• 제목/요약/키워드: Weighting Function

검색결과 526건 처리시간 0.022초

Weight Adjustment Scheme Based on Hop Count in Q-routing for Software Defined Networks-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Godfrey, Daniel;Jang, Jinsoo;Kim, Ki-Il
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2022
  • The reinforcement learning algorithm has proven its potential in solving sequential decision-making problems under uncertainties, such as finding paths to route data packets in wireless sensor networks. With reinforcement learning, the computation of the optimum path requires careful definition of the so-called reward function, which is defined as a linear function that aggregates multiple objective functions into a single objective to compute a numerical value (reward) to be maximized. In a typical defined linear reward function, the multiple objectives to be optimized are integrated in the form of a weighted sum with fixed weighting factors for all learning agents. This study proposes a reinforcement learning -based routing protocol for wireless sensor network, where different learning agents prioritize different objective goals by assigning weighting factors to the aggregated objectives of the reward function. We assign appropriate weighting factors to the objectives in the reward function of a sensor node according to its hop-count distance to the sink node. We expect this approach to enhance the effectiveness of multi-objective reinforcement learning for wireless sensor networks with a balanced trade-off among competing parameters. Furthermore, we propose SDN (Software Defined Networks) architecture with multiple controllers for constant network monitoring to allow learning agents to adapt according to the dynamics of the network conditions. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme enhances the performance of wireless sensor network under varied conditions, such as the node density and traffic intensity, with a good trade-off among competing performance metrics.

가중함수에 따른 능동제어 알고리듬의 비교 연구 (Comparative Study on Active Control Algorithms through Weighting functions)

  • 민경원;김성춘;황성호;정진옥
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2000년도 봄 학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2000
  • The cost function consists of the weighting functions concerning the structural responses to be controlled and the controller capability. Therefore, the control efficiency depends on the characteristics of the weighting functions. The objective of this paper is the comparative study of the time domain control strategies of LQR and LQG and the frequency domain strategy of H₂ by setting the equivalent weighting functions to the all control strategies. As a result of analysis, LQR strategy is found to be more efficient than other strategies in terms of the response reduction. but the control force is found to be a little highter. As LQG can compensate the limitation of LQR that all state variables should be identified, LQG is more acceptable algorithm than LQR. Furthermore LQG shows a good performance both in the response reduction and the control force. Finally H₂ algorithm is employed to illustrate the importance of weighting filters considering the frequency characteristics of the response and the controller. It Is shown that the H₂ algorithm is found to be the most effective one for the response control with a little control force having a low frequency band.

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Development of a Virtual Reference Station-based Correction Generation Technique Using Enhanced Inverse Distance Weighting

  • Tae, Hyunu;Kim, Hye-In;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2015
  • Existing Differential GPS (DGPS) pseudorange correction (PRC) generation techniques based on a virtual reference station cannot effectively assign a weighting factor if the baseline distance between a user and a reference station is not long enough. In this study, a virtual reference station DGPS PRC generation technique was developed based on an enhanced inverse distance weighting method using an exponential function that can maximize a small baseline distance difference due to the dense arrangement of DGPS reference stations in South Korea, and its positioning performance was validated. For the performance verification, the performance of the model developed in this study (EIDW) was compared with those of typical inverse distance weighting (IDW), first- and second-order multiple linear regression analyses (Planar 1 and 2), the model of Abousalem (1996) (Ab_EXP), and the model of Kim (2013) (Kim_EXP). The model developed in the present study had a horizontal accuracy of 53 cm, and the positioning based on the second-order multiple linear regression analysis that showed the highest positioning accuracy among the existing models had a horizontal accuracy of 51 cm, indicating that they have similar levels of performance. Also, when positioning was performed using five reference stations, the horizontal accuracy of the developed model improved by 8 ~ 42% compared to those of the existing models. In particular, the bias was improved by up to 27 cm.

주파수 특성을 이용한 미세 계위적 동영상 부호화 방법 (A Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding Algorithm using Frequency Weighting)

  • 김승환;호요성
    • 대한전자공학회논문지SP
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 최근 비디오 스트리밍 응용을 위해 만들어진 FGS((me granular scalability) 방식에서 주어진 비트율에서 인간 시각에 좀더 나은 화질을 얻기 위해 주파수 가중 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방식에서는 각 DCT 계수의 사람 눈에 미치는 중요도를 고려하여 구해진 주파수 가중행렬을 비트평면 부호화를 사용하는 FGS 상향계층 부호화 동작에 적용될 수 있도록 주파수 천이 행렬로 바꾸어서 가중치를 부여한다. 본 논문에서 제안된 주파수 가중 방법을 통해 화질의 향상, 더 미세한 계위 부호화, 시간 영역에서 화질의 균일화를 얻을 수 있었다. 또한, 주파수 가중 방법을 통해 얻은 화질 개선을 설명하기 위해 기존에 사용하던 PSNR(peak signal to noise ratio) 대신에 인간 시각적인 관점에서의 오차만을 고려한 JNDE(just noticeable difference ewer)를 Weber의 법칙을 근거로 하여 새롭게 제안하였다.

