• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weather Map

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Funology Body : Classified Application System Based on Funology and Philosophy of the Human Body (Funology Body : Funology와 '몸의 철학' 이론을 바탕으로 한 어플리케이션 분류 검색 체계 연구)

  • Kihl, Tae-Suk;Jang, Ju-No;Ju, Hyun-Sun;Kwon, Ji-Eun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.635-646
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    • 2010
  • This article focuses on Funology and a new classified application system based on concept of language and thought which are formed by body experience. It is defined by Funology Body as that. Funology Body is classifying and searching system which are consisted of a body, world (environment), and device tool. The body is sectioned by Brain, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Hand, Torso, Feet, and Heart according as parts of the human body. This allows intuiting and experience searching as making classified system connected to the application relationship with concept of an each part of body. The Brain of the body is sub-classified by Book, Account, Business, Memory, Education, Search, and Aphorism to imply the application with thought. The Eyes take Video, Photography, and Broadcast for visibility. The Ears is categorized as Music, Instrument, Audio, and Radio for hearing. The Nose gets Perfume, Smell for olfactory sense. The Mouth is sectioned by Food, SNS, Chatting, Email, and Blog for eating and communication. The Hand sorts into Games, Kits, and Editing to handle, create, and play. The Torso is grouped by Health, Medical, Dance, Sport, Fashion, and Testyuorself related by protecting internal and meaning of the body core. The Feet is classified by Travel, Transportation, Map, and Outdoor for moving and concept of expanding the terrain. The Heart is consisted of Fear, Anger, Joy, Sadness, Acceptance, Disgust, Expectation, and Surprise for a human feeling. Beyond that, the World takes News, Time, Weather, Map, Fortune, and Shop, and Device tool gets Interface, Utilities. The Funology Body has a unique characteristic of giving intuitive and sensuous pleasure and reflection of users' attitude and taste for changing application flexibly.

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Analysis of Abnormal Path Loss in Jeju Coastal Area Using Duct Map (덕트맵을 이용한 제주해안지역 이상 전파특성 분석)

  • Wang, Sungsik;Lim, Tae-Heung;Chong, Young Jun;Go, Minho;Park, Yong Bae;Choo, Hosung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the propagation of the path losses between Jeju-do and Jin-do transceivers located in the coastal areas of Korea using the Advanced Refractive Prediction System(AREPS) simulation software based on the actual coastal weather database. The simulated data is used to construct a duct map according to the altitude and thickness of the trap. The duct map is then divided into several regions depending on the altitude parameters of Tx and Rx, which can be used to effectively estimate the abnormal wave propagation characteristics due to duct occurrence in the Jeju-do coastal area. To validate the proposed duct map, two representative atmospheric index samples of the weather database in May 2018 are selected, and the simulated path losses using these atmospheric indices are compared with the measured data. The simulated path losses for abnormal conditions at the Rx point at Jeju-do are 167.7 dB and 192.3 dB, respectively, which are in good agreement with the measured data of 164.4 dB and 194.9 dB, respectively.

Impacts of Land Surface Boundary Conditions on the Short-range weather Forecast of UM During Summer Season Over East-Asia (지면경계조건이 UM을 이용한 동아시아 여름철 단기예보에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Jeon-Ho;Suh, Myoung-Seok
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the impacts of land surface conditions, land cover (LC) map and leaf area index (LAI), on the short-range weather forecast over the East-Asian region were examined using Unified Model (UM) coupled with the MOSES 2.2 (Met-Office Surface Exchange Scheme). Four types of experiments were performed at 12-km horizontal resolution with 38 vertical layers for two months, July and August 2009 through consecutive reruns of 72-hour every 12 hours, 00 and 12 UTC. The control experiment (CTRL) uses the original IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) LC map and old MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) LAI, the new LAI experiment (NLAI) uses improved monthly MODIS LAI. The new LC experiment (NLCE) uses KLC_v2 (Kongju National Univ. land cover), and the new land surface experiment (NLSE) uses KLC_v2 and new LAI. The reduced albedo and increased roughness length over southern part of China caused by the increased broadleaf fraction resulted in increase of land surface temperature (LST), air temperature, and sensible heat flux (SHF). Whereas, the LST and SHF over south-eastern part of Russia is decreased by the decreased needleleaf fraction and increased albedo. The changed wind speed induced by the LC and LAI changes also contribute the LST distribution through the change of vertical mixing and advection. The improvement of LC and LAI data clearly reduced the systematic underestimation of air temperature over South Korea. Whereas, the impacts of LC and LAI conditions on the simulation skills of precipitation are not systematic. In general, the impacts of LC changes on the short range forecast are more significant than that of LAI changes.

