• 제목/요약/키워드: Wastewater treatment facilities

검색결과 230건 처리시간 0.027초

Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1을 이용한 축산폐수와 하수의 연계처리 (Combined Treatment of Livestock Wastewater with Sewage Using Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1)

  • 이순영;조홍식;원찬희
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 축산폐수와 하수의 연계처리 가능성을 연구하였다 축산폐수와 하수를 2:1로 혼합하고 응집제인 BF02와 응집보조제인 양이온 polymer인 C-210EL를 각각 2 mL, 100 mL씩 주입시 SS 97.6%, T-P 95%로 최적 제거효율을 보였다. Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1의 처리 특성을 살펴보기 위해서 전처리수를 축산폐수 원수에 대해 10배 희석되도록 하수와 혼합($\fallingdotseq$전처리수:하수=3:17)하였다. 이렇게 혼합된 폐수의 NBDCOD, $NH_3-N$, T-N의 제거율은 pH가 증가할수록 증가하였다. 즉, T-N 농도는 pH 6.7(5일 경과시), pH 8.0(3일 경과시), pH 10.0(1일 경과시)에서 각각 35 mg/L, 51 mg/L, 33 mg/L으로 축산폐수공공처리시설의 방류수허용기준 60 mg/L을 만족하였다. 또한 모든 pH(1일 경과시)에서 $COD_{Mn}$의 방류수허용기준 40 mg/L을 만족했다. V.A.(veratryl alcohol) 첨가시 V.A.를 첨가하지 않은 조건보다 유출수의 유기물 및 질소농도가 높게 측정되었다. $COD_{Mn}$은 C/N비(3:1)를 조절하지 않은 경우 1일 이후, T-N은 C/N비를 $4{\sim}6$으로 조절한 경우 2일 후에 축산폐수공공처리시설 방류수수질기준을 만족하였다.

Nanowastes treatment in environmental media

  • Kim, Younghun
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제29권
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    • pp.15.1-15.7
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    • 2014
  • Objectives This paper tried to review a recent research trend for the environmental exposure of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) and its removal efficiency in the nanowaste treatment plants. Methods The studies on the predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of ENMs obtained by exposure modeling and treatment (or removal) efficiency in nanowaste treatment facilities, such as wastewater treatment plant (WTP) and waste incineration plant (WIP) were investigated. The studies on the landfill of nanowastes also were investigated. Results The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology group has led the way in developing methods for estimating ENM production and emissions. The PEC values are available for surface water, wastewater treatment plant effluents, biosolids, sediments, soils, and air. Based on the PEC modeling, the major routes for the environmental exposure of the ENMs were found as WTP effluents/sludge. The ENMs entered in the WTP were 90-99% removed and accumulated in the activated sludge and sludge cake. Additionally, the waste ash released from the WIP contain ENMs. Ultimately, landfills are the likely final destination of the disposed sludge or discarded ENMs products. Conclusions Although the removal efficiency of the ENMs using nanowaste treatment facilities is acceptable, the ENMs were accumulated on the sludge and then finally moved to the landfill. Therefore, the monitoring for the ENMs in the environment where the WTP effluent is discharged or biomass disposed is required to increase our knowledge on the fate and transport of the ENMs and to prevent the unintentional exposure (release) in the environment.

정수 슬러지 발생량 조사 및 슬러지 처리시설의 공정평가 (Research of Sludge Quantity and Evaluation of Sludge Handling Facilities in Water Treatment Plants)

  • 문성용;김승현
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2004
  • Sludge quantity has increased at "A"water treatment plant due to deterioration of raw water quality and GAC installation. Increased sludge resulted in overloading on sludge handling facilities. The object of this study is to survey sludge quantity and capacity of sludge handling facilities at "A"water treatment plant. Measured quantity of sedimentation sludge considerably exceeded the design capacity of sludge holding basin. Sludge holding basin was properly designed, but low concentration of sludge discharged from sedimentation basin caused production of large volume of the sludge. Timer operated control system for sludge withdrawal unit and leakage through a control valve were suspected to cause the low concentration. Augmentation of the control system by a turbidity meter and addition of a new control valve successfully reduced the sludge volume enough to satisfy the design capacity of sludge holding basin. Unlike sedimentation sludge, measured quantity of washwater was considerably less than the design capacity of washwater basin because it was over-designed.

