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A Study on the Safety of Evacuation according to Evacuation Delay Time and Fire Door Openness: Based on Residence Types (피난 지연시간의 적용과 방화문 개방 정도에 따른 피난 안전성 확보에 관한 고찰 : 주거형태를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Dong-Gil;Kim, Mi-Seon;Gu, Seon-Hwan;Song, Young-Joo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.156-165
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the application of evacuation delay time (Cognition time + initiation time) and examine the degree of opening of fire doors in households for evaluating evacuation safety and suggest a realistic alternative. In order to proceed with this study, first of all, the preliminary investigation on evacuation safety evacuation of residential-type buildings (Apartment, urban living houses, etc.) among the performance-oriented design targets of Gwangju Metropolitan City, which was implemented until June 2018. Then, for the two representative types that are commonly used among the previously surveyed buildings, evacuation delay time is applied to W1, W2, and respectively simulating the opening of the doors is applied to th full open, 1/4 open, the leakage gap and evacuation safety evaluation was performed. As a result of evaluating evacuation safety was found that it is difficult to secure evacuation safety regardless of evacuation delay time W1 and W2 when the fire door is fully open and 1/4 open, Only when the leakage gap is applied evacuation safety was ensured even if evacuation delay time W2 was applied. Therefore, when a residential building is subject to performance-oriented design, evaluating the application of W2 rather than W1 is considered for evacuation delay time to reflect concern about privacy infringement due to CCTV installation, etc. In order to secure the Smoke blocking performance of the fire door and to improve the performance-oriented design, I would like to propose to consider the method of applying a leak gap to the degree of opening of the fire door. Through this, it is expected that the performance-oriented design will be a step further by performing evacuation safety evaluation with more realistic data.

The Need and Improvement Direction of New Computer Media Classes in Landscape Architectural Education in University (대학 내 조경전공 교육과정에 있어 새로운 컴퓨터 미디어 수업의 필요와 개선방향)

  • Na, Sungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.54-69
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    • 2021
  • In 2020, civilized society's overall lifestyle showed a distinct change from consumable analog media, such as paper, to digital media with the increased penetration of cloud computing, and from wired media to wireless media. Based on these social changes, this work examines whether the use of computer media in the field of landscape architecture is appropriately applied. This study will give directions for new computer media classes in landscape architectural education in the 4th Industrial Revolution era. Landscape architecture is a field that directly proposes the realization of a positive lifestyle and the creation of a living environment and is closely connected with social change. However, there is no clear evidence that landscape architectural education is making any visible change, while the digital infrastructure of the 4th Industrial Revolution, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, autonomous vehicles, cloud networks, and the Internet of Things, is changing the contemporary society in terms of technology, culture, and economy among other aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to review the current state of the use of computer technology and media in landscape architectural education, and also to examine the alternative direction of the curriculum for the new digital era. First, the basis for discussion was made by studying the trends of computational design in modern landscape architecture. Next, the changes and current status of computer media classes in domestic and overseas landscape education were analyzed based on prior research and curriculum. As a result, the number and the types of computer media classes increased significantly between the study in 1994 and the current situation in 2020 in the foreign landscape department, whereas there were no obvious changes in the domestic landscape department. This shows that the domestic landscape education is passively coping with the changes in the digital era. Lastly, based on the discussions, this study examined alternatives to the new curriculum that landscape architecture department should pursue in a new degital world.

The Effect of Common Features on Consumer Preference for a No-Choice Option: The Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus (재몰유선택적정황하공동특성대우고객희호적영향(在没有选择的情况下共同特性对于顾客喜好的影响): 조절초점적조절작용(调节焦点的调节作用))