Production of Future Wind Resource Map under Climate Change over Korea (기후변화를 고려한 한반도 미래 풍력자원 지도 생산)

  • Kim, Jin Young;Kim, Do Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2017
  • In this study future wind resource maps have been produced under climate change scenario using ensemble regional climate model weather research and forecasting(WRF) for the period from 2045 to 2054(mid 21st century). Then various spatiotemporal analysis has been conducted in terms of monthly and diurnal. As a result, monthly variation(monsoon circulation) was larger than diurnal variation(land-sea circulation) throughout the South Korea. Strong wind area with high wind power energy was varied on months and regions. During whole years, strong wind with high wind resource was pronounced at cold(warm) months in particular Gangwon mountainous and coastal areas(southwestern coastal area) driven by strong northwesterly(southwesterly). Projected strong and weak wind were presented in January and September, respectively. Diurnal variation were large over inland and mountainous area while coastal area were small. This new monthly and diurnal variation would be useful to high resource area analysis and long-term operation of wind power according to wind variability in future.

Determination of Decay Hazard Index (Scheffer Index) in Korea for Exterior Above-Ground Wood (지상부 사용(H3 등급) 목재의 국내 부후위험지수(Scheffer Index) 결정)

  • Kim, Tae-Gyun;Ra, Jong-Bum;Kang, Sung-Mo;Wang, Jieying
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.531-537
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    • 2011
  • This research was performed to evaluate the decay hazard for exterior above-ground wood in Korea. The Scheffer index (decay hazard index) was determined using the climate data of 72 different locations obtained from the website of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), and the wood decay hazard map was created. Jeju, Seogwipo, Gwangju, and Jeonju showing above 65 of Scheffer index values were considered to be high decay hazard zones. The rest showed the values in the range between 35 and 65, meaning the moderate decay hazard zones. However, the annual Scheffer indexes largely varied, which suggests that many moderate decay zones could turn into high decay regions with the climate change. Especially, considering that Korean weather tends to turn into the weather of subtropical region, the decay hazard of Korea seems to have high possibility to be gradually increased.

Climatic Suitability Mapping of Whole-Crop Rye Cultivation in the Republic of Korea

  • Peng, Jing Lun;Kim, Kyung Dae;Jo, Mu Hwan;Kim, Moon Ju;Lee, Bae Hun;Kim, Ji Yung;Chemere, Befekadu;Kim, Si Chul;Kim, Byong Wan;Sung, Kyung Il
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.337-342
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to perform the suitability analysis of whole-crop rye (Secale cereale L.) based on the climatic information in the Republic of Korea to present useful information for producers and policy makers to determine the site-selection for the cultivation of the whole-crop rye. The criteria to analyze the climatic suitability of whole-crop rye was developed firstly. Then, the climatic suitability map for spatial analysis was developed through weighted overlaying the raster layers of climatic items in the evaluation criteria. Meanwhile, 16 geographically representative weather stations were selected to show examples of the calculation process of the climatic suitability score of a specific cultivation area. The results of the climatic suitability mapping indicated that the climatic conditions in most arable lands of the Republic of Korea such as the coastal, southern, western areas in the southern region of the Korean Peninsula and central areas in Jeju Island are suitable for the cultivation of whole-crop rye. The climatic suitability scores of the 16 weather stations were all in line with the results of the climatic suitability map.