COBie 기반 하수처리시설 유지관리시스템 구축 (A Study on the Feasibility of COBie to the Wastewater Treatment Plant)

  • 최재호;엄동용
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.273-283
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    • 2014
  • BIM 기술의 하나인 COBie 포맷의 출현으로 설계와 시공단계에서 발생한 정보가 운영단계로 자동 전송이 가능해지면서 BIM을 중심으로 하는 유지관리시스템 개발 프로세스가 건축물을 중심으로 실험되고 있다. 하지만 BIM 시장 확대가 예상되는 현재 시점에서 건축물을 포함한 토목시설과 산업시설에서의 COBie 활용성에 대한 검토가 선행되어야 할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 "공공하수도시설 운영 관리 업무지침"과 현재 운영중인 하수처리시설을 대상으로 진행하였고 후자는 업무지침의 결과를 검증하고 보충하는데 의의가 있다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결론은 세 가지로 요약된다. (1) 자산 모델링 방법인 COBie는 시운전 정보를 포함하기에는 충분하지 않으며, (2) 하수처리시설 모델링에 필요한 IFC 개발과 패밀리 구축이 반드시 필요하다. 그리고 (3) 현재의 운영관리시스템에 적합하게 설계된 COBie 모델은 산업시설분야의 COBie 포맷 타당성을 높여 줄 것이다. 본 연구 결과는 산업시설에서의 COBie 적용을 위한 기초 자료로 이용될 것으로 기대된다.

화학 응집제 투입에 따른 수질항목별 하수처리 반응곡선 (Saturation curves for chemical coagulation of wastewater treatment)

  • 류재나;오재일;이경종
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.537-548
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    • 2010
  • Recently the Government has announced updated water quality standards for wastewater treatment effluent (become effective in 2012). That includes highly enforced regulations for T-P, BOD and COD, and a large budget, in particular for phosphorus removal, was set by the Ministry of environment. Chemical coagulation destabilizes colloidal particles so that particles grow to larger flocs, and solid particles are removed by solid-liquid separation. The efficiency of chemical coagulation depends on a various factors, including coagulant types and costs, construction and operation costs for the treatment facilities and so on. The proper selection should be based on the treatment efficiency of coagulants and underlying costs. The current research was to evaluate the treatment efficiencies of coagulants on a variety of wastewater influents and to develop saturation curves for several water quality parameters. Typical $Al_2(SO_4)_3$ and $FeCl_3$ were tested under a range of coagulant concentrations. The pollutant removal efficiencies of chemical treatment both for the $Al_2(SO_4)_3$ and $FeCl_3$ were especially high for T-P, followed by SS, BOD and COD. Correlation test also proved the highest relationship between SS and T-P.

초기강우 유입 시 하수처리시설 일차 침전지 운전제어 전략 (Control strategy of primary clarifier operation in wastewater treatment plant during rainfall inflow)

  • 유광태;권혁재
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제52권11호
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    • pp.947-950
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    • 2019
  • 이 논문의 주요 특징은 초기강우 유입 시 일차 침전지 처리효율을 개선하기 위한 운전제어 전략을 제공하는 것이다. 최근 IoT 기술과 센싱 기술이 발전함에 따라 하수처리시설 운전제어를 위한 기반이 개선되고 있으며, 온라인 측정결과를 활용한 일차침전지 처리효율 개선에 따라 미처리 하수의 하천 유출을 최소화하고, 하수처리시설 운영효율 개선에기여할 수 있다.

제과공장의 폐수처리장에서 발생하는 악취 저감 (Reduction of the Offensive Odor from Confectionery Wastewater Plant)

  • 김영식;손병현;조상원;정종현
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 1998
  • It has been studied that the measurement of odor component emission at confectionery manufacture. The objects of this study were to investigate reduction of offensive odor. The survey effects of odorous materials are presented as follows. The countermeasure of operating process is to minimize sludge sediment in each unit facility. Especially, in summer, we have to clean the sludge frequently, because anaerobic decomposing is likely to occur easily. The sludge or scum from sedimentation tank pond, and floating tank should be treated quickly. We should avoid overloading operation. In the case of overloading, dissolved oxygen should be increased, the quality of wastewater input should be decreased. When dried cakes from condense tank or floating tank are left in treatment plant, we should cover, to prevent diffusion of smell with masking materials. The seasonal condition of operating should be fixed and the kind of coagulants should be changed because the wastewater in each season have different loading rates and organic materials. Odorous materials are very sensitive to the seasonal temperature variation. Especially, when the amount of rainfall is small and the high temperature of maintenance in long periods, air diffusion rate is large, so odorous materials can make great effect on surroundings comparision with other periods. To reduce odorous gas, as short term method, we had better take ceramic addition method. Especially, in summer we should take ceramic addition method. Also, as long term method, the size of wastewater treatment facility is the most important in the normal operating of wastewater treatment facility. But wastewater treatment facilities in this factory are too old, treatment process is old fashion, and the size is too small. So, large wastewater quantity to treat in summer. As results, the expansion of wastewater treatment facility and the process of improvement are required. Restriction level of odor was exceed. As it is overloaded in summer, the basis cause of odor is that the size of wastewater treatment facility is small. The prediction of air quality equilibrium density variation show that the odorous materials from working place are Amine materials whose smell strength is about 2.5(a little strong degree). We can suppose that in summer is sensitive to temperature variation, smell strength is larger as to reduce the origin of odor. We must expand wastewater treatment facility and improve the process A.S.A.P.