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2010
  • This study researches the effects of common features on a no-choice option with respect to regulatory focus theory. The primary interest is in three factors and their interrelationship: common features, no-choice option, and regulatory focus. Prior studies have compiled vast body of research in these areas. First, the "common features effect" has been observed bymany noted marketing researchers. Tversky (1972) proposed the seminal theory, the EBA model: elimination by aspect. According to this theory, consumers are prone to focus only on unique features during comparison processing, thereby dismissing any common features as redundant information. Recently, however, more provocative ideas have attacked the EBA model by asserting that common features really do affect consumer judgment. Chernev (1997) first reported that adding common features mitigates the choice gap because of the increasing perception of similarity among alternatives. Later, however, Chernev (2001) published a critically developed study against his prior perspective with the proposition that common features may be a cognitive load to consumers, and thus consumers are possible that they are prone to prefer the heuristic processing to the systematic processing. This tends to bring one question to the forefront: Do "common features" affect consumer choice? If so, what are the concrete effects? This study tries to answer the question with respect to the "no-choice" option and regulatory focus. Second, some researchers hold that the no-choice option is another best alternative of consumers, who are likely to avoid having to choose in the context of knotty trade-off settings or mental conflicts. Hope for the future also may increase the no-choice option in the context of optimism or the expectancy of a more satisfactory alternative appearing later. Other issues reported in this domain are time pressure, consumer confidence, and alternative numbers (Dhar and Nowlis 1999; Lin and Wu 2005; Zakay and Tsal 1993). This study casts the no-choice option in yet another perspective: the interactive effects between common features and regulatory focus. Third, "regulatory focus theory" is a very popular theme in recent marketing research. It suggests that consumers have two focal goals facing each other: promotion vs. prevention. A promotion focus deals with the concepts of hope, inspiration, achievement, or gain, whereas prevention focus involves duty, responsibility, safety, or loss-aversion. Thus, while consumers with a promotion focus tend to take risks for gain, the same does not hold true for a prevention focus. Regulatory focus theory predicts consumers' emotions, creativity, attitudes, memory, performance, and judgment, as documented in a vast field of marketing and psychology articles. The perspective of the current study in exploring consumer choice and common features is a somewhat creative viewpoint in the area of regulatory focus. These reviews inspire this study of the interaction possibility between regulatory focus and common features with a no-choice option. Specifically, adding common features rather than omitting them may increase the no-choice option ratio in the choice setting only to prevention-focused consumers, but vice versa to promotion-focused consumers. The reasoning is that when prevention-focused consumers come in contact with common features, they may perceive higher similarity among the alternatives. This conflict among similar options would increase the no-choice ratio. Promotion-focused consumers, however, are possible that they perceive common features as a cue of confirmation bias. And thus their confirmation processing would make their prior preference more robust, then the no-choice ratio may shrink. This logic is verified in two experiments. The first is a 2×2 between-subject design (whether common features or not X regulatory focus) using a digital cameras as the relevant stimulus-a product very familiar to young subjects. Specifically, the regulatory focus variable is median split through a measure of eleven items. Common features included zoom, weight, memory, and battery, whereas the other two attributes (pixel and price) were unique features. Results supported our hypothesis that adding common features enhanced the no-choice ratio only to prevention-focus consumers, not to those with a promotion focus. These results confirm our hypothesis - the interactive effects between a regulatory focus and the common features. Prior research had suggested that including common features had a effect on consumer choice, but this study shows that common features affect choice by consumer segmentation. The second experiment was used to replicate the results of the first experiment. This experimental study is equal to the prior except only two - priming manipulation and another stimulus. For the promotion focus condition, subjects had to write an essay using words such as profit, inspiration, pleasure, achievement, development, hedonic, change, pursuit, etc. For prevention, however, they had to use the words persistence, safety, protection, aversion, loss, responsibility, stability etc. The room for rent had common features (sunshine, facility, ventilation) and unique features (distance time and building state). These attributes implied various levels and valence for replication of the prior experiment. Our hypothesis was supported repeatedly in the results, and the interaction effects were significant between regulatory focus and common features. Thus, these studies showed the dual effects of common features on consumer choice for a no-choice option. Adding common features may enhance or mitigate no-choice, contradictory as it may sound. Under a prevention focus, adding common features is likely to enhance the no-choice ratio because of increasing mental conflict; under the promotion focus, it is prone to shrink the ratio perhaps because of a "confirmation bias." The research has practical and theoretical implications for marketers, who may need to consider common features carefully in a practical display context according to consumer segmentation (i.e., promotion vs. prevention focus.) Theoretically, the results suggest some meaningful moderator variable between common features and no-choice in that the effect on no-choice option is partly dependent on a regulatory focus. This variable corresponds not only to a chronic perspective but also a situational perspective in our hypothesis domain. Finally, in light of some shortcomings in the research, such as overlooked attribute importance, low ratio of no-choice, or the external validity issue, we hope it influences future studies to explore the little-known world of the "no-choice option."

