• Title/Summary/Keyword: adaptation process

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Evidence-based Clinical Practice Protocol of Physical Restraints by Adaptation Process for Patients in a Geriatric Hospital (요양병원 입원 노인을 위한 신체 억제대 프로토콜의 수용개작)

  • Park, Mi Hwa;Sohng, Kyeong-Yae
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was to develop an evidence-based clinical practice protocol of physical restraints by adaptation process for patients with a geriatric hospital. Methods: Protocol adaptation process was conducted in accordance with manual for guideline adaptation version 1.0 by ADAPTE collaboration. Results: The adapted physical restraint protocol was consisted of 3 domains and 37 recommendations. The number of recommendations in each domain were: 7 nursing assessment, 19 nursing intervention, and 11 nursing evaluation. More than half (56.8%) of the recommendations were rated as grade B, 37.8% as grade C, and 5.4% were rated as grade D. Conclusion: The adapted physical restraint protocol is expected to contribute as an evidence-based clinical practice protocol for healthcare workers in geriatric hospitals for reducing and improving efficiency of appropriate physical restraints use.

A Comparative Case Study on the Adaptation Process of Advanced Information Technology: A Grounded Theory Approach for the Appropriation Process (신기술 사용 과정에 관한 비교 사례 연구: 기술 전유 과정의 근거이론적 접근)

  • Choi, Hee-Jae;Lee, Zoon-Ky
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2009
  • Many firms in Korea have adopted and used advanced information technology in an effort to boost efficiency. The process of adapting to the new technology, at the same time, can vary from one firm to another. As such, this research focuses on several relevant factors, especially the roles of social interaction as a key variable that influences the technology adaptation process and the outcomes. Thus far, how a firm goes through the adaptation process to the new technology has not been yet fully explored. Previous studies on changes undergone by a firm or an organization due to information technology have been pursued from various theoretical points of views, evolved from technological and institutional views to an integrated social technology views. The technology adaptation process has been understood to be something that evolves over time and has been regarded as cycles between misalignments and alignments, gradually approaching the stable aligned state. The adaptation process of the new technology was defined as "appropriation" process according to Poole and DeSanctis (1994). They suggested that this process is not automatically determined by the technology design itself. Rather, people actively select how technology structures should be used; accordingly, adoption practices vary. But concepts of the appropriation process in these studies are not accurate while suggested propositions are not clear enough to apply in practice. Furthermore, these studies do not substantially suggest which factors are changed during the appropriation process and what should be done to bring about effective outcomes. Therefore, research objectives of this study lie in finding causes for the difference in ways in which advanced information technology has been used and adopted among organizations. The study also aims to explore how a firm's interaction with social as well as technological factors affects differently in resulting organizational changes. Detail objectives of this study are as follows. First, this paper primarily focuses on the appropriation process of advanced information technology in the long run, and we look into reasons for the diverse types of the usage. Second, this study is to categorize each phases in the appropriation process and make clear what changes occur and how they are evolved during each phase. Third, this study is to suggest the guidelines to determine which strategies are needed in an individual, group and organizational level. For this, a substantially grounded theory that can be applied to organizational practice has been developed from a longitudinal comparative case study. For these objectives, the technology appropriation process was explored based on Structuration Theory by Giddens (1984), Orlikoski and Robey (1991) and Adaptive Structuration Theory by Poole and DeSanctis (1994), which are examples of social technology views on organizational change by technology. Data have been obtained from interviews, observations of medical treatment task, and questionnaires administered to group members who use the technology. Data coding was executed in three steps following the grounded theory approach. First of all, concepts and categories were developed from interviews and observation data in open coding. Next, in axial coding, we related categories to subcategorize along the lines of their properties and dimensions through the paradigm model. Finally, the grounded theory about the appropriation process was developed through the conditional/consequential matrix in selective coding. In this study eight hypotheses about the adaptation process have been clearly articulated. Also, we found that the appropriation process involves through three phases, namely, "direct appropriation," "cooperate with related structures," and "interpret and make judgments." The higher phases of appropriation move, the more users represent various types of instrumental use and attitude. Moreover, the previous structures like "knowledge and experience," "belief that other members know and accept the use of technology," "horizontal communication," and "embodiment of opinion collection process" are evolved to higher degrees in their dimensions of property. Furthermore, users continuously create new spirits and structures, while removing some of the previous ones at the same time. Thus, from longitudinal view, faithful and unfaithful appropriation methods appear recursively, but gradually faithful appropriation takes over the other. In other words, the concept of spirits and structures has been changed in the adaptation process over time for the purpose of alignment between the task and other structures. These findings call for a revised or extended model of structural adaptation in IS (Information Systems) literature now that the vague adaptation process in previous studies has been clarified through the in-depth qualitative study, identifying each phrase with accuracy. In addition, based on these results some guidelines can be set up to help determine which strategies are needed in an individual, group, and organizational level for the purpose of effective technology appropriation. In practice, managers can focus on the changes of spirits and elevation of the structural dimension to achieve effective technology use.

