and activities, family and education systems, etc. And English textbooks in Korea and Japan include the cultural sections in each lesson, but they don't suggest how to relate these cultural sections into the learners' real experiences. These results can be utilized as the motives from which both countries develop English education policy and textbooks in the future.

Analysis of Food and Dietary Educational Content in Primary, Middle and High School Textbooks (초.중.고등학교 교과서에 나타난 식생활 교육 내용 분석)

  • Choe, Jeong-Sook;Lee, Min-Jung;Park, Young-Hee;Lee, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.400-409
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated the food and dietary educational content in primary, middle and high school textbooks in order to provide fundamental data for the development of educational programs on Korean traditional food culture. The research objects consisted of 51 kinds of textbooks (15 kinds of primary school textbooks, 29 kinds of middle school home economics textbooks and 7 kinds of high school home economics textbooks), and the contents related to food and dietary education were counted and analyzed. The content analysis was performed using two categories: application method and subject matter. Application method included texts, cases, visual aids (pictures, photos, illustrations, chart, etc.) and activities, whereas subject matter consisted of seven types (well balanced nutrition and health, understanding of food and nutrition, cooking principles, cooking lessons, traditional foods and culture, others). The results of the application method in primary school textbooks show that visual aids were the most common in all six grades. For the subject matter, 'understanding of food and nutrition' was most abundant in primary school textbooks while 'well balanced nutrition and health' accounted for a large part of the contents in middle school textbooks. However, the contents regarding traditional foods and culture were insufficient in primary and middle school textbooks. These results suggest that educational contents on traditional foods and culture should be added to primary and middle school textbooks and covered in various subjects. Furthermore, high school 'home economics' contents need to emphasize comprehensive food and dietary education and adjust to 'science & technology for life'.

The Content Analysis of the Textbooks of Counseling Skills and Techniques (상담기법 교재에 대한 내용분석)

  • Kang, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse the textbooks of counseling skills and techniques to understand what contents are included and to identify differences of contents between psychological counseling textbooks and career counseling textbooks. 5 psychological counseling textbooks and 4 career counseling textbooks were to analyse. First of all, each textbook contains various contents from the author's viewpoint. Therefore, educators need to understand the characteristics of the textbooks, when they choose the textbook among them. Secondly, there are common contents and different contents between psychological counseling textbooks and career counseling textbooks. The common contents are 'skills based on counseling theory', 'counseling relationship', interview and counseling process skills', 'client assessment and understanding', 'multicultural counseling'. 'Response skills' are regarded as the most important content in psychological counseling textbooks, while 'client assessment and understanding' being the most important in career counseling textbooks.

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Content Analysis on Rural Multi-Functionality published in Science Textbooks of Elementary.Middle.High School (초.중.고 과학교과서에 나타난 농업.농촌 다원적 기능 교육 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Ja;Ahn, Sam-Young;Kim, Young;Rhee, Sang-Young;Lee, Jeung-Won
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.869-912
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to promote alternative plans on the prejudiced and distorted contents in school textbooks in the aspect of multi-functionality of agriculture and rural community. This was done through analysis of contents in 47 kinds of textbooks in science (8 of elementary school, 27 of middle school and 12 of high school). This will lead to promote understanding about the multi-functionality and form the proper value system related to agriculture and rural community for children and juveniles using textbooks. A content analysis was employed to examine to what extent the contents on agriculture and rural community were reflected in the textbooks for elementary school, middle school and high school. The content analysis was done in three categories, including presentation form, application method and function view. The followings are results of contents analysis in textbooks. The most frequently used presentation forms related to agriculture and rural community was figures and tables. In analysis of application methods, this research found that the contents related to agriculture and rural community were used to explain scientific facts and phenomena. In the function view, maintenance of local societies was most frequent among the various multi-functionalities in elementary and middle school, and food security in high school. Based on the results of content analysis, findings and recommendations in textbooks for elementary, middle and high school have been drawn, and several examples for contents development to be included in the textbooks were listed.

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Contents Analysis of Health Textbooks for Elementary Schools (초등학교 보건교과서 분석)

  • Han, JiYoung;Seo, JiYeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyse the content of health-textbooks in elementary school in order to offer the basic data required for development or revision of health-textbook for elementary school. Methods: This study was methodological study of the content of health-textbooks. The study sample consisted of 10 health-textbooks of elementary school which were edited in 2009~2010. The components of contents divides into holistic analysis and specific areas. Results: One textbook was no introductory remarks and 2 textbooks were no preface. The health-textbooks consisted of 7 areas and were comprehensive for school education. The proportion of each was different in 10 textbooks. Sexuality and health was accounted for the largest portion of the seven areas in both the fifth and sixth grade. However, given that the mortality rate for the child's safety accidents is higher than in developed countries, the proportion of accident prevention and first aid can be relatively weak area. Conclusion: It is essential that health-textbooks empower schoolers to make healthy decisions through the promotion of useful life skills that provide a more integrated concept of health. Therefore, there is a need for approaches to health textbook to integrate more values of health.