Estimation of Road Sections Vulnerable to Black Ice Using Road Surface Temperatures Obtained by a Mobile Road Weather Observation Vehicle (도로기상차량으로 관측한 노면온도자료를 이용한 도로살얼음 취약 구간 산정)

  • Park, Moon-Soo;Kang, Minsoo;Kim, Sang-Heon;Jung, Hyun-Chae;Jang, Seong-Been;You, Dong-Gill;Ryu, Seong-Hyen
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.525-537
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    • 2021
  • Black ices on road surfaces in winter tend to cause severe and terrible accidents. It is very difficult to detect black ice events in advance due to their localities as well as sensitivities to surface and upper meteorological variables. This study develops a methodology to detect the road sections vulnerable to black ice with the use of road surface temperature data obtained from a mobile road weather observation vehicle. The 7 experiments were conducted on the route from Nam-Wonju IC to Nam-Andong IC (132.5 km) on the Jungang Expressway during the period from December 2020 to February 2021. Firstly, temporal road surface temperature data were converted to the spatial data with a 50 m resolution. Then, the spatial road surface temperature was normalized with zero mean and one standard deviation using a simple normalization, a linear de-trend and normalization, and a low-pass filter and normalization. The resulting road thermal map was calculated in terms of road surface temperature differences. A road ice index was suggested using the normalized road temperatures and their horizontal differences. Road sections vulnerable to black ice were derived from road ice indices and verified with respect to road geometry and sky view, etc. It was found that black ice could occur not only over bridges, but also roads with a low sky view factor. These results are expected to be applicable to the alarm service for black ice to drivers.

Feasibility Study on Producing 1:25,000 Digital Map Using KOMPSAT-5 SAR Stereo Images (KOMPSAT-5 레이더 위성 스테레오 영상을 이용한 1:25,000 수치지형도제작 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Suk;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1329-1350
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    • 2018
  • There have been many applications to observe Earth using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) since it could acquire Earth observation data without reference to weathers or local times. However researches about digital map generation using SAR have hardly been performed due to complex raw data processing. In this study, we suggested feasibility of producing digital map using SAR stereo images. We collected two sets, which include an ascending and a descending orbit acquisitions respectively, of KOMPSAT-5 stereo dataset. In order to suggest the feasibility of digital map generation from SAR stereo images, we performed 1) rational polynomial coefficient transformation from radar geometry, 2) digital resititution using KOMPSAT-5 stereo images, and 3) validation using digital-map-derived reference points and check points. As the results of two models, root mean squared errors of XY and Z direction were less than 1m for each model. We discussed that KOMPSAT-5 stereo image could generated 1:25,000 digital map which meets a standard of the digital map. The proposed results would contribute to generate and update digital maps for inaccessible areas and wherever weather conditions are unstable such as North Korea or Polar region.

GIS overlay analysis for hazard assessment of drought in Iran using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

  • Asrari, Elham;Masoudi, Masoud;Hakimi, Somaye Sadat
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2012
  • The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a widely used drought index to provide good estimations of the intensity, magnitude and spatial extent of droughts. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial pattern of drought by SPI index. In this paper, the patterns of drought hazard in Iran are evaluated according to the data of 40 weather stations during 1967-2009. The influenced zone of each station was specified by the Thiessen method. It was attempted to make a new model of drought hazard using GIS. Three criteria for drought were studied and considered to define areas of vulnerability. Drought hazard criteria used in the present model included: maximum severity of drought in the period, trend of drought, and the maximum number of sequential arid years. Each of the vulnerability indicators were mapped and these as well as a final hazard map were classified into 5 hazard classes of drought: one, slight, moderate, severe and very severe. The final drought vulnerability map was prepared by overlaying three criteria maps in a GIS, and the final hazard classes were defined on the basis of hazard scores, which were determined according to the means of the main indicators. The final vulnerability map shows that severe hazard areas (43% of the country) which are observed in the west and eastern parts of country are much more widespread than areas under other hazard classes. Overall, approximately half of the country was determined to be under severe and very severe hazard classes for drought.

Publishing a Web Based Crop Monitoring System and Performance Test (웹 기반 농업생산환경 모니터링 시스템 시범구축 및 성능평가)

  • Lee, Jung-Bin;Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Park, Yong-Nam;Hong, Suk-Young;Heo, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.491-499
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    • 2015
  • In developed countries such as USA and Europe, agricultural monitoring system is developed and utilized in various fields in order to predict crop yield, observe weather conditions and anomaly, categorize crop fields, and calculate areas for each crop. These system is Web Map Service(WMS) which utilizes open source and commercial softwares, and various information collected from remote sensing data are provided. This study will utilize tools such as GeoServer, ArcGIS Server, which are widely used to monitor agricultural production, to publish Map Server and Web Application Server. This enables performance test study for future agricultural production monitoring system by making use of response time and data transfer test. When tested in identical condition GeoServer showed a better result in response time and data transfer for performance test.