• Title/Summary/Keyword: Y-Stent

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Comparison of Efficacy of Overlapped Versus Long Eluting Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Diffuse Long Lesion (미만성 긴 병변이 있는 급성심근경색환자에서 긴 단일 용출 스텐트 시술과 중첩 스텐트 시술의 효과 비교)

  • Kim, Won Hyo;Kim, In Soo;Kong, Chang gi;Han, Jae Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.319-336
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of two interventional methods, overlapping drug-eluting stents (DES) and long DES, for long-term clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). A total of 438 patients with AMI (65.9±11.0 years, 306 males) from June 2008 to March 2019 who had diffuse long coronary artery lesion, more than 30mm were divided into two groups; group I (overlapped DES group; n=140) and group II (long DES group; n=298). We compared the incidences of major adverse cardiac events [MACEs; cardiac death, myocardial infaction (MI), target lesion revascularization (TLR) and stent thrombosis (ST)] during 12 months between the two groups. Everolimus-eluting stent was more commonly used in group II than in group I (28.1% vs. 51.8% p<0.001). Mean lesion diameter was slightly longer in group II (3.1±0.3mm vs. 3.2±0.3mm, p=0.042), and prevalence of ACC/AHA lesion type C was higher in group I (41.7% vs. 25.4%, p<0.001). Incidences of MACEs during 12 months were higher in group I than group II (18.5% vs. 14.4%, p=0.034). The rates of cardiac death (2.1% vs. 4.4%, p=0.667), MI (5.0% vs. 2.7%, p=0.260) and stent thrombosis rate (0.7% vs. 1.7%, p=0.669) were similar between the two groups. However, TLR rate was higher in group I (10.7% vs. 5.6%, p=0.041). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, presence of diabetes mellitus [Hazard ratio (HR) 2.383, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.332-4.260, p=0.003] and use of paclitaxel-eluting stent (HR) 2.367, 95% CI 1.371-4.086, p=0.002) were independent predictors of 12-month MACEs, without significant differences in prevalence between the two groups. In AMI patients with diffuse long lesion, TLR rate was higher in the overlapped DES group during 12-month follow-up. Presence of diabetes and use of paclitaxel-eluting stent were independent predictors of MACEs.

A Comparative Study of Stenting versus Surgical Bypass in Gastric Outlet Obstruction Caused by Gastric Cancer (위암 날문부 폐쇄 환자에게 시행한 치료의 비교고찰: 위-공장 우회술과 금속성 자가팽창성 스텐트 삽입술)

  • Jo, Seung-Jin;Yoon, Ki-Young;Choi, Kyung-Hyun;Park, Moo-In;Park, Seun-Ja;Ko, Ji-Ho;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: In gastric cancer patients with gastric outlet obstruction, there are several complications such as malnutrition and vomiting. Palliative enteral stenting is a less invasive procedure as compared with a gastrojejunostomy. The aim of this study was to determine whether there was a significant difference between patients that undergone palliative enteral slanting and patients that had received a bypass gastrojejunostomy. Materials and Methods: One hundred patients underwent palliative entering stenting and 3f patients were subjected to a surgical bypass gastrojejunostomy. We reviewed the medical records of the patients with gastric outlet obstruction secondary to far advanced gastric cancer that were diagnosed using a gastrofibroscope, UGI and abdominal CT, and were admitted to our institution between January 2000 and August 2006. The outcome of stent placement for gastric outlet obstruction was compared with palliative gastrojejunostomy during the same period. We excluded patients with recurrent gastric cancer and double cancer from this study. Results: There were significant differences between the group of patients that underwent slanting and the group of patients that received a gastrojejunostomy regarding the age of patients ($67{\pm}12$ vs. $57{\pm}9$, P<0.001) but not between the sex of the patients (M : F, 2 : 1 vs. 2 :1, P=0.637). The most common complication of stenting was tumor ingrowth (16/100, 16%) and the second most common complication was stent migration (14/100). Failure of the procedure occurred in only three patients. Twenty-three patients underwent re-slanting and one patient required open conversion with a gastrojejunostomy. The median time to the first meal was $4{\pm}2$ days in the stent group of patients and $6{\pm}2$ days in the gastrojejunostomy group of patients (P=0.001). The median postoperative hospital stays were 9 days in the stent group of patients and 15 days in the gastrojejunostomy group of patients (P=0.003). The mean survival periods were 11 months in the stent group of patients and 10 months in the gastrojejunostomy group of patients (P=0.937). Conclusion: There were no significant differences In the mean survival rates. An earlier first meal and a shorter hospitalization stay were found in the slanting group of patients compared to the bypass gastrojejunostomy group of patients. However, re-slanting was a concern due to tumor ingrowth and stent migration.

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Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Caused by Tumor Thrombus from Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (갑상선 유두암의 암성 혈전으로 인한 상공 정맥 증후군 1예)

  • Yun, Ji-Sup;Lee, Jan-Dee;Lim, Chi-Young;Nam, Kee-Hyun;Chung, Woong-Youn;Park, Cheong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.188-191
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    • 2006
  • Papillary thyroid carcinoma is rarely associated with macroscopic vascular invasion or tumor thrombosis. Especially, superior vena cava syndrome(SVCS) resulted from tumor thrombosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma is extremely rare. We present herein a case of SVCS caused by tumor thrombosis from papillary thyroid carcinoma which was successfully solved by intravascular placement of self-expandable stent in 74-year-old woman.

