• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web Map

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Web-Based Organizational Memory Acquisition by Using a Fuzzy Cognitive Map (퍼지인식도를 이용한 웹기반 조직지식획득에 관한 연구)

  • 이건창
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 1999
  • Knowledge management (KM) is emerging as a robust management mechanism with which an organization can remain highly intelligent and competitive in a turbulent market. Organization knowledge is at the heart of KM success. As a vehicle of acquiring organizational knowledge in a distributed decision-making environment, we applied a fuzzy cognitive map (FMM) technique and proved its effectiveness in a distributed knowledge management environment. Our approach was applied to the financial statement analysis problem, yielding a robust result.

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A Study on the Green Mapping and Its Application in the Case of Seocho-Gu (그린 맵 작성 및 활용에 관한 연구 -서초구의 사례-)

  • 황기원;황윤혜
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to help out the settlement of the Green Map in Korea, and to suggest how to map, and help community people and environmental planner systematically take care of their own towns. This study is also to introduce the green mapping and its usefulness, based on the Green Map Movement, which originated from Net York City and has been expanding through the World. Environmental elements shown on the Green map vary between countries and for the Seocho-Gu Green Map, we have decided to indicate the places that we are proud of, and dishonored of. Especially, this paper is focused on finding the hidden environmental resources in our daily lives. Seocho-Gu, one of 25 self-governmental resources. Since the citizens and government officials are open-minded in their environments, it is a suitable area to start the first Green Map in Korea. As a method of locating the environmental resources, the "Foot Sensing Method" by which residents directly research, is the main difference from typical maps by the "Remote Sensing" which focused on the variety participation of the residents such as questionnaires, investigation with youth volunteers, users interviews which may be more meaningful than the Green Map itself. The purpose of application plan is to preserve the environmental resources through the smooth feedback with the residents. Thus, it must be acted as a opening window linking them with the local circumstances. In line with this, this study proposed the trial-version Web Green Map and Green tour plan. Recently, a need for an environmental map has been reflected in the environmental policies of Seoul Metropolitan City, and it is in place now. If environmental experts of different disciplines use the Green Map for landscape architecture, design, and city planning, it will help them make a better understanding of the needs of the community and to practice the user-centered design. Eventually, the Seocho-Gu Green Map will help its residents, tourists, government, and environmental planners continue establishing the healthy city environments. It is expected that the green map will be employed as a useful method for establishing healthy city and town through right way of use and contents.of use and contents.

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Development of a Road Hazard Map Considering Meteorological Factors (기상인자를 고려한 도로 위험지도 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2017
  • Recently, weather information is getting closer to our real life, and it is a very important factor especially in the transportation field. Although the damage caused by the abnormal climate changes around the world has been gradually increased and the correlation between the road risk and the possibility of traffic accidents is very high, the domestic research has been performed at the level of basic research. The Purpose of this study is to develop a risk map for the road hazard forecasting service of weather situation by linking real - time weather information and traffic information based on accident analysis data by weather factors. So, we have developed a collection and analysis about related data, processing, applying prediction models in various weather conditions and a method to provide the road hazard map for national highways and provincial roads on a web map. As a result, the road hazard map proposed in this study can be expected to be useful for road managers and users through online and mobile services in the future. In addition, information that can support safe autonomous driving by continuously archiving and providing a risk map database so as to anticipate and preemptively prepare for the risk due to meteorological factors in the autonomous driving vehicle, which is a key factor of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and this map can be expected to be fully utilized.

Reserch On The Fundamental Technology To Utilization Of Platform To Providing Mobile Underground Geospatial Infomation Map (모바일용 지하공간통합지도 제공 플랫폼 활용을 위한 기반 기술 연구)

  • LEE, Tae-Hyung;KIM, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2020
  • In the midst of the aging of underground facilities in urban areas and anxiety about road excavation safety accidents, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport began to build Underground Geospatial Infomation Map from 2015 as part of the 「ground subsidence prevention measures」 and efficient use of underground spaces. So, the scope is spreading every year. The current Underground Geospatial Infomation Map information is web-based and is operated in a desktop environment, so it is true that there are some limitations in its use in a field environment such as an excavation construction site. The Underground Geospatial Infomation Map, built and operated in a web-based environment, is a large-scale 3D data. Therefore, in order to service by transmitting data to the field without delay, it is necessary to lighten the Underground Geospatial Infomation Map data. In addition, the current Underground Geospatial Infomation Map is not unified in data formats such as 3DS and COLLADA, and the coordinate system method is also different in relative coordinates and absolute coordinates. In this study, by analyzing domestic and overseas prior research and technical use cases, a mobile Underground Geospatial Infomation Map data format and a lightweight method were presented, and a technology development was conducted to create a mobile underground space integration map in the presented format. In addition, the weight reduction rate was tested by applying 3D data compression technology so that data can be transmitted quickly in the field, and technology was developed that can be used by decompressing 3D data compressed in the field. finally, it aims to supplement the technology experimentally developed in this study and conduct additional research to produce it as software that can be used in the excavation site and use it.