가중계수법을 이용한 5회선 초음파 유량계의 유속적분방법의 불확도 평가 (Uncertainty Evaluation of Velocity Integration Method for 5-Chord Ultrasonic Flow Meter Using Weighting Factor Method)

  • 이호준;이권희;노석홍;황상윤;노영아
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 유체기계공업학회 2005년도 연구개발 발표회 논문집
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2005
  • Flow rate measurement uncertainties of the ultrasonic flow meter are generally influenced by many different factors, such as Reynolds number, flow distortion, turbulence intensity, wall surface roughness, velocity integration method along the acoustic paths, and transducer installation method, etc. Of these influencing factors, one of the most important uncertainties comes from the velocity integration method. In the present study, a optimization weighting factor method for 5-chord, which is given by a function of the chord locations of acoustic paths, is employed to obtain the mean velocity in the flow through a pipe. The power law profile is assumed to model the axi-symmetric pipe flow and its results are compared with the present weighting factor concept. For an asymmetric pipe flow, the Salami flow model is applied to obtain the velocity profiles. These theoretical methods are also compared with the previous Gaussian, Chebyshev, and Tailor methods. The results obtained show that for the fully developed turbulent pipe flows with surface roughness effects, the present weighting factor method is much less sensitive than Chebyshev and Tailor methods, leading to a better reliability in flow rate measurement using the ultrasonic flow meters.

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수직방향 전신 충격진동의 불편함 평가를 위한 주파수가중곡선 개발 (Development of Frequency Weighting Shape for Evaluation of Discomfort due to Vertical Whole-body Shock Vibration)

  • 안세진;정의봉
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.658-664
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    • 2006
  • Shock vibrations are usually experienced in vehicles excited by impulsive input, such as bumps. The frequency weighting functions of the current standards in ISO 2631 and BS 6841 are to help objectively predict the amount of discomfort of stationary vibration. This experimental study was designed to develop frequency weighting shape for shock vibration having various fundamental frequencies from 0.5 to 16Hz. The specks were produced from the response of single. degree-of-freedom model to a half-sine force input. Fifteen subjects used the magnitude estimation method to judge the discomfort of vertical shock vibration generated on the rigid seat mounted on the simulator. The magnitudes of the shocks, expressed in terms of both peak-to-peak value and un-weighted vibration dose values (VDVs) , were correlated with magnitude estimates of the discomfort. The frequency weighting shapes from the correlation were developed and investigated having nonlinearity due to the magnitude of the shock.

Double Vector Based Model Predictive Torque Control for SPMSM Drives with Improved Steady-State Performance

  • Zhang, Xiaoguang;He, Yikang;Hou, Benshuai
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.1398-1408
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    • 2018
  • In order to further improve the steady-state control performance of model predictive torque control (MPTC), a double-vector-based model predictive torque control without a weighting factor is proposed in this paper. The extended voltage vectors synthesized by two basic voltage vectors are used to increase the number of feasible voltage vectors. Therefore, the control precision of the torque and the stator flux along with the steady-state performance can be improved. To avoid testing all of the feasible voltage vectors, the solution of deadbeat torque control is calculated to predict the reference voltage vector. Thus, the candidate voltage vectors, which need to be evaluated by a cost function, can be reduced based on the sector position of the predicted reference voltage vector. Furthermore, a cost function, which only includes a reference voltage tracking error, is designed to eliminate the weighting factor. Moreover, two voltage vectors are applied during one control period, and their durations are calculated based on the principle of reference voltage tracking error minimization. Finally, the proposed method is tested by simulations and experiments.

인지 LPC cepstrum의 새로운 구현 및 음성인식에의 적용 (A new Implementation of Perceptual LPC Cepstrum and its Application to Speech Recognition)

  • 김진영;최승호
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 1996
  • 본 논문에서는 귀의 주요한 특징인 주파수가중특성과 Bark-scale이라는 비선형주파수특성을 선형주파수축상에서 고려한 거리함수를 정의하고, 이 거리함수로부터 새로운 LPC cepstrum 계수를 제안한다. 귀의 특성은 선형주파수축에서 로그 스펙트럼에 대한 가증함수로서 표현되며, 이 가중함수는 cepstrum 영역에서 콘볼루션으로 표현되어 콘볼루션적으로 가중되는 LPC cepstrum을 정의하게 된다. 제안된 cepstrum 계수에서 정의된 가중함수는 A-weighting의 영향과 비선형주파수축의 영향을 하나의 가중함수로 통합하여 사용된 것이다. 제안된 파라미터의 성능을 음성인식 실험을 통하여 검증하였다.

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고립단어 인식에 유사단어 정보를 이용한 단어의 검증 (Speech Verification using Similar Word Information in Isolated Word Recognition)

  • 백창흠;이기정홍재근
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 1998년도 추계종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1255-1258
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    • 1998
  • Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is the most widely used method in speech recognition. In general, HMM parameters are trained to have maximum likelihood (ML) for training data. This method doesn't take account of discrimination to other words. To complement this problem, this paper proposes a word verification method by re-recognition of the recognized word and its similar word using the discriminative function between two words. The similar word is selected by calculating the probability of other words to each HMM. The recognizer haveing discrimination to each word is realized using the weighting to each state and the weighting is calculated by genetic algorithm.

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비최소 위상 플랜트에서 LQ-servo 방법 (LQ-servo method for non-minimum phase plants)

  • 서병설;장태우
    • 전자공학회논문지B
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    • 제33B권3호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 1996
  • LQ-servo is a robustness guaranteed multivariable controller design method based on the LQR structure to improve command following with output feedback. in this paper we introduce a weighting factor on the low frequency part of the state weighting matrix in the performance index in order to increase the low frequency gain of loop transfer function matrix T(s) in the loop shaping design method.

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