• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work environment improvement

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Simulation-Based Analysis on Dynamic Merge Control at Freeway Work Zones in Automated Vehicle Environment (자율주행차 환경에서 고속도로 공사구간의 동적합류제어에 대한 시뮬레이션 분석)

  • Kim, Sunho;Lee, Jaehyeon;Kim, Yongju;Lee, Chungwon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.867-878
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    • 2018
  • As the era of AVs (Automated Vehicles) comes to a close, many researches related to AVs have been conducted. Up until now, research on traffic flow impact of AVs has been the main topic, and research on traffic management for AVs is still in beginning stage. This study analyzed the effect of Dynamic Merge Control (DMC) in manual vehicle (MV) and AV environment at work zone. Dynamic Late Merge (DLM) and DLM with Dynamic Early Merge (DEM) are compared by simulation. Simulation results showed that DLM improves travel time and work zone throughput compared to no merge control case in both MV and AV environment. In the case of additional operation of DEM, the improvement effect was not observed in MV environment, but it was improved in AV environment. As a result, DMC operation in AV environment was as effective as the improvement in transition from MV to AV environment. Therefore congestion reduction at freeway work zone by DMC will be possible in future AV environment, and the improvement of DMC can be suggested.

A Study on the Improvement of Pfocedure Management in the Painting Works (전문건설업체의 업무관리절차 개선에 관한 연구 - 공사단계별 도장공사 참여를 중심으로 -)

  • 송천수;임상모;조형근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.153-156
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    • 2003
  • Recently, as changing construction environment, we have come to need rational systematic and transparent in construction industry. In other to consider application possibility of CM in specialty construction, in this study improvement of procedure management by several construction phases in the coating with paint work.

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Ergonomic Problems and Their Improving Measures in Office Environment of General Hospitals

  • Kee, Dohyung
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The purposes of this study are to investigate ergonomic problems and to propose their improving measures in office environment of big general hospitals. Background: Office tasks have varying risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The first symptom resulted from the office work was recognized as an occupational disease in Korea in 1986. Although the symptoms have increased since its first recognition, there has been few study on the effect of office work environment settings. Method: First, the author took pictures of working scenes performed in three big university hospitals. Next, the pictures were analyzed in view point of ergonomics. Based on the analysis, their improving measures were proposed for reducing work stress. Results: The results showed that most physical office environment settings such as dimensions of tables/desks and chairs, leg room, thigh, knee and foot clearances, and chairs used did not satisfy the ergonomically recommended design guidelines. In addition, some clerks placed personal belongings under their desks, put monitors in high position and did not lean against the backrest of chairs in seated tasks, which resulted in poor working postures of leg, back, neck etc. It is recommended that the hospital management should provide their clerks with ergonomically designed office furniture and continuously perform ergonomics training program for raising clerks' recognition for office ergonomics. Conclusion: Most office environment settings investigated in this study were not in good condition in view point of ergonomic design for the settings. Application: It would be useful as basic data for establishing ergonomically good office environment in hospitals.

An Analysis of Hindrance Factors of Process Capability (공정능력(工程能力)의 저해요인분석(沮害要因分析))

  • Song, Seo-Il;Hwang, Ui-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 1985
  • This paper analyses the hindrance factors of process capability. The reasons of the products which are out of specification can be accounted on the hindrance factors. An $\hat{e}$nquete which consists of 4 categories such as technical knowledge, work performance, work environment, and human relations at home and office, is prepared and handed out to 1000 works to get information. And Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (${\rho}s$) is adapted as an anaysis and consideration criterion. In consequence, it is revealed the next 4 factors become the vital hindrance factors of process capability: (1) unskillful working (2) over load for operators (3) imperfect work environment (4) incoordination of human relations And the correspondent policy can be summarized as follows: (1) propagation & fixation of I.E. techniques (2) harmonization of human relations (3) improvement of work environment (4) strengthening the T.W.I.

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An investigation on the Improvement of the Working Environment Measurement Reporting Policy (작업환경측정 보고제도 개선 방안 도출을 위한 조사 연구)

  • Lim, Dae Sung;Kim, Chi-Nyon;Lee, Seung kil;Park, Jung-Keun;Kim, Ki-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: In order to reduce the burden on employers and increase the reliability of measurement results, improvements to the provisions related to the work environment measurement reporting system, such as the current Occupational Safety and Health Act and its Enforcement Rules, are planned. This study aimed to suggest improvements for the work environment measurement reporting system through a survey and Delphi investigation. Method: This survey included workplaces (health managers), national institutions (the Ministry of Employment and Labor) that use the results of the work environment measurement reporting system for policy and supervision purposes, and work environment measurement institutions that enter the results were included. In addition to the survey, we tried to derive results through meetings with stakeholders and expert advisory meetings. Results: It is difficult to abolish or partially improve the reporting system under the Enforcement Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act at this point because the opinions of workplaces, supervisory agencies, and measuring agencies differ in terms of its intended purpose and use. In the case of high-exposure harmful factors (over 50% on the basis of exposure) in the "comprehensive opinion" described in the work environment measurement results table, it is necessary to insert unit of work with exposed harmful factors, exposure factors, and current conditions in checklists or tables so that they can be reflected in government policies. In the case of workplaces that are feared to be highly exposed to substances subject to measurement, it seems desirable to improve them so that industrial health instructors registered with the Korea Safety and Health Agency or local labor offices can provide technical guidance. As an improvement plan to increase the reliability of data and the use of big data, it is necessary to improve the input method for processes and jobs. Conclusion: The laws and regulations of the work environment measurement reporting system are difficult to revise due to a lack of consensus among current stakeholders, but improvements can be achieved by improving the Ministry of Employment and Labor's notifications and other means. In addition, in order to effectively utilize the data from the K2B system, it is necessary to improve the input method for processes and jobs.

