• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water-front vegetation

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Wave Attenuation due to Water-Front Vegetation (수변식생에 의한 파랑감쇠 특성)

  • Lee, Seong-Dae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 2008
  • Recently, it has been widely recognized that water-front and coastal vegetations may have great value in supporting fisheries, protecting from wave attack, stabilizing the sea bed and maintaining good scenery. Hydrodynamic factors playa major role in the functions of water quality and ecosystems. However, the studies on numerical and analytical process of wave propagation are few and far behind compared to those on the hydrodynamic roles of water-front vegetations. In this study, in order to express wave attenuation into water-front vegetation, a numerical model based on the unsteady mild slope equation is developed. This result is compared with an analytical model for describing the wave attenuation by assumed simple long wave condition. Based on both the analytical and numerical results, the physical properties of the wave attenuation are examined under various wave, geometric and vegetation conditions. Through comparisons between the analytical and numerical results, the effects of the vegetation properties, wave properties and model parameters such as the momentum exchange coefficient have been clarified.

Wetland Environment and Vegetation Development of the Ilwol Reservoir (일월저수지의 습지 환경과 식생발달)

  • Han, Youn Ho;Kim, Dong Yeob;An, Won Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2002
  • Wetland areas have characteristics of dynamic cycling of materials in relation to land and water. Although having great potential for providing unique natural environments, they are vulnurable to human land use activities and some places are in danger of being eliminated. This study had an objective of investigating vegetation changes in Ilwol reservoir to provide basic information for the preservation and ecological restoration of the wetland area. Wetland vegetation was investigated along with the site conditions which may affect the vegetation development. There were 10 vegetation types with various species composition. Humulus japonicus, Zizania latifolia, Phragmites japonica, Bidens frondosa, Typha orientalis, Scirpus tabernaemontari, Phragmites communis, Persicaria thunbergii were the major wetland plants found at the reservoir area. Precipitation and water level were the elements mostly affecting the distribution of the plants. Phragmites japonica was closest to the water front, followed by Zizania latifolia, Humulus japonicus and Bidens frondosa. Most plant zones were predominated by one or a few species.

Basic Investigation about Hydro-Geomorphologic and Vegetation Cover Changes on the Regulated River - A Case of the Downstream River of Andong Dam/Imha Dam on the Nakdong River (조절된 하천의 수문지형학적 변화와 식생 피복의 변화에 관한 기초 조사 - 낙동강 안동댐/임하댐 하류 하천 사례)

  • Woo, Hyo Seop;Rhee, Dong Sup;Ahn, Hong Kyu;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.1335-1339
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    • 2004
  • A hydro-geomorphologic change in a sand bed channel reach and vegetation expansion by changes in the How regime is analyzed in this study. Field and aerial photo surveys, basic hydrological analysis about flow regime change due to two dams, Andong Dam and Imha Dam, on the upstream river and computer modeling are conducted. Two Dams in the study reach have obviously affected downstream channel in many ways including the bed particle coarsening, vegetation expansion on the sandbars and following river channel braiding. The phenomenon of no vegetation on the large point bar in front of Hahwe Village seems due to disturbance of the sandbar surface probably due to the cross flow in the meander reach during the flood. Another reason for no vegetation is that the sandbar on this reach has lower subsurface water lovels, as compared with the others in the up- and downstream of the reach where vegetation expanded, which would hinder vegetation from germinating and growing on the sandbar.

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Temporal and spatial variations of vegetation in a riparian zone of South Korea

  • Park, Hyekyung;Kim, Jae Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2020
  • Understanding vegetation structure and the relationship with environmental factors has been crucial for restoration and conservation of riparian zones. In this study, we conducted field survey in a riparian zone of Namhan River in South Korea both before and after flooding in order to understand temporal and spatial variations of riparian vegetation. There were significant temporal and spatial variations in species composition, and distribution patterns of vegetation were different along a gradient of elevation above the water level. At low elevation, Zizania latifolia was dominant throughout the field survey periods, and Bidens frondosa began to grow late and dominated both in post-flooding 1 and 2. Prior to flooding, Scirpus radicans and Polygonum thunbergii were widely distributed at middle elevation, while Artemisia vulgaris, Phragmites australis, and Miscanthus sacchariflorus were dominant at high elevation. After flooding, P. thunbergii was dominant at middle elevation with most other species decreasing, and more invasive or pioneer plants, including Artemisia princeps, H. scandens, and Sicyos angulatus, were observed at high elevation. Species composition and distribution patterns were homogeneous at low elevation, whereas dynamic variations of vegetation were observed both temporally and spatially at higher elevations. Elevation and distance from the water front were the most principal factors governing vegetation structure. Furthermore, soil physicochemical properties were also found to determine species composition and distribution patterns. These results indicate that vegetation structure in the riparian zones is formed by the combined effects of hydrological regime and soil physicochemical properties, inherent characteristics of species, and interspecific competition. Understanding of temporal and spatial variations of riparian vegetation may provide useful insights into ecological restoration and conservation of the vegetation within the riparian zones.

