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A Study on Moltmann's Creationism and the Ecological Integrity of Christian Education (몰트만의 창조론과 기독교교육의 생태학적 통전성 고찰)

  • Lee, Hyangsoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • 제70권
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    • pp.107-140
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    • 2022
  • This study is a review of the role of Christian education in the face of ecological crisis and the task of its recovery from the perspective of Moltmann's creation theory. Mankind has achieved epoch-making industrial development through several industrial revolutions. However, as a result, the ecosystem has suffered severe physical aches and has reached the point of revealing anomalies. In the face of such destruction and suffering of the ecosystem, Christian education needs to approach the ecological sensitivity toward the natural world more holistically and present a practical alternative. Moltmann reminds us that today's growing exploitation of nature by humans stems from a human-centered ecological consciousness that the world belongs to humans. At the same time, it suggests a transition to a God-centered ecological world consciousness. 'A community of creation', 'the fellowship of the Triune God', and 'eschatological new creation through the Sabbath' are key concepts that integrate God-centered ecological world consciousness. Based on Moltmann's creation theory, this article examines the ecological sensibility that Christian education should pursue from the point of view of the sacramental creative community, and reviews the role and practical alternatives of Christian education. Through this, it was derived that the world, including humans, is not owned by humans, but is a sacramental community that is built together toward the end as a part of nature and reveals the glory of God. In addition, it was suggested that Christian education need to be recognized as a suffering subject which mediates humanity and the nature of the mutual fellowship of reconciliation. in the fellowship of God. Sabbath keeping education, which celebrates God's creation and aims for the completion of the eschatological creation, will become a practical area for Christian education to practice for the restoration of the collapsed ecosystem. Moltmann's creation theory is significant in that it provides a meaningful Christian educational insight to restore the ecological environment as well as interest in the ecological environment that has been overlooked or ignored by Christian education.

Analyzing Inquiry Activities and Exploring the Difficulties of Teaching Inquiry Activities Presented in Science Textbooks for Grades 5-6 (초등 5~6학년 과학 교과서에 제시된 탐구 활동 유형 분석 및 탐구 활동 지도의 어려움 탐색)

  • Chae, Dong-Hyun;Shin, Jung-Yun;Kim, Eun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the types of essential inquiry activities presented in elementary science textbooks for grades 5-6, and to find out what difficulties teachers have in the actual teaching process. To this end, the essential research activities presented in the textbook were analyzed into six types: experimentation/observation, investigation/discussion and presentation, data interpretation, discussion/discussion, simulation activity, and expression. In addition, 108 elementary school teachers were investigated for the suitability of inquiry activity achievement standards, suitability at the student's level, student interest, and difficulty in teaching instruction. To summarize the research results, the most frequently suggested type was the experiment/observation type, followed by simulation activity type and data interpretation type. It was analyzed that there was no discussion/discussion type in the 5th grade textbooks, and the 6th graders did not present research activities that correspond to the research/discussion/presentation type and the expression type in the textbook. In the results of teachers' responses to the suitability of achievement standards for inquiry activities presented in textbooks and the suitability of the student's level, 5th graders showed lower average scores than 6th graders, and showed similar average scores in student interest and instructional difficulty. Also, it was confirmed that improvement was required for a total of 17 inquiry activities. Specifically, teachers responded that they had difficulty in guiding inquiry activities when the experimental results did not appear as intended in the textbook, when students' interest in inquiry activities was low, and when students and teachers had low understanding of related science concepts. Teachers pointed out practical problems such as difficulties in long-term observation in astronomy-related units, and students in upper elementary school not actively participating in dynamic play activities.