Recent Progress in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Research -A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2000 and 2001- (공기조화, 냉동 분야의 최근 연구 동향 -2000년 및 2001년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰 -)

  • 강신형;한화택;조금남;이승복;조형희;김민수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.1102-1139
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    • 2002
  • A review on the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineering in 2000 and 2001 has been done. Focus has been put on current status of research in the aspect of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation and building environment. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Most of fundamental studies on fluid flow were related with heat transportation of facilities. Drop formation and rivulet flow on solid surfaces were interesting topics related with condensation augmentation. Research on micro environment considering flow, heat, humidity was also interesting for comfortable living environment. It can be extended considering biological aspects. Development of fans and blowers of high performance and low noise were continuing topics. Well developed CFD technologies were widely applied for developing facilities and their systems. (2) Most of papers related with heat transfer analysis and heat exchanger shows dealt with convection, evaporation, and channel flow for the design application of heat exchanger. The numerical heat transfer simulation studies have been peformed and reported to show heat transfer characteristics. Experimental as well as numerical studies on heat exchanger were reported, while not many papers are available for the system analysis including heat exchanger. (3) A review of the recent studies on heat pump system shows that performance analysis and control of heat pump have been peformed by various simulations and experiments. The research papers on multi-type heat pump system increased significantly. The studies on heat pipe have been examined experimently for change of working characteristics and strut lure. Research on the phase change has been carried out steadily and operation strategies of encapsulated ice storage tank are reported experimentally in several papers. (4) A review of recent studies on refrigeration/air conditioning system have focused on the system performance and efficiency for new alternative refrigerants. Evaporation and condensation heat transfer characteristics are investigated for tube shapes and new alternative refrigerants. Studies on components of refrigeration/air conditioning system are carried to examine efficiency for various compressors and performance of new expansion devices. In addition to thermophysical properties of refrigerant mixtures, studies on new refrigerants are also carried out, however research works on two-phase flow seemed to be insufficient. (5) A review of the recent studies on absorption cooling system indicates that heat and mass transfer phenomena have been investigated to improve absorber performance. Various experimental data have been presented and several simulation models have been proposed. A review of the recent studies on duct and ventilation shows that ventilation indices have been proposed to quantify the ventilation performance in buildings and tunnels. Main efforts have been focused on the applications of ventilation effectiveness in practice, either numerically using computational fluid dynamics or experimentally using tracer gas techniques. (6) Based on a review of recent studies on indoor thermal environment and building service systems, research issues have mainly focused on many innovative ideas such as underfloor air-conditioning system, personal environmental modules, radiant floor cooling and etc. Also, the new approaches for minimizing energy consumption as well as improving indoor environmental conditions through predictive control of HVAC systems, various activities of building energy management and cost-benefit analysis for economic evaluation were highlighted.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2010 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2010년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Choi, Jong-Min;Kim, Su-Min;Kwon, Young-Chul;Baik, Yong-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.449-469
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    • 2011
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineering during 2010. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends of thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed as groups of general thermal and fluid flow, fluid machinery, and new and renewable energy. Various topics were presented in the field of general thermal and fluid flow. Research issues mainly focused on the thermal reliability of axial fan and compressor in the field of fluid machinery. Studies on the design of ground source heat pump systems and solar chemical reactors were executed in the field of new and renewable energy. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included heat transfer in thermoelectric cooling/power generation systems, combined heat and power systems, carbon nano fluid with PVP, channel filled with metal foam and smoke ventilation in a rescue station of a railroad tunnel. Also the studies on flow boiling of R123/oil mixture in a plain tube bundle and R410A charge amount in an air cooled mini-channel condenser were reported. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on plate heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger, enthalpy exchanger, micro channel PCHE were performed. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included heat transfer in thermoelectric cooling/power generation systems, combined heat and power systems, carbon nano fluid with PVP, channel filled with metal foam and smoke ventilation in a rescue station of a railroad tunnel. Also the studies on flow boiling of R123/oil mixture in a plain tube bundle and R410A charge amount in an air cooled mini-channel condenser were reported. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on plate heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger, enthalpy exchanger, micro channel PCHE were performed. (3) Refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, mixed refrigerants, and CO2 were studied. Performance improvement of refrigeration systems are tried applying various ideas of refrigerant subcooling, dual evaporator with hot gas bypass control and feedforward control. The hybrid solar systems combining the solar collection devices with absorption chillers or compression heat pumps are simulated and studied experimentally as well to improve the understanding and the feasibility for actual applications. (4) Research trend in the field of mechanical building facilities has been found to be mainly focused on field applications rather than performance improvements. Various studies on heating and cooling systems, HVAC facilities, indoor air environments and energy resources were carried to improve the maintenance and management of building service equipments. In the field of heating and cooling systems, papers on a transformer cooling system, a combined heat and power, a slab thermal storage and a heat pump were reported. In the field of HVAC facilities, papers on a cooling load, an ondol and a drying were presented. Also, studies on HVAC systems using unutilized indoor air environments and energy resources such as air curtains, bioviolence, cleanrooms, ventilation, district heating, landfill gas were studied. (5) In the field of architectural environment and energy, studies of various purposes were conducted such as indoor environment, building energy, renewable energy and green building. In particular, renewable energy and building energy-related researches have mainly been studied reflecting the global interest. In addition, many researches which related the domestic green building certification of school building were performed to improve the indoor environment of school.