Reduction of FBS Concentration through Adaptation Process in Mammalian Cell Culture and Addition of Silkworm Hemolymph in Insect Cell Culture

  • Kim, Eun-Jeong;Park, Tai-Hyun
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.227-229
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    • 1999
  • Animal cell culture media are usually supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS); however, the use of FBS presents certain problems including high cost. By using an adaptation process and the addition of silkworm hemolymph, the FBS concentration can be reduced without causing a significant decrease in cell growth.

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The luring effect of the sardine bait for octopus pot in laboratory (실험실에서 문어 통발용 정어리 미끼의 유인 효과)

  • AN, Young-il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the luring effect of the sardine bait, which is used to catch octopus with pot, as the preliminary study for the development of alternative bait for octopus pot. The soaking time for bait was divided into "5 days or less" and "11 days or longer" The number of times octopus entered the pot with bait and the empty pot was investigated under dark adaptation and light adaptation processes and the distribution of tank section was investigated under light adaptation process. The case of "11 days or longer" sardine soaking time showed higher rate of distribution in the section of pot with bait compared to the case of "5 days or less" In the case of "5 days or less" soaking time, the number of times the octopus entered the pot with bait was similar to that it entered the pot without it even during dark adaptation and light adaptation. However, in the case of "11 days or longer", the octopus entered the pot with bait more quickly than the pot without bait and more frequently during dark adaptation hours. There were cases where the octopus did not enter any pot. In the case of "5 days or less", with less decomposition of baits, the octopus entered the empty pot more during light adaptation process, and it appeared that the pot was used as a hideout.

Exploring the Factors Influencing the Adaptation of Novice Nutrition Teachers Using Big Data Analysis (빅데이터 분석을 활용한 저경력 영양교사에 대한 교직 적응 요인 연구)

  • Yunsil Kim;Seieun Kim;Hak-Seon Kim;Sunny Ham
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to analyze the factors influencing the adaptation of novice nutrition teachers through big data analysis and to propose strategies for enhancing this process. Data were collected from internet portals using the keywords 'novice nutrition teacher' and 'nutrition teacher' from May 25, 2021, to May 25, 2024. Text mining techniques, including frequency analysis, semantic network analysis, and CONvergence of iterated CORrelations (CONCOR) analysis, were employed. Key terms such as 'teacher', 'nutrition', 'career', 'school', and 'school meals' exhibited high frequency and centrality, indicating the multifaceted roles of novice nutrition teachers and the need for increased support. Excessive workload and stress related to school meal management negatively impacted adaptation, highlighting the need for systematic management and capacity-building training programs. Mentoring and consulting systems played a crucial role in enhancing professional development, leading to better adaptation and higher job satisfaction. Additionally, stress and anxiety during the appointment preparation process were significant factors influencing adaptation, suggesting the need for improvements in the training curriculum at teacher education institutions. These findings provide valuable insights for developing policies to support the adaptation of novice nutrition teachers.

Relationship Between Nursing Organizational Structure and Nursing Outcome (간호 조직구조와 간호결과의 관계)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study was investigated to identify the relationship among hospital nursing organizational structure(decentralization, communication, bed/nurse ratio), process(nurses' job satisfaction, nurses' clinical experiences, nurses' unit experiences), and nursing outcome(patient satisfaction, physiologic adaptation, length of stay, number of complication). Method: The subjects consisted of 86 hysterectomy patients and 23 nurses in gynecology unit. Data were collected from May 16, 2002 to August 15. 2003 by the structured questionnaires and chart review. Data analysis was done with ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, path analysis. Result: Relationship between organizational structure and process ; Bed/nurse ratio was negatively related to nurses' job satisfaction(r=- .37, p<.05), and nurses' clinical experience(r=- .69, p<.00). Decentralization(r=.42, p<.05) and comunication(r=.61, p<.00) were positively related to nurses' clinical experiences. Relationship between process and nursing outcome ; There was a significant relationship between nurses' unit experiences and patient satisfaction(r=.63, p<.00), nurses' job satisfaction and physiologic adaptation(r= .44, p<.05), nurses' unit experiences and physiologic adaptation(r=.64, p<.00), Relationship between organizational structure and nursing outcome ; Decentralization and communication were positively related to patient satisfaction(r=.86, p<.00 ; r=.88, p<.00) and physiologic adaptation(r=,51, p<.01, r=.64, p<.00). Conclusion: Nurses' unit experience, communication, decentralization were significant variables for patient satisfaction. Nurses' unit experience, nurses' job satisfaction, communication were significant variables for patient physiologic adaptation.