The Study on Gyeokguk and Sangshin (격국과 상신에 대한 소고)

  • Hwangbo, Kwan
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2022
  • The most difficult things, when we study the future-telling science of human destiny, are in case of what one's individual's fate is bad which is shown by Saju-Palza(四柱八字), In that case, we have faced the problems on how we live ; to follow or to deny our fate under the brief of improving our lives by trying to make hard efforts, regardless of the bad Saju-Palza(四柱八字). However, we can hardly find the clear answer to those questions. 『Liao Fan 4 lessons(了凡四訓)』 shows that one's destiny can be improved by accumulating good deeds despite of the bad Saju-Palza(四柱八字). Someone says that future can be created, not be foreseen. As well, Dr. Steven Coby says that the best definite way to forecast future is in creating the future. Anyhow, the strong desire and curiosity to know one's individual's future is having been lasted until now since the Genesis. we guess these desires may be one of our basic instinct. If then, the function and role of the future-telling science will be to increase the accuracy of future prediction, whether our fate has been fixed or been able to be changeable. Therefore, this study summarizes the definition of confusing terms, focusing on Gyeokguk(格局) and Sangshin(相神), the core of Myeongrihak(命理學), which is considered to be one of the most popular future-telling science. Concering Gyeok(格), in this paper, Nae-Gyeok(內格) has been mainly considered and Oi-Gyeok(外格) or Special-Gyeok(別格) have not been addressed. Specifically, it summarized the views of the classical Myeongri(命理) books and modern scholars on Gyeokguk(格局) and Yongshin(用神). In particular, it also summarized the comparison of various concepts of Gyeokguk(格局), the advantages and disadvantages of each Nae-Gyeok(內格)'s characteristic, the determination order of Nae-Gyeok(內格) and the good case and bad case of it's Gyeok(格). In addition, it was necessary to summarize the concept of Sangshin(相神), which was talked about in 『Japyeongjinjeon』 and to briefly summarize Heeshin(喜神) with a broader concept than Sangshin(相神). The different usage of Sangshin(相神) was also analyzed, between the priority interpretation of Cheongan(天干) in Day-Column(日柱) and the interpretation based on Jijee(地支) in Month-Column(月柱). Finally, this paper was completed, leaving it later as a research task, the confusion that comes from the scholars' acceptance of the comprehensive diversity on the same term.

Anti-stress and Sleep-enhancing Effects of Ptecticus tenebrifer Water Extract Through the Regulation of Corticosterone and Melatonin Levels (코르티코스테론 및 멜라토닌 수치 조절을 통한 동애등에 물 추출물의 항스트레스 및 수면 개선 효과)

  • Oh, Dool-Ri;Ko, Haeju;Hong, Seong Hyun;Kim, Yujin;Oh, Kyo-Nyeo;Kim, Yonguk;Bae, Donghyuck
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제32권8호
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    • pp.601-610
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    • 2022
  • P. tenebrifer (PT) belongs to the Diptera order and Stratiomyidae family. Recently, insect industry have been focused as food, animal feed and environmental advantages. γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and melatonin have been associated with regulating sleep and depression. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter and is synthesized via biotransformation of monosodium glutamate (MSG) to GABA by lactic acid bacteria. In this study, we first used a GABA-enhanced PT extract, wherein GABA was enhanced by feeding MSG to PT. The underlying mechanisms preventing stress and insomnia were investigated in a corticosterone (CORT)-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and chronic restraint stress (CRS)-exposed mouse model, as well as in pentobarbital (45 mg/kg)-induced sleep behaviors in mice. In the present study, the GABA peak was detected in high-performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) analysis and showed in Ptecticus tenebrifer water extract (PTW) but not in non-PTW extract. The results showed that PTW and Ptecticus tenebrifer with 70% ethanol extract (PTE) exerted neuroprotective effects by protecting against CORT-induced downregulation of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) expression. In addition, PTW (300 mg/kg) significantly reduced CORT levels in CRS-exposed mice. Furthermore, PTW (100 and 300 mg/kg) significantly reduced sleep latency and increased total sleep duration in pentobarbital (45 mg/kg)-induced sleeping behaviors, which was related to serum melatonin levels. In conclusion, our results suggest that PTW exerts anti-stress and sleep-enhancing effects by regulating serum CORT and melatonin levels.