Effects of Probiotics as an Alternative for Antibiotics on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Noxious Gas Emission and Fecal Microbial Population in Growing Piglets (항생제 대체 생균제가 자돈의 생산성,영양소 이용률, 유해가스 발생량 및 분내 미생물 수에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Duk;Chung, Heung-Woo;Shim, Kum-Seob;Park, Seung-Young;Ju, Jong-Cheol;Song, Jae-Jun;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Park, Joong-Kook;Park, Do-Yun;Kim, Chang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.527-539
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of probiotics as an alternative for antibiotics on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, noxious gas emission and fecal microbial population in growing piglets. A total of 96 piglets (22.5±1.3kg average body weight) were allotted to 3 different treatment groups and replicated 4 times with 8 piglets per replicate in randomized complete block design. Treatments were T1) (Control, basal diet+0.2% antibiotics), T2) 0.2% probiotics complex and T3) 0.3% Bacillus probiotics. During the whole experiment period, there were no differences (p>0.05) in average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed efficiency. However, digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, nitrogen free extract and crude ash were showed higher in probiotics groups (T2 and T3) than those of control. In noxious gas emission, ammonia, amine, hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan were significantly (p<0.05) reduced in T2 and T3 treatments compared to those in control. Moisture content of feces was not significantly different among treatments. The colony forming units (CFU) of total bacteria, E. coli and thermoduric bacteria in feces were significantly different among treatments. The CFU of total bacteria, E. coli and thermoduric bacteria in T3 treatment were reduced by feeding probiotics B. From this study, we suggest that probiotics A and B are likely able to improve the growth performance and nutrients digestibility, reduce noxious gas emission and change the fecal microbial composition in growing piglets.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2013 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2013년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Sa Ryang;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Seon;Park, Jun-Seok;Ihm, Pyeong Chan
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.605-619
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    • 2014
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2013. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The research works on the thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of fluid machinery, pipes and relative parts including orifices, dampers and ducts, fuel cells and power plants, cooling and air-conditioning, heat and mass transfer, two phase flow, and the flow around buildings and structures. Research issues dealing with home appliances, flows around buildings, nuclear power plant, and manufacturing processes are newly added in thermal and fluid engineering research area. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for general analytical model for desiccant wheels, the effects of water absorption on the thermal conductivity of insulation materials, thermal properties of Octadecane/xGnP shape-stabilized phase change materials and CO2 and CO2-Hydrate mixture, effect of ground source heat pump system, the heat flux meter location for the performance test of a refrigerator vacuum insulation panel, a parallel flow evaporator for a heat pump dryer, the condensation risk assessment of vacuum multi-layer glass and triple glass, optimization of a forced convection type PCM refrigeration module, surface temperature sensor using fluorescent nanoporous thin film. In the area of pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, researches on ammonia inside horizontal smooth small tube, R1234yf on various enhanced surfaces, HFC32/HFC152a on a plain surface, spray cooling up to critical heat flux on a low-fin enhanced surface were actively carried out. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on a fin tube type adsorber, the mass-transfer kinetics of a fin-tube-type adsorption bed, fin-and-tube heat exchangers having sine wave fins and oval tubes, louvered fin heat exchanger were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, studies are categorized into three groups namely refrigeration cycle, refrigerant and modeling and control. In the category of refrigeration cycle, studies were focused on the enhancement or optimization of experimental or commercial systems including a R410a VRF(Various Refrigerant Flow) heat pump, a R134a 2-stage screw heat pump and a R134a double-heat source automotive air-conditioner system. In the category of refrigerant, studies were carried out for the application of alternative refrigerants or refrigeration technologies including CO2 water heaters, a R1234yf automotive air-conditioner, a R436b water cooler and a thermoelectric refrigerator. In the category of modeling and control, theoretical and experimental studies were carried out to predict the performance of various thermal and control systems including the long-term energy analysis of a geo-thermal heat pump system coupled to cast-in-place energy piles, the dynamic simulation of a water heater-coupled hybrid heat pump and the numerical simulation of an integral optimum regulating controller for a system heat pump. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, twenty one studies were conducted to achieve effective design of the mechanical systems, and also to maximize the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included heating and cooling, HVAC system, ventilation, and renewable energies in the buildings. Proposed designs, performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data which can improve the energy efficiency of the buildings. (5) The field of architectural environment is mostly focused on indoor environment and building energy. The main researches of indoor environment are related to infiltration, ventilation, leak flow and airtightness performance in residential building. The subjects of building energy are worked on energy saving, operation method and optimum operation of building energy systems. The remained studies are related to the special facility such as cleanroom, internet data center and biosafety laboratory. water supply and drain system, defining standard input variables of BIM (Building Information Modeling) for facility management system, estimating capability and providing operation guidelines of subway station as shelter for refuge and evaluation of pollutant emissions from furniture-like products.

