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A Technology on the Framework Design of Virtual based on the Synthetic Environment Test for Analyzing Effectiveness of the Weapon Systems of Underwater Engagement Model (수중대잠전 교전모델의 무기체계 효과도 분석을 위한 합성환경기반 가상시험 프레임워크 설계 기술)

  • Hong, Jung-Wan;Park, Yong-Min;Park, Sang-C.;Kwon, Yong-Jin(James)
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2010
  • As recent advances in science, technology and performance requirements of the weapons system are getting highly diversified and complex, the performance requirements also get stringent and strict. Moreover, the weapons system should be intimately connected with other systems such as watchdog system, command and control system, C4I system, etc. However, a tremendous amount of time, cost and risk being spent to acquire new weapons system, and not being diminished compared to the rapid pace of its development speed. Defense Modeling and Simulation(M&S) comes into the spotlight as an alternative to overcoming these difficulties as well as constraints. In this paper, we propose the development process of virtual test framework based on the synthetic environment as a tool to analyze the effectiveness of the weapons system of underwater engagement model. To prove the proposed concept, we develop the test-bed of virtual test using Delta3D simulation engine, which is open source S/W. We also design the High Level Architecture and Real-time Infrastructure(HLA/RTI) based Federation for the interoperation with heterogeneous simulators. The significance of the study entails (1)the rapid and easy development of simulation tools that are customized for the Korean Theater of War; (2)the federation of environmental entities and the moving equations of the combat entities to manifest a realistic simulation.

Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging Control Module EMI Radiated Noise Reduction Design Study (전기차 무선충전컨트롤 모듈 EMI 방사성 잡음 저감에 관한 설계 연구)

  • Seungmo Hong
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2023
  • Because of recent expansion of the electric car market. it is highly growing that should be supplemented its performance and safely issue. The EMI problem due to the interlocking of electrical components that causes various safety problems such as fire in electric vehicles is emerging every time. We strive to achieve optimal charging efficiency by combining various technologies and reduce radioactive noise among the EMI noise of a weirless charging control module, one of the important parts of an electric vehicle was designed and tested. In order to analyze the EMI problems occurring in the wireless charging control module, the optimized wireless charging control module by applying the optimization design technology by learning the accumulated test data for critical factors by utilizing the Python-based script function in the Ansys simulation tool. It showed an EMI noise improvement effect of 25 dBu V/m compared to the charge control module. These results not only contribute to the development of a more stable and reliable weirless charging function in electric vehicles, but also increase the usability and efficiency of electric vehicles. This allows electric vehicles to be more usable and efficient, making them an environmentally friendly alternative.

Optimization of mix design of micro-concrete for shaking table test

  • Zhou, Ji;Gao, Xin;Liu, Chaofeng
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2022
  • Considering their similar mass densities, an attempt was made to optimize the mix design of micro-concrete that used barite sand as an aggregate by substituting marble powder (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 70%), clay brick powder (30%, 50%, 70%), and fly ash (30%, 50%, 70%) for the concrete (by mass) to form specimens for shaking table tests. The test results showed that for these three groups of materials, the substitutions had little effect on the density. The barite sand played a decisive role in the density, and the overall density of the specimens reached approximately 2.9 g/cm3. The compressive strength and elastic modulus decreased with an increase in the substitution rates for the three types of materials. Among them, the 28 day compressive strength values of the 40% and 50% marble powder groups were 11.73 MPa and 8.33 MPa, respectively, which were 58.7% and 70.7% lower than the control group, respectively. Their elastic modulus values were 1.33×104 MPa and 1.42×104 MPa, respectively, which were 39.1% and 35% lower than those of the control group, respectively. The 28 day compressive strength values of the 50% and 70% clay brick powder groups were 13.13 MPa and 5.8 MPa, respectively, which were 53.8% and 79.6% lower than the control group, respectively. Their elastic modulus values were 1.54×104 MPa and 1.19×104 MPa, respectively, which were 29.7% and 45.4% lower than those of the control group, respectively. The 28 day compressive strength values of the 50% and 70% fly ash groups were 13.5 MPa and 7.1 MPa, respectively, which were 52.5% and 75% lower than those of the control group, respectively. Their elastic modulus values were 1.36×104 MPa and 0.95×104 MPa, respectively, which were 37.9% and 56.6% lower than those of the control group, respectively. There was a linear relationship between the 28 day compressive strength and elastic modulus, with the correlation coefficient reaching a value higher than 0.88. The test results showed that the model materials met the high density, low compressive strength, and low elastic modulus requirements for shaking table tests, and the test data of the three groups of different alternative materials were compared and analyzed to provide references and assistance for relevant model testers.