On the Construction of Requirements DB to Improve the Work Environment of Locomotive Cabs (철도차량 운전실의 작업환경 개선을 위한 요구사항 DB 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Chon;Park, Chan-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2011
  • The work environment of locomotive cabs has long been an important issue in the design of railload systems since it is quite critical in terms of system's operational safety. It is getting more attention as the running speed of the trains goes up these days. To this end, this paper describes how to systematically construct a DB for the requirements set in the course of the improvement process for the aforementioned cab work environment. As a solution approach, we have adopted the requirement architecture concept to cover the whole activities required to do such as in requirements generation, DB construction, change management, and traceability management. Specifically, based on the requirement architecture framework a requirement process to collect requirements for improvement is discussed, and the guide lines are suggested for verification and validation of the developed requirements. In addition, a base schema and requirements templates are developed, which will be used in generating requirements and constructing a DB. Finally, it is demonstrated how the requirements DB for locomotive cabs can be constructed using a computer-aided tool in an integrated fashion.

Continuance Intention to use Remote Work Solutions(RWS) in the with Covid-19 Era: Focused on the TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) Model (위드 코로나 시대의 원격근무 솔루션 지속 사용 의도에 관한 연구: TOE(Technology-Organization-Environment) 모델을 중심으로)

  • Yujin Choi;Heetae Yang
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2023
  • Based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) model, this study proposed a research model that explains the continuance intention of users in the with Covid-19 era considering the technical, organizational, and environmental aspects of Remote Work Solution (RWS). To verify the research model and hypothesis, an online survey was conducted on domestic RWS users. Partial least squares (PLS) were utilized to analyze the collected 411 data. As a result of the analysis, it was found that functionality and security level had positive impacts on both productivity improvement and satisfaction. However, it was also confirmed that organizational readiness had a positive effect on productivity improvement but did not affect satisfaction. Furthermore, the results revealed that government support had a positive relationship with continuance intention, but the health concerns did not. Finally, the correlations between productivity improvement, satisfaction, and continuous intention were confirmed to be significant. Therefore, 9 out of a total of 11 hypotheses were supported.

The Color Arrangement of Working Clothes for Visibility in Machine Industrial Work Site

  • Park, Hyewon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • This study is about the evaluation of the color arrangements of working clothes that are harmonized with working environment and assist in the protection of workers in industrial sites. This study attempted color arrangement design with the intention of giving order to the colors of working environment and working clothes so as to help improve the safety of work and the management aspects including human resource management, efficiency improvement, and the practice of business ethics. The study method consisted of literature research, empirical research, and evaluation research. The literature research performed theoretical examination about colors, industrial safety, and visibility. Three actual outdoor work sites in the machine industry were chosen and pictures were taken at 20-30 m from workers. The background colors of the work environment of each work site and the colors of the working clothes that were actually worn were analyzed through color values measured with a color-difference meter(CR-400). As a result, it was found that between value and chroma which affect visibility, color arrangement based on differences in chroma could be a greater influence than color arrangement based on differences in value. The results of this study could assist the integration of color schemes among working environment colors, people and working clothes by suggesting color arrangements with improved visibility that are applicable to the working clothes of domestic machine manufacturers that are playing a pivotal role in domestic industries and by presenting appropriate guidelines.

Status of Occupational Health Management in Some Small-Scale-Industries (일부 소규모 사업장의 산업보건 실태)

  • Hwang, Moon Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 1999
  • The study was purposed to know the status of health management in small-scale-industries which have less than 50 employees. A total of 330 small-scale-industries were surveyed by nurses and industrial-hygienists who were affiliated with industrial health care agency from January, 1993 to December, 1994. The contents of survey include status of work environment, occupational accident and its disease availability, protective evice, health education and settlements. The results were as follows: 1. The number of industrial accidents(death, injury arid occup. disease) in 1994 was 83 which was reduced from that of the 1993 which was 126. 2. As a result of the measurement of work environment the excessive ratio of permitted criteria was reduced to 20.6% in 1994 from 264% in 1993, and the improvement ratio of work environment was increased to 39.5% in 1994 from 29.7% in 1993. 3. The contents of health education at work place were as follows: general disease(25.4%), work environment(20.2%), protective device(16.7%), disease prevension(14.2%), occupational disease(85%), and health promotion(8.3%). 4. In terms of industrial safty and prevention of occupational disease, only 10.6% was satisfactory or excellent, and the 89.4% was poor, inadequate or required reexamination.

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An Analysis of Physical Load of the Shipping Work in Cold Storage Warehouses (냉동창고 출하작업의 신체부담 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 장성록
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 1999
  • Work-related musculoskeletal disorders constitute a major source of employee disability and lost wages. Cumulative Trauma Disorders(CTD) refers to a category of physical conditions which result from chronic musculoskeletal injury. Assessment of CTD risk in industry at early stage allows for early control, a safe environment, and a healthier workforce. In this study, the physical load of the shipping work in the cold storage warehouse were especially investigated. Employees were working with almost unnatural posture in a very restricted work space. The questionnaire and biomechanical analysis were used to evaluate the physical load. Results from analyses showed that they were sufficiently exposed to CTD due to repetition and unnatural posture. Based on the analysis, ways for improving working conditions are proposed. The analysis and proposals in this paper will serve as a basic tool for designing/redesigning working environment such as improvement of tools and equipments, design of times for work/rest cycle.

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