• Title/Summary/Keyword: Worldview education

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Technologies Of Educational Activity Development: Theoretical Fundamentals

  • Kravchuk, Nadiia;Kinakh, Nelia;Bortniuk, Tetiana;Fedosenko, Karina;Burlaka, Anna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 2021
  • The theoretical and methodological provisions that allow to systematically and comprehensively study the postgraduate pedagogical education of teachers; the essence and features of postgraduate pedagogical education of teachers of diverse training institutions, providing professional and pedagogical training of this category of pedagogical personnel, have been determined; regularities, principles and conditions for the implementation of promising directions of development of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for teachers of diverse training have been developed; developed technological support for the development of postgraduate pedagogical education for teachers of multidisciplinary training; identified and substantiated promising directions for the development of postgraduate pedagogical education for teachers of multidisciplinary training in vocational education, due to the modernization.

An Exploratory Study on Development of Korean Media Educational Model (한국형 미디어교육 모형의 개발에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Ran;Hyun, Eunja
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.462-473
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    • 2017
  • This study suggested appropriate media educational model for the Korean situation based on the two previous research results concerning Korean media mental model which have abstracted from elementary schoolers and parents respectively living in and around Seoul. This looked through typical media educational model being in effect in Western countries such as Buckingham's creation-centered model, Hobbs' action-centered model, Potter's analysis-centered model and Vanhoozer's worldview-centered model, synthesized all the strengths of each model, and finally modified and reorganized this new model to reflect demanders' needs. Newly developed demander-centered educational model is a kind of circulation model consisting of a chain of the steps: worldview and viewpoints, use(access), analysis and evaluation, reflection, and social act; Each step borrowed the essential contents of each domain of objectives and tried to reflect the specific situations for Korean demanders. The needs for media use etiquette against addiction and cyberbullying were applied to the step of 'worldview and viewpoint', the needs for the educational status of books as media to 'use(access)', and the reality of highly used digital media to 'social act.'

Transforming Understanding of Women's Rights in Kyrgyz Madrassas

    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2021
  • Education is a key element in shaping the worldview of the next generation and determines society's core values, ideology, and basic understanding of human rights. While Kyrgyzstan is a secular state, Islamic education, backed by Arab and Turkish sponsors, continues to increase in popularity with the construction of thousands of mosques and dozens of new Islamic educational institutions. Young women have become an important target for Islamic ideology and Islamic educational institutions seek to introduce a new type of ideal woman who is obedient, submissive, and modest. This research uses curricula content analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interviews with teachers and students to examine the effects of newly introduced Islamic education institutions and concludes that the schools are succeeding in training female Kyrgyz students for sheltered lives of dependency, threatening to fundamentally erode women's rights in the country. Two tasks thus demand the attention of policymakers: preserving Kyrgyzstan's secular state and introducing new interpretations of the Quran, which strengthen support for women's rights among believers.

Korean Middle School Students' Perceptions as Global Citizens of Socioscientific Issues (과학과 관련된 사회.윤리적 문제(SSI)의 맥락에 따른 중학생들의 인성적 태도와 가치관 분석)

  • Jang, Jiyoung;Mun, Jiyeong;Ryu, Hyo-Suk;Choi, Kyunghee;Joseph, Krajcik;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1124-1138
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates Korean middle school students' perceptions as global citizens (i.e. ecological worldview, social and moral compassion, and socioscientific accountability) of Socioscientific Issues (SSI). We developed questionnaires that consisted of 20 Likert-type items to gauge their preceptions of the three different SSI contexts (i.e. nuclear power generation, bio-technology, climate change), and administered them to 225 9th grade students in Seoul. The results revealed that participants showed relatively high scores for ecological worldview but scored low on social and moral compassion across the SSI contexts. In addition, participants presented much higher scores for ecological worldview and socioscientific accountability regarding the issues of climate change. The participant responses indicated that they perceived more inter-connectedness with the environment and felt the responsibility of promoting sustainable development more to prevent further devastation in the context of climate change compared to nuclear power generation or biotechnology.

