• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work environment improvement

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A Study on the Actual Condition Analysis and Improvement of Rebar Work in Korean Building Construction (국내 철근공사 실태분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, U-Yeol;Kim, Gwang-Hui;Gang, Gyeong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2004
  • With labor shortage and high-wage era, the construction cost is rising and the construction business is dull, demanding the construction environment of Korea to raise profitability through major cost savings and rationalization of construction management. However, although reinforcing bar(rebar) work, which greatly effects the building's safety, endurance, and construction time, is an important phase in construction, it holds serious problem of quality and productivity deterioration due to its characteristic of intensive-labor and maintaining of old work methods resulting in poor management, and costs increase. Therefor in this study to investigate current situation and problems of rebar work and to find methods of betterment, a survey was conducted to site engineers and individuals in division of cost estimate of domestic construction company. The survey questions were on the subjects of (1) calculating rebar quantity, (2) ordering and procurement, (3) rebar cutting and bending, and (4) rebar work management. Method of improvement was sought by analyzing the results of the survey

The Method of Improvement by Illuminance Measurement of the CT Scan Room in a General Hospital Radiology (종합병원 영상의학과 CT 검사실의 조도 측정에 의한 향상 방안)

  • Kweon, Dae-Cheol;Yang, Sung-Hwan;Kang, Young-Sig
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Plant Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2018
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan room in the department of radiology is very necessary to maintain pleasant and proper illuminance to relieve fatigue and inconvenience because it affects the work environment to the radiologist. Accordingly, this paper describes the method for measurement of illuminance that exposed to an environmental elements in a CT scan room of the hospital. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose an optimal environment of CT scan room based on the measurement of illuminance. In addition, the 5 point method by KS C7612 was applied to measure the illuminance with illuminometer (Unfors xi light probe) in the CT scan room. In result of this paper, minimum value and maximum value of illuminance in the CT scan room was measured 212.7 lux and 354.8 lux, respectively. The illuminance of CT scan room was lower than KS A 3011. Finally, the work environment in CT scan room should provide higher illuminance for the comfortable environment of radiologists and patients.

The Study on Risk Factors Analysis and Improvement of VDT Syndrome in Nuclear Medicine (핵의학과 Video Display Terminals Syndrome 유해 요인 조사 및 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Soo;Kim, Seung-Jeong;Lee, Hong-Jae;Kim, Jin-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Han, In-Im;Joo, Yung-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, Department of Nuclear Medicine have an interest in Video Display Terminals (VDT) syndrome including musculoskeletal disorders, ophthalmologic disorders, trouble of electromagnetic waves and stress disorders occur to VDT workers as the growing number of users and rapid pace of service period supply in large amount. This study research on the actual condition for VDT syndrome in Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), discover the problem and draw a plan of upcoming improvement. The aim of this study establish awareness about VDT syndrome and is to prevent for it in the long run. Materials and Methods: Department of Nuclear Medicine, SNUH is composed Principle part, Pediatric part and PET center. We estimated risk factors visit in each part directly. Estimation method use "Check list for VDT work" of Wonjin working environment health laboratory and check list is condition of VDT work, condition of work tables, condition of chairs, condition of keyboards, condition of monitors, working position, character of health management and other working environment. Analysis result is verified in Department of Occupational and Environment, Hallym University Sacred Heard Hospital. Results: As a result of analysis, VDT condition of Department of Nuclear Medicine, SNUH is rule good. In case of work tables, recent of things are suitable to users upon the ergonomical planning, but 15% of existing work tables are below the standard value. In case of chairs are suitable, but 5% of theirs lost optimum capacity become superannuated. The keyboards are suitable for 98% of standard value. In case of monitors, angle control of screen is possible of all, but positioning control is impossible for 38%. In case of working position, 10% is fixed positioning for long time and some of the items researched unsuitable things for standard. At health management point, needed capable of improvement. Also, other working condition as lighting, temperature, noise and ventilation, discovered the problem, but is sufficient to advice value. Conclusion: VDT syndrome is occurrences of possibility continuously, come economical expensive about improvement, is inherent in various causes and originate without your knowledge. So, there is need systematic management system. In Nuclear Medicine, VDT syndrome make it better that constant interest and effort as improvement of ergonomical working environment, improvement of working procedure, regular exercise and steady stretching, and can be prevented fairly. This promote physical and mental condition of worker in top form in comfortable working environment, so this is judged by enlargement of operations efficiency and rising of satisfaction ratings of the inside client.