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Adaptation Process of The Family with Hemodialysis (혈액투석 환자 가족의 적응 과정)

  • Lee, Young-Ae
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 1999
  • Hemodialysis is a way of treatment for the patients with acute and chronic renal failure. "Marginal man" depicts the enormous amount of stress that hemodialytic patients suffer. It is known that family with chronic illness get stressed along with the patients and they need nursing care also. This qualitative study was conducted in order to identify the family adaptation process in patients with hemodialysis. 6 dyads of hemodialytic patients and caregivers were interviewed for this research. By way of grounded theoretical strategy the data was collected from October 20, 1999 to November 20, 1999. at a hemodialytic unit that was located in Iksan, Chonbuk by the researcher. The main research questions were "What's the adaptation experience of a patient since after being received with hemodialysis?" to the patients, and "What's the family adaptation experience of hemodialysis?" to the caregivers. The collected data was analyzed by grounded theoretical strategy built by Glaser & Strauss in 1967. Results were as follows; 7 grounded concepts were observed from the patients with hemodialysis and 4 grounded concepts were found from the caregivers. Two categories were derived ; 1) Holding hope that is related with treatment 2) Changing a value system.

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Supercooling Pretreatment Improves the Shelf-Life of Freeze-Dried Leuconostoc mesenteroides WiKim32

  • Seul-Gi Jeong;In Seong Choi;Ho Myeong Kim;Ji Yoon Chang;Hae Woong Park
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1599-1604
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    • 2022
  • Storage stability of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria is a critical factor for their cost-effectiveness. Long-term storage of lactic acid bacteria enables microbial industry to reduce distribution costs. Herein, we investigated the effect of cold adaptation under supercooling conditions at -5℃ on the viability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides WiKim32 during the freeze-drying process and subsequent storage. Cold adaptation increased the thickness of exopolysaccharides (EPS) and improved the viability of freeze-dried Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32. Compared to non-adapted cells, cold-adapted cells showed a 35.4% increase in EPS thickness under supercooling conditions. The viability of EPS-hydrolyzed cells was lower than that of untreated cells, implying that EPS plays a role in protection during the freeze-drying process. Cold adaptation increased the storage stability of freeze-dried Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32. Fifty-six days after storage, the highest viability (71.3%) was achieved with cold adaptation at -5℃. When EPS-containing broth was added prior to the freeze-drying process, the viability further increased to 82.7%. These results imply that cold adaptation by supercooling pretreatment would be a good strategy for the long-term storage of Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32.

A Study of Adaptation Process relating to Abused Children in Long-term Foster Care (피학대아동의 위탁가정 적응과정에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Yoon-Young;Park, Tai-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.425-456
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated the adaptation process of abused children in long-term foster care and the stages of adaptation process. Also, this study aimed to find the factors influencing the adaptation of abused children in long-term foster care and to examine the relationships between the adaptation process in long-term foster care and the recovery of aftereffect of the abused children. The researchers tried to find the factors influencing the possibilities about the return of their biological parents' home. The researchers used a purposeful sampling and interviewed three abused children and three parents in long-term foster care and two social workers. This study utilized grounded theory approach of Strauss and Corbin(1990) to analyze the interviewed data. Specifically, the researchers applied open coding, axial coding and selective coding from grounded theory approach to analyze the data. On the other hand, the researchers used Miles and Huberman(1994)'s time-ordered matrix and time-ordered network to investigate the categories influencing the adaptation process of abused children in long-term foster care. This study used interviewees, literatures, newspapers, and internet resources relating to abused children for triangulation of data. The researcher interviewed from October 15, 2004 to January 31, 2005. The total sessions of each person were consisted of two sessions for each person and the interview time of each session was one or two hours.

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A Qualitative Study on the Adaptation Process of Multicultural Families (다문화가족의 적응과정에 대한 연구)

  • Kong, Su-Youn;Yang, Sung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2011
  • This research is intended to explore the adaptation process for immigrant women and their Korean spouses through a qualitative method. It is aimed at understanding how immigrant women and their Korean spouses have adjusted to their lives in Korea over the last 10 years and how they have dealt with difficulties in the adaptation process. The participants were 15 intermarried couples consisting of a Southeast Asian wife and a Korean husband. They got married through matchmakers and have children between the ages of 8 and 13. The study carried out in-depth interviews. To analyze the interview data, the qualitative software program Nvivo8 was used. The results showed that immigrant women and their Korean spouses experienced confusion at first. They struggled adapting to each other's lifestyles and made efforts to establish harmony. In the end, they made their own family identity as a multicultural family. The study widens the understanding of multicultural families by focusing on both wives and husbands. Also, the use of the Nvivo8 software strengthens the reliability of the data analysis. The results will contribute to providing interracial couples with the adaptive strategies.