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하수처리시설의 Retrofitting을 위한 파일럿 규모 공기부상공정 연구 (A Pilot Study on Air Flotation Processes for Retrofitting of Conventional Wastewater Treatment Facilities)

  • 박찬혁;홍석원;이상협;최용수
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2008
  • The pilot study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of air flotation(AF) processes combined with biological nutrient removal(BNR) for the retrofitting of conventional wastewater treatment facilities. The BNR system was operated in pre-denitrification and intermittent aeration; developed ceramic membrane diffusers were installed to separate the solid-liquid of activated sludge at the bottom of a flotation tank. Before performing a pilot scale study, the size distribution of microbubbles generated by silica or alumina-based ceramic membrane diffusers was tested to identify the ability of solid-liquid separation. According to the experimental results, the separation and thickening efficiency of the alumina-based ceramic membrane diffuser was higher than the silica-based ceramic membrane diffuser. In a $100m^3/d$ pilot plant, thickened and return sludge concentration was measured to be higher than 15,000mg SS/L, therefore, the MLSS in the bioreactor was maintained at over 3,000mg SS/L. The effluent quality of the AF-BNR process was 4.2mg/L, 3.7mg/L, 10.6mg/L and 1.6mg/L for $BOD_5$, SS, T-N and T-P, respectively. Lastly, it was revealed that the unit treatment cost by flotation process is lower than about $1won/m^3$ compared to a gravity sedimentation process.

Distribution of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the Livestock Farm Environments

  • Kim, Youngji;Seo, Kun-Ho;Kim, Binn;Chon, Jung-Whan;Bae, Dongryeoul;Yim, Jin-Hyeok;Kim, Tae-Jin;Jeong, Dongkwan;Song, Kwang-Young
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2021
  • The surroundings of livestock farms, including dairy farms, are known to be a major source of development and transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To control antibioticresistant bacteria in the livestock breeding environment, farms have installed livestock wastewater treatment facilities to treat wastewater before discharging the final effluent in nearby rivers or streams. These facilities have been known to serve as hotspots for inter-bacterial antibiotic-resistance gene transfer and extensively antibiotic-resistant bacteria, owing to the accumulation of various antibiotic-resistant bacteria from the livestock breeding environment. This review discusses antibiotic usage in livestock farming, including dairy farms, livestock wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria, and nonenteric gram-negative bacteria from wastewater treatment plants, and previous findings in literature.

A Study on Improvement of Distribution Facility in Wholesale Agricultural Products Market

  • Gal, Won-Mo;Kwon, Ki-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sik;Choi, Eun-Mee;Kwon, Lee-Seung;Seong, Seung-Hwan;Kwon, Woo-Taeg
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of gamma - irradiation on the effluent from food distribution in the large agricultural and marine products market. This study will contribute to the distribution process as well as the agricultural and fishery distribution facilities. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to reduce the odor, the smell was examined in the anaerobic digestion process by irradiating gamma rays to the wastewater of mixed food discharged from a large restaurant. An odor determination panel list was constructed to determine if the odor was present in the air dilution drainage and the odor concentration was analyzed by instrumental analysis. Results - It was confirmed that the sulfur content increased gradually from 3 months. Ammonia decreased from 33.57ppm at the initial measurement to 4.12 ppm at the end of the experiment. Methane production was highest at 100kGy when exposed to gamma rays of 0-200kGy at pH 12. In other words, it is considered that gamma irradiation doses are most effective at 100kGy and are suitable for large capacity wastewater treatment facilities in terms of economic feasibility. Conclusions - In pre-treatment of compound food wastewater, gamma irradiation is most cost effective when examined at 100kGy. The economic efficiency of the pre-treatment method by gamma irradiation is much higher than the wastewater treatment in the large-scale agricultural and marine products distribution market.