Smartphone vs Wearable, Finding the Correction Factor for the Actual Step Count - Based on the In-situ User Behavior of the Two Devices - (스마트폰 vs 웨어러블, 실제 걸음 수 산출을 위한 보정계수의 발견 - 두 기기의 In-situ 활용 행태 비교를 바탕으로 -)

  • Han, Sang Kyu;Kim, Yoo Jung;An, A Ju;Heo, Eun Young;Kim, Jeong Whun;Lee, Joong Seek
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2017
  • In recent mobile health care service, health management using number of steps is becoming popular. In addition, a variety of activity trackers have made it possible to measure the number of steps more accurately and easily. Nevertheless, the activity tracker is not popularized, and it is a trend to use the pedometer sensor of the smartphone as an alternative. In this study, we tried to find out how much the number of steps collected by the smartphone versus the actual number of steps in actual situations, and what factors make the difference. We conducted an experiment to collect number of steps data of 21 people using the smartphone and wearable device simultaneously for 7 days. As a result, we found that the average number of steps of the smartphone is 62% compared to the actual number of steps, and that there is a large variation among users. We derived a regression model in which the accuracy of smartphone increases with the degree of awareness of smartphone. We expect that this can be used as a factor to correct the difference from the actual number of steps in the smartphone alone healthcare service.

Effects of Fall Prevention Program applying HSEP on Physical Balance and Gait, Leg Strength, Fear of Falling and Falls Efficacy of Community-dwelling Elderly (HSEP를 적용한 낙상예방프로그램이 재가노인의 신체균형과 보행, 하지근력, 낙상공포 및 낙상효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoo, In-Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This research was conducted to determine the effects of a multifactorial fall prevention program applying HSEP(Home Support Exercise Program) on physical balance and gait, leg strength, fear of falling and falls efficacy of the community-dwelling elderly. Method: The design of this study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. There were 20 subjects in the experimental group and 21 in the control group. The fall prevention program consists of HSEP and fall related education. The intervention was performed for once a week in the senior citizen center and twice a week at home for 8 weeks. Results: There were significant differences in physical balance and gait, leg strength(hip extensor, hip flexor, knee flexor, ankle plantarflexor, ankle dorsiflexor) and falls efficacy between the experimental group and control group. Conclusion : The fall prevention program applying HSEP used in this study was very effective in increasing physical balance and gait, leg strength and falls efficacy. Finally this study would recommended that a fall prevention program applying HSEP should be extended to community facilities such as elderly welfare center and nursing home.

A study on the feasibility analysis of the current flood season: a case study of the Yongdam Dam (현행 법정홍수기 타당성 검토 및 개선에 관한 연구: 용담댐 사례)

  • Lee, Jae Hwang;Kim, Gi Joo;Kim, Young-Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2024
  • Korea prepares for potential floods by designating June 21st to September 20th as the flood season. However, many dams in Korea have suffered from extreme floods caused by different climate patterns, as in the case of the longest consecutive rain of 54 days in the 2020's flood season. In this context, various studies have tried to develop novel methodologies to reduce flood damage, but no study has ever dealt with the validity of the current statutory flood season thus far. This study first checked the validity of the current flood season through the observation data in the 21st century and proved that the current flood season does not consider the effects of increasing precipitation trends and the changing regional rainfall characteristics. In order to deal with these limitations, this study suggested seven new alternative flood seasons in the research area. The rigid reservoir operation method (ROM) was used for reservoir simulation, and the long short-term memory (LSTM) model was used to derive predicted inflow. Finally, all alternatives were evaluated based on whether if they exceeded the design discharge of the dam and the design flood of the river. As a result, the floods in the shifted period were reduced by 0.068% and 0.33% in terms of frequency and duration, and the magnitude also decreased by 24.6%, respectively. During this period, the second evaluation method also demonstrated that flood decreased from four to two occurrences. As the result of this study, the authors expect a formal reassessment of the flood season to take place, which will ultimately lead to the preemptive flood response to changing precipitation patterns.