Transition of Rice Culture Practices during Chosun Dynasty through Old References IV. Preparation of Seeds and Land (주요 고농서를 통한 조성시대의 도작기술 발전 과정 영구 IV. 조선시대의 비곡종 및 경지관리)

  • Lee, Sung-Kyum;Guh, Ja-Ok;Lee, Eun-Woong;Lee, Hong-Suk
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.576-585
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    • 1991
  • General procedures of seed preparation as conventional guide had been established in China before most of Korean literature documented them. ‘Chwijongbeob’ (method of seed select) was to select good quality of seeds and to discard the rest. In ‘Seonjongbeob’ (method of seed grading) although China employed only ‘Sooseonbeob’ (method of seed select with water), but seeds were selected in order of selection of seeds by winds, selection of seeds by sieve and selection of seed with water in Korea. As compared with the recent techniques, those methods were perfect techniques for selection of good quality seeds of rice, except for method of seed selection by salt water was developed. The method for measurement of seed moisture, and for measurement of melted snow, spoiled urine and extracted juice by boiling water with the bone of livestock were originated from ancient China. The farming books in Korea were more or less followed the above methods. However, these techniques were complicated and impractical interms of validity and rationality. Also, it is judged that these tchniques are more appropriate in dry areas and alkaline soil of China rather than in Korean conditions. The plowing is a work to begin farming, and is operated for air ventilation between atmosphere and earth. Also, this techniques was adopted in the farming books from the early to the late Chosun dynasty without changes. Fields were deep-plowed in the first, in fall (or in spring) and for cultivation, and were shallow -plowed in the second, in spring (or in summer) and in intertillage. The former was for water reserve and land preparation, and the later was for weed control with intertillage. However, plowing in fall which was different from fallowing in dry areas, was recommended in Korea (Jikseol). but was not practiced in Sejongsilrok. This was changed with time, and plowing for cultivation in Korea was interrelated with use of green manure crops, method of plowing of upseting plough, method of manure practice and sometimes dry plowing. In addition, until the 15th century method of using a kind of plowing-tool made of log as farm tools was created to support reclamation for enlargement of farm land in mountaineous and coastal areas. For desolate farm lands by many internal and external disturbances, one tried to recover yield ability by increasing labor productivity from the 17th or 18th century. To do this, ‘Banjongbeob’ (culture method by upset plowing weed control) and ‘Hwanubeob’(culture method by firing weed control) which were cultural methods of ancient China were readapoted but the results were not clearly informed. Also, the reality of those was reexamined in the end of the Chosun dynasty.

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The Study of the Two-Dimensional Suicidal Type Based on Psychological Autopsy: A Focus on Suicidal Behaviors and Suicidal Risk Factors (한국형 심리부검 기반 이차원적 자살유형 연구: 자살행동과 자살위험요인을 중심으로)

  • Sung-pil Yook;Jonghan Sea
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2023
  • The current study aimed to explore the suicidal behaviors and risk factors of completed suicides using psychological autopsy and use them as index variables to classify suicidal types. In addition, this study looked into the influential factors that affect each suicidal type. related to suicidal behaviors and suicidal risk factors by psychological autopsy. In addiction, the distinctions among the classes were analyzed. For this, psychological autopsies were conducted on the families and the close ones of 128 completed suicides. Then, the index variables were finally chosen for classifying suicidal types. The selected index variables for suicidal risk factors were mental disorders, suicide/self-harm, significant changes in physical appearance, marital conflict, adjustment and relationship issues at work/school, unemployment/layoff, jobless status and serious financial problems. The selected index variables for suicidal behaviors were expressing their suicidal attempts, writing suicidal notes, asking for help, the time/place/method of suicidal behavior, past suicidal/self-harm experience and the first person who witnessed the suicide. The Latent Class Analysis(LCA) and the 3-step method were used for classifying suicidal types. Then external variables(financial changes, cohabitation, existence of stressors, changes in stress level or relationships and family members with mental disorder/alchohol problems/ physical disorders, and work/school stisfaction) were applied for distinguishing classes. As a result, 5 classes(financial problems, adjustment problems, complex problems, psychiatric problems, and response to event[s]) were revealed on suicidal behaviors and 3 classes(residence- suicidal attempt- found by family, nonresidence- nonsuicidal attempt- found by acquaintances, residence- nonsuicidal attempt- found by family) were presented on suicidal risk factors. External variables such as gender, marital status, cohabitation, changes in relationships significantly differentiated among the 3 classes. Especially, class 3(residence- nonsuicidal attempt- found by family) tended to cohabit with others, were married, and had a significantly high level of interpersonal conflicts. When comparing the 5 classes of suicidal risk factors, auxiliary variables such as economic changes, cohabitation, stress, relationship changes, and family-related problems, and school/work satisfaction significantly differentiated the 5 classes. Especially class 3 (complex problems) experienced comparatively less family-related problems, but showed an aggravating level of personal stress. Suicial prevention strategies should be provided considering the characteristics of each class and the influential factors.