Methodological Principles of Didactics Ddevelopment in Educational Activity of Higher Eeducation Institutions

  • Bortniuk, Tetiana;Smyrnova, Tetiana;Tkachenko, Tetiana;Yakymenko, Svitlana;Pushkar, Larysa;Desiatnyk, Kateryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.394-398
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    • 2022
  • The article determines that the study of the development of scientific and didactic knowledge about the educational process in higher education should be built mainly on the basis of qualitative research methods that ensure the identification and understanding of the changes taking place in didactic knowledge, in the unity of their internal and external manifestations. On the basis of the epistemological model of the study of science, a generalized model of didactic knowledge about the educational process in higher education, including didactic relations as a theoretical core, subject of research, research methods and positions of researchers, ways of interaction between science and educational practice, and thematic structures of didactic knowledge; scientific and methodological problems of didactic knowledge about the educational process in higher education at the present stage of its developments due to the post-nonclassical transformation and orientation of research towards the humanitarian ideal of scientific character.

The Crisis of Climate Change and the Direction of Christian Ecological Education (기후변화의 위기와 기독교 생태교육의 방향 모색)

  • Cho, Miyoung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.415-447
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the direction that Christian education should take as an ecological education in the crisis of climate change. What climate change shows is that it is impossible to survive even if the Earth's temperature rises by only 2-3 degrees. However, our current appearance is concerned about the crisis of climate change as long as we do not change our lives. First, the meaning of climate change and its causes were examined. The anthropocentric worldview, modern industrial, scientific and technological growth, and consumption-oriented social structure can be cited as the causes. An anthropocentric worldview justifies everything from the human point of view, and nature is the subject of human domination, but one regarded as a tool. In addition, as the scale of human economic activity increases, energy consumption increases, and the threat of ecosystem destruction increases with the increase in energy consumption. Individual affluence and increased consumption are exacerbating ecosystem tensions. In order to solve the problem of climate change, ecological education clues were found in the Bible. Through creation, the relationship between humans and nature was identified as coexistence and coexistence. Through the principle of sabbath, it is possible to bring about the restoration of humans and nature, and from the point of view of the incarnation, the world was understood as the 'body' of God. Based on these clues, the direction of Christian ecological education was explored by suggesting a transition to an ecological paradigm, restoration of creative spirituality, and cultivation of ecological imagination. In the crisis of climate change, it is hoped that the recovery of the earth will take place and that we will be able to stand again as a responsible being through the Christian ecological educational approach.

Language of Hope in Europe (유럽의 관점에서 조망하는 희망의 언어)

  • van Dijk-Groeneboer, Monique;Opatrny, Michal;Escher, Eva
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.65
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    • pp.29-54
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    • 2021
  • In Europe, the diversity in religions, cultures, languages and historical backgrounds is enormous. World War II and the Soviet Regime have played a large part in this and the flow of refugees from other continents increases the pluralism. How can religious education add to bridging between differences? The language across European countries is different, literally between countries, but also figuratively speaking and even inside individual countries. These differences occur in cultural sense and across age groups as well. Secondary education has the task to form young people to become firmly rooted people who can hold their own in society. It is essential that they learn to examine their own core values and their roots. Recognising their values should be a main focus of religious education. However, schools are currently accommodating increasing numbers of non-religious pupils. What role do religious values still play in this situation? How do pupils feel about active involvement in religious institutions, and about basing life choices on religious beliefs? Can other, non-religious values be detected which could form the basis for value-oriented personal formation? Research of these subjects has been ongoing in the Netherlands for more than twenty years and is currently being expanded to the Czech Republic and(former East) Germany. These are also secularized countries but have a very different history. Does the history and context of these countries play a role, and does this show in the values that are important to pupils? A comparative pilot study is being conducted as start of this broadening perspective geared towards greater insight into the values of pupils in these three European countries. This information helps to design appropriate new forms of religious value-oriented worldview education.