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Living Environment, Musculoskeletal Disorder and the Decrease of Work Efficiency & Quality of Life (생활 환경요인에 의한 근골격계 질환이 업무능률 및 삶의 질 저하에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Due to the lack of physical activities and the increase of sedentary behaviors such as screen time, the health condition for contemporaries has been deteriorating. This study is designed to investigate how the use of worktable or tools unfit for body and sedentary behaviors can exercise influence on muscular skeletal disease and how it has an impact on lowering work efficiency and the quality of life with the medium of the muscular skeletal disease. Research design, data, and methodology - The research has developed a questionnaire with 5 hypothesis. The questionnaires were also made by interview and E-mail. 350 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 315 questionnaire were used for the analysis as valid data responses. SPSS ver.22.0 were used and made Cronbach's and reliability test, correlation, Baron & α Kenny 3 step mediated regression analysis. Results - The research has found that living environment factors have positive effect on the occurrence of musculosketal disease. Particularly, repeated use of unfit worktable or tools has a positive effect on the muscular skeletal disorder. And sedentary lifestyle also has a positive effect on the disease. The musculoskeletal disease caused by living environment has a positive impact on lowering the work efficiency. This study has also showed that the muscular skeletal disease has mediated the relationship between the living environment factors and the decrease of work efficiency due to musculoskeletal disease. The musculoskeletal disorders can effect the decrease of the quality of life as well, for the decrease of work efficiency has a positive effect on lowering the quality of life. Conclusions - Sedentary lifestyles, the use of worktable unfit for body, and the repeated use of a tool have caused the increase of muscular-skeletal diseases, and reduction of productivity as well as the hight cost of medical treatment for our contemporaries. Understanding the cause of disease morbidity, finding ways to prevent the disease, and educating people about them would contribute not only to improvement of individual health but also to the advancement of welfare for all.

A Study on the VDT Workstations Usage for Office Workers

  • Kim, Daysung;Lee, Dong-Kyung;Cho, Hae Kyeong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2015
  • Objective and Background: Due to increase in Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) relating to computer use, a number of ergonomics recommendations have been proposed in order to tackle this problem. However, some of these recommendations have been conflicting. Method: This study was to survey the VDT (Visual Display Terminal) use of office workers. The subjects were 452 workers at 13 places of business and the data were collected by self-administered questionnaire. Results: As a result, prevalence of self-reported MSDs of all VDT workers was 90.2% and shoulder took up 57.0% and neck 38.3% by symptom part of body. The population of computer use of more than 6h/day was 84.5%, and 33.8% also reported using the VDT 2~3h/day without the rest time. Desktop computer users were 95.6%, and a 17-inch monitor accounted for 42.0% among the desktop users. As a result of satisfaction survey on overall computer work, 21.1% of the total respondents said satisfied, desk complaint was about 24.6%, and chair complaint was 33.4%. Despite the importance of computer environment, satisfaction was from fair to uncomfortable. Conclusion and Application: In conclusion, office workers are prone to the MSDs due to their work environment. Additionally, this study found that task was a significant effect for the majority of dependent variables, and therefore, the improvement of computer workstations work environment is urgent, and the improvement of desk height adjustment, chair seat size (length, width), backrest condition, location of keyboard (mouse) and arm rest is required.

Improvement Plan for Cadastral Surveying Fee Calculation Process (지적측량수수료 산정 공정의 개선방안)

  • Hong, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6639-6645
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to deduct the facing problems by analyzing the reflected computing environment of a cadastral surveying fee calculation process for all cadastral surveying items and suggest an improvement plan for the process, corresponding to the cadastral surveying environment. An analysis of the problems showed that the current cadastral surveying fee calculation process was complicated compared to other relevant fee calculation processes. Although work process has been improved due to the changes to current cadastral surveying technology and the digital cadastral management system, it has not been reflected. This article suggests simplifying the current universal nine-step process into a four-step process. In addition, the improvement plan for the improved work process with computer files to be applied before and after field surveys is suggested. The cadastral mapping process is divided into four steps to make it suitable for a computing environment and the corresponding process improvement plan is suggested.

Awareness of Health Education Environment, Teacher Efficacy, and Job Satisfaction of School Nurses in Korea (보건교사가 인식하는 보건교육환경과 교사효능감 및 직무만족도)

  • Yoo, Moon Sook;Seo, Eun Ji
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.42-55
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    • 2016
  • Purposes: The aim of this study was to examine the awareness of health education environment, teacher efficacy, and job satisfaction and to identify their relationship. Methods: A total of 193 school nurses from elementary/middle/high schools in Korea were enrolled in this descriptive study. The awareness of health education environment, teacher efficacy, and job satisfaction were measured using structured questionnaires. Results: The awareness on health education environment was 3.10±.56 on average. School nurses with positive awareness on the environment showed significantly greater efficacy and job satisfaction than those with negative awareness, and school nurses at elementary schools had positive awareness on the environment compared with those in middle/high schools. Those with work experience of 11 years or more had a positive awareness on the environment. However, heavy workload, lots of work irrelevant to school nursing and few training opportunities on health education were recognized negative items. The awareness on the health education environment was positively correlated with teacher efficacy and job satisfaction, respectively. In particular, the awareness on health education environment influenced teacher efficacy and job satisfaction. Conclusion: Teacher efficacy and job satisfaction should be enhanced through continued improvement of the health education environment to promote the effect of health education.