Germinated Rhynchosia nulubilis Hydrolysate Ameliorates Dexamethasone-induced Muscle Atrophy by Downregulating MAFbx Expression in C2C12 Cells and C57BL/6 Mice (발아 서목태 가수분해물의 근위축 억제 효과)

  • Won Keong Lee;Eun Ji Kim;Sang Gon Kim;Young Min Goo;Young Sook Kil;Seung Mi Sin;Min Ju Ahn;Min Cheol Kang;Young-Sool Hah
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2023
  • Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and function. It is a natural part of aging and can lead to decreased mobility and increased frailty. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, which is involved in muscle protein degradation, is closely linked to sarcopenia. Germinated Rhynchosia nulubilis hydrolysate (GRH) has been reported to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but there have been no reports on its inhibitory effect on muscle reduction. However, no study has yet explored the relationship between GRH and muscle loss inhibition. In this study, we evaluated the effects of GRH on muscle atrophy inhibitory activity in dexamethasone (Dexa)-induced muscle atrophy C2C12 myotubes and mouse models. Moreover, we identified a molecular pathway underlying the effects of GRH on skeletal muscle. May Grunwald-Giemsa staining showed that the length and area of myotubes increased in the groups treated with GRH. In addition, the GRH-treated group significantly reduced the expression of muscle ring finger protein 1 and muscular atrophy F-box (MAFbx) in the Dexa-induced muscular atrophy C2C12 model. GRH also improved muscle strength in C57BL/6 mice with Dexa-induced muscle atrophy, resulting in prolonged running exhaustive time and increased grip strength. We found that muscle strengthening by GRH was correlated with a decreased expression of the MAFbx gene in mouse muscle tissue. In conclusion, GRH can attenuate Dexa-induced muscle atrophy by inhibiting the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway via downregulation of the MAFbx gene expression.

The Impact on Fish Assemblage by the River Connectivity Fragmentation: Case Study of the Danjang Stream, South Korea (하천 연속성 단절이 어류상에 미치는 영향: 밀양 단장천을 중심으로)

  • Seung-Been Heo;Kang-Hui Kim;Donghyun Hong;Hyeon-Sik Lee;Gu-Yeon Kim;Gea-Jae Joo;Hyunbin Jo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.231-243
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    • 2022
  • Anthropogenic disturbances on freshwater ecosystem are known to degrade biodiversity, especially on fish assemblage. In this study, we have conducted fish surveys to identify impact of a bridge construction on fish assemblages. A total of eight study sites were surveyed in the Danjang and the Dong Stream in southern part of South Korea from June to November in 2021. The fish samplings were carried out five times, using cast-nets(10×10 mm mesh size), scoop-nets(4×4 mm, 5×5 mm mesh size), set-nets (10×10 mm mesh size), and fish traps (3×3 mm mesh size), along with the Stream/River Ecosystem Survey and Health Assessment by the Ministry of Environment of Korea and basic water quality measurement. Also, we applied the species diversity index and length-weight relationship regressions on certain species to identify interspecific growth rate differences in accordance with study sites. As a result, a total of 782 individuals, 23 species and 10 families were collected. The dominant species was Zacco Koreanus and relative abundance was 50.89%. When applying the length-weight relationship regressions on certain species, the 'b' value for Z. Koreanus was lower at the downstream points than at the upstream points of the construction site. In addition, when comparing to the results of the past survey, relative density of demersal fish at the upstream and downstream points decreased from 26% to 1.4%, and from 18% to 6.3%, respectively. In conclusion, it is considered that bridge construction negatively affects the habitat of fishes, especially on demersal fishes. Therefore, appropriate conservation efforts such as installation of silt protector and sand sedimentation pond are needed to alleviate the disturbance in habitat such as occurrence of turbidity and destruction of micro-habitats.