Mixed Methods Research on the Characteristics and Factors of Faith in Early Childhood (유아기 신앙 특성 및 요인에 관한 혼합연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.175-206
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a mixed research method that collects and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data together was used to broaden the understanding of young children's faith. First of all, the contents of interviews with 18 research participants were divided into categories, and the frequency of each category was calculated. From 75 statements made in the interview, the importance of each was evaluated with a 5-point Likert scale. The means and standard deviations of the evaluation score were calculated, and sub-factors were identified through exploratory factor analysis. The frequency of categories mentioned in the qualitative interview was in the following order: faith manifested in difficulties, religious activities, Christian education at home, Christian education in the church, love and faith in God, and the formation of a Christian worldview (identity). The statement on the perception of God, theological concepts, religious activities, and Christian education at home and in the church received high scores. On the other hand, statements on developmentally difficult or abstract content, value judgment or conflict resolution based on the Word, and evangelism showed low scores. The sub-factors extracted through factor analysis were faith education through home and church, awareness of God and religious activities, identity based on the gospel, character based on the gospel, and overcoming a crisis through faith. In conclusion, the results of each of the mixed methods of looking at young children's faith were very similar-relationships with God, religious activities, Christian worldview (identity), Christian education at home and church were highlighted, even though various methods were used. This study is meaningful in that it suggests what and how to teach in early childhood Christian education.

Community Design Education for Sustainable Environment (건축교육헌장에 기초한 커뮤니티 디자인교육에 관한 연구)

  • Kimm, Woo-Young;Kang, Tae-Woong;So, Kab-Soo;Kim, Seung-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2012
  • Community design education has covered the worldview dimension of the collaborative courses for sustainability draws on the architectural expertise developed in a network of community projects and therefore case studies of design education by the collaborative project-based learning in terms of participants, students, teachers and architects, such as 'Learning By Design' for the K-12 comprehensive program in Massachusetts addresses how a local society can make its community sustainable by both design and education. To understand that community design and education can provide professional development in all levels of skills and knowledge across disciplines and opportunities for collaborative learning and problem-solving, this research consists of case studies of the community design education including social systems that assist in organizing the local educational program as well as promoting the programs with public awareness of the community. It covers the UNESCO-UIA agenda of the community design and education that is to enhance the physical environment relating to human interaction by developing innovative alternatives of existing community and contributing voluntarily to neighborhoods through design. As the community design collaborative of design professionals and users is a structural approach to assess design quality, the cases address how to set up the architectural program in order to share pro bono design service and provide high-quality design resources available for sustainable environment.

Characteristics of Good Science Teachers and Preservice Teacher Education Curriculum Percevied by Secondary Teachers (현직 교사들이 바라는 중등과학교사의 특성과 사전교사교육과정)

  • Park, Yune-Bae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 1992
  • Quality control of science teachers seems to be one of the most important tasks to improve the quality of science education in Korea. The purposes of this study, as a survey, were to identify characteristics of good science teachers and to make an outline of preservice teacher education curriculum for cultivating the characteristics from inserivce secondary science teachers. A questionnaire was developed for this study and distributed to 176 inservice teachers. It had three parts: 1) characteristics of good science teachers, 2) weights of preservice curriclum areas, and 3) weights of college courses. The means and standard deviations of teachers' responses were calculated. To test the differences between teacher variables, t-tests were executed. The inservice teachers perceived that the junior-high school teacher's characteristics should be different from the senior-high school teacher's. Characteristics, such as enthusiasm toward teaching or students, subject knowledge, content selection and organizing skill, teaching techniques, and scientific worldview were ranked within top five of good science teacher's chracteristics. The teachers' perception about preservice curriculum were as follows: 1) present weight of liberal arts area should be reduced: 2) weight of content area for junior-high school teachers should be different from that for senior-high school teachers: 3) present weight of pedagogy area should be increased: 4) present weight of science education area should be increased: and 5) many courses in pedagogy and sciencd education areas need to be changed, Based on the data and disussion, a conceptual model for preservice teacher education curriculum was proposed.

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