The Effects of Self-Directed Practice of Core Nursing Skills Using an Immersive Virtual Reality Program Based on a Head-Mounted Display on Learning Flow, Practice Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy (Head-Mound Display 기반 몰입형 Virtual Reality 프로그램을 활용한 핵심간호술 자율실습이 수업몰입, 실습만족도, 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Eun-Jeong Hong;Yun-Ra Hur
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of self-directed practice of core nursing skills using an immersive virtual reality (VR) program based on a head-mounted display (HMD) on nursing students' Learning flow, practice satisfaction, and self-efficacy. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Among 42 second-year nursing students at a university in City B, 21 students in the experimental group participated in self-directed practice using the HMD-based VR program, while 21 students in the control group engaged in traditional self-directed practice using models. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires and analyzed using Chi-square tests and independent t-tests. The results showed that practice satisfaction in the experimental group increased by 0.41 points, while it decreased by 0.11 points in the control group, demonstrating a significantly higher satisfaction in the experimental group compared to the control group (t=2.18, p=.035). However, no significant differences were found in class engagement and self-efficacy between the two groups. Therefore, self-directed practice using the HMD-based VR program could be considered a viable alternative to traditional practice using models. This study aims to provide foundational data for the future development of virtual reality programs for nursing practice education.

A Study of formative character of Art Nouveau Through the works of Renˊe Lalique, Emile Galle, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Victor Horta (아르누보양식의 조형적 특성연구 - 르네랄리크.에밀갈레.루이스 컴포트 티파니.빅토르오르타의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bun-Jung
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.11
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    • pp.5-35
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    • 2007
  • When it comes to art, the two conflicting themes of 'scientific progress' and the 'nature' have often motivated the advent of the new mode of arts. By the late 20th century, uniform and simplified mode of arts, inspired by scientific and technological progress of that time, was gradually disillusioned by the contemporaries due to the adverse effect of science on human life. In this context, naturalism pursuing for harmony of human and the nature came up as an alternative to those living in the 21st century. The pendulum has swung from minimalism to naturalism. Though the quantitative improvement of human life cannot be denied, the uprise of such problems as environmental pollution and exhaustion of natural resources degraded the quality of human life, which, eventually, shifted the attention to the theme - 'revival of naturality.' Therefore, this thesis intends to represent the modem interpretation of the 'revival of naturality' by applying the major expressions of Art Nouveau that also emphasized naturalism. Art Nouveau found its motifs from organic figures of natural beings and put them to designs of decorative arts. This carries a historical significance in that Art Nouveau boldly revolutionized historicism, which only repeated adoption and modification of the existing modes of arts, and opened it to the modem design with new attempts to practical applications of the arts. Art Nouveau, which means 'new art', prospered from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and even after one century, it is highly appreciated, reviving as novel and vivid forms in this contemporary art. Art Nouveau based on naturalism has revisited our contemporary period when naturalism and feminized romanticism came into fashion and its common motifs revive in different jenre of arts such as fashion, furniture, glass works, and jewelry works. This study illustrates and analyzes the works of four major artists who gave a specific attention to botanical motifs of Art Nouveau and applies decorative beauty of highly sophisticated and organic curved lines and the expressional forms of botanical figures to design. Art Nouveau proved this; the nature herself is as beautiful as she can be. Within Art Nouveau, the true humanism can be revitalized with the 'revival of naturality'. This study rediscovered the boundless potential of modern interpretation and application of Art Nouveau in decorative art and design.

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Recent Progress in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Research - A Review of papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 1998 and 1999 - (공기조화, 냉동 분야의 최근 연구 동향 - 1998년 1999년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰 -)

  • 이재헌;김광우;김병주;이재효;김우승;조형희;김민수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.1098-1125
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    • 2000
  • A review on the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineering in 1998 and 1999 has been done. Focus has been put on current status of research in the aspect of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation and building environment. The conclusions are as follows. 1) A review of the recent studies on fluid flow, turbomachinery and pipe-network shows that many experimental investigations are conducted in applications of impingement jets. Researches on turbulent flows, pipe flows, pipe-networks are focused on analyses of practical systems and prediction of system performance. The results of noise reduction in the turbomachinery are also reported. 2) A review of the recent studies on heat transfer analysis and heat exchanger shows that there were many papers on the channel flow with the application to the design of heat exchanger in the heat transfer analysis. Various experimental and numerical papers on heat exchanger were also published, however, there were few papers available for the analysis of whole system including heat exchanger. 3) A review of the recent studies on heat pump system have focused on the multi-type system and the heat pump cycle to utilize treated sewage as the heat source. The defrosting and the frosting behaviors in the fin-tube heat exchanger is experimentally examined by several authors. Several papers on the ice storage cooling system are presented to show the dynamic simulation program and optimal operation conditions. The study on the micro heat pipes for the cooling of high power electronic components is carried out to examine the characteristics of heat and mass transfer processed. In addition to these, new type of separate thermosyphon is studied experimentally. 4) The recent studies on refrigeration/air conditioning system have focused on the system performance and efficiency for new alternative refrigerants. New systems operating with natural refrigerants are drawing lots of attention. In addition to these, evaporation and condensation heat transfer characteristics of traditional and new refrigerants are investigated for plain tubes and also for microfin tubes. Capillary tubes and orifice are main topics of research as expansion devices and studies on thermophysical properties of new refrigerants and refrigerant/oil mixtures are widely carried out. 5) A review of the recent studies on absorption cooling system shows that numerous experimental and analytical studies on the improvement of absorber performance have been presented. Dynamic analysis of compressor have been performed to understand its vibration characteristics. However research works on tow-phase flow and heat transfer, which could be encountered in the refrigeration system and various phase-change heat exchanger, were seemed to be insufficient. 6) A review of recent studies on duct system shows that the methods for circuit analysis, and flow balancing have been presented. Researches on ventilation are focused on the measurement of ventilation efficiency, and variation of ventilation efficiency with ventilation methods by numerous experimental and numerical studies. Furthermore, many studies have been conducted in real building in order to estimate indoor thermal environments. Many research works to get some information for cooling tower design have been performed but are insufficient. 7) A review on the recent studies on architectural thermal environment and building mechanical systems design shows that thermal comfort analysis is sitting environment, thermal performance analysis of Korean traditional building structures., and evaluation of building environmental load have been performed. However research works to improve the performance of mechanical system design and construction technology were seemed to be insufficient.