A Study on the Evaluation for the Improvement of Streetscape through Relationship Analysis between Psychological Consciousness and Physical Elements - Focused on the Gwangbok Street, Busan - (심리적 의식과 물리적 요소의 상관성 분석을 통한 가로경관 개선사업 평가에 관한 연구 - 부산시 광복로를 대상으로 -)

  • Yang, Jae Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hee
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2009
  • This study conducted an evaluation of the streetscape improvement project of the Gwangbok Street through analysis of correlations between psychological consciousness and physical elements in the street by comparing selected pictures of streetscape before and after the project. This work has conducted an analysis of Psychological characteristics by semantic differential method and an analysis of physical elements which influence psychological characteristics by regression analysis. According to the results of psychological analysis, the senses of interest, orderliness, esthetic and preference were highly improved in A district and the senses of openess, stability, orderliness were highly improved in B district. The results of analyzing physical elements influencing the improvement of these psychological consciousness in A district elucidated ; 1) the works of improving signboard and elevation of the building affected the whole these psychological consciousness, 2) the work of planting trees, making plant rests in the street improved the senses of orderliness, esthetic, 3) the work of changing finishing materials in the street enhanced the senses of esthetic, preference, 4) the work of adjusting the width between the road and the pavement, the work of improving traffic enhanced the senses of interest, preference. In the meantime in B district, the works of improving signboard and elevation of the building and those of planting trees, making plant rests in the street improved the senses of openess and orderliness. Also the work of improving traffic enhanced the senses of openess, stability and the work of expanding the pavement, that of changing finishing materials in the street improved the senses of openess, stability, orderliness.

The Influence of Women Dental Hygienists' Work - Family Balance on Happiness Level in Dental Clinics

  • Im, Ae-Jung;Kim, Yun-woo;Kim, Su-jung;Kim, Seung-yeon;Kim, Eo-jin;Moon, So-dam;Shin, Su-min;Jeong, Hae-in;Jeong, Hee-Ae;Lim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2021
  • Background: To identify work-family balance and level of happiness among married women dental hygienists in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The goal of this study is to use the outcome as basic data to determine the compatibility of dental hygienists with work and family, systems, and improvement of happiness levels. Methods: From July 3 to August 10, 2020, 250 dental hygienists in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were targeted. The questionnaire comprised 65 questions, including general characteristics (perception of work-family balance, perception of work-family balance system, job satisfaction, parenting type, happiness level) whether or not they were implemented. The results were obtained through a self-control questionnaire. Results: The perception of work-family balance was significantly different in job rank and average income, while that of the work-family balance system had significant differences in workplace type, total work experience, current job work experience, childcare system status, and parental leave period. Happiness level and job satisfaction were significantly different in job rank, average income, and childcare system status. Additionally, the perception of work-family balance and that of the work-family balance system showed a positive correlation with job satisfaction and happiness level. Finally, the perception of married women dental hygienists toward work-family compatibility was determined, where the higher the satisfaction with the job, the higher the level of happiness. Conclusion: To improve the work-family balance and job satisfaction of dental hygienists and their levels of happiness, changes in social perception and improvement of the working environment such as proper staffing, flexible work systems, and incentive systems should be considered.

Practice of Health Managers and Workers according to Guidance of Work Environment Management of Specialized Health Management Institution (보건관리전문기관의 작업환경관리 지도에 따른 일부 지역 사업장 보건업무담당자와 근로자의 실천도)

  • Kim, Yunhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study aimed to provide basic data for the improvement of the guidance services for the management of the workplace environment of the specialized health management institution, by making inquiries on the perception and extent of practice by health managers and workers in the workplace. Methods: Workplaces with officially noted environmental hazards of noise, organic compounds and/or dust-metals were selected in a South Korean metropolitan city in 2015. The workplace health managers(hereinafter referred to as 'manager') and workers at 97 workplace were interviewed. Managers are those who are in charge of health management at the corresponding workplace and the workers were subjected to in-depth interviews by sampling one worker for each of the workplace. Results: The majority of the managers acknowledged the guidance services of the specialized health management institution affirmatively. Regarding the extent of practice in accordance with the guidance on engineering improvement, only 23 managers(37.1%) responded. With respect to education, 40 managers(41.2%) responded that it was implemented along with 35 workers(36.1%) who responded that they received education, showing no significant difference between manager and worker. Regarding the actual wearing of the protective equipment, however, 83 of the manager(85.6%) insisted that workers wore the protective devices while only 44 workers(49.5%) responded that they actually wore the devices, thereby illustrating a significant difference between managers and workers. Conclusions: These results suggest the urgent necessity of improvement in the mechanism of guidance services of the specialized health management institution for the workplace environment management.