A Direction of the Monitoring of Household Chemical Products in Aquatic Environments: The Necessities for a Trophic Magnification Factor (TMF) Research on Fish (다양한 수생태계에 적용 가능한 유해물질의 영양확대계수 (trophic magnification factor, TMF) 연구 - 생활화학제품에서 기인한 성분과 어류조사를 중심으로)

  • Eun-Ji Won;Ha-Eun Cho;Dokyun Kim;Seongjin Hong;Kyung-Hoon Shin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.185-200
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    • 2022
  • The risk of various hazardous substances in aquatic environment comprises not only the concentration of substances in the environmental medium but also their accumulation in fish through complex food web and the health risks to humans through the fish. In Korea, the monitoring of residual toxicant in aquatic ecosystems began in 2016 following the enforcement of the Acts on registration and evaluation for the management of chemicals used in daily life (consumer chemical products), and attention has been paid to potentially hazardous substances attributed to them. Recently, studies have been carried out to investigate the distribution of these hazardous substances in the ecosystem and calculate their emission factors. These include the accumulation and transport of substances, such as detergents, dyes, fragrances, cosmetics, and disinfectants, within trophic levels. This study summarizes the results of recently published research on the inflow and distribution of hazardous substances from consumer chemical products to the aquatic environment and presents the scientific implication. Based on studies on aquatic environment monitoring techniques, this study suggests research directions for monitoring the residual concentration and distribution of harmful chemical substances in aquatic ecosystems. In particular, this study introduces the directions for research on trophic position analysis using compound specific isotope analysis and trophic magnification factors, which are needed to fulfill the contemporary requirements of selecting target fish based on the survey of major fish that inhabit domestic waters and assessment of associated health risk. In addition, this study provides suggestions for future biota monitoring and chemical research in Korea.

Estimation of Carbon Stock and Annual CO2 Uptake of Four Species at the Sejong National Arboretum - Pinus densiflora, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Aesculus turbinata, Chionanthus retusus - (국립세종수목원 교목 4종의 탄소 저장량 및 연간 이산화탄소 흡수량 평가 - 소나무, 메타세쿼이아, 칠엽수, 이팝나무를 대상으로 -)

  • Hak Koo KIm;Yong Sik Hong;Yun Kyung Lim;I Seul Yun;Ki Seok Do;Chan Hyung Jung;Chi Mun Lee;Hoi Eun Roh;Sin Koo Kang;Chan-Beom Kim
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to confirm the possibility of a new carbon stock in the Sejong National Arboretum, a major urban greenspace in Sejong-si. This study involved field and ground surveys of 1,336 trees, including 794 Pinus densiflora trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of above 5.5cm, which are the most planted in the Sejong National Arboretum, Chionanthus retusus 154 trees planted, Metasequoia glyptostroboides 216 trees, and Aesculus turbinata 172 trees as street trees. Measurements were performed from April to November. Based on the results of the survey, the carbon storage and annual carbon stock were calculated using the annual carbon stock estimation equation used in the forest carbon offset projects. As a result of comparing the carbon stock of the 12cm diameter class, which is the most distributed of four major trees, it was found in the order of C. retusus (0.0136tC/tree), P. densiflora (0.0126tC/tree), M. glyptostroboides (0.0092tC/tree), and A. turbinata (0.0076tC/tree). In addition, the field survey measurement data compared with terrestrial LiDAR measurement data for 20 trees showed a difference of 10.0cm in tree height and 1.7cm in diameter at breast height (p<0.05). In the future, additional carbon stock and annual uptake of other species planted in the arboretum are expected to promote the carbon uptake effect of the arboretum and contribute to the achievement of the national NDC. In the long term, it is also necessary to develop the carbon uptake factor of trees and shrubs mainly used to calculate the exact carbon uptake amount of trees mainly used in urban forests and gardens.