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An Exploratory Study on the Components of Visual Merchandising of Internet Shopping Mall (인터넷쇼핑몰의 VMD 구성요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Seok;Shin, Jong-Kuk;Koo, Dong-Mo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.19-45
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    • 2008
  • This study is to empirically examine the primary dimensions of visual merchandising (VMD) of internet shopping mall, namely store design, merchandise, and merchandising cues, to be a attractive virtual store to the shoppers. The authors reviewed the literature related to the major components of VMD from the perspective of the AIDA model, which has been mainly applied to the offline store settings. The major purposes of the study are as follows; first, tries to derive the variables related with the components of visual merchandising through reviewing the existing literatures, establish the hypotheses, and test it empirically. Second, examines the relationships between the components of VMD and the attitude toward the VMD, however, putting more emphasis on finding out the component structure of the VMD. VMD needs to be examined with the perspective that an online shopping mall is a virtual self-service or clerkless store, which could reduce the number of employees, help the shoppers search, evaluate and purchase for themselves, and to be explored in terms of the in-store persuasion processes of customers. This study reviewed the literatures related to store design, merchandise, and merchandising cues which might be relevant to the store, product, and promotion respectively. VMD is a total communication tool, and AIDA model could explain the in-store consumer behavior of online shopping. Store design has to do with triggering a consumer attention to the online mall, merchandise with a product related interest, and merchandising cues with promotions such as recommendation and links that induce the desire to pruchase. These three steps might be seen as the processes for purchase actions. The theoretical rationale for the relationship between VMD and AIDA could be found in Tyagi(2005) that the three steps of consumer-oriented merchandising are a store, a product assortment, and placement, in Omar(1999) that three types of interior display are a architectural design display, commodity display, and point-of-sales(POS) display, and in Davies and Ward(2005) that the retail store interior image is related to an atmosphere, merchandise, and in-store promotion. Lee et al(2000) suggested as the web merchandising components a merchandising cues, a shopping metaphor which is an assistant tool for search, a store design, a layout(web design), and a product assortment. The store design which includes differentiation, simplicity and navigation is supposed to be related to the attention to the virtual store. Second, the merchandise dimensions comprising product assortments, visual information and product reputation have to do with the interest in the product offerings. Finally, the merchandising cues that refer to merchandiser(MD)'s recommendation of products and providing the hyperlinks to relevant goods for the shopper is concerned with attempt to induce the desire to purchase. The questionnaire survey was carried out to collect the data about the consumers who would shop at internet shopping malls frequently. To select the subject malls, the mall ranking data announced by a mall rating agency was used to differentiate the most popular and least popular five mall each. The subjects was instructed to answer the questions after navigating the designated mall for five minutes. The 300 questionnaire was distributed to the consumers, 166 samples were used in the final analysis. The empirical testing focused on identifying and confirming the dimensionality of VMD and its subdimensions using a structural equation modeling method. The confirmatory factor analysis for the endogeneous and exogeneous variables was carried out in four parts. The second-order factor analysis was done for a store design, a merchandise, and a merchandising cues, and first-order confirmatory factor analysis for the attitude toward the VMD. The model test results shows that the chi-square value of structural equation is 144.39(d.f 49), significant at 0.01 level which means the proposed model was rejected. But, judging from the ratio of chi-square value vs. degree of freedom, the ratio was 2.94 which smaller than an acceptable level of 3.0, RMR is 0.087 which is higher than a generally acceptable level of 0.08. GFI and AGFI is turned out to be 0.90 and 0.84 respectively. Both NFI and NNFI is 0.94, and CFI 0.95. The major test results are as follows; first, the second-order factor analysis and structural equational modeling reveals that the differentiation, simplicity and ease of identifying current status of the transaction are confirmed to be subdimensions of store design and to be a significant predictors of the dependent variable. This result implies that when designing an online shopping mall, it is necessary to differentiate visually from other malls to improve the effectiveness of the communications of store design. That is, the differentiated store design raise the contrast stimulus to sensory organs to promote the memory of the store and to have a favorable attitude toward the VMD of a store. The results that navigation which means the easiness of identifying current status of shopping affects the attitude to VMD could be interpreted that the navigating processes via the hyperlinks which is characteristics of an internet shopping is a complex and cognitive process and shoppers are likely to lack the sense of overall structure of the store. Consequently, shoppers are likely to be alost amid shopping not knowing where to go. The orientation tool enhance the accessibility of information to raise the perceptive power about the store environment.(Titus & Everett 1995) Second, the primary dimension of merchandise and its subdimensions was confirmed to be unidimensional respectively, have a construct validity, and nomological validity which the VMD dimensions supposed to have a positive correlation with the dependent variable. The subdimensions of product assortment, brand fame and information provision proved to have a positive effect on the attitude toward the VMD. It could be interpreted that the more plentiful the product and brand assortment of the mall is, the more likely the shoppers to favor it. Brand fame and information provision as well affect the VMD attitude, which means that the more famous the brand, the more likely the shoppers would trust and feel familiar with the mall, and the plentifully and visually presented information could have the shopper have a favorable attitude toward the store VMD. Third, it turned out to be that merchandising cue of product recommendation and hyperlinks affect the VMD attitude. This could be interpreted that recommended products could reduce the uncertainty related with the purchase decision, and the hyperlinks to relevant products would help the shopper save the cognitive effort exerted into the information search and gathering, which could lead to a favorable attitude to the VMD. This study tried to sheds some new light on the VMD of online store by reviewing the variables mentioned to be relevant with offline VMD in the existing literatures, and tried to link the VMD components from the perspective of AIDA model. The effect size of the VMD dimensions on the attitude was in the order of the merchandise, the store design and the merchandising cues.It is said that an internet has an unlimited place for display, however, the virtual store is not unlimited since the consumer has a limited amount of cognitive ability to process the external information and internal memory. Particularly, the shoppers are likely to face some difficulties in decision making on account of too many alternative and information overloads. Therefore, the internet shopping mall manager should take into consideration the cost of information search on the part of the consumer, to establish the optimal product placements and search routes. An efficient store composition would be possible by reducing the psychological burdens and cognitive efforts exerted to information search and alternatives evaluation. The store image is in most part determined by the product category and its brand it deals in. The results of this study support this proposition that the merchandise is most important to the VMD attitude than other components, the manager is required to take a strategic approach to VMD. The internet users are getting more accustomed and more knowledgeable about the internet media and more likely to accept the internet as a shopping channel as the period of time during which they use the internet to shop become longer. The web merchandiser should be aware that the product introduction using a moving pictures and a bulletin board become more important in order to present the interactive product information visually and communicate with customers more actively, therefore leading to making the quantity and quality of product information more rich.

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