Spatial Distribution and Dynamics of Vegetation on a Gravel Bar: Case Study in the Bangtae Stream (자갈 하중주에서 식생의 공간 분포 및 동태: 방태천의 사례)

  • Pee, Jung-Hun;Kim, Hye-Soo;Kim, Gyung-Soon;Oh, Woo-Seok;Koo, Bon-Yoel;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2013
  • We clarified the background for establishment of vegetation by comparing the spatial distribution maps of vegetation and substrate on a gravel bar in the Bangtae stream located on Inje-gun of Gangwon-do, the central eastern Korea. The total vegetation coverage was higher in the interior and lower in the marginal parts of the gravel bar. Spatial distribution of vegetation on the longitudinal section of the gravel bar tended to be arranged in the order of shrub, subtree, and tree dominated vegetation types from the front (upstream) toward the rear (downstream) parts. Coverage of the herbaceous plants was higher in the central and rear parts and lower in the front and right parts of the gravel bar. Vegetation height was higher in the rear part and became lowered as move toward the front part. Substrate was distributed in the order of boulder, gravel, sand, and boulder from the front toward the rear parts. Ordination of stands based on vegetation data was arranged in the order of annual plant, perennial herb, shrub, and tree dominated vegetation as move from the right to the left parts on the axis I. Species richness was higher in the order of Pinus densiflora community, Phragmites japonica community, Salix gracilistyla community, Fraxinus rhynchophylla community, annual plant dominated vegetation, and Prunus padus for. padus community based on the species rank-abundance curve. The order based on the Shannon's index was some different; diversity of Phragmites japonica community and Salix gracilistyla community, which showed higher dominance degree, were low differently from species richness. In conclusion, it was evaluated that the gravel bar newly established toward the upstream and vegetation dynamics of the gravel bar seemed to follow ecosystem mechanisms of succession. As were shown in the above results, the Bangtae stream corresponded to the upstream and thereby particle size of substrate was big. Therefore, they move by rolling and are accumulated for the upstream. Vegetation types were arranged in the order of woodland, shrub-land and grassland from the rear toward the front parts of the gravel bar and thereby reflected the formation process of the bar. However, the gravel bar is disturbed frequently by not only the running water but also the suspended sand as the dynamic space. Such disturbances cause habitat diversity and consequently led to high biodiversity.

Evaluation of the Functions and Reliability of an Eco-Friendly Vegetated Soundproof Wall for Climate Benefits

  • Jong-Sung Kim;Young-Hyoo Kwon;Yong-Jo Jung
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop and commercialize a soundproof wall capable of planting at the urban ecological. The vegetative soundproof wall developed in the study showed highly superb structural test results for sound absorption coefficients and met the quality standards in the sound-absorbing performance test. Its structure is systemized to supply water to soils and plant roots inside the planting basis with rainwater running down the inclined planes near the planting basis in the front of the vegetation panel. It allows for sporadic water supply for about 30 days of drought. The test results show that the plants continued favorable growth and development in leaves, stems, and roots, making the vegetative soundproof plate a product capable of reacting to climate environment changes.

Interaction between Coastal Debris and Vegetation Zone Line at a Natural Beach (자연 해안표착물과 배후 식생대 전선의 상호 작용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Han Sam;Yoo, Chang Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.224-235
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    • 2014
  • Changes in the interactions among incident ocean water waves, coastal debris (marine debris), and the back vegetation zone line on a natural sandy beach on the island of Jinu-do in the Nakdong river estuary were investigated. The study involved a cross-sectional field survey of the beach, numerical modeling of incident ocean water waves, field observations of the distribution of coastal debris, and vegetation zone line tracking using GPS. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) The ground level of the swash zone (sandy beach) on Jinu-do is rising, and the vegetation zone line, which is the boundary of the coastal sand dunes, shows a tendency to move forward toward the open sea. The vegetation zone line is developing particularly strongly in the offshore direction in areas where the ground level is elevated by more than 1.5 m. (2) The spatial distributions of incident waves differed due to variations in the water depth at the front of the beach, and the wave run-up in the swash zone also displayed complex spatial variations. With a large wave run-up, coastal debris may reach the vegetation zone line, but if the run-up is smaller, coastal debris is more likely to deposit in the form of an independent island on the beach. The deposited coastal debris can then become a factor determining which vegetation zone line advances or retreats. Finally, based on the results of this investigation, a schematic concept of the mechanisms of interaction between the coastal debris and the coastal vegetation zone line due to wave action was derived.