Elementary School Teachers' Perception of Digital Textbooks through Analysis of Perception of Digital Competence and Experience in Using Digital Textbooks (초등 교사의 디지털 교과서에 대한 인식 - 디지털 역량에 대한 인식과 디지털 교과서 활용 경험을 중심으로)

  • SooHyun Seo;Hyeseung Chung;Deul Roh
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine elementary school teachers' perceptions of digital textbooks to gain insight into the development of digital textbooks. To this end, first, eight functions of the digital textbook were set, and two to six detailed functions were set for each function. Afterwards, based on this function, 372 elementary school teachers across the country were asked to ask about their perception of digital competence, their experience of using digital textbooks after COVIE-19 and their perception of digital textbooks. A simple regression analysis was used to examine the perception of digital textbooks according to the perception of digital competence and a one-way distribution analysis method was used to analyze the perception of digital textbooks according to the experience of using digital textbooks. The analysis found that elementary school teachers' confidence in their digital competence had a positive effect on all components of digital textbooks. In particular, the teachers' higher confidence in digital competence led to the increased need for 'operation and management' functions. In addition, the teachers who frequently use digital textbooks perceived a higher need for digital textbook components except for 'searching' and 'Authoring Tools Support' than teachers who do not use them. This paper shows that it is necessary to positively induce elementary school teachers' perceptions of digital competence and encourage using digital textbooks to successfully increase the usage of digital textbooks in classes.

Comparative Analysis of System and Contents in the Elementary Science Textbooks of Korea and Finland (한국과 핀란드 초등과학 교과서의 체제와 내용 비교 분석)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Cho, Han-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2011
  • This study intended to examine the differences through comparative analysis of the illustrations and contents in the 3rd-6th grade elementary science textbooks of Korea and Finland. The analysis of the types and illustrations in the Korean and Finnish textbooks revealed that the textbooks of both counties provide many photographs and illustrations, so as to deliver data mainly in the form of realistic illustration. In Korean textbooks, photographs were mainly used to guide the students into experiments and to train the students in analyzing and interpreting data. In contrast, the Finnish textbooks place more emphasis on pictures and photographs to enhance their interests and curiosity and understand. The Korean textbooks should place more emphasis on the pictures in order to encourage elementary school students to interest and understand. As a result the addition of more diverse forms of illustrations and the re-organization of illustrations according to the topic should be considered in future Korean textbooks.

The Comparative and Analytic Study on Clothing Construction Area in the Contents of High School Home Economics Textbooks (고등학교 가정과 교과서에 나타난 의복구성 분야 내용 분석)

  • 이경화;이혜영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1274-1285
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study are to help the authorized textbooks on home economics be selected and used effectively, to provide basic data that are needed to improve the quality of home economics textbooks, and to suggest a next curriculum on home economics. In the study, eight high school home economics textbooks for "6th Curriculum developed by Ministrv of Education and Human Resources Development"were used for the analysis. The results are summarized as follows: there were wide differences in degrees of diversity and accomplishment in the contents of textbooks. In comparison, it was unfolded that three areas, "family", "home resource management" and "consumer" ,occupied much larger portions than other areas. About 81 percent of the authors of home economics textbooks were professors. A contents analysis on the clothing area showed that every textbook includes costume culture, clothing materials, clothing maintenance, and clothing construction. The presentation coverages and relative difficulties of textbooks were, however, diverse. It is somewhat noticeable that, while fewer professors majoring in clothing construction participated in writing, generally more pages were allocated to clothing construction than other areas. While presentations on anthropometrics method, construction theory, draft theory, usage of sewing machine and fitting theory were insufficient most textbooks were dealing with drafting of basic slopers and sewing procedure, etc. Making-up techniques on the apparels items such as Korean traditional men's pants, pajamas, shirt vest skirt, pants, apron and Korean pouch were handled closely in each textbook.

Comparative Content Analysis of Middle School Informatics Textbooks and Suggestions for Improvement (중학교 정보 교과서 비교 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Jin, Young-Hak;Huh, Min;Kim, Yung-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2010
  • This study is done to compare and to analyze middle school Informatics textbooks developed according to 2007 revised national curriculum. In this paper, suggestions are made for improvement on Informatics textbooks. Textbooks were analyzed based on two criteria, in framework and content, and collected data were analyzed according to Content Analysis method. As a result of analysis, a framework of textbooks showed differences in the entire construction, discipline-specific weight, content developing structure, and types of assessment, and content of textbooks showed differences in the concepts and the kinds of programming language. Six improvements in developing Informatics textbook from the results of content analysis were suggested and this will be helpful in developing the Infomatics textbook in the future.

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The analysis of sensed difficulty on the selective tracks textbooks based on 2007 revised mathematics curriculum (2007년 개정 수학과 교육과정에 따른 선택과목 교과서의 수학교사 체감난이도 분석)

  • Lee, BongJu;Kim, ChangIl
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2013
  • The goal of the textbooks of 2009 revised curriculum is to make customized lectures possible considering learning characteristics and understanding level of students. However, it is not easy to find a research result on sensed difficulty of the mathematics textbook, which is able to provide valuable information on the development of the diverse level textbooks. This research suggested criteria in analysing sensed difficulties of field teachers on the textbooks, and analysed sensory difficulty on the selective tracks textbooks based on 2007 revised mathematics curriculum using the criteria. The results of the analysis on 59 mathematics selective tracks textbooks show that all have average sensed difficulty. The criteria and research results are expected to provide valuable information in future mathematics textbook development.