A Study on the Impact of SNS Usage Characteristics, Characteristics of Loan Products, and Personal Characteristics on Credit Loan Repayment (SNS 사용특성, 대출특성, 개인특성이 신용대출 상환에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Wonhoon;Lee, Jaesoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the potential of alternative credit assessment through Social Networking Sites (SNS) as a complementary tool to conventional loan review processes. It seeks to discern the impact of SNS usage characteristics and loan product attributes on credit loan repayment. To achieve this objective, we conducted a binomial logistic regression analysis examining the influence of SNS usage patterns, loan characteristics, and personal attributes on credit loan conditions, utilizing data from Company A's credit loan program, which integrates SNS data into its actual loan review processes. Our findings reveal several noteworthy insights. Firstly, with respect to profile photos that reflect users' personalities and individual characteristics, individuals who choose to upload photos directly connected to their personal lives, such as images of themselves, their private circles (e.g., family and friends), and photos depicting social activities like hobbies, which tend to be favored by individuals with extroverted tendencies, as well as character and humor-themed photos, which are typically favored by individuals with conscientious traits, demonstrate a higher propensity for diligently repaying credit loans. Conversely, the utilization of photos like landscapes or images concealing one's identity did not exhibit a statistically significant causal relationship with loan repayment. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between the extent of SNS usage and the likelihood of loan repayment. However, the level of SNS interaction did not exert a significant effect on the probability of loan repayment. This observation may be attributed to the passive nature of the interaction variable, which primarily involves expressing sympathy for other users' comments rather than generating original content. The study also unveiled the statistical significance of loan duration and the number of loans, representing key characteristics of loan portfolios, in influencing credit loan repayment. This underscores the importance of considering loan duration and the quantity of loans as crucial determinants in the design of microcredit products. Among the personal characteristic variables examined, only gender emerged as a significant factor. This implies that the loan program scrutinized in this analysis does not exhibit substantial discrimination based on age and credit scores, as its customer base predominantly consists of individuals in their twenties and thirties with low credit scores, who encounter challenges in securing loans from traditional financial institutions. This research stands out from prior studies by empirically exploring the relationship between SNS usage and credit loan repayment while incorporating variables not typically addressed in existing credit rating research, such as profile pictures. It underscores the significance of harnessing subjective, unstructured information from SNS for loan screening, offering the potential to mitigate the financial disadvantages faced by borrowers with low credit scores or those ensnared in short-term liquidity constraints due to limited credit history a group often referred to as "thin filers." By utilizing such information, these individuals can potentially reduce their credit costs, whereas they are supposed to accrue a more substantial financial history through credit transactions under conventional credit assessment system.