Delayed Carotid Wallstent Shortening Resulting in Restenosis Following Successful Carotid Artery Angioplasty and Stenting

  • Yoon, Seok-Mann;Jo, Kwang-Wook;Baik, Min-Woo;Kim, Young-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.495-497
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    • 2009
  • Carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) for carotid stenosis has been increasingly used as an alternative treatment in patients not eligible for surgery. Even though CAS can be performed relatively simply in many cases, various complications can occur. We report four cases of CAS using the Carotid Wallstent, which were complicated by delayed shortening of the stent, resulting in restenosis after successful CAS.

Thoracic Endovascular Repair for Complicated Type B Acute Aortic Dissection with Distal Malperfusion

  • Choo, Suk-Jung;Jung, Sung-Ho;Kim, Ji-Eon;Lim, Ju-Yong;Ju, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.427-431
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    • 2011
  • Successful thoracic endovascular repair for complicated Stanford type B acute aortic dissection in two patients is herein reported. The true lumen flow was immediately restored following stent graft deployment in the descending thoracic aorta with subsequent resolution of the distal malperfusion syndrome. One patient is doing well more than 15 months after surgery and another patient who was treated more recently is also doing well 7 months postoperatively.

Non-Anastomotic Rupture of a Woven Dacron Graft in the Descending Thoracic Aorta Treated with Endovascular Stent Grafting

  • Lee, Youngok;Kim, Gun-Jik;Kim, Young Eun;Hong, Seong Wook;Lee, Jong Tae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.465-467
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    • 2016
  • The intrinsic structural failure of a Dacron graft resulting from the loss of structural integrity of the graft fabric can cause late graft complications. Late non-anastomotic rupture has traditionally been treated surgically via open thoracotomy. We report a case of the successful use of thoracic endovascular repair to treat a Dacron graft rupture in the descending aorta. The rupture occurred 20 years after the graft had been placed. Two stent grafts were placed at the proximal portion of the surgical graft, covering almost its entire length.

Stent-assisted Angioplasty for Symptomatic Radiation-induced Carotid Stenosis

  • Kwon, Yoon-Kwang;Kim, Eal-Maan;Lee, Chang-Young
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.327-329
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    • 2007
  • A 44-year-old woman presented with recurrent, transient episodes of left-side hemiparesis. She had received a radiation dose of 6120 cGy to her cervical region for parotid gland carcinoma 13 years previously. Cerebral angiography revealed a long, irregular tight stenosis involving the right extracranial internal carotid artery [ICA] and common carotid artery [CCA], measuring approximately 90% at the most severe narrowing according to North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial criteria. Endovascular stent placement resulted in restoration of the carotid lumen to about 80% of its original diameter. She showed no further ischemic events during the follow-up period of 48 months. Our clinical and angiographic findings suggest that carotid stenting is considered a safe and effective treatment option in patients with radiation-induced carotid stenosis.

Interventional Management of Malignant Esophagorespiratory Fistula and Bronchopleural Fistula (악성 기관지호흡기루와 기관지흉강루에 대한 인터벤션 치료)

  • Shin, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Kyung-Rae;Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Song, Ho-Young
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2008
  • Malignant esophagorespiratory fistula is a devastating and life-threatening complication of esophageal and bronchogenic carcinomas. As a non-surgical treatment, peroral stent placement into the esophagus or airway can close-off the fistula and prevent progression of the pneumonia. Although reopening of the fistula is not uncommon despite stent placement, interventional treatment is effective for sealing off reopened ERFs. Bronchopleural fistula is a well-recognized complication of pneumonectomy. There have been several reports to occlude the fistula with use of stents and much more experience is required.

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Septicemia Caused by Leuconostoc lactis with Intrinsic Resistance to Vancomycin in a Patient with Biliary Stent

  • Shin, Kyeong Seob;Han, Kyudong;Hong, Seung Bok
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.280-283
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    • 2013
  • Leuconostoc spp. is intrinsically resistant against vancomycin and rarely causes the infection in immunocompromised patients. In this report, we describe a fatal case of Leuconostoc lactis bacteremia in a patient with biliary tract stent insertion to resolve the biliary tract obstruction by multiple pseudocysts in the pancreatic head region. Leuconostic lactis isolated from the blood of the patients was confirmed by 16S rRNA sequencing and this isolate was susceptible against most antibiotics, including levofloxacin, penicillin, erythromycin and cefotaxime except vancomycin. The septic shock and multi-organ failure was abruptly progressed due to delayed use of adequate antibiotic. Using vancomycin as the empirical antibiotics in a bacteremic patient by Gram positive cocci, the treatment failures by the isolates with intrinsic resistance against vancomycin have to be considered. In addition, the prompt and accurate identification of Leuconostoc spp. are very important to select the adequate antibiotics.

Esophageal Actinomycosis after Insertion of Esophageal Stent -A Case of Surgical Experience - (식도 스텐트 삽입후 발생한 식도 방선균증 - 수술 치험례 -)

  • 조성례;신현우;장희경
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.601-604
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    • 2000
  • Actinomycosis is an indolent, suppurative infection caused by an anaerobic gram-positive organism(usually actinomyces israelii) which usually causes infection in the face, mediastitum, lung, and abdomen. Primary esophageal actinomycosis which is not related with pulmonary or mediastinal actinomycosis, is very rare, especially in immunocompetent host. A 58-year-old woman has been suffered from dysphagia, odynophagia, and chest pain after insertion of esophageal stent in esophageal acid stricture. She underwent a esophagectomy with esophagogastrostomy for above mentioned symptoms. Pathologic diagnosis was a esophageal actinomycosis.

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