Recruitment and Succession of Riparian Vegetation in Alluvial River Regulated by Upstream Dams - Focused on the Nakdong River Downstream Andong and Imha Dams - (댐 하류 충적하천에서 식생이입 및 천이 - 낙동강 안동/임하 댐 하류하천을 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Hyo-Seop;Park, Moon-Hyung;Cho, Kang-Hyun;Cho, Hyung-Jin;Chung, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.455-469
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    • 2010
  • Changes of geomorphology in alluvial river and vegetation recruitment on its floodplain downstream from dams are investigated both qualitatively and quantitatively focusing on the downstream of Andong dam and Imha dam on the Nakdong River. Results of the analyses of river morphology and bed material in the study site show a general trend of riverbed degradation with a max scour of 3 m and bed material coarsening from pre-dam value of 1.5 mm in D50 to post-dam value of 2.5 mm. Decrease in bed shear stress due to the decrease in flood discharge have caused vegetation recruitment on the once-naked sandbars. As result, the ratio of area of vegetated bars over total area of bars has drastically changed from only 7% in 1971 before the Andong dam (constructed in 1976) to 25% after it, and increased to 43% only three year after the Imha dam (constructed in 1992) and eventually to 74% by 2005. Analysis of the vegetation succession at Wicjeol subreach, one of the three subreaches selected in this study for detailed investigation, has clearly shown a succession of vegetation on once-naked sand bars to a pioneering stage, reed and grass stage, willow shrub and eventually to willow tree stages. At the second subreach selected, two large point bars in front of Hahoe Village seem to have maintained their sand surfaces without a signifiant vegetation recruitment until 2005. The sand bars, however, seem to have been invaded by vegetation recently, which warns river managers to have a countermeasure to protect the sand bars from vegetation invasion in order to conserve them for the historical village of Hahoe. On the other hand, recruitment and establishment of vegetation on the sand bars by artificial disturbance of the river, such as damming, can create an unique habitat of backmarsh in the sandy river, as shown in the case of Gudam Wetland, and may increase the biodiversity as compared with relatively monotonous sand bars. Last, the premise in this study that decrease in flood discharge due to upstream dams and decrease in bed shear stress can induce vegetation recruitment on the naked sand bars in the river has been verified with the analyses of the distribution of dimensionless bed shear stress along the selected cross section in each subreach.

Seasonal changes in coastal dunes and its implication, Sohwang-ri, in Chungnam Province (보령 소황리 전사구의 계절별 지형변화 특성과 그 의의)

  • JUNG, Pil Mo;CHOI, Kwang Hee;KIM, Yoonmi
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2012
  • Topographic changes in the foredune in Sohwang-ri, Boryeong, Chungnam Province was analyzed over the last two years. Seven cross-sections and one permanent plot ($20m{\times}50m$) were periodically studied based on erosion and deposition measurement, in addition to vegetation monitoring and measurement of wind using an automatic weather station. The sand dunes usually grew from late winter to spring and the growth occurred in a period of strong northwesterly winds. From March to April, heavy sedimentation was observed on the front section of the foredune and sand piled up to ca. 30cm to the ca. 25m landward from the high tide line. It is likely that increased wind force and growth of vegetation played a major role in transportation and sedimentation of sand. Meanwhile, the lower part of the sand dunes was eroded when typhoon and spring tide caused a rise in sea level. The transition zone of beach and dune was usually affected by sea water but some frontal slopes were entirely influenced, resulting in dune scarps. The eroded scarps were naturally restored to their original state as time passed.

The Analysis of the Ecological Characteristics of the Major Wetland Types in Seoul (서울시 주요 습지유형별 생태적 특성 분석)

  • 이경재;권전오;이수동
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2003
  • The wetland in the city could be mainly divided into the deep water type and the abandoned paddy type, so this study was conducted to analyze characteristics between the two types of the wetland. The former sample site was located near the Olympic village in Songpa-gu of Seoul, and the latter sample site was in front of the Mt. Bukhan fortress in Eunpyeong-gu of Seoul. The actual vegetation, vascular plants, and avian fauna were researched. In the actual vegetation, the deep water type had the broad surface of water and the emerged plant as Phragmites communis have grown widely, but the abandoned paddy type had the narrow sur-face of water and hydrophyte as Persicaria thunbergii have grown widely. It might be judged because the water depth of the abandoned paddy type were shallow wholly. And the floating-leaved plants and the free-floating planktonic plants were not observed such as Nymphaea tetragona var. angusta, Lemna paucicostata in the abandoned paddy type wetland. The wild birds were mainly observed at the edge of the wetland(at the edge of woodland) in the abandoned paddy type, but were observed equally in the deep water type. 28 families 433 species were observed at the former site and 32 families 365 species were observed at latter site. It was judged that the various topographical structure(habitat diversity) might make all items various.