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Evaluation of Design and Operation Parameters for a Spherical Sulfur Denitrification Reactor Treating High Strength Municipal Wastewater (고농도 도시하수 처리를 위한 입상황 탈질 반응조의 설계 및 운영인자 평가)

  • Kim, Yong-Hak;Chae, Kyu-Jung;Yim, Seong-Keun;Lee, Young-Man;Bae, Woo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1087-1093
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    • 2010
  • Autotrophic denitrification is known as an effective and economical alternative for heterotrophic denitrification using external carbon sources such as methanol. In this study, we evaluated design and operation parameters for a sulfur denitrification reactor (SDR) treating high strength nitrogen wastewater. The SDR was filled with spherical sulfur media in connected to a pilot-scale nutrient removal process (daily flow rate, Q=18m3/d) using moving spongy media. Total nitrogen (TN) concentration of the final effluent was below the 7.0 mg TN/L because nitrate was additionally removed through autotrophic denitrificationin without adding alkalinity (initial alkalinity was 169.4±20.8mg CaCO3/L). During the test period, 60~80% of nitrogen in the influent was removed even in low temperature (below 15C). The alkalinity consumption for nitrate removal in SDR was 4.09±1.29 g CaCO3/g NO3-N, and the residual alkalinity of influent of SDR was higher than that of theoretical requirements for full conversion of nitrate. The consumption of sulfur was 943.8 g S/d and it was 2.4 times higher than theoretical value (400.1 g S/d) due to abrasion and loss of sulfur media in backwash, etc.

The impacts of the experince of donation for education to improve the teaching efficacy of pre-technology teacher with Invent touring activity (발명체험 교육기부활동이 예비기술교사의 교수 효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yu-Hyun;Lim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Eun-Sang;Lee, Dong-Won
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-175
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to verify that the impacts of experience of donation for education to improve the teaching efficacy of pre-technology teacher. The Invention experience of donation for education was performed with Invent-touring sponsored by Chunnam National University Invention Education Center for Teachers and was included by development of creative problem solving program, program execution and evaluation. Research participants were Technology education Majors and minors 20 students. The active locations were D children community center, K alternative school, D Elementary School and D middle school. For the study, various literature researches were reviewed intensively about donation for education and teaching efficacy. The instrument for the study was the modified STEBI(Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument) for technology education by 3 experts. This study was designed by single group pre and post test design (One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design) and was conducted by the pre-test and post-test. Check the reliability of the tool was conducted with Cronbach α coefficient analysis, pre-test 0.840, post-test 0.746. The analysis of data from the 5% significance level, paired sample t-test was performed using the SPSS 19.0 statistical tool. The results were as follows: 1. Teaching efficacy of pre-technology teachers who participated in the invention experience for educational donation technology has improved. 72. The qualitative study was performed by the interviews with students who participated in. Humanism was positively change and learning opportunity was provided to develop the competence of technology education teacher. Based upon the conclusion of this study, the donation activity for invention education need to use learning strategies for pre-technology teacher to improve teaching efficacy.