The construction of Underground Facility Unification System Using Web Base GIS (웹기반 GIS를 이용한 지하시설물 통합 시스템 구축)

  • 강준묵;강영미;이강원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2003
  • The base composition for a construction information union and application is insufficient, because the existent information driving for the underground facility is separately promoted from management organization. This Study is to analyze a accuracy by converting pre-constructive underground facility database to the unification database of digital map base and improve the accuracy for a field surveying. moreover, These results is to construct the information common system of web base GIS by jointing internet technology.

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The AB05 NIAB Tools Workbench for Building Automatic Biopathway Maps for Agricultural Organisms

  • Cho, Mi-Kyung;Yoon, Kyung-Oh;Park, Hyun-Seok
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.200-202
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    • 2007
  • For the past several years, we have built various tools for automatic construction of biopathways to help biological experts, especially in the field of agriculture. We integrated several systems for constructing web applications for analyzing biological pathway information for agricultural species, constructing optimized pathway maps. In addition to building web applications for agricultural pathway information, we developed several stand-alone software tools, which are publicly downloadable under proper license agreements.

A Major DNA Marker Mining of BM4311 Microsatellite Loci in Hanwoo Chromosome 6

  • Lee, Jea-Young;Kim, Mun-Jung;Lee, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.759-772
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    • 2003
  • K-Means and Web mining modelling have been tried for finding major DNA marker of BM4311 microsatellite loci in Hanwoo Chromosome 6 linkage map. Furthermore, a major DNA mining by bootstrap simulations(BCa) has been applied.

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A Device of a Web Based Emergency Response-Management-System against Railroad Accidents (웹 기반 철도 비상 사태에 대비한 비상 대응관리시스템 구축방안)

  • Jin, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Si-Gon
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.559-571
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    • 2007
  • Although the railroad industry has progressed in terms of amount and quality because of the opening of the new express ways in 2004 and the construction and openings of the express railroads of cities, the establishment of safety has been poor so there has been lurking accidents and it resulted in big accidents like a Daegu subway fire. Therefore, this study is to minimize damages of life and property by establishing GIS, a map for emergency and Activity-Action and emergency reaction scenario through a web in case of emergencies mentioned before.

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Geological Map Database Construction Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 지질도 데이터베이스 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 이사로;최위찬;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 1999
  • Geological map and data are needed for land use planning, resources development, geological hazard prevention, environment protection and education, Since the nationwide geological database in Korea has not been constructed yet, there are many problems in using the geological map and data. There are many problems such a stratigraphy unestablishment, map conservation and edge matching in geological paper map. Therefore it is difficult to construct the geological map database, but the geological map database must be constructed as soon as possible as one of national thematic map. In this study, geological maps of pilot area such as Ansung geological map on a scale of 1:50,000, Busan on a scale of 1:250,000, Namchang on a scale of 1:25,000 and the whole Korean peninsula on a scale of 1:1,000,000 were designed and constructed to database using Geographic Information System(GIS). In addition the geological map management program was developed by GIS program. The digital geological maps were produced using the constructed geological database. The database could be of access through Internet World Wide Web(WWW) environment and be distributed in Compact Disk(CD).

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Design and Implementation of GIS based Traffic Information Service System (GIS 기반 교통정보 제공 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Seong-Uck;Lee, Choul-Ki
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2010
  • Most of traffic management systems include the map-based traffic information services using World Wide Web. Geographic Information System is an efficient tool to build a map-based system. However, many traffic information service systems have own independent maps for graphic/animation softwares such as Adobe Flash. These systems make it difficult to manage modifications of maps. In this paper, we suggest a new GIS-based traffic information service system without these problems. The proposed system makes the efficient use of GIS map data for traffic information service because a map display engine is separated from map data that is transferred after real-time conversion.